*********************************************************************** DISCLAIMER - This chapter contains graphic descriptions of sex and homosexuality, and contains depictions of violence and what could be considered rape. Any who would be insulted or disgusted by this, or any children under 18 years of age (or 21 in certain areas) should NOT read this story, and by reading past this point, you afirm that you are legally mature and able to handle the subjects mentioned above. Also, the writer is not responsible for any problems which arise by not complying with this warning. Thank you for your patience, and I hope you enjoy. *********************************************************************** Chapter 6 - Pain I am a stalker in the night, a shadow, and an illusion. I once had a true life, and true friends, but that is long behind me. I now have only one objective. Vengence, against the humans who took my livelihood from me. As I sit here, I can smell the atrocious scent of that human. He has defiled our race with his presence here. And even managed to seduce our prince. Crvesh... why did you fall in love with a human like him? Why wouldn't you see that I loved you? I guess that's not important anymore. I'm not who I was, and you're not who you were, either. That human has tricked you into believing that he loves you, but I'll show you the truth. I'll make sure you see, even if both of you must die. Though the sight disgusts me, my master ordered me to keep them under my surveillence, and I shall. Just watching that disgusting bag of flesh, writhing all over the wolf I once loved... and to think how many times Crvesh turned me down! Told me that the prince of our people must have a female mate... Well, if he really doesn't want a male, maybe I can alter that poor sap of a human taking advantage of him. He'll make a fine female when I'm done with him. No, why bother messing with that evil being. Better to just wipe it from the planet completely. I'll have to report this new finding to my master. He'll know better how to treat this human. In an instant, I become the shadows, slipping out past the rune guardian left by the door. Crvesh really needs to think before he sets up a rune... I make my way across town, to my master's cavern, and enter quietly. There is the sound of soft grunting... and it seems to be coming from his common area. As I turn the bend in the cavern, I can see him there, sitting in his chair, stroking his large canine cock... "" He says, in our language. "" I obey him, my newly found master. The first person since Crvesh who's accepted me. "" I listen, and get down on my paws and knees in front of my master, wagging my tail to him. It's only my third time with him, but by now, I've grown to love it. Just remembering the last time he took me... "" I yelp as he shoves himself inside me. He's rough, but I enjoy it anyway. There's no way I'd trade him for anyone else. Anyone else, but... "Aaah!" It only takes him a few moments to reach his climax, filling my tailhole with his seed. I squeeze my tailhole, and rock back and forth, milking it all out of him, but he just grabs my hips and holds me still, brutally shoving that thick knot past my tailhole. Now is when I yell. He's never done that before, and the pain is unbearable! I try to relax, as I remember this is exactly how I felt the first time, when he first shoved it inside my virgin tailhole. It feels like he stabbed me with a red hot poker. At least now, I know to relax, and after some time, I can accomodate him. He keeps on spraying his seed inside me, every other squeeze from my tail pucker on that thick knot provoking another large spurt from him. I feel so full of wolf cum I'm ready to burst, but his orgasm begins to slow down, and I relax beneath him. Soon enough, he's able to speak again. "" I nod beneath him, shivering a bit from the large cock still embedded inside me. "" My master seems to ponder this a moment. I eagerly await his order to kill the human before he can cause more harm to our prince. Instead, he tells me, "" I rise up suddenly, my arms bending up straight as I'm shocked by his words. "" My words are answered by a swift smack to the back of my head. I can feel the lines where his claws draw blood. "" My head throbs with pain. I can feel the blood running down my neck, beginning to drip onto the ground. He's been rough with me before... and I've always cried. He told me if I ever cried again, I'd be punished severely. More than anything, I don't want that. "" He reaches forward, taking my chin forcefully in his grip. "" I shake my head fervently, wanting anything but to be seen crying. "" He lets my chin go, shoving my face back forward. "" I nod, gravely. "" I feel him give a tug at the knot buried in my tailhole, making me wince in pain. "" With a sharp growl, he forcefully pulls his knot from me. A sudden pain shoots up my spine, and my mouth opens in an inaudible scream as the agony pulses through my nether regions. I look up at him, and see a look of indifference on his face. I feel him wipe his maleness on my rear end, figuring he's removing whatever blood managed to get on him as he pulled out. I clench my tailhole shut, feeling it stinging with pain, just crouching on the ground while he stands up and sits in the one piece of furnature in his entire cavern. "" I'm quick to obey, getting up off the floor and walking out, legs more than a little wobbly after that brutal treatment of my tailhole. Even since the incident in the village, I've always listened to my master, Grom. Even should he hurt me, he's the only one left in the forest who cares about me. And he's the only one I can rely on to take care of me. But now, I've been ordered to kill Crvesh... The human would be no problem. Just shove a knife through his heart and never think about it again. But Crvesh is another story. About now, I decide I need some time to think. Even if my master wants it done now, an hour or so won't jeopardize anything. I head to my room, and sit on the pile of skins I use as a bed, thinking of the past. Crvesh and I used to be great friends. We attended school together, and though he was the prince of our people, he never seemed to be too full of himself. It's never been stressed that any member of our tribe love one sex or another. We've always believed that the earth would draw us to our one true love, no matter what the circumstances. But I guess Crvesh grew up differently. As I'd said, he was the prince of our settlement. Although he didn't give off this sense of rulership, he always seemed to be very confident to my eyes. I guess that's part of what drew me to him. By the time we reached middle adolescence, I was completely taken with him. Time and again, I asked him if he would be my lovemate, but he constantly refused me. No matter how much I would try, he would always give me the same reason. As the prince of his people, he had an obligation to leave an offspring. I said I would be willing to let him mate with another, and have a child, but he seemed to think that sort of thing would only lead to jealousy and hate. Time would pass, and as we grew to late adolescence, his parents passed away. It was a devastating shock for him, and for the populous, but I was always there by him, trying to comfort him. The rest of the community tried to help, too, but I could tell he looked to me most for support. The night their bodies were burned in reverence to their leadership among the people, and their work toward upholding the powers of the earth, Crvesh came to me with a confession. He did, indeed, love me. Probably more than he would ever love anyone else. But now that his parents were gone, he had to honor his family, and find a mate whom could provide him with children. Not too long after, I began to question myself. Why did I have to be born male? If I were female, Crvesh would never have hesitated to become my lovemate. As things are now, he'll never be any more than a friend. Despite this, I held on to our friendship, hoping that one day he would turn around and see me as the one who would join him for life. Well, I waited a long while. Two years after that incident, we finally reached the age where our kind gain magical abilities. I could tell Crvesh was suffering from his parents not being there to guide him, but often times I'd remind him that I would always be there beside him. It seemed to help. During the night of the last full moon of the spring, there's a large ceremony for the next group entering adulthood, and as the ceremony reaches it's closing, all members are granted the gift of the earth's powers by the village seer. One by one, four youth of the village in line before me are granted adulthood, and magic, by the earth. The seer has always been viewed as wise and fair, and has never been wrong in deciphering the exact element that each of us control. However, the village was in for a shock when my turn came around. The seer stopped before me. Simply standing there. I can remember so clearly the look on her face. So puzzled she was. It frightened me that she was not continuing on with the ceremony. And for good reason. She nodded once, and looked me in the eyes. "" Her appearance didn't even change. I could tell Crvesh was concerned for me, standing next to me. The seer had to tell him several times to look at her, but he kept looking at me. The whole village was. But, unlike Crvesh, most of them seemed to look at me in disgust. It's always been believed that any being without magic is considered to be unworthy of the earth's gift. The earth's gift, in this reference, refers to life itself. We've always tended to think this of humans, though they live on like some festering disease, but there's never been a case that one of our own kind completely lacked magic. Until me. The village abandoned me, and if it hadn't been for Crvesh's protection, they probably would have sent me out into the physical world. To most of them, I was already dead, and several nights, I would lay on Crvesh's bed, and just cry. Sometimes he'd hold me, sometimes he would seem afraid to, but I could always tell that he'd stay awake with me, watching me cry myself to sleep. After another year passed by, the elders of our tribe devised a project, something they hoped would allow us to co-inhabit the earth with the humans, in peace. It was readily accepted, because, though no one would say it out loud, all were feeling completely trapped. Even in this forest paradise, it was becoming difficult to find the will to go on when there was no change. It's at that point that Crvesh decided to lead the project. The elders were, of course, worried about his ability to oversee such an undertaking, but the village was behind him, so they eventually agreed. Crvesh had grown from the cub I'd known him to be, into a responsible adult wolf. For a year, the village was maintained. It had started to grow from a small tribal settlement into a town, when the humans finally found it. In hoards, they came, wielding weapons we had never seen in the forest, magical or physical. And as quickly as they came, then began to destroy all that we had worked so hard to create. I was there, just to be close to Crvesh, but when the incident happened, I couldn't find him. The village was being engulfed in flames, and I heard screams about the prince being taken captive. In that instant, my heart broke, and I thought about going after him, but I knew I'd only die. Somehow, deep down, I had a feeling I'd see him again. For weeks, the villagers were in tears. Their prince had been lost. Even my own parents had been killed in the attack. Despite that they had disowned me, it was just one more loss acredited to the humans. From the first day, I had confidence that Crvesh would survive, but even the hardiest of wolves can lose their cool. And I'm not the hardiest. I'd begun to accept that Crvesh would never reappear, when another wolf took me into his home. He seemed to care about me as much as Crvesh had, but he had qualities that I'd never seen in Crvesh. An unbending confidence in everything. Sometimes seeming over-confident, but he never backed down from anything. He even said he'd find a way for me to use magic. He was, at the time, considered to be a fine replacement for the seer. Caring for me had somewhat reduced his view in the public's eye, but he kept me near anyway, his usual confidence in everything he does forcing him to live with his mistake, as I'd thought at the time. He looked at me, and at once saw the power within me. He told me that the seer had lied to me, and that the village had betrayed me. I stood up for Crvesh, but he seemed to dislike this. That was the first time he hit me. A hard backhand, and I was on the ground. I'll never forget how much that hurt. But I knew I couldn't disrespect my keeper. I felt the blood flow from the corner of my mouth, tears in my eyes as he told me to forget about the former prince. I was reassured many times that he was dead, and I began to believe this wolf's words. His name, Grom, was held by a former eldest wolf, before his passing some years ago. He was proud of the name, and though some think he's less than his grandfather, I feel just the opposite. He's surpassed anyone in the village, and I'm sure of it. No one else could bring forth the magic I held within me. Darkness, he said. He placed his hand on my head, and in an instant, I felt the power rush through me. I did have magic! Then it was true, the seer had been lieing. I trusted him about everything... but secretly, I was still hopeful that Crvesh would come back. It had been almost two months since he'd been captured, and we'd been confined, once again, to these forests we've seen for years now. That's around the time that I heard from the villagers that the seer had found Crvesh. I was ecstatic! Finally, I would get to see Crvesh again! But I couldn't let Grom know that I was disobeying him. So, the day Crvesh was scheduled to return, I snuck out of his cave, under the cover of my powers of darkness, and made my way to the place designated for his arrival. But just moments after he and the others appeared from the portal, I saw it. That human. That horrid creature. I've been told that he helped Crvesh get out of the clutches of the humans. But why would a human save one of our kind? They're not even fit to be on this planet. I fled before Crvesh could see me. It was obvious I needed to get rid of the human before I could have Crvesh to myself again. When I returned to Grom's cavern, he was awake, and waiting for me. That was the first night he took me. It was rough, especially because I'd never had anyone inside me before. His large wolf cock bore into me like a jackhammer, but he left his knot out that time. I was glad, I'm sure it would have killed me. I cried a great deal that night, and Grom's only responce was to hit me and tell me to toughen up. To be more like a male. I did my best, and using all my willpower, I was able to do as he said. I'd finally learned to keep my thoughts inside me. After that time, I slowly began to enjoy the thought of him taking me. As incentive for going after the human one night, he took me again. Just the same as the first time, only now I was more than ready for him. I remember it feeling good, in a rough and harsh kind of way. Of course, that's just how Grom was, and still is. However, that night, I failed in my mission, and came back wounded. Grom ignored me, then smacked me with open claws for my poor work, and sent me to my room. It was my job, this time, only to observe that human and Crvesh... but after seeing Crvesh doing... what he did... My thoughts return to the present. I have to kill that horrible human and rid Crvesh of his curse. Somehow he's managed to convince Crvesh that he loves the wolf, but I know better. He's only looking for his opportunity to overtake all of us. I make my way out, knowing Master Grom probably knows I waited this long, but he won't care as long as it gets done. I quickly race through the forest, not wanting to be seen by any who may pass by. There are only hunters and guards awake this late, but I can easily out-smart them. The powers Master Grom has given me have proven quite useful in tricking the mind and fooling the senses. Not only do I have the powers of darkness, and shadow, but also disease and death. Perhaps Crvesh would never have loved me if he'd known I had this kind of power hidden within me, but it's too late to decide that now. I've made my way across the forest, to the cave entrance of Crvesh. I open the door to Crvesh's cave as easily as always, he'd purposely fashioned his rune so I could slip past it also. That human's curse must be so powerful that Crvesh had even forgotten that. Considering that he'd already had to fight me off before, there's no reason for him to leave that rune. Now no one who would help him can get in. I make my way down, keeping up a cloak of darkness around me. There, laying on the skins, are Crvesh, and that... human. They seem... somehow, they appear to be at peace now. And the human's face seems serene, as though he's actually in love with the wolf. A small moral dilema goes through my mind. I've wanted Crvesh since I was young, and yet, this human can sneak into the town, seduce Crvesh, and have him in bed before even three nights have passed. It must be some kind of magic... but... Wait! Humans don't have magic... They are below the powers of the earth, and therefore can never wield magic as their own. And if they could use magic... then all of our myths about humans and the world around us would be false. What if Master Grom had been lieing to me... my trust in my master seems to waver, just for a moment, but before I can react to the change, my body suddenly freezes. I lose control of my muscles, and they seem to move on their own. My dagger is taken from it's sheath, by my own paw, and I can feel my legs walking me closer to the skins, closer to Crvesh and that human. As much as I try, I can't will myself to make a single noise, to even utter a squeek, as I drop to my knees in front of the human, and my arms raise the dagger above my head, poised to lower it into the chest of the human... copyright 2003 - Neiko Mitaki Feel free to e-mail me with any comments you might have, I would love to hear from anyone at all. Send comments to neikolion@catlover.com Again, comments and criticisms are graciously accepted. Flames will be ignored. Don't you just love those moments of suspense? C'mon, I know you do. Yeah, this is a huge change of pace from the other stories I've written in the series. I might as well give an explanation for that now. Before, the story was only from Xavier's point of view. This was to set the story up, and to introduce the few main characters I could while writing around him. This chapter is meant to introduce another character, Hret, who's only been mentioned due to Xavier's inability to interact with him. He'll be more developed later, as well as a few of these other characters that have been mentioned. I won't give away anything, incase some of you actually care, because you'll probably see what I mean soon enough. So, until next time, happy reading.