The Reign of the Dranonica

Chapter 21 – First encounter

Quick! Run you guys!” Mystica shouted back. Link, Elira, Ayra and Oni were running at a slower pace than she was. “Come on! We gotta find a place to hide for the night!”

Come on Myst! Slow down!” Ayra complained, “We can’t keep up!” Mystica suddenly jolted to a halt, she was standing right on the edge of the highest point in Death Mountain. She slipped and slid down the side of the mountain. As she was falling she held out her paws, hoping to grab hold of something. She did, Dranonica’s claw.

Dranonica roared with anger and snapped at Mystica, luckily Mystica rolled out of the way, but began to fall even more, coming to a halt at a ledge. Oni, Ayra, Link, Elira and Zelda came sliding down too, all stopping on the edge of the cliff.

You thought you could out fox me?” Dranonica hissed, “You have a nerve… You cannot beat me! Never!” She swiped at the ledge, breaking it and sending the group falling to a certain death. Dranonica grinned, but her plan was foiled. A group of Dranonica flew in and the group landed on their backs. Dranonica hissed.

Don’t meddle with my plans!” She hissed swiping at the Dranonica’s. The Dranonica Elira was riding was hit by Dranonica’s large claws. The two fell down the side of the cliff and into the lake at the bottom.

Link, Mystica, Zelda, Ayra and Oni were dropped off on another ledge.

We have to save Elira!” Ayra shouted, “And what about that other Dranonica? They have fire on their tails!”

But it was too late to try and do anything about Elira, for Dranonica was on the attack again. Her canines shone bright, they were lethal.

Link drew out his sword and swiped at the oncoming dragon. She roared and flinched in pain. Blood dripped from her lower jaw. She shook her head and growled. The Pendant around her neck began to glow black again, so did her wound. After the light died down, her scar had disappeared.

Oh my god!” Zelda cried, “She is invincible!”

No, the Pendant is invincible!” One Dranonica growled, “To defeat her we need the Pendant ourselves!”

The other Dranonica howled in agreement, “Get the Pendant! We can do it! We can get the Pendant off her!”

We need to save Emily and the other Dranonica!” Link said, “Lets fight.”

Is that your answer to everything? Violence?” Mystica asked. “You have any better ideas?” Link asked her. Mystica shook her head, “I guess not!”

Get on our backs, we will try and fly you in as close to Dranonica as we can! Try and cut the rope around her neck, and one of us will fly for the Pendant!” The Dranonica said. Mystica jumped on his back.

Come on then! Lets fight!”

The Dranonica flew off and gracefully dodged Dranonica’s swipes and snaps. Link jumped on the Dranonica next to him and they took off too.

Oni, Ayra and Zelda made their way down the side of the cliff to try and get to Emily and the Dranonica.

Link and Mystica were successfully dodging Dranonica’s attacks, but not getting one bit close to the Pendant. Dranonica’s attention was drawn to the trio walking down the cliff edge. She roared and let out a blast of fire in their direction. One brave Dranonica flew in and pushed them to safety. This split second allowed Link to get in close to Dranonica’s Pendant and cut the rope.

There was a roar of pain; Dranonica’s neck was cut from Link’s attempt to free the Pendant. Dranonica knew what had happened and looked down to see Mystica flying down to catch it. Her paw was closing in on it as the Dranonica free fell towards the ground.

Dranonica opened her mouth and then clamped it shut. There was no sign of Mystica or her Dranonica… Or the Pendant…