The Victor Is...? Fanfic by NachT Krawler The air was stagnant still as the two creatures heaved heavy breaths. Lightening tore through the sky like wild fire as thunder rumbled the ground beneath their feet in its wake. Yet the two fighters didn't seem to notice anything but their opponents. Each other. On the one side there was a small SUV that was dented on one side from where its side smashed into a light post, other accompanied by a large smashed crater in it from top door frame to bottom door frame when a large object smashed into it, pushing the SUV into the light post in the first place. Destroyed buildings lay in rubble not far behind that. Smoke filtered the once beautiful skies, now just thick fogs of rain clouds and debris, ashes and fire lighting up the differences in the smoke's density. Across the ways, not even 40 feet down the street there was another building; an indoor parking tower from the looks of it. Least that's what the skeleton of the frame looked like it once was. Fires were broken out across the land, flames dancing within the carbon-laced air as if in some ballet of horror. Vehicles of all sorts and sizes were spewed in pieces, just the same color of tangled steel showing how far the once expensive and most likely alluring transport was blown into. The air was rather quiet however, with the exception of the roaring thunder still and the crackling of untamed fires, an occasional scream by a surviving civilian cracking till they were silenced; either by their own voice breaking or their bodies were ripped into pieces. But by who..? Over by the SUV, only the doul backswing doors showing it was a Chevy, was a tall, most well built female. Looked as if dragon, but the aura around her felt different. More dangerous. Deadly. Blood slowly creeping from the crevasses of misguided attacks and blocks not soon enough trickled. Armor cracked and twisted into the scaley flesh that be stood behind them. If it wasn't for the fact this 'lady' was bleeding, she would look nothing less then an all-powerful, invincible Goddess. A deep growl rumbled her throat as she spat out a spike of blood and saliva that mixed on her tongue. Eyes always locked on her opponent. The horns that stood intimidating above her ever watchful eyes, peering down her enemy as if blinking could end her life. Maybe it could, as seen by the damage that surrounded the area for miles on end. A glisten beamed its way through the fog and smoke like a beacon, the light beamed from the reflection of a sword. It was long, and was surprisingly mostly black, with white doul stripes cris-crossing each other on both flat ends. A demonic shaped skull was placed above the hilt, where a black jewel was laid to crest above her thick hands, the gloves of leather quietly cracking as the fingers grew taught, wings of angelic feathers fluttered, tail swaying in anticipation for the next move. She was a killer. A fighter. And one of the best at both. Thalinered was, and will always be the name that coarses under that combination. Down the ways, by the carport, was a shadowed figure. The lightening, once blue, would oddly enough flicker red when it was close enough. Male in physical body shape, the creature stood there with a long sword as well, a deep blue glow surrounding its alien symbol-enchanted flats. The red jewel that adorned above the small face in the hilt's crest, eyes glowing red, was glowing itself, misting a red smoke upwards to illuminate the shimmering and bloody armor of its master. Incarnations, chants, and curses spewed forth from the swords shadowed face as its eyes flared in rage, crying for more blood that teased its blades. Long horns hung long and curved from the temple areas on the shaded figure, but these horns were of steel, glistening with reflections of the lightening above head. Tattered cape of crimson dangled from its shoulders and several adorning of metal and fur meshed in pieces where blood of a crimson-black tint speckled the ground. Growls and threats in several languages met in unison in echoes within the creatures’ throat. The aura of this one wasn't any hero's either. Same dangerous feel to it. Also deadly. Demonic. The long tail with its elongated spade weaved side to side with its idle stride, eyes always locked onto the female. Funny part was there was a slight smirk, on the both of them. As if this hourly long battle was of pure enjoyment. Shredded bat-like wings hung from his back, holding their ground as the creatures logo glistened with life-fluid's glaze over it. A few thousand years old, this 'boy' in his brood was made for such things, among other. He was known by many names, but NachT was the one he chose best. Seconds went as years. Minutes as eons. Then, without warning, they both seemed to move just enough to trigger the other. As NachT sprung out his wings, tossing himself sword first towards Thal, she side-stepped to the right and ducking down, dodging the swords glowing blaze by just a hair, the sword digging down into the SUV's remaining hull. A precise kick from there knocked him down to the side with a loud snarl, sword dangling from the metal plating on the truck. A back roll by the armor-clad blue one shot him right out of the blade of Thal's sword slamming down into the ground. Flipping back, landing with legs spread apart, he tossed a hand forward, fingers spread. Something in demonic tongue was shouted out, echoing from seemingly every shadow in the facility before Thal's senses heard... felt, the air behind her cutting in half. A cleverly moved fall backwards to her back accompanied by the splits left the sword flying itself through her legs, just missing her torso by milli-seconds. She rolled to the side as the sword, Oni, clutched once again by the three fingered demon's claws. She took the offensive this time, jumping up and then swooping down, sword first towards his chest-plate. He crouched down, legs out, tail wrapping around the blade and tugging down as she moved down and forwards. With a fast and hard push up with both hands, he tossed her off her path of movement and used the sword like a sea-saw, slamming her into the ground. A grin smeared over her lips as a deep, bloody slit was cut deep into his tail at the point of sword-slip. They both staggered back up quickly. Exchanging blows with their swords, blocking most, but missing some on both ends, the sky filled once more with screams and groans as the blood soaked floor was getting another coating. NachT grabbed the stomach armor that was just weighing him down now and tossed it down, aggravated. "WaSssStEd PieccCcE Of sSssHiT!" A light sound, almost as if a giggle rang through her voice at this pissyness. Not letting a second more pass, she spun around, sword out, and clocked him in the side of the head with the butt of her sword's handle. Staggering around a moment, he shook his head to get everything from vibrating in his vision. Right as it came back, he saw the point of a sword flying just a bit to fast to dodge. Luckily, he had a few tricks he learned in his two-thousand plus years. Body un-solidifying, it went right through him, taking his helmet back. Hand tossing back, he caught the helmet by the closest metallic horn on it, holding it as the sword flew back more, landing a good 20 feet from Thalinered's reach. He took his turn for the attack this time, making a few swipes for her. Simple few dodges before she smacked both hands together on the flat parts of the blade, holding it tight. Flicking one elbow out, she clocked him in the lower jaw and pushed in her own hand, tugging the sword out of his hands. Within the same fluid motion, she swung it around by the blade before smashing the blade through his chest at a slight diagonal angle. Blood spurted out, black-red fluids oozing onto her armor, sizzling it with its acidic properties. That upper piece went up, just barely covering the more then ample sized breasts adorning her figure of muscles. A few chokes and gags were heard as NachT coughed up more blood, glaring up with a look that would make Nosferatu himself shiver, growling louder, yet it didn't even startle her. Nerves of steel this one had. She rounded her claws back and slashed a few gashed across his chest, but hit his bicep as he was blocking his face and ducked down slightly. A firm donkey kick followed up when she spun around, knocking him off balance from the gash. A loud screaming roar was heard, voices echoing within it in tones of both men and women, as well as children of all ages, crying in terror. The earth beneath their feet cracked and shook before it gave way, opening deep tunnels down into a fiery pit below. The shaking intensified as NachT chanted the hell-born powers deeper and more powerfully, causing Thalinered to fall off her feet. Both hands snapped together as a circle, as thin as a laser erupted from his wrists, widening out to about a 2 foot radius. Lines traced within the air around his wrists to form an upside-down pentagram. Without any more stalling, the ground below her glew bright, and two long lines, one longer then the other exploded beneath her. She fell back down, bruised and bloody into a trench that the upside-down cross shaped blast, groaning. Standing back up with little more then a more then aggravated tolerance, most of her armor burned off, she started to dash towards him, claws out, teeth bared. He yanked the sword out finally with a screech, wiping the blood off with his elongated tongue, the 3 tongue bars glistening with blood and saliva as she charged him. The wound in his chest slowly started smoking as the Brimstone in his body was recovering the wound, cauterizing it before any infection would even start to take place. Thal ran around in a curve, running out of Night's reach towards her sword. He tossed both arms back then forwards, screaming out some ballistic sounding chant as 4 knives flew out. Each knife was a different shape, and all four as well were flying their own paths, even changing direction slightly to swerve towards her as they cried for blood as well. The cia-knives were ruthless killer's souls entrapped into a hell-cut blade enchanted for such a reason. Thal, using her keen senses and unmatchable training, out dodged the first two, Suicide and Homicide. She halted in her tracks as Genocide spun right past her muzzle, leaving a slight red mark from the cursed knives butchers’ blade. Deicide, killer of Gods however, was more cunning and was chanting itself closer to her destination. Spanning her wings, she took air-born to dodge the blade that would have slashed its way into her kidney. But right as she went airborne, she looked to the right to find NachT, but he wasn't there. Then, she looked up to see him hovering in the air, wings out, and Oni, his sword flying towards her. Without time to react, it pierced downwards through both of her wings and pinned her down just a bit from her own weapon. He darted over towards her as he grinned ear to ear. Hooking his tail around her left leg, he held her back just a bit. Tossing her right shoulder forwards, reaching for the sword, NachT grabbed her hair and tugged back, forcing her to be just inches away from what could very well turn the tide of this battle. "MmmMmmMmm...wElL WeLl wElL.. nOw WhAt To dO...”: he hesitated just a moment before slicing a few straps that were adorning his lower armor. Tugging the forward loin-cloth to the side, he pushed on forward. A groan was heard, mostly from humiliation of loosening the battle then the pain, but pleasure was just under her breath. Pumping slowly but deeply, he made sure she felt each throbbing centimeter of his 18 inch shaft. He felt those wonderful walls of slickened, excited muscles tighten around, giving the ladder bars ribbed through his organ a struggle to move. That was the even more exciting part... the struggle to get to this. She leaned forwards further, claws dangling in struggle for the handle, which she could swear was under her talons if not for the fact they were scratching just dirt. It pained her to suffer this defeat, and that was only the icing on the cake for the demon. Humiliation was in his blood to do onto others, and for a warrior of Thal's stature, a victory was all well to enjoyed. Tossing her tail over his shoulder plate, and tugging it back with his opposite hand to his back-side, he held everything in place. Her claws pushed her forwards, just a bit more and she would have it. But right as she felt the handle's surface under her claw tips, he tugged her back deeper onto his rod, pushing on through the tight chasm. Knot already peeking from the sheath, he struggled to remain in control of the situation as precum was oozing out into her body. He felt her own juices lubing up his meat, keeping her pinned down tightly as she struggled fruitlessly for her blade. The demon tugged Thal back one last time before slipping his knot into her, it swelling. With that, he let go of her hair and leg, letting her free with the exception of the knot. She reached forwards desperately, but he leaned back, pulling her back by the hips. Finally, the peak moment came as did he, releasing thick, heavy loads of his seed into her body. A light sheen of sweat glistened his blue fur down as she relaxed, no longer reaching for the sword. She placed a hand down gently between her legs and slid him out with a wet schlop sound, fluids oozing down to pool up the ground. Thalinered turned over onto her back, huffing for breath as she spoke softly, "Well now... *pant*... Score’s even. Tie breaker?" He grinned ear to ear as his eyes melded back golden yellow. "You’re on!" THE END... for now Thalinered (C) Megan M. NachT + Story (C) NK2K4 ; Mike Losik Dec. 9, 2004 1 Hour 35 minutes ~N~