How does it feel? Recently, the topic has been brought up in the real world that the crazy Japanese are going to allow the splicing of human and animal genes to create real-life furres. Personally, I'm all for it. A lot of people are. Still, with all of the proposed problems this would bring about, especially socially, you have to wonder what the furres would think once they're created. The year is now 2053, about 52 years into the future. By now, furres are scattered across the globe and have all of the rights that human beings have. Still, it wasn't always that way. I've found three specific furres and brought them together for a little chat in the form of a round table discussion, or, rather, a variant of it that resembles a group interview. All three of them are felines; one is female, two are male. The female's name is Jessica, and the males are Jonathan and Cecil. And yes, this discussion is recorded as a script for simplicity. Let's get started. [All participants are seated around a circular oak table.] Nick: Hello, and thank you for coming. Before we start with the discussion, tell us a little about yourselves. What are your names, where are you from, and when were you "created," or turned into a furre. First names only, please. Cecil: [This older feline seems to have a little difficulty speaking.] My name is Cecil, and I was among the first volunteers for this "project" back in 2010. Jessica: [A middle-aged female feline who looks saddened and beaten.] I'm Jessica. I was turned into this [she says it with disgust] about 4 years before the International Furre Rights Act. That had to be my worst mistake I've ever made. Jonathan: [The youngest feline, looking a little anxious to leave.] And I'm Jon. I was just turned into a furre about a year ago and it's been a blast! Nick: Well, it's nice to meet you all. First off, what made you want to be a furre? Jon: Easy. I wanted to get at them catgirls, duh. They didn't like me as a human, though, so voila! [Jessica seems angered by this statement, but Jon doesn't notice.] Cecil: I was told I'd be rich if I would be part of this experiment. That's all. Too bad I blew it so fast. [Jessica remains silent for the time being.] Jon: Hey, Jessica, your turn. [Instead of speaking, Jessica starts to cry softly, her fur soaking up the tears.] Nick: You don't have to reply if you don't... Jessica: [Shaking off the tears] No, no, it's ok. [Sniffling] I didn't want to be a furre, Nick. I was kidnapped by those government pricks and sold to a brothel. I'm sure you've heard of this happening before. Nick: Yes, I have, and I'm sorry. We'll drop the subject there. [All of them are silent, except for Jessica's sobbing. Once she regains her composure, he continues.] What happened to you, Cecil, once you were transformed? Cecil: Who, me? Oh, nothing, really. I had a ton of money due to the operation, so I was able to bribe the guard who held me... Nick: Woah, wait a second. Guards? Cecil: Yup. Whatever government it was... I think it was the Japanese, mighta been an international group... had a lot of furres from the first experiment. They kept them under lock and key, I don't know why. Jon: Yeah, I read that in a book somewhere. Before the IFR Act, furres were treated like property, like black humans were. Nick: We anticipated that, Jon. The government thinks they own whatever they "make." Pah. [He spits to the side.] Worms. Jessica: Didn't they know that our brains were still human? Nick: You know most humans only judge by looks. And you look more like animals than humans now. Cecil: I see why the Animal Rights guys were working so hard back then. Nick: [Nodding] Yes, you'd know how they'd been treated first-hand, I bet. [The discussion goes on a tangent about animal rights. Nothing special.] Nick: Back to the matter at hand. I have a few questions still here on my sheet... Only two left. First, if you could undo what has happened, either through time travel or reversing your furre-ism, would you? Cecil: I'd have to say no, Nick. Although the early years were hard, after the IFR Act was passed, it's been great. People I live near have been very understanding and open-minded. Nick: Where do you live? Cecil: Downtown LA. [Chuckles.] [The other two laugh a little, but it sounds like nervous laughter] Nick: Tell us a little about the early years. Cecil: Oh, it was a pain. The government of Japan was on a manhunt, so to speak, for me and I couldn't leave the country. I eventually got away on a boat to China and hid there for a while. [He grins.] I was the one who blew the whistle on them, once I had gathered adequate backing from here and there. Governments, interest groups, etc. Jessica: And thank you for that, Cecil. You don't know how grateful I am. Nick: Jessica? Tell us about your early years and then answer the question. Jessica: Trust me, you don't want to know any details. But imagine being a whore in a brothel, against your will, and being the most popular one. [Jon cringes somewhat]. Yeah, like that for four years. It's amazing how many perverts you can meet in four years. As for your question, yes, I would undo what was done to me. I was perfectly happy as a human. Period. Nick: And you, Jon. Jon: Nowadays, people are so much more accepting than before. I've enjoyed it profusely. There's no way I'd change it whatsoever. Nick: And the last question is this: Would you recommend more people become furres? Cecil: Not to be redundant, but now is a good time to be one. Before the IFR Act, though, being a furre was like willingly becoming a POW. Nick: Interesting way to put it. Jessica: Not if you're a girl. People still look at me like I'm a whore just because I'm a feline. They see catgirls they way otakus do: sex objects. Jon: I like being a sex object, though. Jessica: You would... [She mumbles.] Jon: [He ignores her.] I don't know, really. What would happen if furres became the majority? Nick: Hmm! Interesting thought, Jon. Furres in government. [He chuckles again.] Well, we'll end on that note. Thank you for coming, all of you. You may leave. [He bangs his little gavel on the table and stands up to leave.] [Jon skitters out, while the other two walk out slowly.] Sure, this was just for my entertainment, but it's how I think the life of a furre will be like before and after they're granted human rights. Hope you enjoyed reading this ^.^ -M2D