A cascade of laughter flowed smoothly from the open mouth of the one so dainty. Blonde locks that clung in tendrils to the hideously beautiful face. While fading in and out the male awake to the silvery tinkle of her bell-like giggles. He moved slugishly, attempting to maneuver his way towards the light. A wayward leaf clung to the mistresses body, her eyes were like dancing spheres of deep violet that caught the sun in their grasp, holding tight until finally the energy was released with a radience surpassing even the most skilled artist. He followed, almost blindly, reaching forward to grope with splayed fingers, which seemed so fierce with the blunt edges to his finger tips, along with the scars of many a golden locked female. His breath was raspy. He must reach her. His pants were so torn and tattered they were nearly a loincloth, while his crude leather boots were soulbare. Shuffing, puffing, and grunting he caught sight once again. The fleeting glimpse was enough for him. Pulling energy from deep within himself, he chugged forward, stubbing his foot on an upturned rock. The deeply brown eyes held nothing but a lust. A lust for what? The beauty dashed near him again, this time using her slender digits to tease his arms and abdomen. He laughed a throaty, hoarse laugh. They all thought it was a game. Until he got them, that was. She danced closer and closer, never saying a word but leading him through the forest no less. And then the laughter was gone. He still stumbled about, fearing that he may have lost her Not himself, but her. His prize. His catch. His foot caught and twisted suddenly, and he fell with a thud to the forest floor. Birds chirped. It was the kind of chirp that came only before a kill. Silence. Something tickled the back of his neck, and a small triklette of giggle surged through his ears and into his brain. He got up, shaking himself off in that deturmined way, because he knew what he'd get. Matted, brown hair that was filthy stuck visciously to the back of his sweating neck. He could take his time. They never got away. It was then he saw her, strewn lop-sidedly though still quite enticing across a large boulder. He moved forward. She moved, looking at him with those luscious, liquid purple eyes, her lips parted, those orbs half-lided in the most inviting of ways. It was time. Just as his brain registered this thought, several things happened. One, the girl seeped from his vision. But he payed this no heed, as he knew she was there. The second thing being was he felt fingers encircle his left arm in a tremendously strong grip. And his hair was snatched, pulling him with a yell, he thrashed out. Missing totally. What had happened? Nothing like this had ever occurred before. The fingers were gone, and his hair was released. Standing straight the male look accusingly about. There was no one. "You think mayhaps you have found yet Another. Not today, my friend." He hacked, the voice was trilling, though soft and powerful at the same time. He would stay calm. "I know you, and your acts. Do you recall some time ago a raven haired young girl? The one with the brilliant violet eyes. The one who you… ravaged." The blonde girl stepped from the foliage, a smile slowly painting it's way across her creamy features. "Who the 'ell are you?" She lifted a hand, flipping back her hair. The blonde tendrils turned darker and darker, untill they were a deep, midnight black. The eyes became brighter, more vivid. She laughed, though this time it lacked mirth or fun. It was a simple laugh of resentment. "Well, she got away, whether you recall or not. And she found her roots. Now, you shall soon meet the dirt that covers those roots." The man's face was a snarl now, twisted askew into a horrid redention of anger. The girl lept easily forward, covering the distance, unsheathing a broadsword. Her hair was flung back, whipping in the wind in the tendrils that always seemed to frame her face. The muscles moved smoothly under the pale skin, her waif-like body hurtling throught the air. His fist made for her face, but she dodged. Like a cat taunting a mouse, she knicked his right ankle, causing a gush of crimson to well to the surface. Now all emotion was gone. She was a killer. It was dusk, nearly night. He had not noticed. He knew he could handle her, though. The girl stood tall and proud, tilting her head to the side as her mane fell away from her face to reveal the delicately tipped ears. Pointed ones that belonged to an elf. Her full lips were pressed together, studying him. She cared not for 'fair fights', they happened as they happened. And it happened that in an instant the male's ear landed with a small plop upon the ground. He cursed loudly, clutching the side of his head. She would pay now. But how had she even shown up? It was a mystery that he would make her reveal. But before he could take a step, her body blured, twisted and distorted. It elongated and took on a sheen. Before him stood a 20' dragon, metallic claws clicking as she padded towards him. She wasn't much taller than him, but that didn't matter. Those eyes. They were still that violet. With a small pounce, the she-dragon landed upon him, reptillian face stretching with a draconian grin. Then he knew. Knew that there would be no more sun-locks, no more sport, and no more game. But it was a game to her, indeed. Without a single sound, the dragon bent forward and ripped out the throat of the man who had abused her so as a child. She spat the hunk of meat out disgustedly, and licked her 'lips' clean with her long, foil-like tongue. "Always good for a laugh." And the beating of wings was heard as the laughter followed the silver dragon high into the sky.