The Reign of the Dranonica

Chapter 23 – The Ultimate Showdown

Zelda clinged onto the Dranonica’s fur tightly, she was afraid of heights and they were flying too quickly for her liking.

We are coming to land!” Link shouted back, everyone looked down, except Zelda.

They all landed just outside Lon Lon Ranch, everyone jumped off the Dranonica’s back.

Thank you for the lift,” Link thanked, “It was most appreciated!”

No problem. We are always scouting for trouble, we will come to help if you need it,” The leader said. He nodded to the other Dranonica and they all took off and flew into the sky.

Mystica held the Pendant in her paws and looked at it.

Come on then! Lets go revive Janine!” Link said, “I hope Lon Lon Ranch is fine.”

They all walked in the Ranch. As they walked in they heard the soothing voice of Malon’s singing. She stood in the middle of the field with the horses galloping around her; two of them were Chase and Epona.

Malon stopped singing and ran up to Mystica, Link, Elira, Zelda, Ayra and Oni.

You are back! Thank the good Lords!” Malon greeted, “And don’t worry Mystica, Janine is still in the bed where you left her.” Mystica nodded and walked into the house next to her. She walked up the stairs and into the bedroom where Janine was.

Mystica placed the Pendant on Janine’s chest and thought about her coming back to life. Nothing happened for a while, for a very long while.

Nothing happened.

Hey!” Mystica cried out, “What’s happening?” She held the Pendant in her paws, and fire wasn’t there any more. Ayra heard Mystica’s cries and ran up the stairs.

What’s wrong?” She asked. “The Pendant isn’t working!” Mystica growled. Ayra took the Pendant from her; the fire began to grow again.

Working fine for me,” Ayra said. “Well you bring Janine back to life then, ‘cus I cant do it. Surely you can use it more than once? Dranonica could!” Mystica thought to herself.

Ayra placed the Pendant on Janine’s chest. Sure enough, the bright white light and the powerful wind surrounded them, and then it stopped and died down.

Janine was breathing again. She opened one eye and then the other. She yawned and stretched. She sat up in her bed and turned her head to Ayra and Mystica.

Hello! How are you? How long have I been asleep? Dranonica dead yet?” She asked. Mystica smiled.

You were lucky to be alive after what happened to you!”

Suddenly the earth shook violently and the horses were going frantic. They heard screams. Janine jumped out of bed and they all ran down stairs and out into the Ranch.

That is Dranonica…” Link told Malon who was clinging onto his arm whining.

You thought you could get rid of me so easily didn’t you? Well think again! I want my Pendant back!” She hissed. Mystica ran out first.

You!” Dranonica hissed, “You took my Pendant and injured me! Prepare to die!” Dranonica reared her head and shot a line of blue fire in her direction. Everyone jumped out of the way.

Mystica drew out her sword and waited for Dranonica to get close enough for her to slice at Dranonica.

Dranonica turned around and used her tail to whip the sword out of Mystica’s paw. Mystica howled in pain, Dranonica had caught her paw and her sword went hurtling out of the Ranch all together.

Mystica held her paw and looked up at Dranonica, ready to jump out of the way of an attack.

Janine grabbed her sword and stood by Mystica. Link stood up too and drew out his sword. Dranonica glared her teeth and dived in for an attack. Janine swung her sword at Dranonica’s mouth, it collided with one of Dranonica’s teeth and Dranonica flinched. She brought her paw down, catching Mystica. Dranonica’s claws dug through Mystica’s skin and Mystica fell to the floor. Dead.

Everyone turned around and gasped. They were shocked at the turn of events. Ayra ran in holding the Pendant, but the fire had died down for her too.

Oh no! What’s happening?” Ayra gasped. Dranonica swung her tail at Ayra, causing the Pendant to fly out of her paw and onto the ground near Dranonica. Dranonica picked up the Pendant in her claws and held it tight.

You thought you would keep this Pendant for ever? Ha! You don’t even know how to use it…” Dranonica hissed.