Q: Hi, how are you? A: I feel a bit on the fluffy side but good. Q: Tell us a bit about who you are and what you do. A: My name is Nahima Heiki, I am a panther/silver fox. I am a poet and writer. Q: What involvement do you have with “Redwolf’s Den”? A: I am the writer at Redwolf's Den. I am writing the story Mystic Realm Q: What projects are you currently working on? A: I am working on chapter 8 of Mystic Realm, a short for Beast Cronicals, and a few drawings here and there. Q: How will these affect “Redwolf’s Den”? A: Just got me really started on my novel and has given me a reason to write. Q: Why hasn’t “Redwolf’s Den” been updated in the past few months? A: I have been working on Chapter 8 slowly. It seems to be one of the hardest chapters and I want to make sure I can go some with it after it is finished so those are my reasons why it hasn't been updated. Q: What will become of “Mystic Realm” and “Redwolf’s Den”? A: For now Mystic Realm is at a stand still, making a bit of a stand still on Redwolf's Den but I think once I get chapter 8 up and running the site will be back and running. Q: Anything else you would like the public to know? A: I would like to give a Meow out to all my fans thanking them for their Time and patients. I would also like to say, that the cat is starting to come out of the bag with people guessing about my story. Keep up the good work guys. (and gals) Also, I would like to say, I think the story is going along purrrrrrrrfect. Q: Thanks for your time. A: Thank you, *Nahima hops in her basket, flying off into the sky* ^_^