The Reign of the Dranonica

Chapter 16 – Never give up

Yes, Muljula. You brats destroyed him! We were happy till you brats came along! After that stupid Tri-force… Well all that’s in the past now, but I still want my revenge for Muljula’s death… Before he died, before you even came, he told me about the Dragon’s Pendant and the mystical powers it contains. Everything it can do… its marvellous I tell you,” Dranonica grinned, revealing her sparkling white teeth, they looked like they could sustain serious damage if you got on the wrong side of them.

How did Muljula know of it then?” Mystica asked.

Well, if you must know. He was part of the Dragon race, as you know. And you do know Dragon’s live forever unless slaughtered… which is what you done to him… Dragon’s live healthy lives that last for eternity, eternal youth… unless destroyed. Fortunately, when the three gods decided to destroy the Dragons to make way for docile species to live in peace, he survived… want to know how?”

Enlighten us…”

Because he was the one who created the Pendant, he knew everything it could do. But he used up most of its power protecting him. He then took it to the other side of Death Mountain. There it regained its lost power. Of course the Zora’s, Kokiri, Hylian’s, Gerudo’s, Goron’s and us Dranonica were created.”

But why haven’t we seen your kind before now?” Link asked, “I have travelled all over Hyrule and Termina and never seen a trace of the Dranonica…”

That’s because we lived in secret on the other side of Death Mountain, no one ever went there. If they did, the Dranonica guards destroyed them. That’s how I met Muljula. He had decided to live near our grounds, but not in it. Of course, us Dranonica never knew he existed, but the Dranonica and Hypho’s certainly learned of the hiding place of the Dragon’s Pendant, and begun fighting over it. I left them pitiful Dranonica’s and I left the forest and bumped into Muljula. That’s how we met… and I now hold the Pendant that belonged to him”

May I ask one question?” Mystica asked. Dranonica glared at her and stayed silent. Mystica took that as a ‘yes go on then’. “Are you a Sage?”

Dranonica tilted her head back and laughed.

Of course I am! I am the Sage of Darkness! Black as the night, that is the only reason I can hold the Pendant and control it! Muljula was the original Sage of Darkness; he set a spell so that if he ever died I would inherit his title as Sage of Darkness. I have remembered that spell well… and cast it upon Fasgo so that he too can hold the Pendant! See? You cannot beat me, I am too clever for you!” Dranonica laughed and shook her fiery mane. “As you may know… or not… Fasgo is the one who will dispose of you for me. I really want to see how he gets on in the whole ‘destroying’ process. I will give you a moment together, before you die. So make it count!”

Dranonica turned around and walked out of the rather large door behind her. The door slammed shut and there was utter silence.

What are your views on this situation?” Mystica asked, breaking the silence.

We are screwed… how about you?” Link asked, “Same… it’s a real shame isn’t it? We get so close and then we are destroyed, just as Oni and Ayra become so close as well… sickens me to think Dranonica has the upper paw on this.”

You never know Myst, we may get out of it somehow… if we are lucky…”

Maybe Link… remember all those years ago when we were little, and Ayra and Janine always dumped you with me? And I used to hang off you… literally?”

Yes, I remember it very well… I never did get them back for that…”

Those were the times. Who would have thought about Muljula and Dranonica hey? Boy that was a surprise.”

Gee… Sage of Darkness… seems we wouldn’t be able to hold the Pendant anyway, we would have had to get Ruto or someone to do the business for us wouldn’t we?”

That could have been arranged, shame Saria died… And Janine. Just a murdering spree of Dranonica’s wasn’t it? Wonder who else she is going to kill…”

I hope it ends with us…”

The door opened up again and Dranonica strutted in, smirking.

Are you ready to meet Fasgo then?” She smiled.

Bring it on…” Link growled. The large Wolfos stepped into the arena. It did not look at all like a Wolfos any more now. Its ears had grown, its paws were huge and powerful, and it had red markings on its ears. It also had black and red wings, dragon wings. This was Fasgo, Dranonica’s creation and the ultimate killing machine.

Fasgo, be nice on them…” Dranonica grinned, “try not to make their death too quick.”

Fasgo nodded and grinned. His teeth were as sharp as razors and he canines looked deadly. He roared and the earth began to shake.

Ayra, Elira, Oni and Zelda all huddled together and grabbed onto each other. They heard screams of pain and torture in the distance. Then silence.

They’re dead… they’re really dead…” Elira whispered.