*********************************************************************** DISCLAIMER - This chapter contains mild references to homosexuality and love between a sentient, intelligent wolf-man and a human. Any who would be insulted by this, or any children under 18 years of age (or 21 in certain areas) should NOT read this story, and by reading past this point, you afirm that you are legally mature and able to handle the subjects mentioned above. Also, the writer is not responsible for any problems which arise by not complying with this warning. Thank you for your patience, and I hope you enjoy. *********************************************************************** Chapter 3 - Education I wake up cold, opressively so, my skin frozen down to the bone. How fortunate Crvesh is to have his own furry blanket. It's about then that I realize that Crvesh is nowhere in sight... nor is the cave I had been in. I sit in shock a moment, before getting up to explore my surroundings. It's dark, not a single ray of light coming from anywhere, and all I feel is the ground beneath my feet. I stumble around a bit before I hear something in the distance, so very faint, yet I have no doubts as to what my ears are hearing. It's a battlecry. Definitely human. I strain to listen to the sounds, as they seem to get closer and closer, the volume of the horrible shouting growing until I am forced to cover my ears or go deaf. All in an instant, it stops, and I am again alone in the darkness. Perhaps even that horrible yelling would have been preferable to the lightless, soundless expance around me. I sit down, hoping for this dead silence to be broken, when I feel a soft flow of wind past my ear. "It is alright, my love. You are safe." Quickly, my head spins toward the voice, looking upon the face of Crvesh, which looks oddly radiant within this eternal darkness. I turn around and stand up, his face following me up, as the rest of his body slowly becomes visible, apparantly by the light given off by his face alone. My heart leaps into my throat as he quickly moves forward and traps me in a kiss; his warm, soft lips press to mine, the feeling new, and yet, even though our lips are completely different in shape, perfect, as though the two were meant to meet like this. As the kiss continues, my arms slip around his back, and his naturally wider stance allows his arms to engulf me fully, holding my body close to his. I notice a thickness pressed to my front, and feel the soft fur brushing against my own growning maleness. The arousal filling both of us seems to overflow as his arms lift me, and he ends the kiss, our eyes meeting once again. I open my lips to say something, but suddenly, the look on his face changes... to one of pain. I am about to ask what has happened, when I feel something sticking out of his back. He drops me to the ground, and I side-step as he collapses forward, the shaft of an arrow pointing directly to his heart. I look to my side, and see one of his own kind holding a bowgun! Rage and sadness fill my being, but the figure seems to disappear just moments after I see it. Instead of charging after the fleeting ghost, I kneel beside Crvesh... something inside me knows he's dead, knows that I'll never see him again... and the pain drives me over the edge, I scream at the top of my lungs, into the seamless black, the endless void... And suddenly I sit up, panting heavily and in a cold sweat. My eyes are filled with tears... I had actually been crying in my sleep. The dream, it had seemed so realistic. I could still remember the cry of a human army, the soft whispering in my ear, the kiss that brought warmth back to me, and the final moments of agony. I begin to cry again, looking around me for the first time since I had woken up. I'm in the same cave, no eerie darkness or unending void, and the skins under me feel warm to the touch. And yet, one thing is still wrong. Crvesh is nowhere to be found. I jump up from bed, and begin to run from the small torch-lit room, when I run into a wall of fur and fall onto my backside, gasping as the hard floor stings against my tailbone. I wince in pain, then all too quickly I'm lifted up off the ground and set down on the soft bed of skins. A soft voice comes from the Mazuku in front of me. "Are you alright?" I look up at the face, easily recognizing Crvesh, feeling his soft hand/paw upon my shoulder, steadying me. I rest for a moment, watching him perhaps a bit too intently, before blushing and looking away. "Um, yes, I'm fine. I'm sorry I ran into you." He almost laughs at my remark, "No, no, it is I who must be sorry." He runs one of his paws (decidedly paws) down along my back, feeling his way down my spine. "I just hope you are not harmed too greatly." I'd be lying if I said the feel of his paw on my skin like that didn't arouse me. I wish I could have just leaned forward and kissed him, but I'm not known for bravery like that. I just let him feel his way down, and as his paw brushes past my tailbone, I hiss in pain, clutching at his arm a bit as I let the moment of pain pass. He sits upon the skins with me. "You will be alright. Nothing is broken." He smiles to me, at least, I think he does. It's hard to tell with his face being like it is. Truly, I judge more by his eyes than by his lips. "But you should rest here, for today, and let yourself heal." I nod to him, briefly, and lay down, adjusting myself on the skins so that my lower back has less pressure placed upon it. He smiles and lays down beside me, "Be glad you do not have a tail. It would surely be broken." I think about his statement for a while, first seriously, then slowly changing to the comical sound of his statement. I find myself shifting to my side as I burst out in laughter, and for quite a while afterward, I can't stop laughing. Everytime I come close, I think of it again, and the humor returns to my mind. I wonder for a moment, as I regain my composure, what he must think of me, then gasp as he startles me, laying on his side and staring at me. I blush a bit and look down, but the sight of his sheath quickly brings my eyes back up, as I hope not to let it affect me. His eyes catch mine for a time, before he smiles and looks away slightly. "Tell me, why were you running this morning?" I think for a moment of what to say, afraid to tell the truth, 'I was desperately searching for you...' The truth probably would have gotten me thrown out on my already sore butt. I decide to simply hide some of the truth. "I... had a nightmare." "Night... mare?" He seems rather perplexed. "A horse?" No wonder, I keep forgetting his limited vocabulary. "Oh, no. I mean, a dream. A frightening dream." My voice becomes lighter as I speak the last part. I really don't look forward to telling him about it. He, however, doesn't pry. He just lays there, then rolls back onto his back. "In this village, the only dreams are ones of preminition. I will not ask you to explain your dream, just know that what you saw will play a vital role in your life, in some way. I feel more drawn than ever to tell him now... to warn him of the death I viewed, but how could that be explained? I find myself longing to tell him about the rest of the dream too... but I know that would probably insult him. My thoughts drift back to what he said about magic, and I decide now is as good a time as any to ask him about it. "Crvesh, you said before that... I could use magic? Like your kind?" He turns to me, a bit of a smile on his face, at least as much as I can tell. "Yes, humans could always use magic if they wanted to. Of course, magic comes from the earth, and humans have opposed the planet with their course of life. You seem different from them, which is why I suggest that you attempt to learn of our magic. "The place you are in now, my home, and all the forest outside, is all magically made, and used by us as a place to be here, away from the human race that nearly destroyed us so long ago. Being that you are here, the magic you are able to control while here will be greater than in the real world. The planet has lost much of it's original power, during it's struggle to keep up with the human race." I find myself surprised, that even though he speaks of the humans, my people, in such a way, I take no offense at all. In fact, I'm a bit relieved that he refers to me separately from all of them. In a way, I suppose I am different. "I can teach you only basic things at first. The magic of the planet is strong, but dangerous if not properly harnessed. The first thing you should learn is how to use the entrance to this place. Come with me." He stands, and holds a paw down to me, which I gratefully take as he lifts me up, and I follow him out of the cave. Once we exit, I see the open forest all around us, and, looking back, I notice that there isn't a cave there anymore. I turn around once, confused, and he stops me. "Do not worry, the cave is still there. It is just hidden from normal view. Without the proper magic, none can enter." He looks up, and before my eyes, the cave entrance appears. Then, just as quickly, it disappears. "Let me explain this to you. Our magic comes simply from our thoughts. We think something, and it becomes reality. Of course, the magic only works when we actively assert it. Not all of our thoughts come true." He turns to face me, at the same time turning me with his paws on my shoulders, looking so deeply into my eyes that I feel I may be burned up on the spot. "Now this part is important. Up until now, it would seem as though anyone could do magic, does it not?" I nod silently to him, listening intently. "Well, this is not the case. Most of my kind have a great ability to use magic, but that ability comes directly from the will of the planet. That is where we get this power we have. I do not yet know if you have the ability to use magic yet, however, the planet would not reject you simply because of your race." His eyes seem to smile, and he turns his back to me, looking into the forest. "The planet seems not only to react to your heart, but also to your path. I know that is a vague reference, but those who have a greater purpose in life often seem to control the power to a greater degree. I, myself, as prince of my people, have a greater power." My jaw drops in disbelief. A prince?! I had no idea I was rescuing someone of his high standing! He looks just like the rest of them! Ok, I suppose to his own kind, he is very unique, but to my untrained eyes, many of them look very similar. He must have realized I'd have trouble reasoning all this out, so he stands still for a couple minutes, allowing my brain to soak up all the information it's been given. Finally past the shock, I speak, "I had no idea you were a prince... no offense, but you look much like everyone else here." He turns, and his eyes still seem to be smiling at me. He probably understands what I mean more than I realize. "It is understandable. We are unique to each other, but I admitedly find many humans similar in appearance, similar to how you must see us." I smile, and nod. He turns again, this time to face where the cave should be. "Now, I suppose we will see what the planet thinks of you in a moment. First I must teach you how to assert your powers." His eyes close, as I watch him, turning slightly toward the missing cave entrance. I search, for a moment, for something to say, but not quickly enough before he is ready to speak. "In order to summon the powers of the earth, you must focus your mind. Think of nothing but the radiance of the earth. If you need help, think of just one thing, something you find beautiful, or enchanting, and focus on it." I listen to his words, then begin to put them into practice. I first attempt to think of nothing. This is, of course, much more difficult than I'd originially thought. My mind can't seem to blank out everything at once. So I try his second suggestion, and think of something beautiful. I think of the forest around us... that's certainly a beautiful image. But... something about it isn't beautiful enough. It's breath-taking, just not perfect. My mind doesn't seem to want to hold the thought long enough, so I figure I'll need another thought. Crvesh must notice my effort, because he sets a paw on my shoulder, and speaks softly. "You will feel the earth's power when you have accomplished what I have told you about. Just relax, it often takes some time to perfect." His words comfort me, and I do relax. Thinking more, something else beautiful to me... the image of my childhood, sitting up on that one hill and watching the sunset, then laying back to view the stars as they sparkle across the night sky... that image has always been something of great importance to me. Not only has it calmed me in many times of sorrow, but the hill itself was a place of solitude and thought after my mother died. But even with these thoughts, my mind is too jumbled. I can't just think of the hill, I have to think of everything else, too. The sunset, the stars, my mother, everything is too much. I need something else to focus on. My eyes open, and I look at Crvesh. His face seems perfect to me. I hadn't really looked at it yet, in the full sunlight, at least not with him looking back at me. During our trip here, he was always wary, always cautious, but now, he seems to be focused solely on me. I close my eyes again, and the thought of him standing there, in front of me, is the only thing on my mind. I open my eyes again, and look into his. That's it, he can be my thought! Why not, I wonder? He's certainly beautiful, and nothing could make my mind so one-tracked as to think of him. I close my eyes once more, and think of him, not hard, just fleetingly, and soon, I feel what is like a typhoon swirling around me. "STOP!" I hear, and open my eyes quickly, confused to hear Crvesh speak like that. I see him nearly twenty feet away, leaning against a tree, clutching his shoulder. I rush to his side and kneel next to him, placing a hand softly on his shoulder, and quickly removing it as he hisses in pain. "What happened?" I ask, totally confused by the whole thing. His eyes seem to be in great pain, and I notice a bit of blood running down the tree. "Just... a moment." He groans out, quite gutterally. I watch as his eyes close, and even the pain I had seen on his face moments before seems to go away. He stands up, and I see the large gash in his shoulder, and the pointed nub on the tree that gave it to him. There was a lot of blood loss in that little time, and I begin to worry for his health, but as I look back at his shoulder, I'm completely shocked. The wound has completely covered over. There is still a great deal of blood running down his back, but the source is completely dried up, even the fur that should have been gnarled by the injury has regrown perfectly. His eyes open again, and he turns to me. "Are you alright?" He asks. I've got tears in my eyes, I just can't help it. I'm confused beyond belief, as this Mazuku who's supposed to have a serious injury turns around, perfectly fine, and asks if I'm alright! "What just happened?!" "Do not worry, I am unharmed. I will explain to you if you are able to enter my home. I will be inside waiting. Just remember, you only need a small amount of the earth's magic to open the door." He walks up beside me, and whispers into my ear. "It is simple. Think of the entrance in front of you, and there it will be." He turns, the cave appearing for just enough time for him to walk through, then vanishing from sight. Now I'm left alone out here. I try to do as he says, thinking of the cave appearing in front of me. It doesn't seem to work. I close my eyes and concentrate on the image of the cave, but my thoughts are still too jumbled. There's so much going on inside my head that I'd never even realized was there! Then I remember what he'd originally taught me. That's why I need to clear my thoughts. So I think of him, standing in front of me, that soft glimmer of a smile in his eyes. From this peaceful image, I walk forward, envisioning him standing inside the entrance to his cave. I walk toward this image, finding it coming closer to me, seeing his face nearing mine... my thoughts shift to myself kissing him as I near him, and I nearly fall backward as I bump into a furry chest, and feel arms encircle me just moments before I feel my equilibrium give out. I open my eyes suddenly, the image of him fading, instead replaced by the true, physical form of Crvesh... I breath deeply a moment, not realizing how much energy I had just exherted. Even without knowledge of his kind's expressions, I can recognize the smile on his face. I quickly stand by myself again, finally catching my breath and looking at him. "How... did I do that?" He places a paw on my shoulder and leads me down the stairs to his home. "You seem rather gifted in the magical arts. Not just the speed with which you learn, I am willing to profess." He stops just a short way into the large room, and I stand in front of him. "What happened to you, before?" I ask, curious as to what has flung him so far, and caused such a wound. "Do not be alarmed when I tell you this, but it was you." Well, I'm obviously more than alarmed, and he places a paw on my shoulder to calm me as my mouth hangs open. "Do not be afraid. This is the kind of power you have. That was the first time you have ever used it, so it suddenly acted out. From now on, you must be careful with this power of yours. I had no idea it would be so strong." I nod slowly, suddenly realizing all that he's telling me. He'd said before that only those with a great destiny have powerful magic... did that mean me? I was to have some great cause in the world? Of course, I can't even begin to fathom the kind of power that sleeps inside me. I may never know it's extent, and in some ways, I fell I'd rather not know. But still, what makes me so much different, so much more special than others? Even a prince! He walks across the room, and sits in front of the fire, speaking to me softly, though in the quiet of the cave, I can hear him perfectly. "Your power is beyond any of my people. I had never expected to find a human so gifted. Within time you will learn to focus your mind, so you will no longer have to think of m... of some other peaceful image to calm your mind. But the door was easy. It will take much deeper concentration to make some other things happen." I walk over beside him, still a bit in shock. How is magic like this possible? I had always thought that the most powerful things were machines, capable of producing their own kind of magic. This, however, is completely different. He stands beside me, and slowly turns to me. "There are a few things you can do to practice working with this magical energy. Each of us has an element of nature to work with..." Crvesh lifts his paw up, and in no time at all, a small ball of fire lights a small distance above his palm, generating heat, but nothing too much even at this closeness. "I am of fire. There are others here, of my race, who can call upon water, air, and earth. None are able to summon up more than one of these elements." He pauses for a moment after saying this. "There is one different. He owns no elements... but it doesn't matter. He does not have much power." An image plays across my eyes, of a Mazuku's face... but I can't make it out clearly. "Nevermind, I can help you find the element you control, though I believe I know already." He walks up to me, and places my hand as his paw was, with the palm facing up, his resting just beneath it. "Focus. Use whatever means you have within you to force some small kind of distortion in the space just above your hand. That distortion will define your element." I focus a moment. Distortion? What did he mean? I guess I should go through the elements he spoke of... I think of him, my mind blanking out... no, I should try to clear my thoughts fully. I can't always rely on this image to calm me. I start at his face, just seeing his eyes staring back at me, and slowly let it fade. I can feel the powers of the earth filling me as I do, my mind pulling in all my will, which I have yet to learn to fully control. I imagine the small ball of fire floating in my hand. I feel no heat, but I can tell I've managed to do it. Well, that must decide that... but... I let the image of the fireball fade, and slowly envision a sphere of rock forming above my palm. I hear a soft gasp as it occurs, as I quickly learn to control this new power. I let the stone fade out of existance, and focus instead on a ball of water. It's quite odd, imagining a perfect sphere of water floating above my palm. It must have been even more odd to see. I let this image fade, and wonder what to do for air? A whirlwind? No, that could get out of hand. A small breeze should be enough. Even as I imagine this, I feel the wind whip around my body, and I quickly end that thought. At least I know I can use that too. But hadn't he said I shouldn't have control of more than one element? I hear a sudden whispering in my ear, and my mind instantly envisions the face of Crvesh. "I want you to think of a point of absolute darkness above your palm. I know it seems like an odd idea, but attempt it for me." I listen to him, clearing my thoughts much more quickly than before, and picturing the point of darkness above my hand. I can tell, even thought my eyes are not open, that I am not doing what I wish to. However, I get a new thought in my head, if not darkness, what about light? I see the point of light, bright and yet soft, shining above my palm. In no time, I can see the brightness upon my closed eyelids. I open my eyes, and the point of light disappears. "This is incredible..." He whispers. And slowly lifts his other paw, never removing the original from my hand. His eyes don't even close as he brings back the ball of fire, showing me the true prowess with the magic I should eventually try to find. Suddenly, the fire changes to a deep blue water, right in front of my eyes. His paw lets my own go, as a look of slight shock appears on his face. The water splashes against his paw as he loses his concentration among the shock. "But..." He stands up, and heads toward the cave's foodstores. He turns to me. "I will be back soon with some food... practice what you know." I nod to him, and close my eyes. As I focus on the elements... fire... nothing happens... ok, maybe I just need to focus harder. I concentrate, and clear my mind, thinking of the ball of water from before... only now, I get nothing. I open my eyes, a bit frustrated, and focus on that gleaming light from before, letting out a soft yell as I'm suddenly blinded by the brightness of it appearing in my hand. Crvesh rushes into the room, surprised. "Are you hurt?" He asks. I open my eyes slowly as I get used to the darkness again, glad I wasn't blinded permanently. I shake my head, looking down a moment, and wondering what to tell him. "It... doesn't work anymore." I look down a bit. He looks a bit confused. "It? Your magic?" I nod. "That should not happen..." He picks up my hand, turns it to face upward, and nods, "Show me fire." I'm about to tell him that I can't, that it won't work, but I just decide to show him the same. I focus on the fire, closing my eyes methodically and clearing my mind, then bringing back the ball of fire into my field of vision, suddenly feeling the soft warmth upon my hand. I continue to hold the vision, and the fireball, until a great loss is felt within my mind. His hand falls from mine, and in that instant the fireball fades completely. I open my eyes, and he seems to be in deep thought. "Crvesh... what..." He stops me short. "Does anything still work?" I think back. So far as I know, I could only create the light, as I had before. I hadn't tried air or earth. I close my eyes, and attempt to create either of these, to no success. But when I think of light, a bright beam opens up in my palm. I quickly halt the thought, opening my eyes to make sure I hadn't blinded him. He seems alright, and I relax. "I can only create light, now." He turns around, as though he's trying so hard to process everything. I stand behind him, sometimes glancing down at his tail as it slowly sways back and forth over his muscular rump... he turns around, and I return my gaze to his eyes. "We must talk about this. I may know what is going on. Stay here, I will finish making our meal..." Crvesh walks back into the foodstores, and I sit on the skins, still thinking. What IS happening, I wonder? copyright 2002 - Neiko Mitaki Feel free to e-mail me with any comments you might have, I would love to hear from anyone at all. Send comments to neikolion@catlover.com Again, comments and criticisms are graciously accepted. Flames will be ignored. So far, so good. I'm still writing strong. I only decided to end this chapter here because it was looking to be the longest chapter already, and I have so many more ideas. Most likely, the next chapter will continue directly from this one. I hope you're still interested, there's probably a lot more to go. I've got some good feelings about this one.