The Reign of the Dranonica

Chapter 30 – Fighting a losing battle

Janine was the first to make a move towards Fasgo. She swung out her sword, but missed as Fasgo jumped backward. He then leapt at the army that stood in front of him. Everyone scattered into separate directions.

Fasgo turned around to see a group of Dranonica flying at his eye level. Fasgo swiped out at them and caught one. He went plummeting down to the ground. He fell to the floor and tried to stand back up. His energy had been sapped out of him.

You stand no chance against me!” Fasgo growled swiping out some more. Suddenly, there was a loud roar behind the battle. The Gerudo’s had finally turned up and they ran into the heat of battle. Fasgo stepped backwards and nearly trod on Zelda. Link made a quick move and pushed her out of the way.

Thank you Link!” Zelda thanked. Link stood back up and swiped at Fasgo’s back leg. Fasgo flinched and looked back and swiped at Link. Fasgo grabbed Link in his claws and held him up in the air. As Fasgo was about to throw Link back to the ground, a well-aimed arrow hit Fasgo in his eye. Elira smirked at her aim. Link began to fall towards the ground; Janine and Elira ran in and caught him before he hit the ground. The two girls dropped him and carried on fighting.

Fasgo kicked and slashed at the on coming enemy. No one could get close to Fasgo at all.

Fasgo stared at the army before him and his eyes began to glow crimson. He took a deep breath in and then opened his mouth. A powerful blast of fire shot from his mouth and scorched a few Gerudo’s and Zora’s.

He then howled and the sky began to grow dark. The sky began to roar itself, and streaks of lightning dashed across the sky. One bolt landed on the stone wall around Hyrule market and destroyed it.

We are fighting a losing battle!” Mikau panted, “There is no way we are going to beat this guy!”

Mystica was becoming very agitated about the situation she was in.

Where are you now?” She growled, “Come out and show your ugly face coward!”

She walked around and avoided the hands that sprouted from the ground.

She heard some groaning behind her and she spun around. She walked backwards and a hand caught her again. Dead Hand re-appeared behind her and opened his mouth again, ready to eat her. Mystica swung out with her sword, hitting Dead Hand in his mouth again.

He retreated and disappeared back into the shadow.

You are doing fine, better than any one else who came here,” the raspy voice sneered. His blue eyes shone in the dark again. “Our master is very hungry, and nothing gets in the way of his meals!”

Mystica growled and ran towards the eyes ready to strike with her sword.

Another hand sprung out from the ground and caught Mystica again. She turned her head and saw the carnivorous creature crawling towards her. Mystica wriggled and finally broke free; she turned around and continuously swiped at the Dead Hand. It groaned every time it was hit, until it fell to the ground and disappeared into a flame.

The blue eyes appeared again, but they had a worried expression.

You… you killed the master!” It stuttered, “Please! Don’t harm me! I only carry out orders!” It pleaded. Mystica glared at those piercing eyes.

Take me back to the surface. THAT’S an order!” Mystica growled. The eye’s nodded and they turned to a door. The door opened, revealing a staircase with a bright light shining at the top of it.

Follow the stairs,” The creature said shakily, “They will take you to the surface!”

Mystica nodded and walked up the stairs. They were long and narrow, but the light was drawing closer and closer. She finally arrived at the top. She looked around and blinked her eyes. Her eyes had become accustomed to the darkness and needed to adjust to the light.

She found herself at the back of the Graveyard. The sky was light around the graveyard, but the darkness began to seep through the rest of the sky. Bolts of lightning flickered all over the black mass.

She jumped out of the hole and looked around. She heard the battle raging in the background, the sounds of pain and torture rang through the air. Mystica placed her sword back in the scalpel and ran towards Hyrule field.

Don’t worry Ayra, Oni, Janine, Elira, Link… I’m coming!”

Oni! It won’t die!” Ayra called over, “How are we going to destroy it?”

I don’t know Ayra! Just keep slicing at it!” The two kept on hitting away at either the water or eye. Suddenly, they heard a thunder clap above them.

What in the world?” Ayra exclaimed. There was a deafening crack and a bolt of lightning sliced it’s way through the ceiling and into the water. The creature began to roar again and it then dissolved. Then a blue warp portal appeared on the centre platform.

Come on Ayra!” Oni called out. The door behind them collapsed and the water began rushing through the bars. Ayra and Oni jumped onto the middle portal and they landed on the island above the water temple.

We are free! Man breathe in that fresh air,” Ayra sighed. Oni grabbed her paw and pulled her up.

Let’s go find the others, I have a feeling the battle with Fasgo has already started…”

The two of them ran over the bridge and headed for Hyrule field.

Mystica ran in on the battle and looked around, there were many injured people. It was a depressing sight.

Mystica!” Some one called. Mystica looked up and saw Elira running towards her.

Elira! How’s everyone?” Mystica asked.

Janine, Link and Zelda are fine…” Elira began. “What about Ayra and Oni?” Mystica asked. “That’s the bad news… They haven’t turned up…” Elira replied.

Ayra and Oni? Where are they then? I need to find them!” Mystica answered and began to run away.

Myst! We need all the help we can get! Stay and help us fight please!” Elira said grabbing Mystica’s arm. Mystica nodded and followed Elira into the heat of battle.

Fasgo had now gone to the stage of snapping at the on coming Gerudo’s. He then turned his head and went for Elira; Mystica swiped at him, but missed his face and caught his neck, breaking the string holding the Pendant to his neck. Fasgo howled and wriggled with frustration. As he did, he stepped on the Pendant, breaking it into little pieces.

Everyone was silent. Fasgo panted and then turned his head to Mystica and growled.

Look what you have done… You have destroyed the Pendant! That was what gave me my great power! How could you?” The earth began to glow white, healing the wounded. But Fasgo suffered pain as his energy was sapped from him, his power over earth, fire and water.

He roared in pain and fell to the ground in exhaustion.

You, have not beaten me,” he growled, “I can still crush you!” He stood back up and shook himself.

Everyone ran to a now recovered soldier and helped them up.

Get ready, he is unpredictable,” Janine whispered.

Fasgo then roared and pounced at Link.

Watch out mate!” Oni shouted, running in and pushing his other half out of the way of Fasgo’s attack. Fasgo landed on Oni’s tail. Fasgo then picked Oni up with his mouth and began to shake him like a rag doll.

ONI!” Ayra shouted out, “STOP HURTING HIM! STOP IT!” Ayra ran in and swiped at Fasgo with her sword repeatedly. Fasgo howled in pain, dropping Oni. Oni fell to the ground in a heap. Ayra ran over to him.

Oni… Oni! Talk to me!” Ayra cried desperately.

Ayra…” Oni squeezed out. “Oni… Oni you’re… you’re gonna be OK right?” Ayra asked. Oni shook his head.

I… I’m dieing Ayra…” Oni struggled to say, “But… don’t worry about me… I… I am going to… go to a better… place now…” Oni growled in pain. Ayra stroked his face, it was covered in blood but she didn’t care.

Oni! Don’t die on me!” Ayra began to fill up. Mystica and Janine watched from a distance. Mystica hung her head. Link and Elira carried on the battle, keeping Fasgo away from the dieing Oni.

It’s all my fault Janine… I destroyed the Pendant… Now we can’t heal Oni…” Mystica sighed.

It’s not your fault Mystica. It was just an unfortunate accident… You did nothing wrong…” Janine replied. Mystica sniffed as she watched the touching scene between Ayra and Oni.

I can’t bear this… Knowing I helped in killing him…” Mystica hung her head lower.

Myst, stop putting yourself down like that,” Janine scolded, “The last thing we want is you blaming yourself for this!” Mystica glanced at Janine and then back at Ayra and Oni.

Ayra… take… take care of yourself…” Oni started to breathe heavily. Ayra held his paw in hers and nuzzled it.

I’ll never forget you Oni…” Ayra spluttered. Oni forced a smile and then took his last breath and lay limp in Ayra’s arms. Ayra hugged him tightly. Mystica walked towards Ayra and hugged her from behind.

I’m sorry Ayra… If I hadn’t have destroyed the Pendant… We could have…” Mystica began, but she couldn’t finish her sentence. A lump grew in her throat and she laid her head on Ayra’s back. Ayra jumped back in surprise, the Pendant had been destroyed. She knew now that she would never get her Oni back.

Don’t blame yourself Myst… obviously Oni’s time came…” Ayra said shakily. Mystica sniffed again and rubbed her eyes. Ayra did the same.

Come on Ayra, let’s go help in the battle. Give Fasgo what for! Get revenge for Oni’s death!”

Yeah! Lets go kick some evil guy butt!”