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prequel thing







So anyway I said Id try to get this story going and so I shall. In the fullness of time maybe it will even get finished. But don’t count on it. My writing ability seems to be much like my art abilities. Sometimes it works, sometimes it don’t. But I will give it a shot anyway.

Here is the main theme of the story. It kinda follows the same theme as any sci-fi action thriller movie or book. Very cliché.

Main hero (Micheal), born into the Dark Ages in Europe. Average kind of guy. Kind of a jerk, and decides to go raid some ancient temple-tomb-whatever in Egypt. Gets a gnarly curse on him by the Jackle-God Anubis. Anubis, being the all powerful and somewhat sadistic dog he is renders Micheal’s soul null and void to the after-life. But before the curse sinks in too far Micheal grabs an amulet from the tomb and runs. The amulet blesses Micheal with immortality, but nothing more than that. Unfortunatly for Anubis, this is the beginning of the end for his job as protector of the dead.

Micheal realizes that after many years, he hasn’t aged, or died from the plague that kills his family and friends. Not to mention he heals rather fast too. Many years go by and he is still just a poor lonesome fool, not really enjoying his extended stay on Earth. He decides to toss the amulet, and with it his immortality. Off the side of a boat it goes. After many years his age starts to catch up with him and he is relived. At last he can know death, and its peace that it might bring. One morning he wakes up dead, with Anubis standing over him. Anubis isnt happy. Anubis’s curse has indeed voided Micheals soul from entering the Afterlife, but the curse of the amulet had taken the edge off it. Micheal is condemed to return back to the living, until the new management of the Afterlife takes over to sort this problem out.

Upon reawaking from death, Michael is very distraut. He really wanted to die. But now he finds himself back to the same place he was, even without the amulet. He goes on living a shitty life for the next few hundred years, moving from place to place, and even meeting a few others with similar problems to his. One of these is Dracula, who hates the taste of blood, and would love to see a sunrise. Another is a Werewolf, who instantly hates him. A fight between the two proves meaningless, as injuries mean nothing to either of them. Even a weak case of lycanthrope doesn’t do much except make him stay home for a night or two one month.

Finally Man gets off this mudball called Earth. Michael thinks that if he can get off the planet and die out of the jurisdiction of the Earthly gods, he can rest in peace. His chance comes when he hijacks a space freighter on its way out of the system. He tries to crash the ship on some distant planet, in an attempt to kill himself, along with the crew. Somehow the MegaLightWarpDrive(Ill think of a better name later_) engages and he and the ship are flung way the heck out in space. Another ship catches up to it many years later, and attemps to bring the ship out of MLWD. In the process the crew remains in an energy like state, not concious or living. Not that it matters to much to their rescuers, because they are some weird alien salvage crew just out to collect space garbage and sell it to whoever needs it. The ship is sold to some crazy aliens that love space garbage, and tinkering with things. In the process of dismantling the ship, they stumble across the "ghosts" of the former crew, and the hijacker. They manage to return most of the crew back to their origanal form. Michael isnt so lucky. His form had degraded in a weird way so rematerilizing him was imposible.

It just so happened that on an earlier tour of the galaxy the aliens had stumbled across a body floating in space, dumped while it was still living. Unfortunatly it was not resuscitatable, and remained in cold storage for some time.

The aliens, ancient and wise, but mostly loving to play gods, places what was left of Michael’s energy into the body.

Upon his reawakening, Michael has no memory of his past life. He has no idea that the body that he now inhabits is not his own. He has absolutly no idea how to walk on digigrade legs or keep his tail under control.

He is no longer human, and has absolutly no idea that returning to Earth would be a bad thing indeed.

Here is the weird part. The ship had been in MLWD for almost two centuries, and in that time, the Earth has changed a lot.

Humans had been eradicated from Earth, as well as any other planet they managed to inhabit in their short time in space. Humans being the war loving creatures they are, managed to create some mosterous creatures to fight their wars for them. After fighting for the Humans for many years, the creatures turned on their creators, killing the Humans off in just a few years. The many wars fought on Earth had left it mangled and broken, but life still managed. Unfortunatly for the Gods, these creatures were out of their juristiction. And now that their was no more Human race to deal with, they were out of jobs pretty much.

Weird part number two.

These creatures that man created to fight for them were mainly composed of human dna spliced with various animal dna. Of course with any splicing there are going to be a few mistakes at first. The first batch was nearly non violent in most ways, even though it was more animal based than man. It was just as intelegent as man, but had more of an instinctive need to live a peaceful existance. The second batch was more human in ways, it loved war. But their bodies were more animalistic. Stronger, lightening fast, and intelligent as man, they were the perfect warriors. They were created to be subserviant to Humans, to do as man wished. But as time went on they bread amongst themselves and rid themselves of that little problem. They quickly started to hate humans, and decided the galaxy would be a better place without them. After a quick uprising, humans were eradicated. Many aliens watched as this happened, and silently agreed this was a good thing.

The more warlike wasn’t without any heart though. They did their best to spare the lives of the original batch of creatures, which the humans had kept around as pets and servants. When the war was finished, the pets and servants were taken to Earth, to live their lives alone there. The Warriors left Earth, for they had no attachment to it. There was many other planets that Humans had colonized over the years, more than enough to scatter themselves about on.

The peaceful batch didn’t really care for the Warriors, even though they were kind of regarded as the ones that freed them from the humans. The Earth had been left in shambles, and life there was hard. But after many years, it healed and they mostly forgot about their "saviors".

This is kinda where I am going to start the story off. Lets go ahead and call this present day.

The Earth had once been an Eden, and now was well on its way back to that. The forests had been replanted and were thriving, giant water purifying plants that had been in operation for nearly fifty years were nearly finished with their tasks. Unfortunatly most of the species that had inhabited the planet were lost in the wars, but minimal genetic cloning has started to create wildlife in abundance. A few areas still had slight radiation, and were off limits to anyone. But life even existed there. A few pockets of families that wanted no part of the monarchies that rule the cleaner areas.

It was in these desolate areas that most of the remnants of man still remain. Structures that could withstand nuclear war easily withstood time and erosion. It was known that much of man's technology still existed and functions deep underground in the protection of steel and titanium caverns. Some of it had been scavenged. Some of it had been put to good use. Some of it fought back.

Space held another challenge to life on the Earth. War satellites that had been placed by man orbited the planet still. Lasers and railguns attacked anything trying to enter the upper atmosphere. That meant that travel was quite limited, and getting from one place to another was either done on the ground, or in low flying jets.

Another problem of having these satellites up there was that any piece of space debris that got to close to them was shot of orbit and fell to Earth. This space junk, being made of super strong metals, usually hit with enough force to start a good size forest fire if not prevented…….

Next chapter?