The story of Pandaman and Duncan, of which I (Pandaman) have penned, is a story of two teenage furries living through their final year of high-school, and of the pain, pressure, and love that comes out of their relationship and experiences together. This story originally began as completely erotic in nature, but as I went on, I discovered that my two characters were too good to use merely as sexual playthings.

The story has a semi-sorta-kinda prologue, which I wrote initially to test myself as to whether or not I could write an erotic story. It came out rather nicely, and was originally published (after a fashion) in my LiveJournal, but as a private entry so that only someone logged in as me could read it. I’ve since contemplated releasing it to the public (or semi-public) and as of this writing, have not done so. But I might, just you wait!

Anyway, being that the story was originally written with a purely erotic focus, it will contain yiffing scenes between characters. However, the scenes may be more spaced out as time goes on, being that I would like to focus on the character’s relationship, love, and experiences, rather than soley on the sex. However, being that furries do tend to have sex, it will be written as part of the story.

I’d also like to point out that that each part of the story will be written in it’s own particular style, so as to please that aspect of whomever reads it (and also to give myself a variety of things to practice on.) For example, the adventurous parts of the story will be written adventurously, and likewise for the sexual portions, etc. etc. And, when it’s all said and done, hopefully my style will serve the writing, and the writing will serve my style.

One or two more things that I’d like to mention: One being that even though the main character of this story is named Pandaman (like myself), we are not exactly the same person. I imagine that as the story travels on, I will write what I want myself to be, and hopefully, become more like the character. However, since my life is not going the same way my story is, we will end up being different in several ways. Also, Duncan literally came out of mid-air, partially inspired by a real life friend of mine whom I fell in love with. However, in order to make this story work the way I want it to, Duncan had to be changed in certain ways to make it possible for the story to happen. In a way, this story is as I would have wished my relationship with this particular person to have gone should certain events occurred in a different way. And, since this particular person and myself have lost contact (possibly to be changed in the future, but anyway), some parts of the story are hard to write seeing as how I miss him. And, in addition to that, I truly longed for a story such as this to happen between us.

So anyway, I hope you enjoy the story as much as I’ve enjoyed telling it.

Additional notes: