««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» SAER'S PAST ««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» COPYRIGHT NOTICE This story and all characters herein are copyright © 2000 Paul A. Hinchberger III. All characters in this story are fictitious. Any similarities to anyone, either real or fictitious, are purely coincidental. Distribution is permitted as long as (1) no fee is charged for distribution (including charges for the medium this work is distributed upon) and (2) the content is not changed in any way. If the medium that the distribution occurs in is a mass medium and/or distribution is charged for, you must also obtain permission from the author prior to distribution. CONTENT NOTICE This work contains mild-to-strong language some may find offensive. (Oh well...) This work covers sensitive topics that may not be appropriate for all readers. (Again, oh well...) Just keep in mind that you are not being forced to read any of this and I will not be held responsible for any "damages" that may result from other people reading this. ««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» "SIMION HAS PASSED HIS SECOND test," the rat said with a look of relief on his face as he entered the house. "Are you sure, Master Sinder?" Saer asked. She had been worried for his safety since they lost each other in the woods. Throughout their first adventure together, Saer had mounted strong feeling for the wolf. It agonized her to know that there was nothing she could do but wait for her love to return to her. Sinder nodded his head wearily in response to Saer's question. Now that Simion had passed his second test, Sinder was relieved. Not only because Simion was safe, but also because the meditation was wearing him thin. From the time that Simion entered this dimension, Sinder had been concerned that Simion's presence would somehow upset the gods' plans so much that he would be put through a series of tests. He saw Simion's first adventure as a test of his conscious -- to see if he would be there to stand up for what was right. This latest one, the rat deduced, was a test of bravery -- being put up against such a demonic being, being stripped of his magic powers, and losing track of all but one of his friends. "Mom?" a childish voice cried out. "Yes Kel?" Saer answered, hinting in her tone her displeasure with her daughter sneaking out of bed again. "Is your boyfriend OK, now?" Saer was caught in an awkward moment. Indeed, Saer had great feelings for Simion. Even though she had only known him for less than a week, she came to know him more by his actions. He was a kind hearted and caring fur with a sharp wit. He held magical powers beyond anyone's understanding. And he wasn't afraid to stand up for what was right. Saer smiled at her daughter. "Yes, he is, honey." Joem looked coldly at Saer as he stood in the doorway between the living room and the vestibule. "I don't suppose you told him about your past, have you?" "What are you getting at, Joem?" Saer asked, knowing full well what Joem was alluding to, and a little pissed at his surprise visit. It was something she didn't think Kel was quite ready for, so she played dumb, hoping Joem would catch on. Joem fixed his eyes on Kel without moving his head. It was only a short time before the gaze made the young fox feel uncomfortable, making her approach her mother for comfort. Kel wrapped her furry arms around her mom's. "Mom," she asked, looking up at Saer with riddled eyes, "what's he trying to get at?" "Nothing," Joem quickly answered for Saer as he turned away and walked back into the living room. Damn it, he didn't want to lead Kel on to what he was getting at, although she was getting close to her coming of age. Then again, maybe it was better that she was let on to what he was getting at. After all, Joem didn't want to see Kel end up in the same mess Saer got into during her coming of age. Sinder looked on as Saer led her daughter back into her bedroom. "If only I had known," he whispered to himself. Even though he knew he was not at fault for Saer's past, he still blamed himself regardless, as most fathers do. ««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» Saer looked deeply into Kel's eyes, preparing herself for the speech she was about tho give. Her daughter really didn't deserve this, but it was better if she learned about this now from Saer's experience, rather than having her learn it the hard way from her own experience. After all, what kind of a parent would Saer be if she let her daughter fall into the same pitfalls as she did? The thought of what could happen to her helped push Saer along in the discussion. "Kel," Saer managed to say through her nervousness, "I guess it's about time I bring this up, especially since you will be coming of age pretty soon." Kel continued to give her Mom the same unbroken, inquisitive look, which certainly wasn't helping Saer much. The fact that Saer was about to break off a considerable piece of her innocence pained her, but better her than some boy that she may never see again. "Kel, there's going to come a time when you're going to like boys a little more than you do now. And there's going to be a time when you going to have overwhelming feelings for them." "What type of feelings?" Kel asked. "Feeling of love, hon. Soon enough you going to find that you want to be real close to one. And not only will desire him for who he is, but you'll also have desires for his body. Now, I don't want to give you the impression that these feelings are wrong, because they're not. But you've got to be aware of the consequences that may come about. You see, Kel, I made what perhaps is the best mistake of my life when I was about your age. I fell in love with a boy, and I thought we had mutual feelings for each other. Well, I was in heat and I let my instincts and my emotions overcome my intelligence. He got me pregnant, with you, and I never saw him again." Kel looked up at her mother with her eyes open wide. "I...was a mistake?" "Kel, honey," Saer consoled, "you certainly were not a mistake. You weren't planned on, but I wouldn't have it happen any other way." Saer ran her hand through her daughter's head fur. "I love you, honey, and nothing's going to change that." "Even if I become pregnant?" Saer held her daughter close. "Yes, honey, if you become pregnant. I just pray that it's not under the same circumstances I had." Kel thought for a moment. If her Mom was warning her about getting pregnant, then ... "Weren't your parents mad at you when you got pregnant?" Saer drew a deep breath. Yet another thing to explain to her daughter. "For all I know, Kel, my parents were dead by the time I was twelve. They were killed in a war, but I managed to escape into the wooded areas by the village. After a couple of weeks, I came across Master Sinder. I had a premonition about him, and knew that he was going to help me. He has been like a father to me since that time." "Master Sinder's your daddy?" Kel asked, not quite understanding how adoption worked. "Well," Saer chuckled, "he's not my real father, honey. My daddy died when my village was under attack. Master Sinder adopted me." "Adopted?" "Yeah, you know. He took me in. He did everything my real daddy would have, had my real daddy still been alive. In essence, he became my daddy." "Will Simion become my daddy, Mommy?" ««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» "I can't believe you man!" a scruffy cat said as he followed Joem into the study. "Siber, don't start." "I'll start if I feel like it, man!" Siber said as Joem found a seat and placed his folded paws against his muzzle in contemplation. "You realize what you're putting that little girl through?" "Saer would have to discuss it with her daughter eventually," Joem played it off. "Don't you think 'when' and 'where' should be up to Saer?" "Siber, I don't think you realize how intimate Simion and Saer have become." "What are you getting at, Joem?" Siber asked, thinking Joem was feeding him bullshit. "They've already had sex," Joem barked out with disturbing indifference. Siber looked stunned as Joem continued. "Took her in his arms and carried her upstairs. Went right at it in a room at the Wayward Inn. And, from what I heard, they were at it for quite a while." Joem paused a little for effect. "It certainly puts a different spin on things, doesn't it?" Joem rhetorically asked as he got to his feet and approached Siber. "And, on top of that, Siber, Simion doesn't know about Saer's daughter, Kel." "This still isn't right," Siber answered, "you forcing Saer to discuss those things with her daughter against her own will." "This world ain't right," Joem countered as he turned around. "Saer's not the perfect little fox Simion might have imagined her to be. And while I don't personally hold Saer's past against her, I think it's time she come to terms with it before Simion gets here. It can blow up into a feud if at least one side isn't levelheaded about this. And right now, there's only one side in with whom we have leverage. The situation will be much easier to deal with if we get Saer and her daughter OK with the past before Simion arrives. Otherwise, we'll have to split our energies between them." "That's assuming Simion's going to need diffusing," Siber said. "True. But I'm not taking the chance. I..." Joem turned away from Siber as if in embarassment. "I care about them too much." Joem turned to sit back down as soon as Siber gave him the surprised look on his face he knew the cat would give him. "Yes, I know it's hard for you to believe, but I actually do care about what happens to furs." ««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» Sinder heard three raps at the door. "Perhaps Simion has finally found his way home," Sinder thought to himself as he got to his feet and walked to the front door with the aid of his walking cane. Sinder certainly wasn't old, but that incident in the woods, when Saer pounced him into that log, and that log's splintered branch pierced his leg ... Sinder winced just thinking about it Three more impatient raps came from the door right before Sinder opened it. To his grateful surprise, there stood Simion, with his friends Mertok and Darlene bringing up the rear. Saer had to him a bit about Simion's cheetah-morph friend Mertok, but the vampire bat certainly threw him for a loop. He had heard many frightening tales about their kind, but could never prove them true or false, so he had simply discarded them as tales. "Ah, Simion! Finally, you have arrived!" Master Sinder stepped aside and gestured for the group Simion led to step inside. "Come on in!" "What's up?" Simion enthusiastically asked as he, Mertok, and Darlene walked in. As he conversed with Master Sinder, a crowd began to gather, excited that their hero had returned. They were anxious to know what happened to the wolf, but even more anxious to find about the cheetah morph and the vampire bat morph Simion had brought with him. "Well, everybody," Simion said as the growing crowd caught his attention, "I have a couple of new friends for you to meet. Everyone, Meet Mertok, former Borland Guard, and Darlene, vampire hunter seeking a new line of work after succeeding in our latest adventure." Simion could detect some hesitation in the warm greetings his old friends gave his new ones. He just couldn't shake the feeling it was because of Darlene, so he decided to try to dispel some prejudices about her species. "Thanks to Darlene here, we were able to find our way back home. We got a little lost, but she gave me a couple of lifts to see our path ahead. It's not every day you get an aerial view of the landscape." "Yeah," Darlene said, "well I wish you hadn't squirmed so much. I almost dropped you a couple of times." "Hey," Simion answered, "you're used to flying! I'm not! Besides, I don't have wings to save me from a fall." "Ahem!" Mertok said as he nonchalantly looked away. Simion rolled his eyes at his friend's feigned irritation Admittedly, he had spent too much time on Darlene without introducing his other friend. "And of course, thanks to Mertok here, I'm still alive. He intervened when my magic went awry during my first adventure." Simion's eyes lit up as he recalled a question that he had in the back of him mind. "Which reminds me, Master Sinder! You never told me about magic in this realm!" "That's because, unlike you, most furs have to learn it." Sinder kindly replied. "Excuse me?" Simion asked in disbelief. "The majority of furs just aren't born with magical powers, Simion," Sider explained, chuckling a bit at Simion's reaction. "They have to learn it." "Great," Simion whined. The wolf so desperately wanted to get a finger on what made his magic tick. He had performed a memory exchange with Mertok and a pain exchange between Mira and her abusive husband Altaire. Simion knew it had something to do with transference, but so much was yet to be discovered. "Don't worry!" Master Sinder chuckled. "I know some fur that can help you harness your magic powers. But in the meantime, why not come to the kitchen?" "You have supper ready this late at night?" Simion asked excitedly, his tail wagging in delight. "All right!" "No, Simion," Sinder laughed, "but I'm sure I can find something to make." "Well, that'll give us enough time for you to tell us about your adventures, Simion," Siber said. The group behind him responded with a resounding "Yeah!" to encourage Simion. "Well," the wolf said, feigning reluctance. "OK." ««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» Everyfur took had taken a seat in the study, listening intently to Simion describe his adventures. Some had to settle for makeshift chairs (tables, arms, and walls) but all were comfortable enough. Simion began retelling the story of his first adventure. He told them how he met Mira at the inn, and how bruised and battered she was. He recounted how he tracked her through the woods and into a clearing, where he was ambushed by her abusive husband Altaire. He told them about the nights in jail, the episode in the courtroom, and how Altaire was brought to an untimely end. As Simion finished telling the tale of his first adventure in the village of Borland, quite a stir aroused amongst the crows. From the bits and pieces of conversation that the wolf picked up, he could tell they were all pretty good. As the murmurs began dying down, Mira asked Simion, "Why don't you tell them what happened after that?" "After what?" Simion asked, a bit stunned with the suddenness of the query. "After we left town and came back to the inn?" Simion looked inquisitively at Mira for a while before it hit him. "You don't mean ... " Mira nodded her head. "You and Saer. What happened that night?" "Well ... " Simion said timidly as the rest of the group's interest piqued. He was still dealing with the fact that he had premarital sex. To him, it was a very private matter that he wasn't to comfortable dealing with himself, let alone to an entire group of people that looked up to him. "Isn't that where you and my mommy made out?" Kel asked from the doorway of the study. The snickering turned to cold silence as everyone awaited Simion's reaction to the young fox's question. "Excuse me?" Simion said in disbelief. "My Mom told me about it!" "Oh really?" Simion asked in further disbelief. Did Saer have a daughter? If so, why hadn't she told him about her? And why the hell was she discussing such things with such a young child? "And what did she say?" "She said you're good," Kel said as she held back a giggle. While Kel's innocent response elicited a few laughs from the crowd, Simion became totally embarrassed. That was certainly nobody's business but his and Saer's. It was bad enough this kid knew about it, but now she had just blabbed his bedroom performance to a bunch of furs he had only recently got to know "And just how old are you anyway?" Simion asked with moderated disgust. "Twelve," the youngster replied flatly, unsure of how Simion was reacting. Simion stood there and digested the facts for a while, still holding back his anger. Saer has discussed their sexual relationship with her daughter, of only twelve years of age? Wasn't Kel a bit young for that? If Kel was twelve, then that meant Saer was thirteen when she had her! "Oh my God," Simion muttered to himself as he came to the conclusion that, maybe, the relationship he had with Saer wasn't so special after all. She already had one kid ... how many others had she slept with? Simion wasn't so much worried about disease as he was about the feelings he thought they shared. Was he just another fur she was sleeping with? Simion didn't make out with Saer because he couldn't control his male urges. He was madly in love with Saer, and thought she had the same feelings for her. Simion got up and left the room completely destroyed, leaving everyone in shock. Kel looked disappointedly at the floor. She had the sneaking suspicion she might have ruined something for her mother. But what did she do? Sex and love wasn't something to be ashamed of, was it? That's what her mother told her. As Kel thought about what happened, she noticed a shadow on the floor besides hers. Looking up, she saw it was Joem. "I made Simion mad, Joem," Kel said remorsefully. "And my mommy's going to be mad at me when she finds out I made her boyfriend mad at her." "Well, first off, I don't think you made Simion mad. I think you've misled him, and he's probably unsure of how you and your mother really feel about for him." "What did I say wrong?" "It wasn't so much you saying the wrong thing as it was you saying it at the wrong time. Simion doesn't know you, and you came in here talking about what he and you mother did. I think it gave him the wrong impression." Kel looked back down at the floor, disappointed with herself. "Why don't you go talk it out with him?" Joem suggested, trying to sway Kel away from her disappointment. "Tell him how your mother really feels?" "But I'll just make him mad, Joem. I'll say something wrong again." "Kel, Simion needs some explanation, and since you were the one that confused Simion, I think you should try to un-confuse him, OK? Besides, even if you do make him mad again, I think he'll be even madder if you don't try. Not trying would make him think that you might not care what you did to him" "But I do care for him, Joem." "Then talk it over with him, Kel." Kel looked up at Joem for a bit with sullen eyes, and then made off in the same direction Simion had. ««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» Simion looked around the room, which was still in its makeshift recovery room state. "This is where it all started," he thought to himself as he looked around. "This is where I was dragged to in my unconscious state," he thought as he eyed the bed, which lay unmade since he last slept in it. Simion walked up to the bed and lay down on it, looking up at the ceiling with his hands folded on his chest. "And this is where Saer took care of me for until I came back from La-La Land." Simion's thoughts were a tangled mess. He was trying to pinpoint his feelings with the fox that he had so fallen in love with. A caretaker and nympho were certainly attributes you wouldn't assign to a single fur, yet Saer seemed to be both. "How can the person who nursed me back to health when I made the jump into this world, " Simion thought, "be the same person that blabs her bedroom excursions to her daughter?" As he contemplated the events that had unfolded, Kel peeped in through the door. It took a while before Simion realized she was there, but she eventually came into his view out of the corner of his eyes. After a long moment of silence, Simion spoke up. "Where's your daddy?" Simion asked, too hurt himself to care how that question might hurt Kel. To Simion's surprise, however, Kel wasn't even phased by that question. As honestly as only a kid can do, she looked at Simion and answered his question. "My mother says my real daddy's a dick head." "And she teaches her to swear, too," Simion thought to himself as he rolled eyes. "What's the matter, Simion?" Kel asked, seeing the gesture. Simion looked back up at the ceiling. "Nothing ... " "It's my mommy, then, isn't it?" Kel asked as she approached Simion. Simion didn't answer. He was still hurt. Why hadn't Saer told him? "Kel, have you and your mother had the talk yet?" "About what?" Kel asked as she stopped beside the bed. "About, like, where you came from? How you were born?" Kel nodded her head. After a bit of thinking about how he should deliver his speech, Simion sat up and scooted so that his back was against the wall. He left enough room on the bed for Kel to sit, and gestured for her to do so. "Well, I don't know what all you discussed, but maybe I can give you some extra advice for when you start liking the boys a lot more than you do now. Boys might always want it, and they might always ask for it, but the ones to keep - the ones you should spend the rest of your life with - are the ones that will wait. Besides, no boy really wants to spend the rest of his life with a slut." "Is that what you think my mother is?" Simion eyes opened wide with shock. That wasn't exactly where he was going, but he understood how Kel interpreted it that way. "No, not exactly. I just think your mom was a little indiscriminate with whom she slept with. And I can't really make a valid decision because your mother's seen fit to hide her past from me ... " Simion paused when he realized something. "I should be having this conversation with your mother, not you. I'm sorry." Kel looked up at Simion, who had regressed back to staring into space in contemplation. "Can I tell you something, Simion?" Simion's attention snapped back toward Kel. "Yeah?" "I've never had a daddy. And mommy's never really looked for one." Kel looked Simion right in the eye. "I was hoping maybe you'd become my daddy." Simion's left ear perked up, and a newfound feeling of joy and pride coursed through him, but was buried under feelings of betrayal. "Are you serious?" "Yeah! I never knew anyone who could make my mom act the way she does." "Act?" Simion asked, curious as to what she was getting at. "How so?" "Well, she's downright goofy sometimes. Sometimes it is like she's not even here. She never tells me exactly what she's thinking about, just that it's about you." Could this be what Simion interpreted it to be? There was only one thing that came to Simion's mind that involved someone "acting goofy" while thinking of one person. That was love. If Kel's innocent descriptions of Saer's actions were to be taken at face value, then Saer was indeed in love with him. While Saer wasn't of the hook yet, one of Simion's major concerns had been answered. "Come here," Simion said as he picked up Kel and sat her in his lap. "I'll see what I can do, okay? I'm not promising anything," Simion said as he lightly pressed his finger against Kel's nose, "but the outlook's pretty bright." Kel hugged Simion again, resting her head against his chest fur. The feeling of pride and joy came over Simion again, and this time it there wasn't so much betrayal to bury it. It felt good to be wanted like Kel wanted Simion -- as a father figure. Someone to help her, guide her, fend off deleterious boyfriends. "And just who said you could be that kid's father?" Saer said, speaking softly as she had just awaken. After Joem woke her and reported to her about what happened with Kel and Simion in the study, Saer rushed to find the two. While she could not understand most of what was said during her eavesdropping, she certainly got an eyeful of the embrace the two shared. It was an amazing sight for her. She didn't know too many men who actually wanted to be fathers, but the way Simion and Kel held each other was too much like a father/daughter moment. Maybe it wasn't the just the fact that she had the daughter that bothered him. As Saer began to walk toward the bed, Simion turned around on the bed and lifted Kel off onto the floor. He then whispered something into Kel's ears, to which Kel nodded and left the room. When Simion was sure Kel was gone, he gestured for Saer to sit on the bed beside him. She did so, slowly and delicately, unsure of where Simion stood right now. They sat beside each other for a long time, unsure of how to bring their feelings out. Neither wanted to set off a huge argument, but there were many questions that needed answering. "Why didn't you tell me about Kel?" Simion asked. Saer countered finely, "You don't like kids?" "You know darn well that isn't the case." Simion answered quaintly. "You saw with your own eyes how Kel and I were getting along. In fact, I like her. It's just ... the events that led to her birth." "What about it?" "The fact that I don't know it." "Where should I start?" "Well, why don't we start from the point after you found Sinder in woods? You said you were twelve when he found you, and if my math is correct, you were thirteen when you had Kel. What happened?" "You mean how did I go from an innocent girl to a teenage slut?" "Well ... not exactly." Simion said, squirming from the perceived pressure "Just ... " "I know that's not what you meant," Saer reassured. "But the fact is, Simion, I was a little loose in when I came of age. Even though Sinder was, in effect, both my father and my mother, he was jack of all trades and master of none. I don't think he was ever prepared to guide me through all the changes a female goes through during her coming of age. "One important thing he forgot to do was explain the birds and the bees to me. I had received the lecture before, about how it takes a man and a woman to make a baby, but I was too young then for my parents to give me many details. I found out the hard way, after about three months of gratuitous sex, that intercourse led to pregnancy, which led to babies." Simion put his arm around Saer's shoulders. The gesture was consoling enough for Saer to return the gesture. "I'm sorry I've been such a jerk toward you," Simion said. "I guess it's just because I was brought up in a different environment. I was taught that sex is something that should be shared with only one person - the person that you married. But, from what you've told me, you weren't afforded full parental guidance. You didn't have anyone to tell you the possible outcomes, both physically and spiritually. If I were you, I probably would have done the same." "What's your religion anyway?" Saer interrupted Simion. Simion chuckled a bit. "Well, I was raised as a Christian, under the Catholic denomination. But I don't exactly subscribe to every single detail. Rather, I take the base beliefs of Christianity with the belief that, since there is only one God, and that there are other religions out there that believe the same, that there certainly is a divine entity out there. While I call him God, he does go by other names to other people." "And your God, is he the one that says not to have sex until after marriage?" "Well, it was written that way. To me, sex is something special that should be shared with only one person. Back home, however, it seems a lot of people got married just so they can have sex, and then got a divorce when the fun was over. Now, I'm not saying there should never be divorces, but I believe that people where I come from were using it as an escape. 'I can marry this person for sex now, and divorce them later when I tire of them.' It's not supposed to work that way, so my belief is that you should only have sex with only one person in your life time - preferably after you're married - after you've made the commitment to that one person." "So, what about that night we shared at the inn?" Saer asked. "Well, at that time, I had made a commitment to you." Simion took his love's hands in his. "You were everything I had always wanted in a person, and I wanted no one else. I must admit, though, I felt like I had no control. But I didn't mind either. I just wanted to be with you the rest of my life." "Well, there's something I have to admit to you Simion. That night at the inn, I was in heat, hence your feelings of being out of control." "What?" Simion asked, confused. "I remember Master Sinder said humans do not go into heat." "True," Simion interjected. "So, then, the instinct is new to you in your wolf form. I realize that now. But there was also another decision I made that night." Saer held Simion's hands in hers. "Simion, I want to have your baby." The wolf's limp ears perked up. "You want what?" he asked in astonishment. "Don't you already have one?" Saer smiled. "Yes I do, Simion, but I love you so much. I want to start a family with you, but I don't think it's fair for you to father only one child that's not even part yours." "But, what about marriage?" "There's no place to get married officially here for miles. It would take days just to get to the nearest religious convention. And even then, the convention might not even hold the same beliefs as you. That's why most furs just move in together." Simion and Saer sat there on the bed for a while, holding each other in each other's arms. Neither knew what to do next, but both were quite content staying right where they were. "Simion," Saer said, trying to break the silence, "I know this must be a lot for you to take in. Why don't you sleep on it, OK?" And after licking his muzzle, Saer got up to leave the room. Oh, how it hurt to do this. Instinctually, Saer was still in heat from the time she and Simion made love at the inn. Her body yearned for Simion to be inside her once again, his body against hers. How easy would it be to tempt Simion into giving in? Saer didn't dare risk it, for her love for Simion was too great. It would be best to let things settle before going all the way again. As Saer walked away, Simion contemplated all that had happened that. Not so much about Saer, but about himself and his actions. Now that he knew more about Saer, he was more relieved that he hadn't lost Saer than he was upset about Saer's oversight. Although he hadn't seen much of her, he loved everything about her. He loved the way she joked around, the way she laughed, the slight attitude she carried. "Saer?" Simion said right before Saer got to the door. "Yes?" she responded, turning around. "Seeing as how we can't get married officially," Simion said as he got to his feet and slowly made his way toward Saer, "can you at least give me one thing? A little modification on a tradition from where I come from?" "What's that?" Saer asked. "Well, Saer," Simion said as he got down on one knee, and took Saer's paw into his. Looking into her inquisitive eyes, Simion proposed to her." "Will you ... be my life mate?" Saer almost began to cry for joy as she fell into Simion. All these years, she finally had a man committed to her. No fur had even done this standing up, let alone get down on his knees and ask. Amongst the sobs, Saer managed to tell her wolf, "Yes." As they held each other closely, Simion softly whispered these words to her: "For better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part." ««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»