The Reign of the Dranonica

Chapter 25 – Preparing

Take the Pendant and revive Saria,” Elira said giving the Pendant to Raru, “Maybe the Pendant will be safe in the Temple of Light… safe from Fasgo.”

We will not know until Fasgo attempts to enter the Realm of the Sages…” Raru replied, “But if we revive Saria, the balance of the Sages will return to normal.” Raru took the Pendant and tucked it in his pocket.

Take care of yourselves!” Darunia smiled. Ruto waved at Link and Link nervously waved back. Mystica scowled at Link and turned a little green. Link turned around and Mystica smiled again.

Raru, Darunia, Ruto, Nabooru and Impa turned back into the streaks of light and flew off into the sky again.

Pretty colours!” Janine said to herself. Link shook his head.

Get the girl some water…” He sighed.

They all sat around a fire in the middle of the Ranch as the sun set. Malon walked in with a glass of water and sat next to Elira.

Janine looked at the water and screwed up her face.

This beer looks a little clear…” She said. “Yes… it might bring you back to your original self!” Link answered. Janine walked over to Link and poured the water over him.

I don’t need water! Because I am fine! Look! See?” She began to dance around the fire. Link was about to get up and stop her. Mystica put her paw in front of Link to stop him from getting up.

Don’t waste your time Link,” Mystica said over Janine’s bad drunken singing, “I know she hasn’t consumed any alcohol, but she goes like this when she feels dizzy or gets over excited about something… She is dangerous in this state.” Link laughed and sat back down. Everyone laughed as Janine ran around making a fool of her self.

She will fall asleep in a bit…” Mystica said, “3…2…1…” And sure enough Janine fell to the ground and began to snore… loudly.

Hey Oni! Seems you are the strongest in the group, YOU can carry Janine up to bed for us!” Ayra smiled. Everyone walked off into the house laughing, leaving Oni behind.

Hey! Why do I have to carry her?” he complained, “I mean… it would be alright but she is drooling…”

The next morning, Mystica woke up and found Janine in the centre of the field, where they had left her last night. Mystica giggled to herself and ran downstairs. Link and Oni were asleep on the floor. Mystica crept past them and opened the door and ran over to Janine.

Wake up girl!” Mystica shouted. Janine opened one eye and looked at Mystica. She sat up and rubbed her head.

Gee… I got a killer head ache!” Janine complained. Mystica smiled, “Come in and have some breakfast!” Janine stood up and followed Mystica into the house. Malon was up too and she was frying eggs in the kitchen.

Morning’ Malon!” Mystica greeted. Malon waved back and pointed towards Link and Oni. Mystica kicked Link.

Wake up! Breakfast!” Janine shouted. Link got up and rubbed his side.

Ow! That hurt!” he complained. Oni woke up too.

Hey, someone has to wake up Elira, Zelda and Ayra… Oni you do it,” Malon said. Oni grunted and walked up the stairs.

Malon smiled and waited for a while. There was a sound of a door creaking open and then screams. The door slammed shut again.

Malon laughed, “Got you!” She shouted. Ayra, Elira and Zelda ran down the stairs with Oni hot in pursuit.

That wasn’t funny!” he growled. Mystica, Link and Janine looked a little bewildered but no one explained to them.

They all sat around the table talking about what they were going to do next.

Well… Fasgo is out there somewhere… and Dranonica was tough enough… I say we get back up!” Zelda said.

Yeah! The Zora’s! They said they would help,” Link pointed out.

Zora’s? I love Zora’s! They are the coolest!” Ayra screamed. Oni looked hurt.

You love Zora’s?” he asked. Ayra smiled and hugged him, “Yeah… I love you too!” She smiled.

Yuck, get a room!” Elira piped up. Ayra scowled at her. Elira grinned, showing her teeth.

Well Malon… are you up to fight with us? Or do you want to stay here?” Zelda asked.

I’ll stay here and look after the horses, cows and cucoos…” Malon said, “Are you guys going to take horses?”

Everyone nodded in unison, “It would make journeying easier!” Oni said.

I can’t ride horses!” Zelda protested. “Don’t worry Zelda!” Mystica said, “Janine would be more than happy to let you get on the same horse as her!” Janine glared at Mystica. Luckily Zelda didn’t see it.

Ok then, go chose a horse! Oh by the way, don’t take the little horse, it stays here until it can run properly!” Malon warned. Everyone left the table thanking Malon and left to get a horse. Link and Mystica climbed aboard Epona and Chase. Oni jumped on a horse and Ayra jumped on the same horse but sat behind him.

Janine jumped on her horse and helped Zelda up behind her. Elira climbed aboard another horse and they wall trotted off out of Lon Lon Ranch and started to gallop towards Zora’s River.