Passion was written by Peter W. T. Sims [Werewolf/Wolfie!] It is fine to copy this story as long as no money changes hands. if you wish to publish the story commercially then the Author must be contacted as it is illegal to do so without his consent. "Passion" is copyright Peter W. T. Sims. all rights reserved. Contact Peter at: or by snail mail: 14 Wales street, West Footscray, Victoria, Australia, 3012. Peter W. T. Sims / Werewolf [PWTS] / Wolfie! / Storr [on Furrymuck]. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I stretched in the cool green grass under the shade of a large river tree, being soothed by the sounds of nature... the river made hardly and sound but I was aware of it's energy and felt the shape of it within my heart. Birds chirped and the wind blew through the branches... I was alone, and I was happy. a bug landed on my ear and I twiched it off... again it landed and again I twiched. ...and once more. I frowned. someone giggled. I jumped, startled... How could I, the wolf that I am... have someone sneak up on me like that. A face smiled into mine, a female... her eyes sparkled like.... HEY!!! She licked me before I had time to think... My ears! My Throat! My Nose... why was I taking this intrusion? why am I letting this continue? she stopped and looked into my eyes again, she looked right inside me into some deep space I never knew existed before... my heart beat faster. ...and I knew why! She grinned... and bolted off into the bushes... Stunned... what to do? there I was... a male disturbed from his sleep, fur dampened down... heart beating like I'd been running... and smelling of female. female... I sniffed, I remembered but thoughts were vague. over in the bushes came wimpering and rustling noises. So I followed... Her face sprung from the long grass looking straight at me, as close as before... but... "WUF!" She bolted again, this time I followed, running on four like her. We ran alongside the river, she was still far form me... I tried to run faster, but she was still so far ahead... She ran up a small hill, and I raced after her... over thick tree roots, through ferns, over moss covered logs, through flowers and knocking down mushrooms. Down into a valley she went, I followed... and there she stopped. I saw a tent there, it was not unlike my own. A big white tent, big enough for five... cone shaped with red designs on th= e out side. When I caught up, she was on two... so I changed my body also. "Come inside with me" she said. I followed. Her tent was lovely, she had many soft blankets and cushions. "What's your name?" I asked of her "Ashana" she said. She was busy with a ladel, swirling it 'round in an earth pot, and filling cups with the liquid... "Here have some of this, I made it last night." I took the cup and sniffed not knowing what it was. she laughed, "It's only fruit, silly! don't be afraid... it's not poison, you'd be no use to me dead!" I drank it, it was nice, especially on such a warm day... "errrrr!!!, dumb male!" I thought, she didn't bring me here to fill my bell= y. never being in this position, I'd only heard stories and remembered tales my brothers told me about being alone with females in tents... I shuddered, some of those things were pretty awful. "What's wrong with you?" she asked, noting my quivering. "I'm scared" I admitted, feeling ashamed of myself. "There's nothing to be scared of, I just want young this season and a girl needs a male for that." She leaned over and placed a paw on my shoulder. quietly she said "I won't hurt you... honest." Her eyes were full of truth and I could tell that she meant what she said. I finished my cup and put it down, somehow I couldn't look at her, still feeling ashamed of myself... perhaps more so, being so distrustful. "give me your paw" she asked. I looked, she was standing and extended her paw to me... I hesitated... a little voice inside said "you need a good kick in the pants!... go with the girl!" I reached out and took her paw... she pulled me up and took me over to where she had her blankets. "Sit down with me...sit" she patted the blankets and I sat there... "Do you know how?" she asked. somewhat ashamed I replied "No" "It doesn't matter... here, lie down." I did as I was told, and she gave me some soft cushions to lay my head upon= . she straddled my body and ran her fingers through my chest fur, she nuzzled me and licked me as she had before... I could have gone to sleep, she had gained my trust and now I belonged to her, and yet I remembered the tauntin= g words of my brothers which sat like a stone in my belly. She lay over my body, and I could smell her scent... I nuzzled her chest and licked, she giggled in a funny way... like she was pleased, I licked her again, and joined her in her laughter. a breeze blew and licked up against something of mine and I knew then that my penis was sticking out... it embarrased me and I hoped she wouldn't notice, but just then she lowered herself onto me and my penis went inside her! With Shock of realisation, I knew my brothers were right, I would get stuck inside of her and never be able to remove myself! but she kissed my muzzle... "You're very big!" she whispered with a smile on her face. "I'm about 6~z and 5" I told her. She laughed "Not your height, silly!" "Hmmm?" "You're lovely" she whispered, and gently licked the top of my head. I began to feel things I'd never felt before, my body tingled and it was nice... in my chest, my groin and legs... right down to my toes and even in my tail. She gripped my penis, it didn't hurt at all... but I did feel stuck, once in a while it would pulse like it did sometimes after I awoke from strange dreams... perhaps I was dreaming now? My nose was full of her scent and there was a delicious smell rising from both our bodies, I held her hips as she moved them over me, she squeezed my penis and it pulsed again... my breathing had deepened, and now I knew that I wanted to be here with her like this, she loves me... I know... I felt her heartbeat under her fur, it spoke to me... in words that make no sense yet made all the sense in the world. My heart replied to hers. She bit my ear gently, and licked my head tenderly. Her body shuddered and her breathing grew heavy... she sat upright and cried out... she squeezed my penis tightly... and my own body went rigid, my back arched and I clenched my teeth... my eyes were closed like I was about to sneeze, my toes spread wide and I held her tightly down on me. I gasped as if choking for air, as if I was drowning. and then I also cried out as the feeling overtook my body. My breath was deep and heavy, it was over. she kissed me again, and slowly released me... there was a slight "pop" and I was relieved to see that I wasn't stuck to her at all! she held my penis and licked it gently helping it to slide back into it's sheath... I felt empty and my penis was a little bit sore. she smiled at me and lay down behind me. she ran her fingers through my chest fur and spoke sweet words of rest into my ear... although I slept now... I knew she cuddled me all night and for once it was good not to sleep alone. 2. In the morning I awoke and the world seemed a new place I'd never seen before... even the sounds of the birds were different. golden dawn sun shone through the tent... lighting it's interior I stretched my whole body, every joint felt different, so flexible, so new... I smiled and rolled around playfully like a cub in his bedclothes... everything tickled, everything was funny and made me laugh inside. and where was she? The female who had done strange things to my body... I smelled food! all the smells lately were good, my belly gurgled deep inside and my mouth watered. I crawled to the tent flap and went outside. the morning was cool and the air fragrent with mountain pines and gums, of juiju bushes and mosses... there were animal scents too... and somewhere also was hers. as I walked up a steep incline, tall trees surrounded me and I smelt them... the bark of each warmed my nostrils. I could sense the sap rising inside them, each as alive as me yet I felt more alive today than ever... I felt like a cub straying from his parents to explore the world. more needs to attend to... my paws met the rough bark of a tall tree and I leaned forward... urine splashed and steam rose in the cool air. bugs scattered underfoot. I sighed. YIKE!!!! "Hahahahaha!!!! I caught you!" "oh Ashana..." "Marking scent so early in the morning" she laughed yet again I felt embarrased. "Want some food? you'd be hungry after last night!" she smiled. "Yes please, what will we eat? want me to hunt?" "No... No need, I have flat bread and berries... You shouldn't be hunting so soon after mating anyway, and you shouldn't even be out in this cold air! go back to the tent and rug up." "Why? I'm always up at this hour" I felt confused by her sudden change of tone. "Yes, but you've never been mated to anyone before... A female always looks after a male the morning after mating, that's the way things are... didn't anyone tell you?" Thinking for a moment I remembered when I was a cub... there were days when my mother would not allow my father out of our tent, even though he wasn't sick... I asked him to play with me outside but he wouldn't... he loved to play with all of us... I asked him why but he never said. "No one told me, Ashana." "Hmmm... don't worry then, just go back to the tent and keep warm... I have a conch to bring you also." "conch?" "it's part of the tradition, it's thick and warm with a lot of vegetables and special mushrooms and herbs... it will make you feel better." "but I feel fine...I..." She pointed to the tent... "GET!" when I got there she ushered me inside and made me sit... then she rugged me up like a mother fussing over a child and even licked my ear like a female leaving her child for a hunt. "Urmph!!!" "Just do what your told!" "sigh" so I sat, covered in rugs, even over my head... I looked like a religon monk... would she make me read sacred texts later? Then in she came, with a 4zine Cup, this one was quite a handful! a big rounded pot, of dark earth mud with the typical handle at the bottom. this handle had a hole for each finger! it was closed by a hinged lid and steam rose from the mouth-spout. "here" she handed it to me... ahh the smell, so good! it made my mouth water! "are you going to smell it for poison? I've put case bug in there so you'll die quite soon and without much pain." I looked up at her she smirked... "drink it." I took a sip and it was wonderful. "Now... tell me your name." "Marx" I replied. 3. I had been sitting here for quite some time, the sun was now high and Shania had not returned. Today would have been perfect for many things, but here I was suffering fro= m an emotion I had not felt since I was a child... Boredom! My legs were crossed and I graped my toes and rocked back and forth, Shania would find her tent in a mess when she returned... Cushions and blankets were strewn or thrown everywhere... ...but I was bored. If mating is like this then I want no part of it in future! Hmmm... why did we do that anyway? there may have been a little truth in what my brothers told me, maybe shania chose to let me go...hmmm... I threw another cushion... and yet another right out the door flap. My paw grasped for another but instead landed on something much harder. when I turned to look I discovered a leather bound book called K'hati - masa hmmm.... inside, the pages were made from inex hide... a tough water plant with a skin like an animals. " Have your K'hatiama on all fours and mount her from behind, hold her by the hips and thrust until your bulge swells inside her." If your body is able, lift the leg that needs it and move it over your mate so that you face away from her. This is called "Hrock-mahn". " On the opposite page was a picture of this. made by an artisan with a e`on quill and black ma`heck juice. The Male looked like he was in pain... I grimmaced. hmmm... The book was full of this, perhaps my Brothers were right about females after all! but why did she let me go? and then I found another interesting morsel. "Collect some bark of the ek tree and boil it until it becomes a paste at the bottom of the bowl. mix it with golden-flow from the tree-bugs and then add the herbs - mok, rheki, moi roots, dak seeds, and when in season, the flowers of "muhrr" with your fingers, rub this inside your sheath, it will keep the penis clean and dispell gooks which cause foul smells offending your mate and causing itches to you." Hmmm... I read the whole book, facinated. only putting it down so that I could water the forest once in a while. It was now late afternoon The sun was far over in the sky, and Shania had still not returned. I put the book down and rolled over in the blankets pondering all that I had read... Why do Whick-woven do that? It's good, but food is good too... yet food fills the belly, what purpose is this for? ...and why did Shania say she wanted me to get young for her? Can't she get young herself like other females? Hmmm... I laid there thinking... a cool wind blew against me, and licked my penis. looking at it I found it deep red and very hard. I frowned. "You're going to get me in a LOT of trouble!" 4. Shanias' bed was so comfortable... I had curled myself up inside those thick, warm blankets Something nudged me. "...marx?" "Huh?" "It's me!" I opened my eyes to find myself surrounded in darkness, Shania knelt over me smiling. "marx... have you been asleep love?" "hmmm.... I didn't think...uh...." "are you hungry?" My tummy suddenly felt like it had a hole the size of a water bull through it. "Yes Shania... I'm starving!" Shania looked at me in a funny way... and knelt right down... she nuzzled my ear and said: "Ashana... my love, not Shania." "Ashana? oh, I'm sorry." "That's all right, come and have some food... I almost caught a small animal for us but it got away... so I had to make soup. I found some excellent forest mushrooms and a bag full of vegetables so we won't go hungry tonight" at the tent flap she turned and smiled. "Coming?" The sleep had fallen heavily upon me and the last thing I wanted was to lea= ve this nice warm bed, but my belly was so empty... grudgingly I sat up and go= t out of bed... yawning and stretching. Outside, Ashana had made a small fire with rocks around it, on the top was a large earth-pot supported by some metal rods. "Ashana... where have you been all day?" She was busy looking through something but turned and said: "Hunting mostly, but I failed this time... I'm not a great hunter, but I know where to find nice mushrooms, I love them." she grinned. "other than that, I bathed in the river and read books... can you read marx?" "Yes, I can!" She smiled: "I was hoping you could." hmmm ? She ladeled the soup into one of the big cups she had given me before. ahhh... the smell, my belly gurgled yet again, aching for some food. then she took some herself and came over and sat beside me. "You could do with a bath too you know." "Well I always bathe, you're the one to blame if I smell bad!" Ashana laughed and sat closer to me, we drank our soup and looked into the little fire. it was a clear night and all the stars were out, here we could see all the massess of infinate dots, so close together that they appeared as clouds. I watched them for a very long time... "Ashana? do you think there's someone there somewhere, sitting by a fire with someone eating soup?" She turned and licked my face. 5. The lamp flickered it's soft yellow light as I sat there watching my mate sleep in my bed. It was now late into the night and the third moon had set in the east... all was still and calm. I remembered when I was a cub how my grandmother would watch over me... and if my dreams were bad, then she would take me in her arms and hold me until once again I fell into slumber. My grandmothers eyes held so much love, how dearly she loved my mother. she would sometimes tell me stories about my mother when she was growing up all the things she did as a child. How she fell into the creek once and came out with leeches stuck all over her, how she up-ended a special meal my grandmother once spent all day making for my grandfather... and he had to make do with bread and ale. I carry a picture in my mind of my mother at fifteen, sitting among spring flowers and long grasses, wind playing on her fur while dragonflies and butterflies kept company with her. My grandmother told me how the spirits lead her to my father, and how her heart beat when she laid eyes upon his strong body, but that wasn't entirel= y true... my father once told me that on that day his knees would barely hold him up. my father mated with my mother immediately. why didn't Marx? again this thought disturbed me and I knew something was wrong, marx sobbed in his sleep last night, and I held him tightly till he stopped= . I felt like a mother comforting her cub. Marx murmured, so I sat closer and stroked his lovely fur. haven't you been loved before, my love?... you are now... my spirit felt like it was a shared thing between he and I, that it was no longer within my body but somewhere between us. perhaps we are just halves trying to become a whole. I love him and always will. I snuffed out the lamp and lay down beside him, soothed by his breath I fel= l asleep. 6. The water bubbled and swirled around my fur, I swam to the bank and crawled out. I shook the water from my fur, flinging it it all directions. The sun had just begun to rise and the sky was a glorious orange colour, and bird song echoed through the forest. There was still some mist in the valleys, but not much. I rubbed more herbal oil into my fur and watched the steam rise from the pond, it was just below blood temperature and quite comfortable to swim in. my camp was nearby, I had returned to pick up my things and have a bath and to clean my teeth which felt as furry as myself. When I left, Ashana was still very much asleep. I did not wake her, but marked trees on my way back so she could find me if need be. I waded back into the water and swam below its surface... this was a spring, and like many around here was warm. the water was so clear that at times it seemed more like flying than swimmi= ng. small gemstones lay on the bottom, and crystals too. fish and waterbugs swam by, and thin water plants grew in thickets. I came to the surface and blew water from my nose. "Hello!" "Ashana?" I shook water out of my face and ears. "Yes!" She stood on the bank, and I watched... something stirred in me now, my heart beat faster. She grinned. "May I join you?" "If you like... I don't own it you know." I turned my back on her and smiled to myself. A wave of water went over my head and I gasped. Ashana laughed and grabbed me from behind, she hugged me, her arms wrapped around my belly. "Have you got your cubs yet?" I asked her. "Of course not." "Well, when will you get them?" "When the spring comes." I turned to face her. "Why wait that long, why not go and look for them now?, I can help if you like" Ashana had a funny look on her face. " L o o k f o r t h e m ? " huh??? "You don't look for cubs, they grow inside a females' belly... sort of." There was silence between both of us for an eternity. "So why did you need me?" "For the seed... males have the seed." "I didn't give you any seeds." Ashana laughed and smiled... she snuggled up to me and whispered in my ear. "Oh Marx, you gave me your seed when we joined the other night." Now I was confused, what did my penis have to do with any of this? "Males make seed?" I asked. "yes" she whispered, and nibbled my ear. "where?" "here" She grabbed my... !!!!! My face screwed up and she laughed. "I'm sorry, but you really don't know anything about mating do you." I didn't know what to say, all of this was too strange. She looked into my eyes and said. "Don't worry Marx, I'll tell you everything there is to know" I just looked at her, more confused than ever. she kissed me. 7. The land rose to where we lay, on the side of a hill among the high grasses and yellow flowers. I lazily ch=BA=D1=BA=D3 my stick as I rolled over in the warmth of the sun. Ashana had her back to me. woodbeez bumped into flowers and into each other, and beetles trundled up stems and buzzed as they flew off and landed. the wind caught toito seeds and sent them swirling upwards like little angels ascending to heaven. Many miles up the clouds moved. sometimes the clouds gives the impression that it is really us who moves. the second moon was pale in the light blue sky. I had watched the moons many times, trying to comprehend what they were and what they were made of, and if anything lived there and why they rose and fell. Each one was further away than the one before, I loved the tiny one. one night while sleeping next to my Father as a cub, I woke several times through the night and watched as it flew from one end of the sky, to the ot= her. it moves faster than the other two and shines with the deepest green of a moss-stone. Further off was the big blue planet which I have often watched through my Fathers' lookingstick. It has the largest lakes imaginable, and Mountains which pierce the clouds. you can see them quite clearly through the huge eaglesight tubes which the stargazers use, those and the stars and... "Marx?" "Marx?" I woke from my thoughts "Oh, sorry" I smiled at her. "Did the spirits enchant you Marx?" "I was just thinking." She rolled over and rested her head on her hand. "Of what?" she said softly. "Just about how things work..." A spotted belgrey beetle landed on my hand. I lifted my hand to show Ashana. We both watched as it trundled over to the base of a finger and climbed upwards till it got to the top, once there it spun around a few times and opened its hard shell to expose tiny filaments of wings, it lept into the air with a loud whine. we watched as it disappeared into the endless sky. "Do you suppose they can fly to moons?" Ashana turned to me and licked my face. "Who knows my love." she smiled. "I can solve some of your questions though." Ashana sat up and looked at me. "When I was a very young cub, I asked my mother where cubs came from. she said: "Spirits are everywhere in the forests, in the trees, in the plants, the animals, the water and even in stones." I layed my hands behind my head and listened. "Spirits can choose to be many things... but they grow tired of their old bodies, and so... when the time comes, they leave them... this is why things die." "The spirits need to learn new ways, so they can grow... for that to happen they have to be born anew." "Of course, spirits never die themselves... but they might spend years, sometimes hundreds of years searching for the right time to be born again." "All the spirits dream that one day they will be animals, but they must have aquired enough gheng from their former lives to sustain a stronger form in the new life, or else they will be deformed or die. My mother told me that gheng is a kind of life force which either grows stonger or weaker in spirits, depending upon what they did in their last life." "They then look for one particular animal they like, and when they find one that they are happy with, they wait until he or she has fallen asleep... then the spirit enters the animal through it's nose." "Sometimes the spirits will enter a male at night while he dreams, simply to try him out, if the spirit chooses to be male then it will get a chance to see how it feels to be male, and also get a chance to see how the body fits, since a son is often like their father." "There are two ways a spirit can leave a males body, the spirit has to tickle the male from inside... usually by day the spirit will cause the male to sneeze... but at night the spirit can only come out through the penis, along with the Males' seed. this is why males sometimes loose their seed at night" I thought for a moment. "So that's what that stuff is...Hmmm... But what if the spirit enters a female, what then?" "It's the same for Females... She replied. Only a sneeze will blow out a spirit... or....hmmm..." Ashana stopped speaking and searched for words. "Let's just say, you will know when it happens" She leaned over and whispered into my ear... "Next comes the mating." I felt _strange_ almost like a cub who had done some wrongdoing and was hiding from his parents, knowing that he would be discovered at any moment... fearing some terrible punishment, yet enjoying the moment regardless. Ashana grinned. "My Mother said that that spirits are sneaky... they...uh... Well, she said that when she saw my father, He'd just had a bath... he was lying out on the river bank, among red wahtah flowers, the sunlight was golden... it made my Mother tremble, she watched him for hours." "When I saw you, my dear Marx... bathing in _that_ pond, washing yourself and shaking the water from your fur..." Ashana put her hand on my chest and let her fingers run through my chest fur. "Do you know _how_ long I've been watching you?... I thought... "About four days?" "No..." She giggled "two weeks!" "No!... I sensed nobody, nobody at all... how..." Ashana nodded. "Spirits play tricks on us, even when we're not mating." She ticked me under the chin. "If male and female are both enamoured with each other, mating can begin." "My mother said that not all males know how, but not to worry if my mate does not... some spirits are quiet and do not speak much, this is often because the spirit may not have been an animal before and has never mated. Others may have been Buckdere or even Wickwoven like us, and has enjoyed mating before... sometimes they are all too eager to do it again." Ashana looked at me. "My Mother also said that sometimes Fathers do not tell their sons what to = do." I nodded. "That's true, nobody told me anything... except that _trap_ the male inside them forever." Ashana giggled. "Poor Marx, that's a cubs' story." I sighed. "I know... but I kept thinking about it, we _were_ stuck together." Ashana stroked my head. "You were the one who tied us together, not me... I'll explain that one later." Ashana continued. "When male and female are joined, the Males' Heart beat grows strong and his breathing deepens... this draws the spirit into his body, through his nose." "The spirit races around inside the male, full of happiness... after a while the spirit reaches a point of extacy... and shoots out, along with the seed, deep into the female." "Inside the womb, the spirit sleeps and waits for a cub to grow within it's mother... it stays there for about nine cycles." "and then, with Jheenas' blessing, comes the birth. Ashana held my hand and smiled gently, She sighed... "Birth isn't always easy, I've helped other females with theirs." I held her hand firmly... She was shaking! "...Ashana?" "Marx... I didn't just want you for cubs, Males always stay with their Females for the birth, will you stay with me?" "Of course I will." I sat up and put my arms around her. Suddenly it seemed that I had known her forever... that she was a part of me that was always there. She let go of me and stood up. "Come on... we have to go and catch something to eat or we won't live long enough to have cubs!" I got up and followed her. She turned around to look at me. "Marx... would you like to try it again tonight?" I thought for a moment. "are you going to lock me away like you did a few days ago?" ".............. Yes!" "Why?" She giggled... "Males weaken a little after mating, they can get sick... so females have to keep them rugged up all day... or at least till the cold morning air is gone. I stopped walking. "What if I refuse to stay inside all day?." "Then I will be forced to tie you up like a prey animal!" I looked at her for a moment. "Really?" She spun round. "Yes, Really!... Do you stil want to mate tonight?" I thought about it for a moment "Well?" she asked. "All right," I sighed. "You win." (c) Wolfie! PWTS 1996. all rights reserved.