The Reign of the Dranonica

Chapter 19 – No witnesses

Link took the front of the group. He pulled his helmet down so that no one could see his eyes and find out their identity. Mystica was having troubles trying to keep the helmet from falling over her eyes. The castle was dark and they couldn’t see where they were going really. Everyone could just about see in front of himself or herself.

Hey you!” Someone cried out behind them. Mystica and Link reached for their swords turning around. “You taking the prisoners for a tour of the castle?”

No, we were given orders from Dranonica to take them for a short walk outside,” Mystica answered quickly, trying to make her voice sound as masculine and rough as the Wolfos’ voices were. She saw the Wolfos in front of her nodding. “Carry on then, but what about the other two?”

They were still knocked out cold,” Link answered, “so we left them behind.” The Wolfos nodded and let them walk on.

Boy that was close,” Elira whispered to Ayra “do you think we will get away with this?”

We have to,” Ayra whispered back, “if we don’t we will all die.”

They carried on walking through the winding dungeon.

You got us lost haven’t you Link?” Mystica growled, “We have been wandering around for ages! And I remember that statue over there with the head missing, actually I have seen that three times now!”

Hey! You try better!” Link snapped back. “Try asking for directions!” Mystica shouted back. Link sighed.

Not worth fighting with her Link,” Ayra giggled, “believe me I know Mystica! It is virtually impossible to win!” Link gave a slanted smile and walked up to the nearest Wolfos knight he saw.

Excuse me, I have forgotten the way to the exit, where is it?” he asked in a rough voice.

Why do you want to know?” The Wolfos knight asked, “Are they the prisoners you got there?”

Yes, Dranonica told us to take them for a short walk in the day light.”

Follow me,” The Wolfos knight said taking the lead.

I can’t say I remember you knight, what’s your name?” The Wolfos knight asked Link. Link had to think fast.

Jazz, what’s your name?” Link asked.

My real name is Jackazz, but I often get called Jackass which is rather annoying…” Mystica giggled at the back. “What’s your name?” Jackazz asked Mystica. Mystica stopped giggling and began running through names.

Ocarina,” she replied, “silly name I know but…”

Jackazz laughed.

Not many of us female Wolfos knights are there Ocarina?” Jackazz asked. “Err, no. Sexist,” Mystica replied uneasily.

They soon came to the exit.

Here you are, the out doors,” Jackazz said showing them the way.

Thank you,” Mystica said, nodding her head in a polite fashion. As she nodded her helmet fell off. The light of the out doors revealed her true identity.

Mystica!” Jackazz growled, “The prisoners have-“

Before Jackazz knew it, Oni had grabbed her from behind and covered her mouth with his paw. Link drew his sword and pointed the blade at Jackazz’s neck.

There can’t be any witnesses.”