Chapter 3: The Sleep of the Drugged The sensation of floating in the air was simply heavenly. Frankie weaved and bobbed in the gentle wind. He looked downwards and saw that he was at least a few hundred feet above the valley. Way down below, there were tiny trees that looked like small bits of broccoli. Among the trees, he could see some small houses at regular intervals along a river that twised and turned like a snake crawling through the valley between the hills. He could also see some smaller roads and a big one on a bridge spanning the river. As he looked further down the valley, he could see an area that had far fewer trees but more houses. There were also some larger buildings. He spread out his arms, tilted a little and made an arc around the side of a hill. Then he pointed himself towards the built up area with the houses and buildings. Then all of a sudden the hills, river and everything became a blur and the air rushed by him, causing his jacket to flap violently. And then just as suddenly, the scenery stopped and he was once again floating in the gentle winds. He noticed that he was then right above the built up area. He thought he might as well check it out. So he tilted his upper torso downwards a bit and swooped down to about one hundred feet above the ground. He flew around a bit forwards and backwards until something caught his eye. At the end of a street, he saw a playground, inside of a chain link fence, with a dark green plastic dinosaur, a sand pit, a see saw, a slide set and a swing set. It all seemed very familiar somehow until he realized it was his childhood home. It was the playground at the end of Wombat Lane! Frankie stopped his gliding through the air and hovered above the playground. As he was taking a look at the area, he noticed that there were kids on the swing set. They appeared to be a ferret boy and a ferret girl, who looked exactly like himself and Freda back when they were kids. While the ferret girl was swinging gently back and forth, the ferret boy was being a bit more rough. He appeared to be really pushing hard at every upswing and downswing to get the swing to go higher and higher. Frankie also noticed that the seat under the ferret boy had a pair of rocket shaped objects attached to it and there were some wires going from the rockets to some contraption the ferret boy was wearing on his shirt. Frankie watched the ferret boy swinging higher and higher. By this time he was making a 90 degree angle both back and forth from the bottom of the swing. Then Frankie heard the sound of an engine. He turned and saw a black van with black tinted windows go up Wombat Lane. It stopped right at the playground entrance. Two figures in black suits and black pants got out of the van. Frankie saw that they looked like dogs with light tan fur of medium length and floppy ears. They were perhaps of golden retriever lineage. Both of them were wearing dark glasses. The two dogs went to the entrance gate of the playground and stopped. One of them pulled out a small black box with lots of grey buttons. He pushed some of the buttons and the device made a beeping sound. He nodded. The other dog nodded back. Then they went into the playground. The second dog pulled out a device that looked like a black rod of about six inches in length. He pointed it at the ferret girl. The end of the rod blinked with a red light and made a strange sound. As that happened, the ferret girl went limp in the seat of the swing. Her torso fell backwards a bit and her head dangled down towards the ground. The dogs then dashed in, grabbed the ferret girl and carried her to the van. At around the same time, Frankie heard the sound of rockets exploding. He shook his head. Too much rocket fuel. He saw the ferret boy fly across the swing set and then make a few very fast circles around the swing. Then the ferret boy stopped in mid air and plummeted to the ground. He bounced off the ground, landed again and lay in a heap, limbs pointing every which way, on the grass. At that time, Frankie also heard the doors of the van slam. Then the black van backed out of the dead end, swung around violently and sped off into the distance. Then he saw the ferret boy come to and make an attempt to get up. The ferret boy was evidently still in a daze because all he was doing was rolling around on the ground slowly. And then bit by bit, the playground scene faded away to a deep grey darkness. Then Frankie could see some veins and a membraneous flap of skin with light shining through. He wondered what that was for a moment before realizing that those were his eyelids. Then he woke up and opened his eyes. Apparently, he was back home in his bedroom. Bright sunlight was streaming through the window. He took a look at the glowing green digits on his digital clock radio on the nightstand by his bed. It was a quarter to noon. For a minute or two, he wondered if his visit to the Lace 'n Love Boutique in the city was all a dream but he convinced himself that it did happen, except for the hallucinations he experienced after eating the mushroom. It was then that he also realized that he was completely naked under the sheets. And for some reason, he had an erection and felt a bit horny. Perhaps the mushroom was an aphrodisiac too, he thought. Naw, probably just a knockout drug, he concluded. What he wondered was how he ended up back home. Who brought him back there? How did they get through the door? Then he saw the open window and so that part of the mystery was solved as he lived on the ground floor. Still, he felt a bit creeped out that someone had undressed him before putting him to bed. Even his Y-front briefs had been removed, for crying out loud, he thought. He saw his favorite yellow and black acrylic jacket hanging on the back of the chair by the little desk in his room. He got out of bed, still unclothed, padded over to the chair and took a look at his jacket. There was a light brown powdery residue on the back of his jacket. That could be from anything, he thought. He wondered if the yellow sticky note he got from Smith the snake was still there. He reached into the right pocket of his jacket and felt around. Hmm... he did not feel anything in there. He thought for a bit and then checked the left pocket. Bingo! There it was. He unfolded the sticky yellow piece of paper. It read "256 Beaver St, Waretown." Hmm... he knew where that was. The town was somewhere in Ocean County off the Parkway. He checked the rest of his jacket. All the buttons were still there. He straightened out the left sleeve and took a look through it. That looked okay. The right sleeve was okay too. Then he felt around under the collar of the jacket and was surprised to find a finger in some cold sticky substance. He unfolded the collar and took a look. It was some clear goop with blobs of red that looked like blood mixed in. Euughh, he thought. He took a look around for a tissue and umm, he guessed he had better put on some clothes too as his sex was just hanging out for all the world to see. So he went to the closet, which was basically a narrow rectangular space in the wall behind a set of wooden sliding doors. Being a ferret, he liked to walk around in the closet. So he slid open one of the wooden sliding doors and dived right in. There were some swishing sounds and a bit of bumping around for a few minutes. Then he came out of the closet, no pun intended, in a dark blue pocket tee with a Ski Ferret logo on the front and a freshly laundered pair of store brand generic blue jeans. He had also picked up a paper towel from a roll of paper towels in the closet. So he went over to his jacket and wiped up the goop in the collar. He then opened one of the desk drawers, retrieved a small envelope and scraped the light brown powdery residue from the back of the jacket into the envelope. He placed the envelope back in the desk drawer for safekeeping. After that, he checked for any signs of tampering or searching in his room. He took a look under the bed. All his junk was still there, more or less as he remembered. He checked all the desk drawers. Nothing seemed too out of place. Then he noticed that there was a tiny bit of goop on the top surface of his desk, next to his oddly shaped pencil holder that he made out of clay a while back. Then he felt his scalp tighten just a bit. Tentatively, he lifted his left hand to the back of his head where he felt the tingle and felt around there. There was a slightly sore lump at that spot. Hmm, he thought, must have been from when he fell backwards in the back office at the Lace 'n Love. He wondered if he brained his damage and tried reciting all the prime numbers below one hundred. He got the first ten or so of the primes before he couldn't go any further. Oh well, he wavered, he could never do that anyway. So, satisfied that all was more or less in order, he put his acrylic jacket on, picked up the car keys and jumped out the window. Then there was the slam of a car door and the sound of a car starting and rolling down the driveway and heading out on the street.