Just Another Day At Nahima's Pern Corner Nahima: Alright everyone, I called this meeting to get your opinon on my new book. Demon: Lady Nahima how are you? Chechu: MISSSSSSSSS NAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! Metal: Pern? Where, give me the PERN!!!! Mike: I got it right here in my back pocket! Evan: Can I see Mike? Rob: No no, I gotta see it! Redwolf: ME TOOO!!! Nahima: Guys Come on now we.... Metal: HEY THERE IS A CENTER FOLD OF NAHIMA IN HERE!!! Everyone: WHERE!? LET ME SEE! (they all peer into the center of the Genus Mag) Nahima: (growls) THAT WAS A MISTAKE RED SENT IT IN NOT ME! Evan: But you are beautiful my dear... (lick lick) Metal: Sure..... Nah Mike: (hums Pern Pern) Demon: Having fun yet Nah? Redwolf: I know its good I drew it, I mean umm my friend drew it yeah. (sweat drips down his forehead) Nahima: So you did send that picture of me in, with me in the hot tub?! Everyone: A HOT TUB? This one is of her on a bear skin rug...... Nahima: WHAT?! RED!!!!! Redwolf: Gotta GO! (runs away)