The Reign of the Dranonica

Chapter 26 – Fasgo’s power

Hey! Watch it Zelda! You’re holding onto me too tight!” Janine screamed.

I’m sorry!” Zelda apologized, “I just do not like horses running so fast! I am scared that they will buck and I’ll go flying off!”

If only…” Janine gritted her teeth.

I beg your pardon? I didn’t hear you,” Zelda said. “Oh… uh I said… I hope not!” Janine replied. Zelda nodded and hugged Janine tightly, hoping that the tighter she held the less chance she stood of falling off. Janine growled.

The horses galloped to the river. The horses stopped in their tracks and everyone grumbled as they dismounted the horses and waded across the water. Zelda, on the other hand, was happy to get off the horse. But she wasn’t too keen at the thought of having to go through the water. She jumped in and her dress inflated and Zelda got lost in it.

Janine, Elira, Ayra and Mystica sat on the other side of the river laughing their heads off. Link and Oni waded back into the river to save Zelda.

Link and Oni pulled Zelda onto dry land where she managed to recover from her embarrassing ordeal.

Lets get moving,” Oni said, “Fasgo will, no doubt, be searching for us now!” Ayra slapped a paw over his mouth.

Ssh! Don’t jinx our luck!” she whispered harshly. They all set off towards Zora’s Domain.

Meanwhile, Fasgo sat on top of Death Mountain, grinning.

I know where you are sages,” he growled, “And I know how to get to you…” He stood up on his hind legs and spread his wings out. He had the Evil Symbol on the back of his wings, showing his authority as the Evil Sage. “And I know you have MY Pendant…” He took off from the mountain and flew towards the Temple of Time.

The doors had been barricaded with wooden planks. But wood was no match for Fasgo. He bashed his way through it and into the main hall.

The wall blocking the way to the Master sword room had been shut.

This is just a play area,” Fasgo snarled. He held out his over sized paw towards the door. Inside his paw, a ball of energy began to form. He then threw the ball at the wall, immediately disintegrating it. Fasgo smiled to himself.

Nothing can hold me…” he grinned. He walked into the next room and stood in front of the Pedestal that once held the Master sword.

As I am a Sage, I can enter the temple of Light as well!” He gloated. He began to glow black and sure enough, a portal opened in front of him.

Ha, ha,” he laughed, “Prepare to feel my wrath sages…”

Aww Link! You said you had the Ocarina!” Elira moaned, she held her paws to her hips and began to tap her foot.

Yeah! I had it right here! But… not now!” Link protested, feeling around in his pockets.

Humph! Men… they are so silly,” Zelda tutted. She lay back on the rock behind her and put her paws in her pockets. She felt the Ocarina and began to laugh.

What are you laughing at?” Janine growled. “I got the Ocarina!” Zelda giggled. Everyone moaned and shook their heads. Link took the Ocarina and played Zelda’s lullaby. The entrance to Zora’s domain opened and they all jumped through the waterfall and into the domain.

Hello again!” One of the Kokiri greeted, “Saria’s alive again! And she came to visit! Come say hello to her!” The Kokiri took Mystica’s paw and pulled her to the group of Kokiri huddled around Saria. They were asking questions, some sensible, some not.

What’s it like being dead?” One asked. Saria smiled.

Not bad,” she replied, “You go into a dream world!” The Kokiri smiled.

Hey Saria!” Link shouted to her. Saria waved, “Hey Link!”

How was the Pendant?” Mystica asked. “Great!” Saria replied, “I had to come here and talk to my friends,” she smiled.

Suddenly, a blue light came rushing through the crowd and landed beside Saria. It was Ruto, and she had a few scratches on her body that were bleeding.

Saria! Fasgo found a way into the Temple of Light! The realm of the Sages! I managed to escape; I am not sure about the others. Fasgo got the Pendant! He then began to destroy the place!” Ruto said desperately.

Mystica thought.

Fasgo is a sage himself… maybe that’s why he was able to get in,” Mystica said. “He is… one of us?” Saria asked, astonished at the discovery. “Yeah, sage of Evil… Dranonica was the sage of Evil too…” Mystica replied.

Well that explains it,” Ruto growled, “Fasgo had the Pendant. We need to get it back!”

Oh great!” Zelda whined, “We get one night of peace and then another major disaster! What next? Is the Moon going to crash into the earth?”

Actually… it nearly did…” Link began. “Shut up,” Zelda snapped.

Well, lets get the Zora warriors then! Whom else can we go to for help?” Janine asked.

I’m sure my fellow Gerudo’s wouldn’t mind,” answered Elira, “Us Gerudo’s practise in mortal combat!”

That’s settled then! When we get the Zora’s, we get the Gerudo’s,” Link nodded.

Don’t forget about us!” A voice said behind them. It was the leader of the Dranonica warriors. “We are ready for battle too! Won’t let down a friend in need!”

Great!” Ayra smiled, “Oni, we should get our fighting gear from Kakariko.”

I’ll go with you Ayra,” Mystica said, “just in case Fasgo catches you off guard without a sword or shield!” Ayra smiled, “Fine by me!”

Ok then you three, we will meet you at Lon Lon Ranch,” Link waved.

What about me?” Zelda asked, “What am I going to do? I can’t use a sword!”

Well… you can… um…” Link began. “Sit down and act all princessy!” Janine finished. Zelda smiled, “Just sit down? I can do that! I can do that!”

Ayra, Oni and Mystica headed out of the Domain and began to run towards Kakariko village.

Your stuff should be lying around Kakariko somewhere!” Mystica told them, “look on the floor when we get there!”

Got it,” Oni replied.

Fasgo had made his landing spot on top of the waterfall. He watched Ayra, Oni and Mystica running towards Kakariko and snarled.

You think you can defeat me?” He growled, “Well… we shall see who defeats who! You may have killed my mother… but I am more powerful than anything in your wildest dreams!” He stood up and looked towards the sky. “It is beginning to get dark… perfect, I work well in darkness!” He took off from his spot and began to follow Ayra, Oni and Mystica silently through the air.