The Reign of the Dranonica

Chapter 24 – So near yet so far

Mystica!” Ayra shouted.

We need to get the Pendant back! Come on let’s fight!” Link shouted. Janine and Elira nodded. Dranonica shook her head violently and flew up into the air.

You cannot beat me! Not with the Dragon’s Pendant! Not ever!” Dranonica roared across Hyrule. She took in a deep breath and a jet of fire shot from her mouth and caused a ring of blue fire, trapping Link, Elira and Janine in, and Zelda, Oni and Ayra out.

Are you going to be fine without a sword Elira?” Janine asked her. Elira nodded.

I can distract, or try to, her for you,” Elira answered.

Are you better with sword or bow and arrow Elira?” Link asked her.

Bow and arrow… Why?” Link took out his bow and arrows and handed them to Elira.

Try to get perfect aim to Dranonica’s neck or eyes,” Link told her. Elira nodded.

The sky darkened and streaks of lightning dashed across the sky and claps of thunder bellowed through the land.

Dranonica slowly lowered herself to the ground. She landed in front of the trio. Elira, Link and Janine looked up at the great beast, Dranonica over powered them all. She roared and stared down at them.

This was the Ultimate showdown with Dranonica.

You stand now chance against me!” Dranonica growled, “You are worthless!”

Don’t let that over grown worm frighten you!” Ayra shouted, “You can beat her!” Elira quickly took out Links bow and arrow and set for an aim to Dranonica’s eye. Dranonica swiped at the Gerudo, but Elira rapidly jumped out of the way. At that moment in time, Link and Janine ran in for the kill. They swiped at Dranonica’s chest, but missed as the Dragon jumped back. Dranonica then snapped at the two Hylian’s, she drew back her head and a blast of fire shot from her mouth at her three opponents. Janine, Link and Elira jumped out of the way.

Link!” Janine said, “If we can get underneath Dranonica’s stomach we can slice at her then!”

Or one of us could do that and the other could go for the Pendant!” Link answered. “Smart ass,” Janine replied.

The two decided to put their plan into action. Elira kept on aiming at the Dragons eyes, this distracted Dranonica long enough for Janine to run underneath her stomach and slice at it.

Dranonica roared in pain and reared up. She frantically slithered around trying to ease the pain in her stomach. Dranonica then stopped and Link ran in to cut the Pendant off Dranonica’s neck. Dranonica wasn’t so easily beaten. She grabbed the Pendant in her claws. She began to glow black and then purple. She roared in pain as the Pendant embedded itself on Dranonica’s claw. Dranonica stood up again and laughed.

Now you must destroy me before you get the Pendant back!” Dranonica bellowed.

Elira took this time to aim at Dranonica’s eye, and then fired. The arrow hit Dranonica in her pupil. The Dranonica roared again. Green goo oozed from her eye. The Dragon pulled out the arrow from her eye. She could no longer see with that one eye, it had gone a light shade of blue.

Janine and Link ran in and sliced at Dranonica’s claw that had the Pendant embedded in it. Dranonica lifted her claw up, and then stomped it back on the ground, trapping Janine’s tail underneath it.

I killed you once, I can kill you again!” Dranonica hissed. She grabbed Janine in her claw again; just like she did the first time she killed Janine.

Elira took aim and shot Dranonica’s claw. Dranonica loosened her grip and Janine fell towards the ground. Link ran in and caught Janine in his arms. He placed her back down on the ground.

Are you Ok Janine?” Link asked her. Janine shook her head, getting rid of her dizziness.

Yeah I’m fine!” Janine said dizzily, she began to walk around.

No offence Janine, but you look like you are drunk…” Link said.

Dranonica’s attention had been brought to Elira.

Blast you Gerudo’s! Too good at archery for my liking!” Dranonica hissed. Janine fell backwards and Link caught her before she hit the ground.

You need to rest!” Link told her, laying her down on the ground. He took his sword and ran to Elira’s aid. Janine sat up and shook her head again.

Man that Dranonica has one hard grip!” She said to herself, “Last time I get close to her again!” Janine then fell back down on her back and panted heavily.

Dranonica had cornered Elira, but Elira didn’t have any time to take aim at Dranonica otherwise she would surely be eaten or killed. Link ran in and swiped at Dranonica’s tail. The sword embedded itself in Dranonica’s tail and got stuck.

Dranonica felt the pain and turned around to face Link. Her tail took his sword with it. Link took out his Hookshot and aimed at Dranonica’s other eye. He shot.

Dranonica moved her head so that the Hookshot hit her hard outer skull. Dranonica’s tail was now facing Elira. Elira grabbed the swords hilt and pulled it with all her might. The sword was free. Dranonica felt the pain of the action and turned back round to Elira.

Link! Catch!” Elira shouted, she threw the sword in Link’s direction. The sword landed point down into the soil in front of Link. Link pulled it out of the earth and sliced at Dranonica’s claw.

Hey!” Janine thought, “They are fighting without me! They can’t do that no, no!” Janine was beginning to lose her mentality a little bit but, none the less, she stood up and ran over to Link’s side and swiped at the Dranonica also.

Dranonica was beginning to get rather annoyed with these three have a go hero’s. Elira took aim at Dranonica’s neck like Link said. Just before she let the arrow go, Dranonica’s tail swooped over her, she ducked and let the arrow go accidentally. The arrow punctured Dranonica’s emerald on her chest.

Dranonica began to breathe heavily. She looked down and saw her emerald had been broken. She held her claw to the puncture trying to keep it shut. Janine and Link ran in and swiped at the emerald with their swords. They too created punctures in the emerald.

My… life source…” Dranonica panted. “You… you have managed to destroy me…” Dranonica coughed and green ooze shot from her mouth. The Green ooze also began to leak out of her emerald. Dranonica fell to the ground.

You… won’t get… away so easily… I will be… avenged… Fasgo… is… is still alive… don’t think… you have won… because… because you haven’t…” Dranonica then took her last breath and her head dropped heavily to the ground.

Her body then began to burn up in a blue flame and she disappeared, leaving the Dragon’s Pendant behind.

I will be avenged!” whispered in the air as a black spirit flew up towards the clouds.

Yes she is dead!” Janine shouted

Janine giggled slightly and then fainted again, luckily Link was behind her and he caught her… again. The fire surrounding them died down and Ayra ran in.

What’s wrong with Janine?” Ayra asked.

I have a feeling being almost strangled has made her… how shall I say… drunk?” Link answered. Elira walked over to Link, Janine and Ayra. Zelda and Oni walked in also.

Well, who is going to bring Mystica back to life then?” Ayra asked. Suddenly, little sparks of yellow, red, blue, purple and orange drifted down from the sky. Then streaks of the colours darted around the sky and landed on the earth beside everyone. It was the five sages, Raru, Darunia, Ruto, Impa and Nabooru.

Well done for defeating Dranonica, that was pretty impressive work!” Raru congratulated them.

Hang on, let us bring Mystica back to life,” Elira said, taking up the Pendant and running over to Mystica. She placed the Pendant on Mystica’s chest and thought about Mystica coming back to life.

After a flash of light and a gust of wind, Mystica sat up in her place and rubbed her head.

Hey guys, what’s going on?” She asked. “Dranonica is dead!” Janine replied, “dead… she flew! Up there!” Janine said dizzily pointing into the sky.

Awake now?” Link asked, “Then maybe you can stand up yourself!” Janine smiled and nodded. She managed to just about stand up by herself.

I’m afraid it isn’t all over yet… there is still Fasgo,” Oni said. Everybody nodded and looked to the ground. They knew it wasn’t going to be an easy ride…