Loving Warmth

The lone dragon sat in his favourite spot on the secluded beach, his back against the swaying palm tree. His chin propped in his paw, he gazed out at the sun's glittery reflection on the warm, tropical ocean.

"Gan?" he heard a female's voice call. Ganador wrapped his wings around himself and stretched out on the sand, ignoring the approaching girl.

"Oooo! Wake up, you silly drake! It's me!" Nicky growled playfully. The vixen gently lifted Gan's wing and promptly found herself wrapped within them as he pulled her close. "Looks like you're not sleeping after all," she whispered, nuzzling his neck.

He kissed her cheek lightly and smiled. "Why'd you call me silly, my lady?"

"Because you knew I was here and then tried to play like you were sleep--EEK!" The last word came out as more of a squeal than speech as Gan's tongue left a wet trail up her neck.

With a soft yawn, Gan sat up and pulled the flaxen-haired vixen into his lap. A purr started to rumble within the dragon's chest as he slipped his arms around Nicky. She slowly wrapped her fluffy orange tail around him, the tip lightly stroking his lower back.

"How'd you find this place, Nicky?" he whispered into her ear.

She flicked her ears instinctively and started to purr. "You've brought me here before." She smiled sheepishly. "I didn't think you should be alone." She blushed heavily. "I missed you."

"I'm glad you came," the drake responded, nuzzling her cheek. "I missed you, too." He pulled her shirt off slowly, marveling at the contrast between her light fur and his dark scales.

The vulpine shivered lightly at his touch as Ganador drew down her bra. The warmth of his scales against her soft fur both soothed and excited the vixen as her lover took her breasts into his large paws and started to squeeze them gently. He traced a thumb over one nipple and watched with satisfaction as it quickly hardened into a small pink peak of sensitive flesh. She blushed lightly when she felt his hot, throbbing cock press into her back, the dragon's arousal now fully palpable. Nicky slipped out of his grasp and turned around, her long, fluffy tail waving in the air behind her as she gently nuzzled Gan's pulsing cock. A shudder climbed his spine, and he pulled the vixen close and into a deep, passionate kiss. He suckled gently on her tongue and lifted her up slightly. He pulled her tightly against his chest, her breasts in his face and his large, throbbing member poised at full erection under her moist slit. She let out a soft prew as he slowly set her down, the tip of his cock rubbing lightly along the outside of her sex. A sharp cry of pain tore from her throat as she forced herself down onto the dragon's large member. Gan held her tight against him. It hurt her. It always hurt her. Her small, fragile womb was not meant to handle a dragon of his size, so for her to willingly mate with him was an act of love.

"Are you okay?" he whispered. He gently rubberd the back of her neck, her face buried in his shoulder.

"I--I'm fine, love," she replied weakly, planting a light kiss onto his neck.

He guided her face to his and kissed back with full passion. Ganador braced one paw on her lower back, holding her tight against him as he leaned forward and laid down atop her on the warm sand. He withdrew slowly, Nicky returning his hot kiss to muffle any whimpers of pain. The cries of pain soon ebbed, turning to pleasureable moans as the drake angled the thrusts of his warm cock up, the tip hitting her G-spot. Gan could feel his lover's anticipation, and he slowed down his pace immediately, letting her ease down from near-orgasm.

Nicky began to whimper and moan, kissing him several times on his face and neck, urging him back up to his previous pace.

His cock throbbed and pulsed within her as he sped back up in rhythm, his long member flooding her with his natural lubricant. She growled, clutching to him tightly as she bucked her hips against him in the midst of a powerful orgasm. He pressed into a hot kiss as he continued to pound into her, the dragon's thick cock pulsing. He let out a snarl, emptying his warm silk into her spasming womb. Gan settled down on top of her, as if for a nap.

"I loof joo," he said with a smile, nuzzling her neck gently.

"I love you, too," Nicky responded with a soft purr. "Happy Valentine's Day, my sweet one."

Gan gave a slight smile in return before settling peacefully on top of her. His wings covered both he and his vixen lover as he drifted to sleep. The vulpine kissed his cheek lightly and tucked her head under his chin, falling asleep herself upon the warm sand.

Ganador is © himself
Nicky is © me

Like what you've read? E-mail me at ssjsabbywabby@aol.com. Compliments appreciated. Flames will be printed out, taken to school, and laughed at by myself and my group of friends.