“They’re here finally,” Claudia jumped up and down in her schoolgirl uniform. “The Werewolves, they’re finally coming to my home town. I can’t wait to call Sheena and Karin,” Claudia was an average schoolgirl, having a favorite rock band to hear play. To her there was only one band, and they were The Werewolves. She did not need the Backstreet Boys, or Smash Mouth, or any other of those bands, she had her own band to love. Claudia was 6’0 with long light blue hair, with lushes green eyes. Her brown cat ears peering from her hair. Her tanned skin, with her long brown tail, her nicely shaped breasts fit her figure, her sweet figure. Not your totally average girl but beautiful none the same. For a girl with cat like features it did not stop her from getting a date in school. Claudia ran to the phone at once to call her girlfriends Sheena and Karin. Claudia ran so fast down the steps she tripped on the last one making her fall to the floor. “Ouch, better slow up or I cant’ go to the concert,” she rubbed her knees and stood up slowly. She carefully walked towards the phone. When she reached out for the phone it rang out in a loud jingle. Claudia picked up it without haste, putting it to her ear. “Hello,” Claudia said softly. “Hey, its me Karin, Guess what you wont believe this, but The Werewolves ARE HERE!” she rang out with happiness. “I know, I got tickets to go see them, do you want to go with me on Friday,” she asked, while rapping the phone cord around her fingers. “Would I ever!!” the two girls rang with excitement. “Okay, I will pick you up at 6:30 to go see them. I am asking Sheena to come too,” Karin gave a soft groan. “Oh come on she is not that bad,” Claudia said hastily. “All right but if she gets bitchy with me, I will punch her,” growled Karin. “All right, but don’t start anything in my car, you got me into an accident last time.” Claudia reminded her. “Well see you Friday, be ready at 6:30 SHARP.” “I will be just make sure pain is ready too,” said Karin. “Yes, yes well bye,” Claudia hung up the phone, thinking of how to keep those two happy when they were around each other. “Was it a mistake, I mean asking Karin and Sheena to come,” She thought, and picked up the phone, slowly dialing Sheena’s number. Claudia put the phone back up to her hear, and after about 5 rings an answering machine came on. “Hello this is Sheena, I am not at home right now so just leave a message and if it is worth calling back for I will call you back,” the message stopped and a beep clicked. “Hey, Sheena its me Claudia, got tickets to The Werewolves, you better come, its at 6:30 Friday, you better be ready. I am going to pick you up, see ya,” Claudia hung up the phone. “Sheesh, what a mean message, Karin was right she is bitchy.” Claudia shrugged her shoulders, walking into the kitchen for a nice tuna fish sandwich. It was finally Friday; Claudia was now in the shower getting ready. She was washing her hair, with the radio blasting one of The Werewolves top songs, “Don’t Hate Me My Werewolf Baby.” She hummed the words then began to scream the words out of her mouth. When the song ended Claudia hopped out of the shower, grabbing a nice soft cotton towel in her hands. She bent over, putting the towel on her head. She wrapped another towel around her body. She grabbed the hair curler and put her hair in curls. Grabbing all the make-up she owned she put on her lipstick, blush, mascara. She smiled and seen that the red on her lips brought out her beautiful eyes. “Now that’s done what to wear.” Claudia walked out of the bathroom making her whole bedroom fill with fog. “I know my black mini skirt with my lavender top.” She smiled and pulled out her bra and panties. She pulled her bra up and snapped the back; she pulled up her panties, pulling her tail out the back of it. Claudia got into her high heels, not to high she was already 6’0. The out fit was so her, so tight yet so comfortable. It was already 6:05 time for her to go get the girls. Claudia grabbed all her stuff. As she started towards the door, she turned back and said, “Did I forget anything, Shit my car keys,” she ran back and grabbed them. She patted her kitten Fang on the head. She named the kitten that because of her favorite bandleader, Fang. “I will see you later baby, I am going to go party.” The kitten purred at Claudia’s touch, and gave her a meow to tell her goodbye. Claudia wasted no time in putting the petal to the metal to get her friends and go to the concert. Her first stop was Karin’s house. Claudia turned the radio on full blast, making the windows in the car shake. “I knew it before the world ended,” she was mumbling the words. When she got to Karin’s house, Claudia just honked the horn, making Karin run out without her shoes on. “Dang wait a second Claudia,” she said with a gasp for air. “Sorry but its 6:25, I still have to pick up Sheena.” Claudia muttered. They made it to Sheena’s house in record timing because of Claudia’s heavy foot. Sheena was already waiting outside her house sitting on the doorstep in a pair of dirty jeans, and an old black shirt. “Come on, you did not even dress up,” screamed Karin. Claudia could see a fight starting already. “Come on we don’t want to miss Fang,” Claudia sighed. “Fang, ha, I want Calvin, I liked Fang in the beginning, but he became to wanting, I like Calvin more,” sneered Sheena. “Well Alexander is who I want, he is so handsome,” she purred. The girls went on and on the hole way there, about whom was better. When they got there, the place was packed. They found a parking place in the way back of the parking lot. “Great we gotta walk,” groaned Sheena. Claudia just sighed, walking to the gate. “Tickets please,” said the cashier. Claudia looked threw her purse and found the tickets handing them to the cashier. “First row on the left seats 6A, 7A, 8A,” he said with a groan. “What’s wrong with him,” said Claudia. “He hates his job, there are no bathroom breaks,” smirked Sheena. The girls hurried to their seats, looking all around looking for a small showing of their band’s faces. It was 7:00 time for the show, Claudia, Sheena, and Karin sat in there seats grabbing the chair arms waiting to see the band. “Hello Ladies, I know you can’t wait to hear The Werewolves but we have a giveaway before we begin. Here it is. If you are the lucky girl that is sitting in the seat I say, you will go and meet The Werewolves in person after the concert, and you can bring two friends.” The girls all screamed with anticipation. “Okay ladies, here it is, the girl who is sitting in seat number 6A, please meet me up on stage.” Claudia looked at her seat and screamed. “ME I AM GOING TO MEET THE WEREWOLVES!” Karin and Sheena screamed and followed Claudia up on stage. “Well what beautiful ladies we got here. What’s your names,” said the Announcer handing Claudia the mic. “My name is Claudia, and these are my friends, Sheena and Karin.” “HI!!!!,” screamed the two girls. “Well you are the girls who will see the bad after the show. Go back and sit and wait there until I call you back up here after the show,” he said. The girls ran back down and waited for the concert to end. It was amazing; they were going to talk to the band in person. Claudia’s arms got goose bumps all over. Claudia could hear the band playing but her mind was not on that, it was on meeting Fang. She thought it over and over in her mind. Maybe, kiss him. That thought made her get a little wet in her panties; she kept that thought to a minimum. Soon the concert was over and the announcer walked over to them, and walked them down to meet the band. The girls giggled all the way there. The man opened the door slowly, and when it was completely open the girls could see the band clear as day. It was them The Werewolves. “Hi, girls,” Fang said with a smile. “Hey, Girls please to met some of our fans,” grinned Alexander. “Well, well, what fine looking girls,” whistled Calvin. “Hey do not mind him he is an ass some of the time,” Fang waved him off. “My name is Claudia, this is Karin, and Sheena,” she pointed to the girls standing behind her giggling their brains out. “Don’t mind them either,” Claudia shocks her head. “Come on in sit down,” Claudia sat down next to Fang, while Karin sat next to Alex, and Sheena sat next to Calvin. Calvin put his arm around Sheena’s shoulders. Fang looked at his comrades, and whispered into Claudia’s ear, “Wanna go some where that’s more private. I don’t like seeing those two in action.” Claudia giggled and agreed. She hated seeing her friends act like morons, especially around guys. Fang took Claudia by the hand, walking down past the parking lot and into his tour bus. He helped her up the steps, and showed her around. They sat down next to each other on the soft couch. “So you Claudia what do you do in your spare time,” Fang asked her regular questions. Claudia told him all about her life, that lasted a good 30 minutes. “Well from what you’re telling me, I wouldn’t mind going on a date with you.” Fang smiled at Claudia. Fang was really serious about relationships. That is why when he said that Claudia smiled and knew he was not lying. The two began to snuggle and hug, Claudia was in pairdes. It was the best night of her life. She was with the man of her dreams. “Fang, can we really be together,” she asked. “Yes Claudia, I would love that so much,” he moved a stray piece of hair from her face. He kissed her gently on the lips. Claudia’s tail stood on end. It was so wonderful, feeling his lips on hers. He moved his hands to her sides, slowly rubbing them. Claudia placed her hands on his back, rubbing his fur between her fingers. Claudia knew what was happening and she didn’t want to stop it. Fang looked into her eyes and asked, “Are you sure, I can stop at anytime.” Claudia didn’t want it to stop, so she softly said, “No.” Fang rubbed his hands slowly all over her body. Slowly rubbing under her shirt. Claudia purred waving her tail from side to side.