One Thousand Pieces of Gold O==`=,=-------------==^==-------------=,=`==O Author's note: The following is a teaser introduction to a story I've been working on for way too long. I hope you enjoy. If your looking for the full version that once was here, thanks for looking again, but the story is about to begin it's final transformation into it's novel form. As it's author, and a story teller, I hope you'll find it well worth the wait. As Steve once said, I hope to see ya round' the corner. In the dark. Phantomgraph };8> O==`=,=-------------==^==-------------=,=`==O Then the auctioneer began. "Now how about this fine specimen. Lot number 18679 on sale for theft. All digits and appendages undamaged intact except for the left horn and ear." Tannin held as much of his pride as he could, but it never ceased to amaze him how casually the auctioneer put his disfigurements. His cervine horn of course would grow back the following year and was broken when the guards pulled him to the ground but the ear was a price of a much longer battle. His ear had gotten frostbitten one night sleeping out in the cold and the old memories of him waking looking at part of his ear in his memories flooded over him. Tannin didn't want to cry, and it took every bit of his resolve not too. He simply stood there as proudly as he could and listened to the proceedings. "OK this is the final bid on this lot, do I here three hundred gold, any one give me three hundred gold?" The auctioneer called out into the crowd. The crowd was silent. And the last of Tannin's hope finally left him. He knew he was done and although he only closed his eyes for an instant he knew the tears would follow quickly and they did, spilling down his face and dripping off onto ground before him. And the auctioneer droned on in the background "Do I hear 275? Two hundred and seventy five?..." Tannin listened and offered up a simple prayer to whatever god would listen. "Please god, just one gold more than two hundred, I'll never ask for anything more." He whispered, his hot tears still flowing. Someone in the crowd called out and for a moment Tannin's heart leap. "I'll give a shinny copper piece for the mine meat." the voice said, and the other bidders laughed. Tannin's heart broke in a million little pieces like a fine piece of crystal falling on a stone floor. "Come on," another bidder said, "default this one to the mines and lets get on with it." Although Tannin did not see it, the auctioneer nodded and looked sadly over to Tannin. "Very well, as this is the last bidding for this lot, Do I hear two hundred and one pieces of gold?" Tannin lowered his head repeating his prayer with an empty heart, praying for a miracle he could not quite find the hope to believe in. The auctioneer looked out into the crowd and nodded. "Very well entered to the default bid of two hundred gold to the Lamar mining company, going once..." Tannin broke.. and fell to his knees in tears. Some of the bidders laughed and others ushered the auctioneer to get on with it, but the auctioneer kept his professionalism and left the correct amount of time between callings. "Going twice...." Tannin pleaded cupping his hands behind his back hoping that the gods weren't listening cause he hadn't clasped his hands. "Very well.. " the auctioneer began but was interrupted. A single very firm voice came from the very back of the crowd. It flowed over the bidders and stopped the auctioneer's gavel like a rock. "One thousand pieces of gold." It said simply. The bidders parted and turned to look at the source of the voice. Cloaked in mystery was a figure wearing a blue cloak with a hood. From the hood stuck the end tip of what was obviously a dracine nose. The voice was male, but other than that carried no other intones. "Sir," the auctioneer began. "The default bid is for 200 pieces of gold. You only need to bid over that amount for this slave." "I said" the voice called back calmly, "One thousand pieces of gold." O==`=,=-------------==^==-------------=,='==O