The Reign of the Dranonica

Chapter 31 – War for justice

Fasgo had turned into a raving maniac. He was not going to let any one or any thing kill him. He slashed and snapped at any one that came near him.

We can only use arrows to inflict any damage on him! If we get close he will attack us and kill us!” Elira shouted out. Luckily, some of the Gerudo’s were armed with bows and arrows too and they fired at Fasgo along the side of Elira.

Fasgo howled and turned around in the direction of the fire and jumped in for the kill. Link took out his Hook shot and attacked with that.

What about us?” Janine asked, “Are we going to just stand here and do nothing?”

No, when he falls to the floor we run in for the attack! Weaken him more!” Ayra answered. More and more arrows dug themselves into Fasgo’s skin, Fasgo’s energy was running out and it slowed in his reactions to each fire.

I cannot be beaten…” Fasgo shuddered as more arrows punctured his back. He curled up into a ball and began to shiver; he was trying to regain some energy.

Janine, Ayra and Mystica ran in and slashed at his back. Fasgo howled and fell forward. He lay on his stomach for a while, growling and frothing at the mouth.

He then jumped back up to the surprisement of everyone. He began to howl again.

If I die… You are going to die with me!” Fasgo raised his paws to the sky. He began to glow white and only his blood red eyes were visible.

With my power as a Sage, I will eliminate all living creatures on this earth! If I can’t live… No one can!”

Everyone backed away from the now insane Fasgo and prepared for another battle.

Fasgo then stopped glowing and held a ball of energy in his left paw. He hovered above the ground and glared at everyone underneath him.

Not even the power of the god can stop me now!” Fasgo laughed, “I am supreme! This should make Dranonica proud of me when I reach her in heaven.” Fasgo lifted his paw up higher, about to throw it to the ground, but a band of golden light stopped him from continuing. Then another two streaks of light came in and dissolved the ball of energy.

What… what’s going on?” Fasgo asked, surprised at the turn of events.

Its… it’s the gods!” Zelda squealed, pointing to the sky.

Sages! Fasgo’s power has been brought down to a minimum… we can now use our power to banish him to the evil realm!” Raru proclaimed with joy. Ruto, Impa, Nabooru, Darunia and Saria appeared on their special symbol and turned into their separate bands of light and flew off to the sight of the battle.

They circled around Fasgo, they rotated faster and faster until they created the warp portal to the evil realm. Fasgo roared and he tried to with strain from being absorbed into the realm.

He began to lift further into the air and then finally into the portal.

Just remember…” Fasgo shouted down at the army beneath him, “Only good souls go to heaven. Good souls not evil ones! Dranonica was evil… Her soul is still alive… You have not destroyed me completely… I will return!”

The Portal closed. A blast of light exploded from the point where Fasgo once stood and covered the land, repairing the buildings and towns to their original state before Dranonica and Fasgo appeared.

Its over… Finally… It really is over!” Mystica smiled. There was a loud cheer from the crowd and everyone began to whoop and applaud.

Yeah… But Oni is still dead…” Ayra sulked. Mystica wrapped an arm around her.

At least he died for justice Ayra,” Mystica comforted. Ayra nodded.

Well done Myst! Put it there, pal!” Link said holding his paw out to shake Mystica’s. Mystica shook his paw and smiled at Link.

We all deserve a good break now,” Janine piped up, “Let’s go have a party!”

Suddenly, Zelda ran up to Link and threw herself in his arms.

Oh Link! You saved me! You saved me from that big nasty Fasgo!” Zelda smiled and she went to kiss Link. Mystica began to fume and she deliberately tripped over and pushed into Zelda, both of them fell to the floor.

Oops! I’m sorry Zelda! I tripped!” Mystica apologized. She smirked.

You did that deliberately!” Zelda whinged, “I was about to kiss Link! I was this close!”

Wow… babe magnet!” Link chuffed. Janine, Elira and Ayra shook their heads.

Everyone appeared at Lon Lon Ranch to celebrate the victory. They partied all night. Mystica and Janine spiked the punch with alcohol and they drunk most of it and got totally drunk.

Oh dear…” Malon sighed, “My punch can do that? I don’t have any alcohol!”

No… But Janine and Mystica do…” Ayra laughed. Janine and Mystica pranced around laughing and dancing, badly, until they both fell asleep standing up.