--One Night--

By Jake Womble


It was another cold night. Nothing new for New York.  

I had been cooped up in my apartment all day, trying to write, but I couldn't seem to write anything I felt was any good.  I sighed, as I grabbed my jacket.  It was heavy, thick.  Living in Texas hadn't prepared me for the bracing cold of Albany.  I walked out into the cold.  I needed to take a breath of fresh air.  I decided to walk through the park to that new pub that had just opened up.  I wasn't a drinker, but I certainly needed some company.  I looked about me, the trees rustling in the breeze.  I must have been imagining things.  I couldn't shake the feeling like I was being followed.  The trees were bare, creepy as the moonlight poured in behind them.  Although it was cold out, I could feel myself begin to sweat.  I tried to think of it logically.  There wasn't anything that I should be scared of.  Nevertheless, I sped up as I saw the path end at the street.  I had made it, no problem.  I let out a sigh of relief.  Nothing to worry about.  That's what I thought.  

I felt an arm wrap around my neck, stuffing a cloth over my mouth.  My eyes widened, but soon began to close, as I felt my body fail, and slipped into unconsciousness…

I awoke, dazed and confused.  I tasted copper in my mouth.  Chloroform…  

I looked around, only to see darkness. My glasses were missing. I tried moving my hands, but I couldn’t. They had been tied to posts. Not tight enough to hurt, but certainly tight enough to keep me from moving. Visions of what my captor planned to do to me rushed into my head. Rape… murder… torture… all of it poured into my head, one by one.  I heard a door open. My heart raced, as sweat rolled down my face.  Only one thing ran through my mind.  “I never got to tell Kerrin…”

I swallowed hard. “W-who’s there?” I questioned, stammering nervously, “What do you plan to do to m…” I felt a finger cover my mouth, silencing my question. It wasn’t a cold, hard finger, like I had though it would be.  No, it was soft… delicate… “Who… who are you?” I questioned softly. I heard my captor’s voice… it was female. Elegant, soothing, beautiful…

“I’m surprised at you, Neon. You’re such a smart boy, but you can’t figure out who’d want to do this to you?” I recognized the voice instantly.

“K… Kerrin?” I asked in shock.

I felt her reach around my head, untying the blindfold over my eyes and placing my glasses back over my eyes. I scanned my surroundings. I was in Kerrin’s bedroom, my hands tied to the posts of her bed.  The room was bathed in the light of a dozen or so glowing candles. I saw her. She was just as beautiful as I remembered her. Her long, brown hair flowed over her slender back. She smiled down at me, her stunning eyes filled with warmth and compassion. “Yes, Neon… it’s me,” she said, her soothing voice calming my worry. I looked down. My shirt had been removed, but, strangely, my pants remained. I returned my gaze to her.

“W… why are you doing this?” I asked, questioningly.

She smiled, as she slid over me on the bed. I could only blush, as I stared up at her. She laughed at my red face. “You always were a shy one…” she said, before kissing me deeply, stroking the back of my head. It was my first kiss. I looked back at her, my eyes widened, then relaxed, slowly closing. I hoped that that kiss would never end.

She pulled away from me, smiling. “You see, Neon… whether you realized it or not, I’ve had feelings for you for a long time. I just needed to make sure you felt them too. And now that I have you… I get to play with you until you tell me.” I blinked a few times in disbelief.

“P…play with me?” I asked, confused. She smirked down at me.

“Yes… play with you. We’re going to play a game called ‘Don’t Moan’. I’m going to do something like…” She quickly began slowly and tenderly massaging my ears. I blushed, trying my best not to moan. “… like this, until you moan. And if you lose, you must answer any question I ask you.” I felt sweat form at my forehead, as she stopped massaging my ears. 

“A-anything?” I stammered. She smiled evilly, as she looked back down at me. She began to rub my shoulders, delicately. I felt the pleasure that a simple shoulder rub could bring.  It was unfamiliar to me.  After a life of loneliness, I had no idea how it felt to be loved physically. I had to control myself. I couldn’t moan.

She wasn’t about to give up. She slowly leaned in, kissing my neck gently, over and over again, as she continued to massage my shoulders. I felt myself blush even deeper, as she gently bit into my neck.  I whimpered, as I bit my lip to stop from moaning in pleasure. She was so gentle, yet so firm. It was like she knew exactly how to please me.

She looked up, seeing my resistance. “Well, your will-power is strong. But I happen to know that everyone has a weak spot…”She said, grinning, “and I think I know where it is…”. She giggled as she slowly slid to the bottom of the bed, running her hands down my leg, over my ankle, and down to the tip of my foot.  I involuntarily shook my head. I felt my mind say “No, not the feet!” but my mouth wouldn’t say it. She began to massage my tender feet slowly. I resisted as much as possible, but she continued massaging them more and more.  I felt the pleasure shoot up my spine.  I bit my lip, I closed my eyes, I tried not to think about it but it was no use. My feet had, once again, become my weakness. I couldn’t hold it in any longer. I let out a long, pleasured howl that they could probably hear all the way in the next county. She had won. I was broken. 

She smiled, as she moved back up the bed, sitting on my stomach.  “Good boy, Neon…” she said, smiling warmly into my eyes. Sweat rolled down my forehead, as I blushed, gasping for air.

“W… w-what… do you want to know…” I gasped, unaware if I should be feeling panic or pleasure. She looked back at me, love deeply filling her beautiful hazel eyes.

“Neon… I have to know… do you love me?” she asked me softly.  I couldn’t lie…

 “Kerrin… yes… I love you… I loved you the first time we met. I just never thought you loved me… but… now… You win. I submit. You can do whatever you want to m-” I felt her finger slip over my mouth.  The same finger that had quieted my fear was now bonding my love.

She stared into my eyes, before kissing my neck gently again.  I blushed lightly, letting out a small moan of pleasure. She looked at me, a small smirk crossing her face. “So, my Neon likes his torture, does he?” I nodded weakly, blushing. She chuckled. “Good…” she said, before kissing me passionately, rubbing my back as she did. I felt her soft hands run over my spine, sending chills of pleasure throughout my body. I felt her hand reach down to my waist. My eyes widened, as I blushed again. She laughed.

“Aw… my cute, little coyote boy is still shy… Well then, we’ll just have to fix that, won’t we?” she said suggestively, unbuttoning my jeans.  I looked down, whimpering slightly, as she pulled my pants down off my legs. Kerrin smiled, as her finger traced the rim of my boxers.

“W-what are you doing?” I asked, stammering nervously.  I had never been kissed before that night, let alone had sex.

“I also happen to know,” she said, softly, pulling my boxers down, “that this is your first time…” I blushed even deeper, turning almost my entire face red. I was completely naked. Vulnerable to anything she could do to me.

Kerrin chuckled at my response. She removed her top, revealing her beautiful, round breasts.  I felt myself get slightly hard.  She smiled, as she kissed my stomach.  I looked down, feeling her kiss me repeatedly, going lower and lower with every kiss, until she made he way to my manhood.  She licked the tip of it, sending an instant shockwave of pleasure up my spine. I gasped. I’d never felt anything like that before.

I saw myself fully harden to my full eight-inches. Kerrin gasped slightly at its size.  “Neon! I never knew it was so big!” she exclaimed, running a finger gently down from the head to the base. I whimpered in the slight pleasure.

“Please… let me go… I need to hold you… please…” I pleaded.  She just smirked as she looked up at me. 

“Oh no, Neon… we’re just getting started!” she said, slipping her hands behind me. I shook my head, knowing full well what she planned to do.

“N-no! N-not th-” I started to say. She was faster.  She struck, first licking my member from base to head, before engulfing it. I moaned, my face growing an even deeper shade of red. The feeling was intense. Her tongue wrapped around it, tickling it, licking it, rubbing it.  It felt like heaven. I gasped as she continued going up and down.  I felt a tingle, then another strange sensation. I knew she felt my pulse quicken, as she began to quicken her pace. I felt it. It rose faster and faster every time she went up and down. It felt my eyes tear in pleasure, as the feeling rose even faster. I couldn’t hold it any longer. I let out a moan, as I came, my back arching. She had done it. And she licked every single drop of my love. I tried opening my eyes, but I couldn’t.  I was too exhausted. All I could feel was Kerrin crawl up the bed and kiss me, before I slid into unconsciousness.

I awoke awhile later. I rubbed the top of my head. Then I looked back down at my wrist.   I was freed! I felt movement in the bed beside me. I looked, and there was she was. Kerrin… my fox-girl captor. I loved her so…  I had to repay her somehow.  I looked over, and saw the shackles on her dresser. A devious thought crossed my mind, as I smiled wickedly. I grabbed the shackles, and carefully, so as not to wake her, cuffed her to arms to the bed. Now to put my plan into action. I kissed Kerrin on her forehead to wake her. She yawned slightly, before looking up at me. She tried to move her arms to hug me, but realized that she couldn’t move them. She looked up at me, shock in her eyes. “What are you doing? I… I though you loved me…” she said sadly. I kissed her deeply, eliminating her fear. I looked into her eyes deeply, before leaning into her ear.

“Now… I get to return my love,” I whispered. I slowly kissed her neck. She gasped, blushing slightly. I smiled, as I kissed her neck again, then her chest, slowly making my way to her breasts. I looked back into her eyes. The fear that was once there was replaced by want. I smiled, as I struck. I licked her right nipple, while fondling her left breast. She gasped in pleasure. It was the most wonderful sound I’d ever heard. I began to nibble at it, causing her to yelp slightly.  I smiled, as I continued to nibble away.  She moaned deeply, her hands buckling with the bed. I drifted downwards, licking her furry stomach lovingly. She giggled slightly as I did. I smiled as I licked again. Another giggle. “S-stop!  Th-that’s not fair!” she said between giggles.  I smirked up at her.

“Oh… I’m just starting, my cute captive fox…” I said, kissing her stomach. I moved one of my hands down to her inner thigh, and began rubbing gently, careful not to go to close to her puss. She moaned in the slight pleasure. I looked back up at her, smiling. “Hmm… well then… you found my weakness… I wonder where…” I said, reaching around her back, “yours could be?” I started to rub her back, looking back at her reaction.  She let out another slight moan.  “Hmm… I’m getting there…” I said, running my hand lower down her back. Her groans grew slightly as I got closer to her tail. “Getting warmer…” I stated, smiling back at her. He gently rubbed the base of her tail. She yelped slightly, shaking her head. “Jackpot!” I chuckled, gently running my hand through her tails long, fluffy fur. She blushed even deeper, shaking her head slightly.

“N-no… not there! Please… do-” she began. I cut her off, massaging her tail gently. She gasped, groaning wonderfully as I continued to rub her thigh with one hand, and massage her tail with the other, all the while kissing and licking her stomach. I knew it was only a matter of time before she’d break. I could tell she was weakening, as she whimpered lovingly as I continued my torture.  I sped up, rubbing faster, massaging more, sucking gently while I kissed, leaving hickeys as I did, until she let out a load howl of pleasure. “Neon! Please… I give in… please… I can’t take this anymore!” she shouted, gasping slightly.  I smiled up to her, her face red from the sensations. It was time I really repaid her. I gently ran a hand down to her panties. She moaned softly, as I felt her get wet in my hand. I smiled, kissing her stomach again, before moving down to the end of the bed.

“Well well… It seems my fox-girl enjoys her payment…” I said, examining her panties, smiling, “I’m just going to have to take care of this for her.” I said softly.

I smiled as I pulled her panties down, revealing her beautiful puss, wet and waiting. I couldn’t hold back. Instinct kicked in. I dove in, licking her deeply. She tasted divine.  I heard her gasp, then groan in pleasure.

“Oh… oh, Neon!” she panted as I continued to explore deeper into her with my tongue. It was the greatest feeling in the world, knowing that I was giving her so much pleasure. I couldn’t help but continue. I ran my hand up, and fondled her breast as I licked and suckled away at her puss.  She moaned even louder. I smiled, as I continued.

Then I found it. Her clit.  I heard her gasp, as I licked it.  I knew I had found her soft spot.  I licked at it, as I fondled her breast, thumbing her nipple gently. “Oh!” she gasped in pleasure, “Oh my!” I continued to lick and suck it, as she continued to moan in ecstasy.  That’s when I unleashed my secret weapon.  I began to, ever so gently, nibble at her clit. I heard her let out a load groan. “Ooooooh, Neon!  Take me now, please!” And I humbly obeyed. I began to nibble and suckle deeper and more aggressively at it, while my other hand lifted back up to her other breast. I could feel her coming. I nibbled faster. She groaned louder, and louder, as I suckled faster and nibbled harder.   “Ne… oh, Neo… neh… mmm…” she groaned, not able to form words.  I nibbled one last time, until finally I felt it. She let out the longest, most pleasured moan possible, as I felt the warmth of her cum flow over my face. I licked up every last bit. It tasted heavenly. I slowly pulled away from her, smiling at her reddened and panting face. “N… Neon…” she panted, looking up at me. I smiled.

“Yes?’ I asked, unshackling her hands. As soon as I did, she pounced on me, throwing me backwards.  I looked up at her, shock on my face.  She smirked down at me, reaching for my member, which was hard from all the moaning and groaning.

“Now you’re gonna get it!” she declared, looming over me.  I had only warmed her up! I nodded nervously in agreement.

She positioned herself over my member, smiling deviously at me. I felt sweat pour down my head, as she slowly slid onto me.  We both moaned in unison, as she covered every single inch of me.  She sat there for a bit, letting me feel her warmth. It was ecstasy.  She slowly began to lift her self, pumping my manhood. I moaned in pleasure. It was so intense!  I’d never felt like that in all my life! She continued, going up and down, up and down, up and down. I gasped each time she did. Her breasts began to bounce with each pump. Up and down, up and down. I had to return the feeling to her.

I turned over, causing her to fall on her back, with me still inside her. I moved my love into her, hearing her moan in pleasure as I did. I felt her legs wrap around my waist, drawing me in even deeper, pumping me in and out, in and out. I felt myself coming, but I held it back. She had to come first. I continued to pump, fondling her breasts again as I did. I bent over carefully and kissed her neck, gently biting into her. She gasped in pleasure at every pump, every fondle, and every bite. I could feel her coming.   I pumped even faster, and longer, kissing her neck again and again.  She moaned, placing her hands around my back, brining me in with every pump.

She let out another, melodic groan as she came. I felt the warmth as her cum covered my member, causing me to come with her. We both groaned in blissful unison, as we slowed down. It was true euphoria.

I slid out of her, and laid down next to her in the bed, wrapping my arms around her, holding her closely. I whispered gently in her ear, “Kerrin… I love you…” She kissed me back, sharing my affection.  

“I know, Neon…” she said, closing her eyes, and buried herself into my chest. “… I love you, too…” I kissed her forehead, as we slowly drifted into blissful slumber in each other’s arms.