*********************************************************************** DISCLAIMER - This chapter contains mild references to homosexuality and love between a sentient, intelligent wolf-man and a human. Any who would be insulted by this, or any children under 18 years of age (or 21 in certain areas) should NOT read this story, and by reading past this point, you afirm that you are legally mature and able to handle the subjects mentioned above. Also, the writer is not responsible for any problems which arise by not complying with this warning. Thank you for your patience, and I hope you enjoy. *********************************************************************** Chapter 2 - Sanctuary "Come, we cannot rest here any longer, or we will surely be found." I stand up, reluctantly, as my Mazuku friend urges me onward. How far will we be walking, I wonder? His people's land can't be close to here, or they'd have been found long ago. I brush off my trousers and shirt, a bit less than stable on my feet. I stumble forward on shaky legs, still feeling weak, dizzy... I don't remember anything, after that, but my eyes open to stare directly into his. "Wha..." "You fainted again... it appears as though I pushed you too hard. I am sorry." I shake my head, letting him know it's not his fault. He had been right, if we don't move from here, we'll be hunted down and found. And there would be far worse in store for him if that were to happen. I can't stand to see him hurt anymore. "L... leave... m-me..." I manage to whisper. "Leave you?!" He yells, quite loud and gutteral to my ears, it shocks me to hear it. The rest of his words are quieter, though whether to settle me, or to keep our position secret, I cannot tell. "I cannot leave you here, after you risked your very life to allow me passage from that abominable prison. I will not leave you behind, and that is final." I feel... relieved, somewhat, to know that he cares for me still. Yet, for how long would we both have to wait in fear of being captured before we are safe, if we are ever even to be safe. Without any warning to him, I sit up, and stand, balancing myself against a tree, and walking forward. "Stop!" He yells at me. I don't listen to him, I just keep going. "W... we have to.... move on..." I strain to get the words from my lips, yet, as his hand touches my shoulder, I lose my will, and stop as he says. "You should know, you were heading back to the beach." I look to him, confused, then back, and though I cannot see it, by the direction of the sun I know he is right. I break down laughing, falling backwards in my enthusiasm. He seems to smile again, and sets himself down next to me. "Come, you need your strength, I've still a few fruits left." He takes the sachel of leaves from his back, untying it and handing me two bananas, and a coconut. "Eat well, then we shall continue on. I have no more wish to be in this forest any longer than you." I nod to him, gratefully peeling and feeding upon the bananas... then wondering how to unlock the secrets of this coconut he's given to me. I see him pound his over a wooden log, then tip it over his lips, watching the white milk of the coconut flow down his throat... which gives me a few ideas to say the least, but none of them having to do with food. I put it past my thoughts, concentrating on how to get my own drink from this forbidden meal. He looks over as the last few drops of sweet coconut milk flow into his mouth, and smiles at me. "Here, you must do it this way." And with that, he takes my coconut, and shows me the log he had used. It has a large notch on it, sticking out from the log to a point. After displaying this to me, he takes my coconut, and slams it down over the top of the notch. I hear a splintering, and as he removes the coconut, he flips it over. "Drink from it." I smile, and do as he says, drinking every last bit of the juice from this fine gift. I see him with the coconut pressed to his lips, watching as his tongue delves deep inside it, finding all the nourishment hidden inside... and again my mind goes places it probably shouldn't. I glance down, seeing his wolf-like maleness, not quite hard, yet not quite soft either, yet as I watch, I see it rising, lengthening. Sometimes I WISH he wore clothing, because now my maleness was starting to mimic his. "Are you alright?" I hear... I close my eyes, and freeze on the spot. Great, now he's caught me staring at him... I keep my eyes closed, I can just imagine the look of disgust on his face... if he can even show disgust for me to see. I open my mouth to say something, but find it covered before I can. Opening my eyes in surprise, I see him, looking off in different directions at the jungle around us. I look around myself, afraid to find out what he's looking for. Without warning, I'm lifted into his arms, the sachel of leaves set in my lap, which I hold on to as he begins running at full speed through the thick, constraining trees around us. His grace is outstanding for a creature his size. I don't realize until we were some ways away that we are being chased. Rather, we are being hunted. I see them behind me, giving chase, climbing over and under low branches to get to their prey, us. It's a little unsettling to be prey, to be chased by one of your own kind. Though now, I am the enemy of my own kind, my race. I have no more time to think, within a few moments, I lose track of the hunters chasing us, and quite suddenly, the sun is at least three times as bright as usual. The Mazuku stops fast, and we quickly both realize what's been played out. "How could I not see this?" We both look across the wide open field of grass, and I'm sure his finely tuned ears can ear every footfall from every soldier surrounding the encircling tree-line. He growls a moment, then looks to his right, and bolts, with me in arms. I'm again surprised by his grace, as I feel hardly any jolting or bumping all through his run, and as he reaches the trees, I see his reasoning. Two other Mazuku! They look distinctly like him, but after the close look I've had at my rescuer and rescuee, I'll never forget his own, personal appearance. I barely notice the near hundred human soldiers rushing at us, along with the nearly ten Mazuku giving us a grand escort out of the area. I focus my eyes on the Mazuku carrying me. Does he actually care if I live or die? Or is this just repayment for my saving him? I don't get time to think further, before I know where I am, it's dark beyond belief. I can't see an inch in front of my face, though judging by the pace this Mazuku is running, he can see rather well. I'm surprised by a pair of glowing eyes staring out of where his face must be. No wonder he could see so well, I should have known from the start. I don't hear anymore humans, only the ten or so Mazuku rushing around and beside me and my escort. A sudden, blinding flash of light forces my eyes shut, and a few moments later, I open them to see a lush forest. The beauty of this place makes it seem almost primal. All around, there are trees tall and strong, many of them with ferns growing at their feet. The smell is enchanting, a mixture of herbs and of bare, untouched nature. "This is my home." Says my rescuer. I look around again, yet find no houses, no tents, not even a hollowed out log or a hole in the ground. I am about to ask him where he lives among this forest, when another of the Mazuku walks forward and speaks to him. It's a language I can't understand, a language completely alien to me, most likely alien to all human kind. When they finish their discussion, I decide to intervene. "What were you saying?" I ask. "Oh, he simply asked if I am alright. Thanks to you, I am." I blush slightly, not expecting such a complement. "Well, this seems quite an escort for you, especially because they didn't know you would be there." "Oh, they knew." He remarks crypticly. Before I have a chance to ask what he meant, I'm released, set on the ground, and brushed off by his hands/paws. After my friend speaks to the rest of the Mazuku assembled there, they leave, and he shows me around the forest. It's perfect. Not a single blemish on any tree, not a blade of grass out of place. It's as if this were a place of magic. I resolve to ask him further about this place tonight. Soon enough, I can hear the hooting of an owl, a sure sign that the sun will be setting soon. I had taken the time to walk through the forest, looking at everything with a sense of awe, but soon, night would come. I certainly did not want to be left out here at night, God only knows what foul creatures could hide in a forest of such bounty. It doesn't take me long to find my companion. He is sitting beside a large fire, with nearly fifty other Mazuku, some sitting and speaking in the odd tongue which I have yet to understand, and others up and dancing. From the looks of it, I would say that they are having some kind of celebration. I look on for a few moments, at the singing Mazuku, not a stitch of clothing on any of them. That explains why my friend has no clothing either. Soon, he notices me watching, stands, and begins walking my way. He seems to have an enchanting way of moving, his swaying tail catching my attention for a moment before I look up to his eyes. "I see you've found your way to our common area." He says to me, over the singing and talking I hear from nearer to the fire. All in that same language I've never heard before. "Yes, I'm glad I did before it got too late." I remark. "Oh, there's no danger for you around here. All of my people know of your presence here, and none will do anything to harm you." I'm pleased by this, at least I know I'm safe. "Where do you live, in this forest?" I skip ahead to my questions, so I can make sure they get answered. "My territory is in that direction," he says, pointing off into the distance somewhere, "you'll be stayign with me while you are here." "Alright." I reply. "I've also noticed that none are speaking English, as you are... why is that?" "Ah, you mean your language? My status is such that I am taught to speak fluently in the languages of humans. Not many of my kind are able to, even fewer are willing." I realize just now how difficult it must be for some of them to allow me into this place. I look down, and he must sense my uneasiness. "Do not be alarmed. You will not be harmed here, you have saved me, and I give you my deepest gratitude." The Mazuku bows before me, and I straighten uneasily at being paid such an honor, bowing back to him. "Um... what may I call you?" I ask him, to avoid a long, nervous pause on my part. "Hmmm... I doubt my name could be pronounced by your tongue..." He looks down, as though trying to decipher a horendous puzzle. "I'm willing to try, I have plenty of time." I offer to him, and he nods his approval. "Alright. I'll give you my name, to start," and after a short pause, he makes out a few syllables I've never heard, combinations of letters and sounds I probably could never reproduce, and a few growls that are probably too difficult for me to figure out how to say. The name isn't incredibly long, but it is a bit daunting to hear at once. He smiles to me, and simply states, "Just refer to me as 'Crvesh', it is the shortest recognizable form of my name." "Alright then.. Keravesh..." I still have to sound it out, and it's probably a horrible pronunciation to his ears, but he gives me a gentle smile anyway. "That is excellent, now, what may I call you by?" He asks me. "My name is Xavier." "Zavir?" He says, as though in question, I nod, and realize that he probably doesn't know my language as well as it has seemed up until now. All he has to go on is what his culture knows from before they were forced away. The long silence passes without my knowing, until a soft hand... or paw, I've yet to decide which it is more like... comes to rest on my shoulder, and snaps me back to reality. "I understand that we are safe now, but if you continue to drift off like that, I will wonder about your health." To these words, I laugh hysterically, and Crvesh joins me, seeming more light-hearted now than before, though it is probably because he's in his own land. Which reminds me of my reason for finding him. "Um, about tonight, you live... in that direction?" I point off into the wilderness, and he nods to me. "Yes, that way. Would you like to turn in for the night?" I nod to him, and he smiles. "Alright. I will join you, the day has been long for myself as well." Soon enough, he says his goodbyes to his friends and... perhaps relatives... by the campfire, and walks along beside me. I wonder to myself, as I look around... where do these Mazuku live? I see no houses, no buildings, nothing but trees all around. Their land could not be THAT large and still remain hidden so long, at least not by my reconning, so I decide to ask Crvesh. "Where exactly is it, that you live? I don't see any structures here." I remark. He looks to me bemusedly, and stops in his tracks, holding me back as well. I become afraid, as though he may have heard something, but soon he faces me and smiles, still just visible under the full moon light. He turns back to the space in front of him, and before my eyes, the entrance to a large cavern appears in front of me. I stare on in shock, though soon I feel his arm again nudging me forward. I comply, still in my state of disbelief, looking all around at the torch-lit pathway deeper into the cavern. As we head in deeper, I look back, only to find that no light from the moon even reaches here, despite the fact that we've walked only about 20 yards by now. Looking back ahead of me, I notice a room with many torches, and a large fire burning at the center of one wall, though oddly, no smoke rises from any of this. I take a moment to capture all that this room holds. It isn't very large, a humble room, with a fire burning off to one side, torches lining the walls, all of the walls made of very well carved out granite rock, I note. There is a pile of skins off to one side, his bed, I assume, and a path that heads off from one corner. It is also lit, and I get the feeling as I look on that it is where he keeps his food, probably freezing cold to keep it fresh. All this while, though I don't notice, he keeps his eyes locked on me, watching as I take in his home, smiling calmly, and again, before I realize, his hand/paw brings me back to reality. "What do you think of it? After seeing the kinds of structures you humans live in, I'm afraid I can't offer much more for comfort, but this will be where you will live." He seems concerned that I won't like it, though, in truth, the simplicity is, at once, entirely welcome. "Oh, no, actually, I don't mind at all. It will be nice to relax with you for a change." I realize too late what I've said, and turn bright red, trying to cover up my words by continuing. "Er, how am I to get in here? I mean, how did you find the cave?" "Ah, that. I have forgotten that your kind no longer has ties with our world." He must have noticed the slight look of hurt on my face after his words sunk in. "Sorry. Human-kind. I did not mean to offend you. What we do is very simple, we are taught from birth to use the powers the earth gives us. I could teach you to use the cave entrance in time, and probably to do other things as well, though your human heritage may not sit well with the earth." I nod to him, glad that he's at least willing to give me a chance. I look again to the pile of skins, and he gives me a gentle push in that direction. "By all means, you must be tired. We shall sleep for now." As he makes his way over, I notice again his swaying tail, following just a couple steps behind him. I try my best to take my eyes away from the sight, and manage to just barely before he turns to me. "Do you mind sharing my bed? I could sleep on the ground, it is little trouble." "No, don't go out of your way just for me." I reply to him, then yawn softly. I'm more tired than I'd originally thought. "I'll be fine." I see him looking down along my body, then back up to my face, and look at him in ponderance, "What..." "Your skins..." He says to me. I put the word through my mind. Skins? Ah! My clothing. I yawn involuntarily, and he smiles to me, "Nevermind, I will ask in the morning." I shake my head, as much to disagree as to wake myself up a bit. "I'm not too tired yet, what did you want to know?" He nods, and smiles to me, beginning to speak slowly. "My people only wear skins during the cold winter months, yet... I have never seen a human without his skins. Are you truly in such need of warmth?" I find myself again remembering my previous findings. It's true, they have no modesty about their bodies, and why should they? Even naked, they have a layer of fur covering them. Nothing to be embarassed about. Still, as I look over his body, my eyes are drawn to his sheath. It doesn't particularly stand out, but it is there, in plain sight. I blush, unable to control the reddened cheeks, and speak to him. "We have... um..." I pause here, uncomfortably, taking my eyes from his sheath, to see his smile just the same as always. I decide to relax, maybe there's less pressure in his culture about this kind of thing. "We have insecurities... about being without skins..." I smile at my use of his word, trying to make it understandable. He tilts his head... a very odd likeness to a tame dog tilting his... a way of portraying confusion, I decide. "Insecurities? I do not understand." I realize now that I should have listened to him when he suggested we talk about this in the morning. This conversation could get very long. I think for a moment about how to explain it to him. How do you explain an insecurity about being naked to someone who's standing in front of you in the nude? I decide to try anyway. "Well, it's an insecurity about being naked... without skins, I mean. It has to do with..." I blush again, unable to hide my embarassment about explaining this to someone who doesn't care what state of dress, or lack thereof, that you're in. "...with our genitals. Humans are insecure about showing them to others." That's probably the best explanation I can give. I just hope he understands. He just gives me another quizzical look. "Genitals?" It appears that word hadn't been introduced to him. I look down at his sheath again, then back up, to see him glancing down that way as well. His right hand points to his sheath, and he asks, "Your reproductive organs?" I nod, again, blushing like mad. He seems to be processing the statement I made, showing many forms of confusion as he stares down at his sheath, then at my crotch, back and forth. "I simply do not understand..." I sigh lightly, it doesn't seem like there's any way to fully explain the way I and most of the human race feel. "Well, it's not that important, I'm sure I'll survive while I'm here." He seems to straighten up after hearing that. "Well, I do not wish for you to feel uncomfortable. I could wear my skins while you are around, though I do not think it will be possible for the entire pack to act in that way, however..." I smile at his effort to make me feel at home. He certainly is willing to go through a lot to make me feel welcome. I interrupt his thoughts before he finishes them. "No, that's not necessary. I'll already be a burden on you as it is, you have a right to your own comfort." He still looks unsure, but I just smile to him. "Let's go to sleep, I'm really tired." He nods, and smiles back to me, probably thinking the same thing in his head. I'd neglected to ask how in the world we got here from the other forest in the first place, but it must have been something like how we got into his cave just a little while ago. That 'magic of the earth', or whatever he called it. No humans possess any magic that I know of, all of our magic is done by machines. A hand/paw on my shoulder awakens me from my thoughts. Crvesh seems to smile at me, and says, "You really must find some way to control that." I chuckle lightly, and he joins in for a bit, then we both quiet down, and he settles onto the pile of skins by one wall of the room. The fire in this room actually has me feeling quite warm, and I ponder joining him in his ways tonight. My decision is made before I even think about it. It's just too hot in here to sleep like this. I remove my shirt first, realizing I'm still somewhat nervous about being naked in front of Crvesh, despite that he's never worn clothes in front of me before. After the shirt is off, dropped haphazardly next to his bed, I begin to remove my pants. These I remove quicker than before. I just realize that if I get this over with, it won't be so bad. I'm not worried too much, after all, he's seen me like this before. But I also realize, I'm gonna have to get used to being nude, if I want to even vaguely fit in around here. Not to mention that I'm still a little warm. I slip the white shorts down my thighs, and let them fall to the floor, kicking them on top of the small pile of clothes by his make-shift bed. That taken care of, I lay atop the pile of skins, all too soon feeling the pull of sleep at my eyes. copyright 2002 - Neiko Mitaki Feel free to e-mail me with any comments you might have, I would love to hear from anyone at all. Send comments to neikolion@catlover.com Again, comments and criticisms are graciously accepted. Flames will be ignored. Well, here's the next one, done. If it's gotten this far, I'll probably continue on for a while. Nothing aside from references to sex, as of yet, and I'm honestly not sure if that's going to change anytime soon. I guess all of you will just have to keep up with the story if you want to find out.