The Reign of the Dranonica

Chapter 20 – A Strange feeling

Dranonica stirred.

Something isn’t right,” she hissed.

What do you mean?” Fasgo asked, “Your plan is going swimmingly. You have all the ingredients to make the most powerful being alive AND you caught them two meddling ‘hero’s’ so what isn’t right?”

I have a feeling something has happened that shouldn’t have…” Dranonica turned around. In an extremely large tank grew Fasgo, her genetically modified Wolfos she had created. His eyes were yellow and pupil less.

I know you can’t see yet Fasgo, but by night time you should be able to, by then all the ingredients should be inserted into you,” She touched the glass with her claw, “I’m sure Muljula would be as proud of you as I am, you may not be a Dranonica, but you are my son.”

Fasgo’s eyelids closed and he began to speak using psychic powers.

Yes, and you are my mother, but we cannot get too attached to one another can we?”

Why not? We are invincible, unbeatable! Now that Mystica and Link are out of the way… Everything will be fine.”

The tubes leading into Fasgo flowed in the water; Fasgo’s fur began to flutter a little bit too.

You will soon be out of that water, and you will take your first breath of fresh air…” Dranonica walked away from the tank and looked out of the window.

The door burst open behind her; she turned around quickly to find a Wolfos knight panting before her.

This had better be good!” she growled.

Your highness… The prisoners… three guards… they escaped… they killed three guards!” The Wolfos panted. Dranonica’s eyes narrowed.

Well don’t just stand there! Get all the knights together and search the castle! Now! Don’t leave any stone untouched!” Dranonica hissed. The Wolfos bowed and ran out of the room.

I’ll be back in a bit Fasgo, I must search Hyrule for them pathetic excuses for fur,” Dranonica told her ‘son’.

Don’t worry, I‘ll be fine… If you don’t find them I’ll get them once I escape from this tank…”

Dranonica picked up the Pendant and placed it round her neck.

If I do die, I leave you in possession of this Pendant… You can use it to kill,” She said before flying through the window.

Fasgo closed his eyes.

Be careful, you don’t know what they are capable of. I feel your bring down soon… but not mine, I will never die!”

He felt a sudden urge of power surge through him. The glass around him began to crack. He opened his eyes and used all his power to break free.

The glass shattered all over the floor and the water created a mess on the floor. He tugged at his arms and the tubes separated themselves from him. He looked at the places where the tubes had been. Underneath his fur was only a little bit of blood, not that it mattered, and he was the most powerful being alive… And everybody would know it.