Their is as far as I can tell, only three states of human emotion that seem to make any difference. Each is very hard to define but are quantifiable by anyone who is human and who wants to look dear into his soul. (Providing their is such a thing.) They are in order love, hate and hope. and the reason why ... Let's start with the easy one, love. Love. True love is rather like Chernobyl. Yes the reactor. It burns very hot and is fueled by the soul that is infected by it. It consumes everything around it, and it makes no choices. It takes everything and is relentless, but after it bursts into the world with it's brilliance, it slowly sinks into the person that it infects. The longer it sinks the dimmer it may appear from the surface but make no mistake the reactor is still their. No one can destroy the reactor, not even the one it's burred into. Like the reactor, it's fire is far greater than it's host. Hate. Hate is the pile of garbage that we pile up around ourselves. In and of it self that pile is not all that bad, but from time to time it fires itself into life. When it burns it's more like a trash barrel, and that is just exactly what it is. The soul expunging itself. The fire burns brightly and smells, but after it's over it's only a slight dent in the ground and a little pile of ash. Hate burns everything clean, and builds a new slate to start over on. Hope, now hope is the hard one to describe because it lives deep within a person. It lives in a place that not even love can burn away, but but it can come close. Hope is just a tiny spark. The little thing that ignites both love and hate. It's just a little spark in the very palm of one's hand. It has no beginning like love and hate. As long as you exist it has no end. You can not stop it. . It's the reason why I'm scribbling this, and the reason you are reading it. Don't toss away the spark... instead light something. }:8>