Fan Fiction Claudia tapped the blunt end of her paintbrush against her chin as she stepped back from the easel to examine the painted. She 6’0 with long light blue hair, with lushes green eyes. Her brown cat ears peering from her hair. Her tanned skin, with her long brown tail. In frustration she turned away from it. The commissioned work needed to be done in two days and at the rate inspiration was coming to her she would be done in two years. She had been producing cover art for Romance novels for a long time now and after awhile the hero and heroine all began to look alike wasn’t able to capture the fire in their looks like she had when she was young, eager kitten looking for her big break. Needing to get away from the work before she painted a mustache on the heroine, she walked out onto the deck of her seaside cottage. She leaned over the deck railing and gazed out as the sun set over the Pacific Ocean. It was a beautiful sight and promised to be a perfect night. She reached for her drawing pad and pastels she had left out on the deck early that day. With a few quick strokes of the pastels she was about to capture the essence of the sunset. As the sun dipped below the horizon she tossed the sketchpad back on the chair and put her pastels back in the box. Nothing, no inspiration, no fire, just a series of colors scrawled onto a paper. She wanted life, fire, desire, and most of all passion. Turning away from the darkening sky she though a hot shower and night of watching romantic videos would help. Just as she put her hand on the sliding glass door she heard someone call her name. She looked over her shoulder to see who it was. It was Fang, “Hi Fang,” she called as she waved to her husband. That had just gotten home from his day at the anima studio. “Claudia, glad to see you honey,” Fang said as he started up the stairs of the deck with his tail swaying from side to side. Claudia walked up to him putting her arms around his strong neck, and slowly kissing him. Fang slowly bang to rub her tail slowly with his fingers. Claudia knew Fang to be smart, and very handsome for his kind. At 7”, a handsome young wolf, with brown shiny fur, with golden eyes. Fang grinned. Fang reached over and rubbed her cheek. “Yea got a bit of paint there. Did I disturb your work?” “Nope, can’t seem to get much inspiration. I think I have been doing this type of work too long. Can’t seem to get the right inspiration for this cover.” “I think you need a break. How about I got get us a bottle I go get us a bottle of this great new wine I found at a fabulous upstate winery. We can sit on the beach, watch the waves roll in, and you can forget about your painting and I can forget about…hmmm…my script?” He winked at Claudia. “Sure, Fang, sounds like a great idea. I’ll go get a blanket.” “Okay, meet you on beach in a few.” With that he turned and walked back down to the car. Claudia paused before going into get the blanket the departing scenery was just too good to miss. Fang had to have the best looking ass she had ever seen. Sighing, she went into the cottage to get the towel and changed out of her painting slacks and over-sized shirt to a softly pleated gauze dress. She unbound her hair and let the amber tresses fall over her shoulders. When she got out to the beach Fang was already there, standing at the water’s edge, letting the waves gently lap against his feet and ankles. Claudia joined him. “Beautiful night, huh?” Fang asked as he looked up as the stars winked into view. “It sure is.” They spent the next hour or so sitting on the blanket, sipping the wine Fang had brought. Claudia told him about her frustration with the current work she was doing and how she wanted to wanted to move on to something else, or at least in addition to what she was doing. Fang told her about how he was going with his anima studio. He sitting on the blanket, his knees bent and his long arms wrapped around his legs, tapping his empty wineglass against his leg. Claudia stretched her arms, her tail stretches. When her body goes to its relaxed state her tail slow waves to the beat of the crashing waves. She had not felt this good in many months. The breeze off the ocean was warm and carried the refreshing scent of salt water. Stars sparkled like diamonds on the black velvet in sky. The cares of the day slipped away. “Want some more wine?” Fang asked as he picked up the bottle in his furry hand. “I don’t think I should. I have had two that is my limit. I feel relaxed, just right.” She smiled at him. “I know what you mean.” Fang said as he put down the bottle and shoved the cork in with ease. “How’s about a walk?” “Great idea,” Claudia said as she watched Fang stand to his feet, waving his tail as he offered her a hand to help her up. “Thanks.” They walked along the beach for awhile in silence, arm in arm, tail in tail, taking in the beauty of the night. A crescent moon hung over the ocean, and in the distance clouds formed, harbingers of a storm that would be rolling over the beach in a few hours. Claudia moved closer to the water, letting the waves lick at her feet and ankles. Fang joined her, but walked a bit further out into the water letting the water soak his hot fur. “Come on, it’s great.” Claudia giggled as the wine, the night, and the joy of being in the company of such a great looking wolf took effect. “You think, so, huh?” “Sure,” Fang said as he bent over and flicked a bit of water on her legs, getting some of the hem of her skirt. “Hey, two can play that game!” Claudia pulled up the hem of her skirt and used her foot to splash water on Fang’s furry legs. Then Fang splashed her, she slashed him, and soon they were both wet to the waist and laughing like two kids. Fang felt exhilarated and he could see by the broad grin on Claudia’s face that he was having just as much as she was. Before she knew what she doing, she pushed at Fang’s hard rock chest, sending him stumbling backwards. Se broke out in another fit of laughter as she saw the look of mock indignation on his face- his eyes sparkling with glee. He came up out of the shallow water, his fur saturated. “So, it’s going to be that way, huh?” Fang said as he reached over and caught Claudia by the ankles and tugged. “You wanna get the wet pussycat?” Claudia thought she was already wet, but not in the way he meant. “Why sir,” she said in an imitation southern accent, “you wouldn’t do that to a lady like now would you?” “Just try me!” Fang said as he released her ankles, got to his knees, grabbing her around the waist, and pulled her down. Claudia went to her knees, the cold ocean water covering her legs, and tail, but the chill was not enough to put out the fire growing in all other parts of her kitty body. Fang pulled her to him, pressing one hand into the small of her back rubbing her tail, and the other, brushing a few stray hairs away from her cheek. “May I?” he asked, his voice deep and husky, carrying a clear message. “Yes please do, she whispered, knowing what he wanted and wanting it herself. Fang lowered his head towards hers, taking him time, closing his golden eyes slowly. She could feel his breath caress her skin as he moved closer. Then his lips touched hers and it was as if an electric shock sparked between them. His lip soft, hot, and eagerly took possession of her as he kissed her. She pressed her body to his, suddenly hungry for him. Their tails moved around eagerly in this moment of passion. With the waves lapping at their lower bodies it was so right. She wrapped her arms around him, running one hand through his tussled fur and the other hand up and down his back, feeling the muscles moves threw the fur and respond to her touch. Enjoying the closeness of his body as they pressed into each other. Fang deepened the kiss, opening his mouth slightly ad pressing his tongue against her lips. Claudia responded instantly by opening her mouth and acceptation his probing. She sucked on his tongue gently, moving her own over and under his. He then retreated his tongue, but sucked on hers. Drawing it deep into his mouth. She moved her tongue over his, across the roof of his mouth, then under his tongue. They continued like this, sucking on each other’s tongue, kissing deeply, tasting each other moaning softly into each other’s mouth. Coming apart so they could take a deep breath, they stared into each other’s eyes. “I love kissing you kitten,” Fang said as he moved his fingers over her face, tracing an intricate pattern over her cheeks, chin, and lips. “No need to say anything, Claudia,” Fang said as he realized her and got to his feet. “But….” He placed his finger on her lips as he once again helped her to her feet. She took his hand away. “Fang, make love to me.” She said. “Are you sure,” she nodded. “Then come here,” he said as he opened his arms. Claudia did as he asked, but instead of taking her into his arms, he turned her so she looked out at the vast expanse of the ocean. “Walk out a bit further,” he whispered in her ear. She did as instructed walking out into the ocean until the water came up to her mid thighs. The skirt of her gauze dress floated around her legs, spreading out like some kinda of exotic sea flower bobbing on the waves. Her tail swayed back and forth in the water. For a cat she loved the water. HE moved to stand behind her and then reached down, cupping his hand. He scooped up some water and then moved his hands over her breasts, cupping each one. The cold water sent a shock throughout Claudia as her nipples hardened instantly against the cold of the water and the head of his paws. Bending his head to nuzzle at her neck, he massaged her breasts, flattening his palm over the hard buds of her nipples, then moving his fingers from the edge of her breasts to the tip, squeezing the nipple. A rush of excitement coursed throughout Claudia as she pushed back against him, feeling his hard furry chest mold itself to her back. His breath was hot on her neck; his fingers and hands worked magic on her breasts. She floated in a world apart, just as her skirt floated on the gentle waves, letting her tails drift in the waves. The tide was coming in and the waves were getting stronger, pushing at her. Fang let go of her breasts and turned her to him, immediately taking possession of her lips as they kissed deeply once more. His hands were between them, working at the laces that bound the front of her dress together. He soon had them undone and broke the kiss to lower his head, kissing and licking his way down her neck, across the top of her breast, then reaching under it, he lifted it slightly before wrapping his mouth around the hard, taut nipple. Claudia arched her back to him, feeling her tail go in the air. Pressing his head closer to her, wanting him to take her entire breast into his mouth. He sucked hard, pulling at the nipple with his teeth, then sucking the surround skin into his mouth, flicking at the nipple with his tongue. Claudia closed her eyes as the gentle rhythm of the ocean waves pulsed against her in time to Fang’s soft sucking. She wanted to freeze time; to save this moment of ecstasy and find a way to translate the magic into something permanent. Claudia gave out a sob as Fang removed his mouth from her breasts. He stood up and backed away from her a bit. “Pull the top part of your dress down, but leave the skirt like it is. I like seeing it floating on the water. You look like a sea nymph, with your hair all tousled like that, you are tail and ears damp. You should paint yourself this way-my angel of the sea.” Thrilled by the scene by the wolf, by the uninhibited joy of the moment, Claudia did as he asked. Lowering the top of her dress. His muscles were well defined and flexed gently as he moved. From the expression on his face, a boyish grin, he knew he was tauting her. Claudia licked her lips in anticipation as he moved his fur. She felt a rush of desire flow out of her as his cock came into view. He walked over to her, took her hand, and placed it on his erection. It felt even better than it looked. Claudia ran her hand along the shaft, the thickness pulsed. The waves washed over his hot fur as she pushed her hand down on the base, then moved her hand up, stopping just below the head. Fang moved closer, reaching his hand under the folds of the floating skirt he found what he was looking for as he moved his fingers over the damp curls just above the juncture of her body and legs. He twirled the hair around his fingers pulling on them, stroking the tender flesh beneath. He moved his hand lower, pushing open the soft folds of flesh, opening her as the waves licked at her opening. Chills of desire ran through her body at the interplay of sensations- the heat of her body and the chill of the ocean waves. “Like this?” he whispered into her ear as he licked up her ear. “God, YES,” she whimpered as she rested her head on his shoulder for support. She was not sure how much longer her legs would support her. “Good, then I’m sure you’ll like this,” as he spoke he moved a finger on either side of her outer lips, then pressed them together capturing her clit beneath them. Claudia’s breath caught in her throat as he rubbed back and forth on her lips, pressing them onto her clit. She rocked her hips back and further on his hand, her desire building as her clit became more and more sensitive, the blood building up in her. Then he released the pressure and moved his fingers to her opening, pressing his palm on the flesh around her clit. The water was on his hand and her opening now, adding to the sensory overload. Fang slipped a finger inside, moving it deep into her, stroking at the hot, slick, hungry, pulsing vaginal walls. Claudia arched her back again pushing her tail onto his chest, and tugged hard on his cock in reaction to his finger being inside her. He moved it slowly in and out, back and forth, reaching as far into her as he could. He then moved another finger into her, filling her, exploring her depths. He gently rocked his fingers in and out in perfect timing to the waves that moved across both of them. The wind had picked up and so hard the waves, beating against them as the tide rose. In the distance were soft claps of thunder. Soon the beach would be soaked in rain, but for now, all Claudia wanted to do was give in to the storm that raged within her. “I want you,” she whispered to Fang. “Your wish, my dear,” he said as he turned his head to kiss her cheek, “is my command.” Fang moved them around so he was facing the open sea and she was looking at the deserted beach. He moved the floating skirt out of his way and reaching around to take hold of her hips, he lifted her up. She wrapped her arms around his neck and lifted her legs allowing the buoyancy of the water and his hands to hold her up. He positioned her legs on either side of his waist, them moved closer. Claudia reaches between them and guided his cock to her lips, pausing for a moment to run the head over her clit. He body lurched as a bolt of desire moved from her clit through her. She moved her hand as the tip of his cock found her opening. A stronger wave washed over them, pushing her onto his cock, moving her body closer to his, driving him deeper. Neither one of them moved, they allowed the force of the oncoming waves to drive her down onto him. Then, when he was completely in her, he began to move. As the wave came over them, he would pull her towards him, driving his cock into her pulsing opening, and then he would relax until the next wave came. The ocean responded to their mounting desire and the waves became stronger, Fang stroked into her during the pauses between the waves, increasing their tempo. One hard stroke with the wave, one pounding on his own during the lull. Claudia arched her back, having wrapped her legs around Fang’s waist; she could lean back and give him access to her breasts. He sucked on one, then the other, always keeping in time to the pulse of the ocean. An animal lust began to grow in Claudia. She felt at one with the nature, driven on by the power of the ocean and the power of her own desire melded wit that of Fang’s. They grunted and groaned to each other, babbling incoherent words. Then Claudia could feel it building in her, she pulled Fang’s head down onto her breasts and forced herself down on his cock, pulling him closer with her legs. Then it was on her, as the walls of the vagina pulsed around his hardness, stroking on him, sending ripples of pleasure up from her center through her body, and then out to the ocean itself. The waves responded by becoming harder as the water rose. Fang reached around, took her hands from his neck, and lowered her so she floating on the water, her legs still clasped around his hips. He releases her arms and Claudia began to move them to keep her afloat. Making her tail wave around faster to keep her body afloat. Fang grabbed hold of her hips and drove into her as a wave forced her down on him. He pounded into her, driving himself deep, driving her higher levels of ecstasy. They were one with the ocean, giving over to her power and the desire in them. Claudia looked up to see the expression on Fang’s face. His eyes closed and straining. He drove himself deep into her. Moving her against him, his cock moving almost out of her and then being driven deeper inside as another wave pushed her on him. Fang began to growl softly and Claudia knew he was close. She clamped down on him as he stroked into her, her own release so close. Fang let out a loud howl and buried himself as deep as he could. Claudia felt him jerk as he came in her; his hot cum like a molten rain pouring into her. She squeezed down on him hard as another orgasm spread across her body. As Fang came down from his orgasm, he rocked into Claudia softly, smiling down at her with his golden eyes. “You are a sea angel, my dear.” Claudia smiled as the waves moved her effortlessly over his still pulsing cock. She relaxed completely, letting the beauty and wonder of the night pour over her and become embedded in her memory. A loud clap of thunder drew their attention. Fang released his grip on her hips and helped her to stand up. They kissed until another clap of thunder warned them the storm’s imminent arrival. Back at the cottage they took a long hot shower together, then spent the rest of the night in each other’s arms, finding out what, besides seawater, and turned the other on. Two weeks later Claudia got a call from her agent. The publishers loved the new cover for “Paradise by the Sea” and had renewed her contract with a heft raise in her fee. They also wanted to know where she got the inspiration for the great new cover idea-the one about the couple making love in the ocean. Claudia looked over at a sleeping Fang and knew just where she had gotten that idea- and many more that would keep her inspired for years to come. By: Andrea Therese Lanzotti =^_^=