The Reign of the Dranonica

Chapter 17 – Bright spark Gerudo

Everyone was so shocked that no one talked, cried or moved. Elira stood up and walked over to the bars. She saw the two Wolfos knights fighting over something.

You had his stuff! You had Link’s stuff! I had that Mystica’s sword and shield! Nothing else! You had that blasted Ocarina! You did! Not me!”

Hey! I remember you had the Ocarina! You were the one interested in playing it! Of course you were absolutely crap at it. YOU had that Ocarina not me!”

Elira titled her head, ‘the Ocarina was missing?’ They were the two Wolfos that took Mystica and Link away. Maybe they dropped the Ocarina in the cell. If they did…

Hey! You lot come here!” Elira whispered as loud as she could without fear of the Wolfos hearing her.

What’s up Elira?” Oni asked quietly. “Them Wolfos there said they dropped the Ocarina somewhere. Maybe the dropped it in here! Look around people!” Elira commanded. They did, they searched the cell. They kept searching till Ayra felt something in the hay. She felt a rush of excitement over come her and she wanted to shout ‘I’ve got it!’ but she knew if she did, the Wolfos would hear her. She picked up the object, and sure enough, it was Zelda’s Ocarina of time. She tapped Elira’s shoulder and showed the object to her. Elira smiled and beckoned everyone over to her.

Listen everyone,” Elira whispered, “Them Wolfos knights have Link and Mystica’s stuff, and lets be honest, it was dark in the cell when they came so we couldn’t see the shields and swords… but I tell you, they have them.”

What’s the point Elira? Link and Mystica are already dead…” Oni whispered back.

No Oni! I see where Elira is getting to now. If I play the song of time and bring us all back a day, Link and Mystica will be alive, we can all attack the Wolfos as they come in o take them away and we are all free!” Zelda piped up. Elira nodded.

Well, it takes a Gerudo thief and guard like Elira to listen in on conversations like that,” Ayra smiled.

As I am a sage I can transport us back a day, give me the Ocarina please Ayra,” Zelda asked. She took the Ocarina and placed it to her lips and began playing the instrument. The notes of the song of time echoed through the castle, the Wolfos knights ran to the cell to see what was going on.

What the? She has the Ocarina!” But before the Wolfos could do anything, a bright light exploded through the land.

Ayra opened her eyes. She looked around the cell and saw Zelda, Oni and Elira beside her, and the two bodies on the opposite side of the cell.

Hey! It worked!” Ayra whispered.