*********************************************************************** DISCLAIMER - This chapter contains graphic descriptions of sex, homosexuality and love between a sentient, intelligent wolf-man and a human. Any who would be insulted by this, or any children under 18 years of age (or 21 in certain areas) should NOT read this story, and by reading past this point, you afirm that you are legally mature and able to handle the subjects mentioned above. Also, the writer is not responsible for any problems which arise by not complying with this warning. Thank you for your patience, and I hope you enjoy. *********************************************************************** Chapter 5 - Together Crvesh and I have a wonderful meal. I notice him sitting there with me, eating a little more slowly than usual. He seems nervous, very odd compared to how I've known him. Always sure, always in control, he's never let himself be taken by surprise. At least, not while I've known him. And now... "Xavier?" His voice surprises me, and I look at him in question. He looks down a moment, still very nervous, then stands, and reaches out his arm. I take it, and he lifts me up to my feet. Not knowing what to expect, I look on, as he takes my hand, and says to me, "I want you to create fire, in the corner again." I look at him oddly, wondering what he has in mind, but instead of arguing, I just listen. I clear my mind, thinking of the powers of the earth being fed into my body, and focusing on creating a small fire in the corner. I open my eyes, and see him looking at me, seeming rather intent on keeping my gaze. "Now..." he says, "...make it larger." Now I give him a look, as to say, 'you know very well I can't.' But he seems to ignore me. "Please, just try. And do not halt your efforts for anything." I look at him oddly, but listen. Trying my best to enlarge the small ball of fire in the corner of the room. As usual, my concentration is wasted, having no effect on the fire I've created. Just as I'm about to give up, I feel his paw start caressing my chest, out of nowhere. I jump, and the fire orb flickers, but he steadies me. "Do not falter. Keep concentrating." I slow down my breathing, feeling his paw tracing little shapes on my chest, almost as if... is he showing love for me? In an instant, the little ball of fire grows into a raging inferno, larger than the fireplace or any other fire I've seen in my lifetime. Control of the flames is lost to me, as all my concentration suddenly rushes forth in one strong, cataclysmic blast. And in that instant, as the fire rushes at me, I feel Crvesh pull my body to his, and create a wall of water all around us. The flames diminish within a second, and he removes the shield, letting it vanish into steam. No questions pass from my lips as I stand against him in the dark, warm room. I am held close, and suddenly, I feel incredibly aware of my nudity, and his. Furry arms wrap around me, pressing my flesh further against his soft fur, and I swear I can hear something in his chest. A deep murring, almost silent, but my ear, placed directly onto his chest, hears it without trouble. For what feels like an eternity, I stand there in his arms, and he makes no move to stop me as my arms slowly move around him. There's a tangible tenseness in the room, and I feel both frightened, and aroused. This is it, this is my dream. But the uncertainties still lay in my mind. His arms slowly disengage around me, and I move back a bit, looking up at him. His eyes seem more sure now, more able to see the world. As my lips open, as I'm about to speak, a finger is placed over my mouth. A fairly large finger, because of the Mazuku's size. Instead of letting me ask questions, he speaks to me. "Xavier, I have found our problem. Before now we have been unsure of ourselves. We have fought with our inner feelings about the other. My position in my tribe would not let me consider you, and your unwillingness to admit your love for me to yourself has stifled you while around me. I have figured out the puzzle. I know how this must end." He draws me near, with his arms... his strong arms... and I finally start to realize how right he is. I put my hands on his sides and feel the warmth there. Now, I let myself be immersed in the feelings of love I've kept dammed up in my mind. And somehow, I feel an even greater flow of magical energy within me... and within him. "In order to find the true power within us, we must not hold back anything. We must tell each other... and show each other... what our love means." As I stand close to him, drinking in his words like the sweetest wine, I feel warm breath on my face, not my own. My hands recoil from his sides, the shock of feeling his lips along mine still setting in, even as the kiss begins. I feel the warmth, the softness, and all at once I feel the emotions rock me from my reverie. My lips join in this lover's bonding, the sensation so similar to my dream, that I wonder if this is indeed a dream. But no, I can feel the realness in his touch, in this moment. His lips leave mine, and my eyes open, to see his, a lovely shade of green I'd never gotten a chance to look at so closely until now. The way he stares into my blue ones, one would think he had seen the radiance of the sun in them. Though I'm sure our reasons are similar. We've just found the ultimate love. No words are exchanged as he lifts me into his arms, carrying me to the skins by the wall, and setting me down with the gentleness of a feather landing on the cool, clean earth. His body stretches out beside me, near me, and I move ever closer, feeling his fur touching me everywhere I had ever dreamed it would. Almost... Then, our eyes meet in an agreement, his paw reaching down and cupping my groin, bringing the area to life. I breathe out, deeply, lifting my hand to rest it on his sheath, feeling a warmth I'd longed to feel since I'd met him. Now, finally, I have it in my hand. And it's everything I'd hoped. Even as my body responds to his gentle paw, I feel his becoming receptive to my touches. Slowly the sheath thickens, and seems to fill, creating an even more impressive warmth than it had previously contained. Then, a spot of pink, showing just at the upper end, at the opening to his sheath. It seems to mimic my own phallus, becoming larger, warmer next to his paw. I feel the warm fingers gliding along it, my fingers mirroring his move, and both of our groins reacting in the same manner. With both of our shafts at their full length and girth, we take a moment to look at each other. In some ways, we are similar. His penis appears to be covered in veins, like mine. The flesh feels warm, and even though it is hard, there is a softness surrounding it, giving it a feel of mystery, yet excitement. There are differences too. His penis has some traits of a dog's, I've noticed. The end is tapered off to a dull point, much more than mine, which has a mushroom head at the tip. I also feel a swelling just outside his sheath, it seems larger than the rest of his penis, and I recognize this as the knot I have heard that dogs have for the purpose of mating... I must say, it's the one thing about the situation that frightens me. But then, I can't stay frightened of him, when I look up into those soft green eyes, and see him looking back, I know he won't let harm come to me. And below his growing shaft, laying against his thigh, are two large balls, in a sack that hangs down from his crotch. They look to be about five centimeters in diameter, almost twice the size of mine. I almost feel inadequite, but I need only remember the love we share to quell my worries. All this while, his eyes stay glued to my body. Sometimes his paw will lift a part of my anatomy, sometimes just rub along my skin, feeling the texture. I let my hand do the same to him, holding his shaft a moment, then feeling his balls, which feel quite heavy compared to mine. I let them fall from my hands, and run my fingers through his fur. It feels amazing, to touch the warmth hidden just beneath that thick layer of fur, realizing now why he is always warm. As our intimacy continues, his paw seems to get higher on my body, leaving my genitals alone for a time, and focusing on the rest of my torso. He feels around my abdomen, my nearly hairless body seeming to intrigue him. I feel along his sides, and his front, noticing that most of our muscles seem to have developed similarly. The abdominals are exactly the same. Our chest muscles as well, even the nipples, which had evolved from their wolven ancestors from being lower on the body, to higher up. Our eyes follow our hands and paws on their paths higher on our bodies. I feel his claws, slightly blunted, as most dog's are, yet their stiff surface on my flesh sends shivers down my spine. I feel his chest, muscles formed through the labors of life. They feel perfect, hidden subtly by his fur. My fingers find themselves travelling up his chest, and along his strong neck. For once, I feel a shiver rushing through him, and I know he's as relaxed as I am. I lift my head, and slide my hand back behind his neck, pulling him into another kiss. The warmth in the room seems to intensify. I can barely believe how hot I feel, and my body seems to move closer to his of it's own accord. I turn onto my side, and feel his arm brush over my side as he moves to embrace me, our kiss deepening. Two tongues dance within the confines of either wet mouth, traded back and forth, sometimes fighting to gain entrance to the other's mouth, sometimes fighting to pull the other tongue into it's own. Our heated kissing breaks suddenly, as I feel his lips pull away, his paw on my chest, holding me back from the closeness and warmth I deeply want. My eyes open, staring into his, and I feel like I know his question even before he asks it. Still, I listen. "Xavier..." He takes a moment to breath, and continues when he has his lungs under control. "...Xavier, are you certain you want this?" My response is a smile, and a short, much more tender kiss to his lips. My eyes close for the kiss, only to flutter open seconds later, catching his, and we stare at each other. I can still feel a paw moving along my back, comforting me, holding me. I don't know the last time I've felt so content. My mind wanders back to his question, and I imagine that he'd like a verbal response. "Crvesh, I know I want this. I... want to be with you." I move my hand onto his chest, feeling the dense mass of fur, running my fingers through it. "But I've never done this before..." A paw is gently placed upon my cheek. Gentle eyes look back into mine, and I simply melt against him. I would do anything he wants right now, but the trust I have in him tells me that he would never ask too much. I see those eyes sparkle, and more than anything, I recognize this as his form of a sincere, heart-felt smile. "I think that moving slowly will be just fine for us." The feel of his paw on my cheek calms me, and I listen to his voice. It's resonant, yet has such a calmness and caring to it that I can't help feeling safe. "I have never done this either. I am rather young, despite my looks to you. Our kind grow a bit more quickly that your own." My responce is a nod, my hand feeling through the fur on his neck, feeling the little vibrations of his murring, again showing the gentleness hidden beneath his large, sometimes overbearing exterior. His paw again goes wandering, feeling along my side, down to my naked hip. It feels too perfect, fitting just right along the slight curve. Just feeling his claws pressing to my hip is enough to send shivers through me. The paw slowly moves between us, his fingers never leaving my flesh. He pushes me gently, but firmly, onto my back, and I feel his fingers move over the pole of flesh between my legs I'd nearly forgotten about while staring into his eyes. His other arm cradles underneath my head, letting me watch him move his paw over my groin, and giving me a comfortable surface to rest upon as he fills me with pleasure. Just the sight of his large paw moving over my groin has me breathing deeply, but the feel of it is tremendous. The warm, soft fur, brushing up against one of the most sensitive areas of my body, simply sends shivers up my spine. I've never felt this kind of pleasure before, never even imagined anything so wonderful could exist. It's not that I've never experienced orgasm, nor that I've never pleasured myself... but the intense feeling of having another being want to give me this much pleasure is all the more surreal. No sooner have I had time to get used to his touches and caresses, than his fingers curl around my hardened shaft, giving me another shock of pleasure. My body feels like it's on fire. I look up at his face, seeing him concentrating on my pleasure. My hand, along with a harsh, deep breath draw his face to mine, and I kiss him once again, those lips bringing my mind to a sexual Nirvana. Just moments after our lips touch, I feel my body tense up. Somehow, it feels like I've been punched in the stomach. Yet, there's also an incredible pressure building up in my groin. Almost immediately, the intensity of my orgasm is upon me, my lips sealing to his own as several spurts of warm cum land on my front. My hand releases it's hold on his neck fur, having not even realized I'd been holding it so tightly, and I lean back from the kiss panting, and full of bliss, to look at him. Slowly, I regain my normal breathing, feeling him lifting up, away from me. The arm slides out from behind my head, and supports him as he leans over me. As I look up to see what he's doing, I notice his penis, resting unattended against my hip. He seems unconcerned, instead, he stares intently at the small spots of white spattered around my front. It tickles a bit as he breathes over me, his nose sending air out against me before he takes in the scent before him. Then, a moment later, a long, pink tongue flicks out and draws a few drops of the liquid into his mouth. I gasp at the sudden warmth brushing against me. He seems to study it in his mouth, like a connoisseur of fine wine among my people. Seeming to come to a decision, he laps at me a bit more, cleaning me off, I assume. But still, if it weren't an offensive taste to him... His tongue stops, and my chest area is clean of the seminal fluid, his saliva feeling cool to the warm air of the room. He licks a bit more from my shrinking member, causing me to shiver in responce. As I watch, he climbs back up next to me, and kisses me tenderly. Hardly any force is placed upon my lips, but his warmth is still there, and in it, all the love I feel for him. I make a decision now. I want to return his pleasure. In the very least, I want him to know what I've just felt with him. I slowly move onto my side, making him shift onto his back. He seems almost surprised by my sudden aggressiveness, but he doesn't make any moves to stop me, so I continue. I move to take his hardened maleness in my hand, wrapping my fingers around it as I would when I pleasure myself. The feel is different. His has much more weight to it, and seems to pulse a bit more than mine. Then my fingers slide over the large knot near the base, and a shudder is felt throughout his body. Well, at least now I know what will really turn him on... My hand moves up, then back down, stroking the long maleness a bit. It looks to be around the length of seventeen centimeters, from the tip to his knot, the knot maybe another five centimeters down, and looking about as wide. His still sits larger than mine, at fifteen centimeters fully hard. Everytime I come into contact with the knot near the base of his shaft, he shivers a bit. It seems he's as sensitive to my touch as I was to his. Without care of whether he would object or not, I slide down on the skins, my face nearing his warm wolfhood, and I stare for a moment at the clear drop of liquid at the tip. It seems thick, and, as I lean my head closer, I can smell what must be his own scent of arousal. It seems so much stronger than I've ever known my own to be, though I've never been this close to my groin either. Still, the smell traps me, and draws me in, until I can neither think about nor feel anything but the warmth just lightly pulsing in my hand. Slowly, feeling my nerves tense slightly, that he may not want this, but realizing that I cannot hold back my desires for him, I lean forward, and kiss away the small bead of clear fluid from the tip of his male member. Smooth, warm, and very pleasureful to the tongue, would be how I describe it. No wonder he decided to lick up all he could get. I feel the tiny shiver travel up his body, almost giddy at the prospect of giving him such pleasure. The next time I lean down, I gather up another small bead of his pre-cum onto my tongue, but afterwards, I don't lean back up. My mouth slowly opens, and takes in a bit of his shaft. I feel his body tense, my eyes opened just enough to see his claws dig into and shred the skins along the top layer. Seeing such power in him only drives me further in wanting to give him pleasure. I let my hand rub and caress the lower parts of his shaft, focusing my lips, and my tongue, around the tip. I suckle lightly, feeling him move his hips up with it. I let him relax for a moment, just holding the tip in my mouth, before suckling, and running my fingers over his growing knot. I hadn't realized how intense this is for him. Just as sudden as mine had been, his orgasm seems to come from nowhere, feeling his maleness expand slightly in my hand, before a spurt of warm, thick fluid floods into my mouth. I swallow this, and the several that come after it, feeling it slow around the tenth or so spurt. It seems like a lot to me, but I suppose his race could simply produce more. With testicles like the ones he has, I wouldn't be surprised. As his body settles back to the skins, I keep the tip of his maleness in my mouth, letting the last vestiges of his semen flow onto my tongue. The taste, now that I have a good chance to focus on it, is just heavenly. Thick, and strong, yet just the right kind of taste not to be offensive. It's slightly bitter, but it only seems to add to the flavor. As the shaft begins to soften, and retreat to his sheath, I let it slip from my lips, and remove my hand, looking up at him with the happiest look on my face. I move back up his body, resting slightly atop him, a little off to his side, and feel his arm move around my back. Resting my head on his shoulder, I look above us, focusing on something I know will surprise him. I create a set of words, written in light, spelling out the sentence: "I love you." His head turns away from the display, toward my face, and I can tell he absolutely adores my effort. I let myself sink into a kiss, swimming in a sea of pleasure and love that only seems to get warmer with each passing second. For some reason, I feel a twinge of fear in the back of my mind, remembering something about a dream I had, but as he holds me in his arms, I forget about it. Nothing can harm me as long as he's here. copyright 2003 - Neiko Mitaki Feel free to e-mail me with any comments you might have, I would love to hear from anyone at all. Send comments to neikolion@catlover.com Again, comments and criticisms are graciously accepted. Flames will be ignored. Well, the story is going well, as far as I'm concerned. And no, this isn't the end. It's just the end of the first part. The story will take a bit of a turn for the next chapter, but I won't devulge anything else, just to keep everyone insuspense. (I just love doing that.) Anyway, that's about it for now. I hope you liked the long yiff scene, because there probably won't be that many like this for a bit. No, the yiff won't disappear, but I won't pour my heart and soul into it either. Besides, that wouldn't fit what I've got in mind. (And you'll just have to see what that is. ^.^) Catch ya later, furrs.