Mother = Cassandra Svendave Father = Ch'onises Known Siblings = WhiteNight, Shara, Tomar. [NXF] Abdopted Siblings = Mule thunder [NXF] Timeline of NightKrawler. All time is positioned from point Zero (0) when he was 'born'. All time is also recorded in human years. 83 Demon years equal 1 human year. YEAR-----EVENT ===================================== -677031 Ch'Onises is spawned into existance. -32 Cassandra Svendave is born. -28 Cassandra Svendave murders her husband for betrayal in a sacrifical fashion. -18 Cassandra is sentanced to eternal damnation for murder. -18.5 Royal Incubi Ch'Onises, Overseer of the 6th Circle or torment, is subjected to overview her transport to her destination. -18.5 Ch'Onises kidnaps Cassandra to the 6th Circle's City of Dis, chaining her up and repeditively 'uses' her. -/+0 Cassandra births NightKrawler in an egg, and White Night with his spikes out as a punishment. +53 Night get's into a major fight with one of the brute guards, getting the distinctive scar down his right cheek/eye. +89-134 Night get's punished for not takin in souls for hell's army. +135.3 Night get's released from hell's 'prision'. +140.1 Forcefully enlisted into the HellFire Military Training. +157.0 Graduated HellFire Military Training with honors. (Around 1.89 years old relative age) +157.1 Personal training on shape shifting and gender shifting from Harpies +159.3 Experianced first developement into Incubi-Hood. (Around 1.92 years old relative age) +159.4 Forcefully shifted into both gendered forms, then raped several times over to breed into a fully active Incubi. +368.7 First non-training based kill. (Around 4.44 years old relative age) +494.6 Classified as a Royal Incubi broodling in training. (Around 5.96 years old relative age) +509.1 4-8th circle "Ring Revolutions" (Around 6.13 years old relative age) +562.8 Declaired as a HellBorne General at alarmingly young age. (Around 6.78 years old relative age) +782.6 Night Escapes hell when all training has been fully completed. (Around 9.43 years old relative age) +871.3 Night goes to an special orphanage for 'unique' children. (Around 10.49 years old relative age) +873.6 Night looses control and his powers erupt, leveling the orphanage and a chunk of a city block. (Around 10.53 years old relative age) +901.8 Night goes to mutant 'Correctional Facility for Mutants and SPB's*' on capture. *Super Power Being (Around 10.86 years old relative age) +1593.6 Night breaks free from the Correctional Facility for Mutants and SPB's. (Around 19.20 years old relative age) +1745.9 Night meets up with the X-Furs, and joins up. (Around 21.03 years old relative age) +1748.7 Night marrys up with Liz Braddock. (Around 21.07 years old relative age) +1750.4 Liz and Night birth Damien James Krawler (Around 21.09 years old relative age) +1752.3 Liz and Night birth Bonnie Tiffany Krawler (Around 21.11 years old relative age) +1754.6 Night is captured in a Dalengo's prision (Around 21.14 years old relative age) +1757.8 Night escapes the Dalengo's prision (Around 21.18 years old relative age)