Chapter 11: Sleep of the Drugged III It was like looking through a fish eye lens. Frankie felt a little strange. There was some fabric covering all of his body, from his shoulders down to his feet. There was something on his head too and he was looking through two eyeholes in the big helmet or whatever it was on his head. There were some special lenses in the eyeholes though that helped him get some peripheral vision, albeit at the expense of some depth of perception. He looked around. It appeared to be some kind of dressing room. He was sitting on a wooden stool with a leather encased cushion on top. There was a large walk in closet with one door ajar. He took a look at what was in the closet. Everything in the closet appeared to be fluffy and red. On the walls, there were throw rugs depicting the heroic battle scene with the armored warriors that he had seen before in several places. The luxurious medium pile carpet under his feet depicted the same scene. There was a light brown wooden dresser on one side of the room. Next to the dresser, there was a large full height mirror with incandescent light bulbs all around it like some kind of showy movie star's dressing room mirror. He took a look in the mirror. The red rooster, with its red feathers, yellow beak and all, in the reflection looked back at him. I'm the Red Rooster? Frankie thought. He remembered his experience back when he wore a goofy looking cartoonish bulldog suit with a small bowler hat at a Halloween Fair charity event in Wilton in Connecticut a number of years back. He remembered how hot and constricting that suit was. The head was heavy. The fur felt hot and heavy on his shoulders. He could hardly see out of the character's mouth as he was supposed to. The red rooster suit felt markedly different though. It seemed to be a lot cooler and air seemed to flow through the suit almost as though it was nothing. And the vision was a lot better too with the special lenses. If he could not feel the suit, he could almost have imagined that he was wearing nothing at all. The way it was, the red rooster suit caressed his body in a most sensual way, hugging his body and fitting his form very nicely. And yet, as he could see in the mirror, some padding placed strategically around the area of the crotch and legs left a lot more to the imagination. After looking over the red rooster suit for a bit, admiring both the back and the front, Frankie decided he should go out and see where he was. He placed one gloved hand on the door handle and it yielded very easily, almost as if it was made for someone with clumsy gloved hands. The corridor outside the dressing room was quite a bit more austere. The floor was grey cement. The walls were cement too, painted a gunmetal dark grey. The only illumination on the corridor was a light bulb with a small lamp shade only around every fifty feet or so. And yet, the corridor did not seem too dark. Frankie took a walk down the corridor. His footsteps appeared to echo behind him even though the red rooster suit's feet, which were wrapped around his own feet, were padded. As he got to the end of the corridor, he saw that it opened up into a larger room. It was full of large machines and medical equipment. To one side of the room, there was a hospital bed on which lay a ferret lady who looked like his sister. She was his sister! She was hooked to one of the machines and it was apparently drawing a blood sample from her left arm. On her right arm, there was an intravenous tube attached to a clear intravenous bag on a pole. As he entered, he saw the lion and the tiger, both in business formal attire. He also saw the two golden retrievers in black suits and dark glasses standing by the wall on one side of the room. He froze for a moment, thinking the two golden retrievers or the lion and the tiger would attack. Then he remembered he was in the red rooster suit and relaxed a bit. "Hey, big boss" said the tiger. "We have the final experiment set up and ready to go." Frankie did not know what to say, so he improvised. "Good. Good." He nodded, with a bit of an exaggerated movement so that the costume head nodded too. Then it happened. A ferret guy came running into the room suddenly. He was wearing a yellow acrylic jacket with black stripes. He had a brown leather gun holster strapped around his waist with a large gun with a pearl white handle sitting in the holster. The two golden retrievers sprang into action. They ran towards the ferret but the ferret was quick as a whip. He jumped up and swung his foot at the first dog, planting a kick right in the first dog's face. The second dog threw a punch at the ferret but he bowed down and dodged that punch while simultaneously hitting the second dog hard in the ribs. The two dogs fell to the floor moaning. Both the lion and the tiger had drawn their guns. They fired at the same time. Everything appeared to slow down. The two bullets traced gentle arcs through the air, leaving visible air pockets in their wake. The ferret, who had gotten a running start, dove down to his left in slow motion. The bullets glided right by him and bounced harmlessly off the wall and clattered on the floor. The ferret, who was still gliding along on his side, magically righted himself and everything speeded up again. He jumped up with legs spread apart and kicked both the lion and the tiger in their faces at the same time. They fell to the floor. The two dogs had recovered. The first dog threw a punch at the ferret but he dodged. Then without missing a beat, he grabbed the first dog's arm and used his momentum to pull him further, slamming the first dog's face right into the ferret's elbow held out sideways. The second dog jumped up and tried to kick the back of the ferret's head but he would soon regret that because the ferret ducked. Then he grabbed the second dog's leg and bent over, tossing the second dog clear across the room. Then the ferret turned to face Frankie, who was still in the red rooster suit. The ferret drew his large pearl handled gun and pointed it directly at Frankie. "And now I kill the frog" said the ferret coldly, as he squeezed the trigger. To Frankie, there was a click that seemed to echo loudly all over the room, even though it was probably barely audible. Then nothing happened. The ferret looked blankly at the gun and scratched his head with his other hand. That was all he managed to do before the lion and the tiger, who had recovered, grabbed him from behind and forced him down to the ground. The first dog came to Frankie and handed him an aluminum baseball bat. Frankie took the bat and walked over to the ferret. He heard himself say "You didn't think it would be that easy, did you?" even though that sentence never entered his mind. Then he lifted the aluminum bat and brought it down on the ferret's head. The ferret screamed. He hit the ferret again and again. He tried to stop himself but he couldn't. It was as though someone else was controlling his actions. He hit the ferret again and again on the head until it was a bloody pulp and there was a pool of blood on the floor. As he did that, he felt so bad and full of remorse that it was like he was going to break apart on the inside. Then he drifted slowly back into consciousness as he woke up. Frankie was in a bit of a daze. His heart was going ka-thump ka-thump but at least it was not racing a mile a minute. Then he had another surprise. He was not in his room! As he looked around, he saw that everything was different. There was no desk. Instead, there was a big screen television on one side of the wall. On the rest of the wall, there were posters of practically every baseball team he knew and some he had no idea existed. A baseball jersey hung from the hook on the back of the door. The room appeared to be in some kind of highrise apartment. Through the window, he could see a lot of blue sky and a few other buildings that were just as high. Frankie also noticed that he was completely naked under the sheets but that surprise was, for once, secondary to his being in a strange bedroom. He noticed that the sheets had a pattern of little baseballs repeated all across and all over the sheet. Then he looked to his side and saw Martin lying there fast asleep. "Auggh!" screamed Frankie. The fox stirred and blinked. He rolled over and with a weak smile, he said "Ahh... good morning. I see the sleeping beauty has awakened." "What... am... I... doing... here?" asked Frankie, with a look of shock on his face. "Oh... you of many pauses. How cute!" said Martin, cooing a little. "You passed out at the bar so seeing as how you probably were not going to go anywhere, I decided to bag this catch and take you home for the night. You are a good fluffy cuddle, you know?" "Stop saying that! I am NOT cute. But... you freak! Why am I naked? What did you do to my clothes?" asked Frankie, his voice rising to a squeaky pitch. "Aww. You're cute when you get angry." teased Martin. "I left your clothes on the dresser." he said, pointing at the dresser next to the large screen television. "Anyway, I didn't think you would be comfortable sleeping in all your clothes. And besides, how else was I going to get a good gander at that cute ferret butt of yours." He chuckled, giving Frankie a pat on his behind. Frankie got out of the bed and stood up. Then he saw that he was naked. He tried to cover up his naked bits but then he realized that Martin probably already saw all of those so he stopped trying and just stood there. Then he had an alarming thought. He turned sideways and pointed at his behind. "Did you?" he asked in an alarmed tone. "Did you?" Martin shook his head. "Oh please. Not on a first date. At least give me some credit for having principles. Not even if you looked like a good lay." "I... am NOT gay!" said Frankie indignantly, with his arms akimbo. Martin rolled his eyes, "Not that there is anything wrong with that, right?" Frankie ignored that remark. He started putting his pants back on. "So where am I now? How do I get back to where I was?" Martin replied, matter of factly. "You're still in Manhattan. This is near the corner of Lexington and 86th Street. There is a subway station just a few blocks down Lexington. But I would not take the Number 6 train if I were you. It seems that a drunk ferret vomited all over that subway platform last night." Frankie groaned. He put on the rest of his clothes and his jacket and dashed out the door. Martin sighed. "The cute ones are always in such a hurry" he mused. He picked up the remote control from his bedside table and turned on the big screen television. A classic Bugs Bunny cartoon appeared on the screen. The screen was so large that Bugs would be life sized if he were as tall as the average person. Well, however tall he would be if he weren't a cartoon. Well, you know what I mean. "Now that's one cute bunny butt" Martin said, and he chuckled.