The Reign of the Dranonica

Chapter 27 – Separated

Ayra…” Mystica began as they entered Kakariko village.

What’s up Myst?” Ayra asked, “Something wrong?” Mystica looked around, “I just have a feeling we are being watched…”

Ayra, our swords are here but our shields have gone some where…” Oni said from a distance. “I’ll come over and help you find them in a bit. Myst, you just look out for anything unusual… Call if you see anything.” Ayra ran off to join Oni in the search for the shields.

Fasgo had landed on the entrance to Death Mountain, he could see perfectly clear in the dark and saw Ayra and Oni using the light from the odd few flames to try and find their shields.

Mystica looked around in the sky in search of something out of the ordinary.

Ah ha! Found them Oni,” Ayra said gleefully, “They are underneath this pile of rubble, help me get them.” Oni and Ayra heaved at the stones and rocks until they were able to get their shields. Mystica looked in their direction and looked to her left. She saw something moving in the shadows.

What’s that?” Mystica screamed. “Damn!” Fasgo snarled, “She has seen me!” He flew up into the air and shot a blast of fire at Mystica. Mystica dived out of the way just in time.

The fire lit up the area and showed the menacing face of Fasgo.

Oh my! It’s Fasgo!” Oni growled. Fasgo snarled and walked through the fire that he had created. He howled and dived at Oni and Ayra, his teeth bared. Mystica, Ayra and Oni ran towards the graveyard. Fasgo followed, snapping at their heels. They ran into the middle of the archway. Fasgo snapped at both the entrances, but couldn’t reach them. He clawed around in it to try and grab the trio.

Mystica took out her sword and sliced at Fasgo’s paw. Fasgo flinched back in pain and whined a little. Oni, Ayra and Mystica ran, ran as fast as they could.

Mystica didn’t see the hole that was in her path and she fell down it. Ayra and Oni carried on running, thinking that Mystica was behind them. Fasgo used the power of the Pendant to cure his paw and he turned around and saw Ayra and Oni escaping.

Where is the other one?” Fasgo wondered, “Oh well, just get rid of these two first and search for the other later.” Fasgo flew off after Ayra and Oni.

Mystica sat up and rubbed her head. She had landed, luckily, on something soft. She looked up, she had fallen a long way.

Ayra! Oni!” She shouted. No answer. She looked around and saw some ladders going up the side of the wall and she began to climb them. She stopped half way when she noticed that was where they stopped. It looked like the other rungs had been broken or something.

Mystica sighed and climbed back down.

Looked one more time at the situation, thinking hard on a way to escape.

Come on Mystica! Think! Think!” She growled to herself. She heard a noise behind her, the noise of footsteps. She turned around and got her sword ready.

Who is there? Who is it?” She commanded, “I have a sword and I am not afraid to use it!”

The footsteps began to get louder and faster, “Don’t push me!” Mystica growled, preparing for the worst. “I am Mystica! I helped save the world when I was little! Think what I can do now!”

The footsteps quickened their pace and got louder and louder. Mystica began to shiver and sweat. She was scared of what would come out of that black abyss.

Oni! He has followed us! What are we going to do?” Ayra shouted to Oni. “Carry on running Ayra! Head for lake Hylia!”

Where are our horses?” Ayra shouted back. “Getting on our horses would waste time and Fasgo would catch up with us faster!” Oni shouted back.

Are you Ok Mystica?” Ayra shouted. There was no answer. “Mystica?” Ayra looked back, Mystica wasn’t there. “Oni! Mystica’s gone!” Oni looked back. “Oh no! Where has she gone? We’ll go back and look for her once we lose Fasgo… lets just get to lake Hylia first! There was can enter the water temple! Fasgo is far too big to get in there! Then we can talk!” Oni shouted back.

Fasgo was hot on their trail.

You can’t out run me!” He shouted, he then shot another blast of fire at Ayra and Oni. Ayra and Oni jumped out of the way and began to run faster. Fasgo growled, “How long does it take you to realise you are supposed to die!” Ayra and Oni leaped over the fences and ran on into lake Hylia. They dived into the water and swam towards the water temple. They swam into the entrance and they floated to the top of the water where oxygen was awaiting them. They swam to the platform in front of them and sat there.

They heard the frantic scrapings of Fasgo trying to enter the temple.

Oni… what… what if he… got Mystica?” Ayra panted. “Then it is a dear friend lost Ayra…” Oni replied. Ayra sighed.

I hope she is Ok…”

Oh gee… why do I always get into these situations?” Mystica thought to herself. Her adrenaline was surging as the footsteps came closer and closer to her.

Put… the sword… down,” a raspy voice growled in the shadows. Mystica stared hard into the darkness. “Why? So that you can kill me easier?” Mystica snapped. Then two blue eyes appeared in the darkness, her sword began to glow blue too. It then slipped out of her paws and flew towards the figure in the shadows.

You don’t know who you are dealing with…” The creature hissed.