*********************************************************************** DISCLAIMER - This chapter contains mild references to homosexuality and love between a sentient, intelligent wolf-man and a human. Any who would be insulted by this, or any children under 18 years of age (or 21 in certain areas) should NOT read this story, and by reading past this point, you afirm that you are legally mature and able to handle the subjects mentioned above. Also, the writer is not responsible for any problems which arise by not complying with this warning. Thank you for your patience, and I hope you enjoy. *********************************************************************** Chapter 4 - Light and Darkness Crvesh and I finish our meal in silence, not a word spoken as he takes large bites out of some kind of meat. It tastes a bit like chicken, but I remember from when we were escaping to his home that it's probably deer meat. As he finishes his, he watches me eat for a while. I'm a little unnerved by how closely he seems to be watching me. It's almost as if he's sizing me up. I finish mine shortly after him, staring at the ground, unsure of what to say. He solves the problem for me, speaking up after a short while of silence. "There are many unexplainable occurances in this world. For certain, this is one of the more complicated puzzles I have had to look at in my time. Yet, I have a theory. "There is a legend, set long ago, about two of my kind who are twins, yet separated at birth. They go through life never knowing who the other is, but each of them feels the pull of the other's existance, deep in his heart. They eventually learn of their pasts, of each other, and are destined to come together, when tragedy strikes. One night, one of the twins is travelling through a horrible storm. He was unfortunate to be standing under a tree as it was struck by lightning. Never having a chance to dodge out of the way, he was knocked unconscious by the trunk, and died beneath it's heavy weight. "His brother, whom had been journeying long and hard, suddenly became overcome with grief. He knew, without any doubt, that his twin had left the world. His last act upon this world was to cast a spell so he and his brother could, in time, meet again, even if they could not do so in person. He made it so that his soul and that of his brother could once again be reunited, by two people who's fates are closely tied." He pauses here, I'm sure in deep thought once again. I finally have a chance to catch up on his story. A tale of twins? What does this have to do with me? As the questions run through my head, I wonder what had happened with my magic. Crvesh had said that there were certain characteristics of magic, and it's users. How had I defied all that? He sighs, and begins again, "I tell you this story because I believe that it may have come true. I can not decide if I really believe this old tale myself, but..." He reaches forward, and takes my hand, then holds up his own. I watch in amazement, as he produces four separate spheres, each of a different element, all at the same time. What power he must have! "...there is no denying that you and I have an affect on the powers that we each possess. I do not think it would be wise for others in the village to know that you have these powers. If they realize that the humans can also use magic... it may bring about chaos." I nod to him, holding up my hand and producing a soft, yet convincing light. I still hold onto his paw with my hand, wondering if the connection has anything to do with my control as well. I look up at his face to see him concentrating hard on the sphere of water floating above his paw. He stops, and lets the water dissipate. "Interesting. Xavier, I want you to try to create a fire like that in my fireplace, over there in the corner. Do not be afraid, I can counter-act most anything you can do, if something goes wrong." I look to the corner, and focus, in my mind, on a raging inferno blazing in that specific place. All I get is a little flame no larger than that on a torch. I try to my greatest, but I simply can't do it. The flame disappears, and I turn back to him. "That's all I can get. Why?" Crvesh looks puzzled. "We are still greatly limited in our use of elements that do not belong to us." He looks to me, seeming very serious. "Xavier, there is something I must tell you. You must refrain from thinking of myself any further when focusing on spells." My jaw falls open as he utters the words. Thinking of him? He knows? He quickly places a paw on my mouth. "Before you ask anything, let me clarify things. I know that you were thinking of me because magic will only act on the object in a person's mind. When I was flung against the tree, I knew you had been thinking of me. And the cave, I knew then also. For I could not move for the life of me as the entrance began to open. To hold me to one spot is quite a powerful skill..." I calm myself a bit, but just the thought that he knows I had been thinking about him begins to make me nervous all over again. "I'm sorry, I..." He halts my speech again. "No, do not apologize. There are others like you, in our pack, who prefer those of the same sex..." My eyes open wide at this. He's telling me that he knows about my... desires? And that he's ok with it... "Um... are... you?" I look at him, at his eyes, and he seems to stare directly past my own, and into my soul. I'm almost ready to melt when he speaks. "I am sorry, I cannot answer that." He turns and walks away, toward the entrance. "You must find some other calming thought. The more you think of me, the more you put me in danger." I have to admit, I'm just about ready to cry as he speaks. I don't remember ever being so saddened in my life. Almost all at once, my one most powerful wish, above all else, was completely anihilated. I turn toward his bed of animal skins, sitting there and willing myself not to cry. I know if I do, I'll never be able to stop. Still, I have little control over my tears. They begin to flow freely, and as I flop down on my side, catching his scent left on the skins, I realize more and more that there will never be anything more than just that. Even as I lay there in self-pity, I can tell Crvesh never left. I can sense him still here, if sense is even the right word. It's not really a sense, as much as I just know. Strangely, I can hear him walking toward me, despite that I've never heard him walk before. I find it strange that all of a sudden I feel this connection between he and I, even as I know it's never to be anything more. Rather ironic. I feel a shifting in the skins, realizing he's sitting down in front of me. I turn onto my other side, not really ready to face him yet. The crying has slowed down, but tears still refuse to stop coming. The feel of a soft paw on my shoulder calms me for a moment, but I soon tense up and shrug it away, avoiding the Mazuku's sentiments for the time being. The paw just returns, and I decide to let it stay there for now. Even in this situation, it's a comfort. "You must understand my situation. I am the prince of my people. As such, I cannot love whomever I wish." Crvesh stops here, probably in deep thought, I think to myself. I begin to process his words, realizing that he really does love me, but his life can't allow it. I sit up, startling him, and look into his eyes. They seem to have the same tears in them that mine have. "I know you're an important person, but that doesn't mean you don't have any choices. Your being with me could help your people to see mine in a different light." I divert my eyes from his, feeling as though I've said too much. "I'm sorry. We haven't known each other a week, and I already assume you are mine alone. Maybe it would be better if I left..." I stand and begin toward the exit, walking slowly in my despair. I hear shuffling behind me, probably Crvesh standing from the skins. "You need not go. I was hasteful in my judgement, but even were most of my people to accept you, there would be some who could not. I must think of ways to unite my people, not to separate them further." I turn around and look at him, my face contorted with a tinge of anger. "Your people are not the only ones on this planet. While you would be unifying your race to forget about me, the rest of the world would continue to grow in contest of you. You would be pushing away a much larger faction than you would be unifying." I turn my back to him again, still angry, just not having the will. "If you don't want me around, all you need to do is tell me. I wouldn't want to be a burden upon you and your people." I'm surprised by a sudden movement, being forcefully turned around by his strong arms. I gasp, startled, as I see his tears still flowing. "Why do you make it so hard for me?" He slows down, breathing out unsteadily and closing his eyes. "I do not want you to leave, but I can not decide right now what would be best for me and my people. I must have time to think." It's sad how easily he seems to calm me, no matter what mood I'm in. "Fine. I can wait a little while." I sigh a bit, heading back over to his skins, and sitting down, having completely forgotten about the pain in my backside until I hit the skins and yelp in pain. I just let myself fall to my side on the skins, still seeing stars as I try to block out that horrible pain at the base of my spine. Before I open my eyes, I know Crvesh is right there next to me, probably worried sick after that loud, painful sound I made. He leans over as soon as my eyes open, his nose near my cheek. As I look to him, I feel his breath, and find it increasingly difficult to hold back my lips, which seem drawn to his. I manage just barely, as he whispers out, "Just relax, and rest for a while. I will be back in two hours to prepare us a meal." And with that, the warmth leaves my side, and I hear him walk out of the den. I lay there for a while, thinking to myself, wondering just why it had to happen this way. Why did he have to be a prince? Anyone else and it wouldn't be a problem. I just had to fall in love with the prince. I realize after a couple minutes how futile that line of thinking is. It's happened, and it's not going to change now. I've already decided to let him think about his choice on the matter. To help ease my thoughts, I settle onto the skins, letting myself relax until I feel sleep tugging at my eyelids. I slip into slumber after about half an hour. When I awake, I can just feel that something's not right. For some reason, I can tell someone else is in the room, but that it isn't Crvesh. I lift my head and look around, quickly focusing my tired eyes on a form standing in the corner. The male Mazuku moves away from the wall and shows himself to me. Completely white in color... yet his eyes are jet black. It's one of the oddest contrasts I've ever seen, but as I look, I wonder why he's here. I've never seen any of the other Mazuku up close like this before. And it's a little unnerving that he has, in a way, broken into another's residence, though I'm sure the rules here are less stringent than they are with my society. He speaks first, somehow speaking perfect English. It amazes me how much more of it he's mastered than Crvesh. "Hmmm, so you're the human Crvesh brought back with him. I'd wondered why he'd bring a filthy man here, but you do look rather appealing." I'm confused for a moment. The malice in this Mazuku's voice is frightening, but he also seems to be affirming Crvesh's tastes in a mate... I'm partially happy, and totally freaked out. "What... do you want?" He brings out a small dagger from behind his back, shimmering in the fire light. How had I missed that? "Nothing more than to rend your flesh. Crvesh should never have brought a man here." He charges me, and faster than I can react, he's on top of me, the knife at my throat. I lay back flat against the skins, afraid that a simple move might end my life. Of course, it doesn't help much. "Now you'll die for all of us that had to suffer at your people's whims!" He lifts the dagger, and I take a chance. I close my eyes and imagine a large, rather bright light shining right in front of him. Two seconds later I hear what I wanted to hear. A shrill scream from the Mazuku, as he drops the dagger at my side, and covers his eyes. I crawl out from under him, and back away, moving quickly as he takes the dagger back in his paw. "I'll kill you slow and painful for that, filthy human!" For a moment, I back away, then, I see nothing! It's as though darkest night has fallen over my eyes. I try to create some amount of light in front of me, but nothing seems to help. That's when I realize that this is the Mazuku's doing. I thought Crvesh had said that his kind only controlled the four elements! Now I could use light, and this Mazuku seemed to control darkness! "Don't try to run, I'll hear your steps and deliver your fate." Somehow, that wasn't comforting. Even if I remain still, he'll find me soon, and with this darkness in front of my eyes, there's no way I can fight back. A thought comes to me, and I try to imagine a light shining out of my eyes, an illumination originating from my eyes themselves. Somehow, the thought is made a reality. I can see again! But the comfort is short lived. I see him opening his eyes and rubbing them, preparing to charge at me. A sudden, sharp growl to my right startles me, and I jump away from it, looking that way. Standing there is the Mazuku I've come to adore... the one I can't have... and he seems far beyond angry. Several loud, gutteral growls and sounds are made from his mouth, none of which I recognize as any kind of intelligable speach, but I assume the other Mazuku understands him perfectly. I assume the message to be: 'Leave here, or die.' There's little choice in that matter. Unexpectedly, the Mazuku standing in the middle of the room argues back, something in their language of growls and noises I'd never comprehend, let alone try to reproduce. His voice is full of anger as well, gesturing to me frequently and gripping his dagger tight. He definitely doesn't like my being around. Their arguing seems to go on for a long time, and I realize that they must be deliberating on something. What it is, I can't guess. There are a lot of simple gestures toward me, or glances my way, so I assume it affects me in some way. Without warning I see the blade in the white Mazuku's hand being lifted, he's going to throw it at me! I barely even have time to duck before a bright flash of red and orange plays over my eyes. Looking over at the Mazuku, I can see that the white fur of his hand is pretty severely singed, and the dagger clatters to the ground. The white Mazuku clutches his arm, a brash roar of pain echoing around the walls of the room. Crvesh moves away from the entrance, and seems to almost scream at the other Mazuku, surprisingly, in my language. "Leave now, " which is followed by the utterance of some name... I can't even begin to recreate the noises required to say it, but I know it must be that Mazuku's name. He picks up the dagger with his good hand and rushes out. As I look up at Crvesh, his face is contorted in anger. It's the most frightening sight I've ever seen, his teeth shown white and menacing in the bright light of the fire. He seems almost unto a Fury. His eyes close and his face relaxes once the would be assassin has left, and to my surprise, he takes me into his arms, and lays me back down on the skins. I breath deep, still unable to get the sight of those angry jet eyes out of my mind. Looking over to Crvesh, I notice he's in deep thought. "Crvesh, who was that?" The wolvish face looks to me, concerned, and almost frightened. "You may call him Hret. Not long ago, he was one of my closest friends, almost like a brother to me." Now that I think about it, I remember that the same wolf had been sitting next to Crvesh during the festival around the campfire last night. I also remember seeing a rather odd look from that face before Crvesh led me off to his home. "He has always supported my people's reintroduction into the world of men. In fact, he often encouraged me when times were not so good. He seemed so hopeful that your people would accept ours now that time had passed. I have a feeling that when my settlement was attacked, and I captured, it drove him to these thoughts." I just lay on the skins, soaking everything in. This Hret is definitely not going to let it end at this. He'll come for me again, probably when I'm asleep. It doesn't seem to matter that Crvesh is around. Not to mention that these two seem to have had some sort of companionship in the past. Is it possible that he could convince Crvesh to... "Xavier, I have something that I must tell you." My eyes look up to his face, noticing the look of pain he seems to be displaying for me. "My people have said... that they do not trust you being here. They have said that they wish for you to leave." Shock is my immediate responce. I can't think, can barely breath. After all we had gone through to get each other this far, he's telling me that I have to leave? No, wait... he'd only said his people wish for me to leave. He hasn't abandoned me yet... right? "Crvesh... what do you say to this?" He looks into my eyes for a time, seeming to gauge my reaction. I must have acted just as he'd thought I would. "My people are very afraid of what the humans can do. They feel that, if we allow you to stay here, you may find a way to lead others in." I sit up straight, shocked and insulted, "Crvesh, you know I'd never do that!" He places a paw on my chest, and almost immediately that look on his face calms me down. I lay back, and listen to him further. "Yes, I know. I know you would not betray us to your people. But you must understand, none other than myself know of your true motives. They will never accept you." I close my eyes, and turn to my side. This conversation is quickly turning the way I'd wished it wouldn't. "Crvesh, I didn't expect to find understanding here. But the least you can do is stick up for me. You're the prince of these people, don't you have any say in the matter?" He seems to draw away from me, "I have all the say in this decision. If I wish for you to stay, then that is the decision. But... I must think also of my people. None of them feel that your being here will help any of us... rather that it could bring down everything we have tried to become. Please understand that I do not agree with them about this, but if my people are distressed by you, then it is by no means an easy choice." I lay there, looking at the patterns created on the ceiling from the flickering fire light. So this is it, then? After all I've gone through to save Crvesh, I'm just going to be tossed aside? "Crvesh, you know I'll be killed if I go back out there. My own people won't trust me either." His eyes look sad, as I look to his face. I can't tell what he's thinking of, but it seems to be something bigger than this whole problem. "I will try to convince my people of your motives, and to reinterate your situation." He stands, and makes his way to the cavern entrance. "I will be gone one hour, no longer. There will be a protective rune placed by the door, to bar all who would enter here until I return. You will be safe for the time being." I look to him as he prepares to leave. "What about your friend?" He nods, "Do not worry, he will not be able to get in either. However, he appeared to be different than I remember him. Something about his eyes, though I cannot tell. I will think more of this, but in the mean time, feel free to get yourself a meal, or to sleep. This must be a trying time for you." With that, he leaves me alone, laying on the skins. I take the full hour he gives me to think. About where I am, what I'm doing, and why I'm doing it here. I come to a decision after this system of thought. I've found the place I need to be. Somehow, I'll have to find a way to convince the Mazuku that I want to help them. But I can't do that here. I stand up, stretching out my back and feeling a bit of pain at the base of my spine, but truly, it doesn't hurt much anymore. I look at my clothing, piled up by the skins, and wonder if I should wear them when I go out... but I decide against it. They may see me more as one of them if I can show them that I accept their customs. I walk up the small path from the den, and out into the forest. There's little noise around, and I realize that's probably because everyone has met with Crvesh to decide my fate. I want to find them and gain their trust, but finding them could be difficult, as I don't know this place. But I wonder... can magic help here? I close my eyes and focus on finding Crvesh. Almost a kind of magical compass. I see him, in my mind, talking to a collective group of about 20 or so Mazuku. The direction seems to be north from here, and so I start off. On my way, I see many Mazuku. Some stop and look at me, as though I'm some odd alien being. I suppose, to them, I am. Others ignore me, as though I don't even exist. I'm not sure which of those two responces I'm more reserved about. It only takes a short while to come upon the common area, where several of the Mazuku are talking together. I can see Crvesh, standing there. I don't see Hret. I approach cautiously, as I know none of them are expecting to see me here. But I just have to try and prove to them that I'm here to help. All eyes turn to me, as I approach, and I can feel Crvesh's as well, I know he's surprised to see me, but he quickly calms, and speaks to me, "Xavier, is anything the matter? We are not finished here." I shake my head, "No, I'm doing fine. I wanted to come here and listen to them. Maybe offer my own views toward my defense." Crvesh looks to me, and says, "Xavier, these are the eldest of my people. I have been deliberating with them for some time." He looks to the assembled crowd. They all start talking at once, in their own language, and I see Crvesh anger almost immediately. He speaks slowly, "I know you all speak the human's language. While he is here, you are to speak to me only in that tongue. It would be disrespectful to our guest if you did not." They all appear to be a little upset with that remark, but there are no arguments against this judgement. One of them begins, a black Mazuku with brown markings around his eyes. He utters a name that sounds like 'Crvesh', so I assume that's what he has spoken. Crvesh told me his name was shortened from it's original pronunciation, so I suppose these people wouldn't know that I refer to him otherwise. "There has never been a human allowed in this village. Who knows what it will cause? The other humans could be lead here by him, how are we to trust one of them?" From the corner of my eye, I see Crvesh glance at me. He must have assumed that I would respond worse to this. However, I'm quite calm right now. At least these people don't want to kill me. Crvesh responds, "This human saved me from that prison I was taken to. I do not think I need remind any of you of that. He will not betray us, I am sure of that." Their argument goes on, for quite some time. Some of the elder Mazuku seem to have unending doubts about my trustworthiness. The comments begin to heat up, and I can tell that Crvesh is becoming frustrated with the comments of his council. I walk in front of him, and look at all the faces. The conversation stops, and they all look at me, as though I'm being quite rude. I guess I am, but someone has to stop this bickering. I look at all of them, at some point, taking in their faces, gauging their opinions of me. Some have been convinced that I'm not really a threat, but most are still adamant about their reasoning. I stand before them, and say, "What do I need to do to gain your trust?" None of them answer, they seem unable. It's as though someone has sewn their mouths shut. A sudden warmth touches my shoulder, and I realize that Crvesh has placed his paw there. "I have no doubts that Xavier is true to his word." He rubs my back, in an oddly affectionate way, and despite the situation, I find myself blushing. "Your questions are all quite valid, and would be useful, were they able to be answered. And yet, not even you yourselves could answer to all of the questions brought up, without it being your word against that of another. My decision is made. In order to foster hope that our people can one day return to the outside world, I am ordering that Xavier be allowed to stay here." I turn to look at him now, smiling softly as he glances to me, then to the elders. "He is to be treated as though he is one of us. Any intolerance or mistrust based on his race will be dealt with by myself personally." With this, he looks to me, and seems to smile, then says, "Please go back to your homes. I assure you that if I find any ill actions being taken by Xavier, I will take the proper measures to make sure he is stopped." I feel concerned by that last remark, but judging by his eyes, he only said that to appease the elders. They slowly head off, talking to one another, or looking at me as they go. It's a little unsettling, but at the same time, I'm glad that at least I'm assured safety here. I look up into Crvesh's eyes and smile happily to him, "Crvesh... thank you for doing that. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to stay..." Crvesh places a paw on my shoulder and leads me away, back toward his home. "I already know that you have nowhere else to go. I could not let them win, when I knew you would need our help." As we reach where I remember his cave to be, I put a hand on his chest to halt him, and concentrate. When I open my eyes... the entrance still isn't there. I try again, but instead I get a comforting paw on my shoulder. "Have you forgotten about the rune I placed at my door? None can get in but me. I hadn't thought that you'd leave." He steps forward, and the door opens to him. I follow him quickly inside. Instead of removing the rune from the door, as I thought he'd do, he leaves it up. I guess he's still nervous that his people won't appreciate my presense here. We walk into his den, and he turns to me, seeming to smile brightly. "I have something I must show you. I think I have figured out the problem with our magic. It may not work, but I am willing to try. When you hear about it, I will let you decide what we shall do. In the mean time, let me prepare something for you to eat. It has been a long day for you." With that, he heads into his food storage area. I can hear him preparing the meal we will soon have, and I wonder what his solution is to the problem. I'm almost scared that it will be some long, difficult ritual. I don't want to die just so I can do a few more parlor tricks! But I'm sure it won't threaten my life. He seems to be unable to let anything come to harm me. For that, I suppose I should be thankful. I'll let his people decide for themselves what they think of me. At least I know Crvesh cares about me. That's all I really need. copyright 2002 - Neiko Mitaki Feel free to e-mail me with any comments you might have, I would love to hear from anyone at all. Send comments to neikolion@catlover.com Again, comments and criticisms are graciously accepted. Flames will be ignored. Well, that's one more chapter down. They always seem to get longer and longer. I'll try to make the next one shorter, to balance things out. I really like they way this story is going, and I'll probably keep on writing it until I run out of ideas, or until I feel it's just done. I hope to get e-mail from SOMEone, honestly, I should hope at least one person has read and liked this by now. If not, I have some major re-adjustments to do with my writing style.