The Reign of the Dranonica

Chapter 18 – The Great Escape

Link and Mystica stirred. Ayra crept up to them and shook them lightly.

Hey, wake up,” she whispered, “We are going to escape!”

Mystica opened one eye and stared lazily into the darkness. There was a dull light and Mystica could just about make out Ayra’s complexion.

Ayra?” Mystica said in disbelief, “My God! You’re alright!” Mystica jumped up and hugged Ayra tightly. The commotion woke Link. He stood up and squinted to see properly.

Are you the only one Ayra?” He asked. “No, Zelda, Oni and Elira are here also,” Ayra answered. The sun began to rise over the horizon, a dim red light poured in through the barred window.

Morning…” Elira sighed, “Our few hours of daylight has started… think we should start the plan?”

Link, Mystica and Ayra joined Zelda, Oni and Elira in the corner of the cell and sat in a circle.

Escape? How do you know how to escape?” Link asked.

Well Link, you are pretty familiar with time travelling aren’t you?” Zelda asked. “Yeah… and?” Link asked again.

Well, believe it or not. You died. You and Mystica,” Zelda answered.

What? But we are right here!” Mystica piped up.

Yes, but I used my Ocarina to warp back a day, so you are alive,” Zelda answered, “See, we found out that the two Wolfos knights that will come in here at night time have your swords and shields… and my Ocarina. If we find a way to get our items off them we have a very good chance of escaping! When they come in here, they will leave the cell door open, thus our escape route!”

Wow, smart!” Mystica smiled, “So… how do you propose we get our things back then?”

Everyone thought for a moment and looked around the cell. Oni looked at the floor; he kicked it and watched as the dust settled.

Got it!” he said loud enough for everyone in the cell to hear but no one outside.

What is it Oni?” Ayra asked.



Yep! Dust is very irritating if it gets in your eyes. If we grab a paw-full of dust and throw it in the Wolfos knights eyes, they will be blinded for a while, allowing us to attack them and bring them down to the floor.”

Mystica nodded, “that’s that settled then.”

Oni sat back and looked really pleased. Now all they had to do was wait for the Wolfos knights to come to the cell.

Zelda began telling Link and Mystica what happened to them the first time they were today… which confused them but wouldn’t it confuse you too? Knowing you are in this day, but at this same day you had died and someone warped back a day and you are alive now…

They waited and talked until the sun went down, then they waited for the moment of truth.

Sure enough, the Wolfos knights walked into the cell.

You two! Get ready! Your off on a trip!” one barked out. Everyone stood up, grabbing a paw-full of dust as they did. They held it behind their backs. They could see the Wolfos’ eyes glint a little bit, they all smiled to themselves.

Where are we going then?” Mystica asked one Wolfos knight, edging towards him, Link followed her. Zelda and Ayra walked up to the other.

We are taking you to see Dranonica,” they answered. Elira and Oni walked to the side of each of the Wolfos knight, waiting for their guard to drop.

Ok, stop the small talk, lets get you two out now,” they said making a move towards them.

We don’t think so.”

Zelda, Ayra, Mystica and Link threw dust at the Wolfos’ eyes. The Wolfos howled in pain.

My eyes!” They cried. Elira kicked one in its mouth; this stunned him a little bit. She then gave him a right hook to the side of his mouth. The Wolfos fell to the floor; Elira jumped on its back, grabbed its head and bashed it off the floor. She could safely say the Wolfos was unconscious at least. Oni merely punched the other Wolfos in its face and it fell to the floor.

Whew, one heck of a punch you have there!” Elira smiled. Oni rubbed his knuckles.

I caught his teeth… ow…” Oni whined.

Oh stop the whining! Lets get our stuff back!” Mystica whispered sternly. She picked up her sword and shield, Link copied and Zelda searched for the Ocarina. Sure enough everyone was ready to leave.

Hey, just in case we are found walking around the castle, lets take their body armour, one in the front and one at the back. Pretend that we were told to give the prisoners a walk or something,” Link said. Mystica nodded. They both stripped the Wolfos knights of their armour, leaving them in their boxers!

Man the silly Wolfos, they had their helmets on their belts and didn’t both wearing them!” Mystica tutted. Link put his helmet on; it fitted him perfectly. Mystica put hers on, but it was too big and fell over her eyes.

We had better go before back up comes, surely they would have heard their howls…” Oni stated.

You’re right, lets go guys,” Link said taking the lead. Everyone followed him, leaving the two Wolfos knights stranded.