Epilogue The grass on top of the knoll was damp, perhaps from a light rain earlier in the day. Frankie sat on the grass watching the dark night sky. Stars twinkled in the sky above. A full moon bathed the landscape in a soft glow. Frankie wiggled his toes. He felt the soft and yielding grass gently caress his bare feet. Frankie turned to his side. Martin was sitting next to him. Martin turned to look at Frankie and smiled. Up in the sky above, a shooting star streaked down to the horizon. "Make a wish," said Martin. He nodded to Frankie. Frankie thought for a second or two and then he knew what he wanted. "I wish we could go back and defeat the Red Rooster," he said. "But seeing as how we are now both dead, I don't think that will be possible." Martin put his left arm around Frankie's shoulder. "Don't be so sure," he said, as he gazed up at the stars above.