Chapter 7: Sleep of the Drugged II Frankie floated and glided through the air. It was a yummy sunny day with a cool breeze flowing through the lower middle strata of the atmosphere. He took a look around. There were the familiar hills. The little trees way down below that look like small bits of broccoli. He noticed now that the broccoli was in various shades of orange and brown for the autumn season. A river twisted and turned through the valley between the hills. He swooped and turned and once again found himself directly over the residential area. Swooping down a bit lower, he saw the black van rumbling down the lane towards the playground. Frankie held his arms forward and glided along with the van, just fifty feet or so above it. He followed it as it went up the lane and stopped at the playground. As the van stopped, Frankie pointed his feet down to the ground and gently landed behind the van. He took a look around the side of the van and saw that the two golden retrievers in black suits had gotten out of the van. Glancing towards the playground, he saw that there were two ferret kids on the swing set in the playground. The ferret girl was swinging back and forth gently in a carefree manner while the ferret boy seemed determined to kill himself with some really violent exaggerated swinging up and down. As Frankie watched, the first dog pulled out a small black device with lots of grey buttons. He pushed some of the buttons in a sequence that perhaps was known only to trained operators of the device. The device beeped. The first dog said "Do you think the one with the implant is the ferret boy?" The second dog said "Hard to say. They are too close together to get an accurate triangulation." The first dog added "Well, I say we should pick one. Would boss guy be able to tell if we got the correct one? Maybe they both have implants." The second dog said "Okay, we can always say the darn device is not working too well or we made a mistake. And we can ask for forgiveness later." The first dog said "Alright then. So which ferret kid do we pick?" The second dog said "Umm... how about the ferret girl? She seems like the kind who will not put up a fight. The ferret boy looks crazy." The first dog said "Okay. Let's get the ferret girl then. Fire the remote neural knockout." The second dog then pulled out a black rod of about six inches in length. As Frankie observed, he saw that it had a metal tip. The second dog pointed the rod at the ferret girl and pushed a button at the base of the rod. The tip of the rod glowed red and the rod made a buzzing sound. The ferret girl went limp, just hanging on the swing seat with her torso down one side and her legs down the other side. The two dogs then rushed into the playground to grab the ferret girl. At the same time, Frankie heard the rockets explode and saw the ferret boy flying over the top of the swing. He had no time to waste. As the two dogs carried the ferret girl back towards the van, he dashed out from behind the van and jumped right in front of them. Not wanting to loose the element of surprise, Frankie struck quickly and decisively. He swung a leg out and kicked the first dog in the ribs, trying his best not to accidentally hit the ferret girl in the process. The first dog recoiled and staggered back with a look of pain on his face, still holding the ferret girl's arms. The second dog had set the ferret girl's legs down and had turned towards Frankie. Frankie swung around and with his right fist, he made contact with the second dog's jaw. However, he was a bit too late. As he landed a punch on the second dog's jaw, the second dog swung his arm up and slammed Frankie on his shoulder, causing him to stagger forward, blunting his blow to the second dog's jaw. Meanwhile, the first dog had recovered somewhat from the body blow and came towards Frankie with a flying kick. Frankie turned to face the kick. He leaned back to dodge the kick and wrapped his left arm around the first dog's outstretched leg. Then with a slight jerk of his body, he tipped the first dog's balance and toppled the dog onto the ground. In the meantime, the second dog had spun around and was about to deliver a kick right to Frankie's head. Frankie ducked forward and to one side and the kick landed harmlessly in the air. Without wasting a moment, he stuck two fists out, simultaneously hitting the second dog's solar plexus and abdomen, causing the second dog to lose his balance a little. In the meantime, the first dog, still lying on the ground, spun himself around and managed to tangle his legs into Frankie's legs. The first dog continued his spin on the ground and knocked Frankie's legs out from under him. Frankie lost his balance and fell to the ground at a right angle to the first dog. The second dog recovered from the two punches and raised one foot above Frankie's torso. He could not do much as the first dog's legs were still locked around his own legs. All he could do was try to catch the second dog's foot as it came down. He braced himself and as he saw the second dog's foot descend, he raised both hands and caught it. But it was to no avail as the second dog continued forcing his foot downwards until it pressed on Frankie's chest. As the pressure on his chest from the second dog's foot increased, Frankie found it harder and harder to breathe until he was gasping for air. Was this the end of his little fight? The next thing Frankie heard was the morning traffic report. Apparently, the George Washington Bridge had another two hour delay on the upper deck and a ninety minute delay on the lower deck, the Cross Bronx Expressway was all tied up in construction delays and so was Route 80, which had been under construction for about three centuries. Frankie woke up with a start. He felt his heart going a mile a minute. His sheets were inexplicably wrapped tightly around his chest and neck so he figured that might have something to do with the hard to breathe sensation in his dream. He took a look at his night stand and saw that the clock radio read nine sharp in the AM. As always it was tuned to the news and talk radio station. He sat on his bed for a minute or two, waiting for his heart to stop racing. As he began to calm down, he noticed that once again, he was completely nude. Quickly, he checked his body for any signs of violation, sexual or otherwise. There did not appear to be any stickiness or matted fur on his groin or behind. He clenched and unclenched his bung hole. Nothing seemed out of whack there. He rolled his tongue around his mouth. No unusual tastes or odor. There also did not seem to be any wounds or injuries on any part of his body. He checked the back of his head and this time there was no bump. Everything seemed in order or so he thought. Until, that is, he spotted the used condom on the floor next to his bed. Holding his head in his hands, Frankie ran through the sequence of the previous day's events. He saved a little kitten girl from being run over by a taxi. Then he was invited up to the apartment of The Barnacle. There was that weird hallway with the wet clay pulsating as though there was a heart beating. And there were those portraits in the hallway, including one bearing a startling resemblance to himself. Then there was the apartment. There was the strange ferret child with the bending spork. Then he went into the kitchen. In the kitchen, The Barnacle offered him tea and mushroom cookies. Then there was a bit of philosophical talk, of which he remembered very little. Then The Barnacle gave him the .45 caliber gun. Looking up from his cupped hands, Frankie saw the gun sitting on his desk. Oddly enough, the gun was now in a medium brown leather holster even though he did not remember ever getting such a holster from The Barnacle. Then after that, The Barnacle handed him a paper cup supposedly with tea in it. Looking up again at his desk, Frankie saw a crumpled origami paper cup but it was dry on the inside. Then he remembered asking The Barnacle about her name, and The Barnacle then showed off her large monopod foot and demonstrated her skill at standing on the wall and stuck to the wall. Then his memory got a bit vague and he remembered a bit of leaving the kitchen, the apartment and the building but nothing after that. He sat up straight with a sudden jerk. Of course, it was the mushroom cookie, he thought. Everything after that must have been a mix of reality and hallucination, with the hallucinations increasing in intensity until everything just blanked out into a timeless state of mind. Frankie took a look around his bedroom. Once again, his jacket was draped around the chair by his desk. He got up off his bed and approached his desk. He saw a yellow sticky note sitting on his desk. The only thing it said was "Follow the Red Rooster". With a grimace and a look of complete disgust on his face, he went back to his bedside, picked up the used condom and tossed it into his wastebasket. He decided he needed a warm shower. His bathroom was a bit on the small side but completely functional. The bathroom walls were wallpapered with blue flowery wallpaper that Frankie had never bothered changing since he moved in. The floor was tiled in tiny square stone tiles. On one side, there was a bathroom sink with a mirror above it. The mirror was in two halves. One half would slide over the other, revealing a medicine cabinet. In the medicine cabinet, Frankie kept a small inventory of salves, bandages, pain medication, and cough and flu medication. There was also an emergency roll of toilet paper for the occasions when he forgot to change an empty roll in the toilet paper holder. The kitchen sink was an olive green nightmare trimmed with a chrome border. A utilitarian faucet sat at the head of the sink. Two chrome knobs, one with a red H and the other with a blue C, and one spout were the entirety of the faucet. Below the sink, there were another set of doors, which when opened revealed a small cupboard. That is where Frankie kept the toilet bowl cleaning fluid and the toilet wipes. The latter were a 21st century innovation to make cleaning the toilet bowl more convenient. The sheets of paper wipes were doused in cleaning solution and dissolved in water so they could be flushed down the toilet when one was done wiping. Next to the bathroom sink stood the toilet of course. It was a design that remained essentially unchanged since a certain John Crapper drew it up. There was a bowl of porcelain. On the bowl, there was a hinged wooden and formica toilet seat that can be placed either on the bowl or propped up against the tank. Over the seat, there was another wooden and formica hinged item. This time it was a cover for the seat. Above the toilet bowl, there was a tank of porcelain with a porcelain cover over it. The tank held water, ready for use in the next flush. A chrome handle on the upper right corner of the front of the tank activated the flush mechanism. On the other side of the bathroom, there was a bath tub. It was a large olive green tub that was smooth all over, except for the bottom of the tub that had grooves in it to prevent slips and falls. A rail at about half a foot above head level went around the tub. To that rail, Frankie had installed a plastic shower curtain. The shower curtain had the "Ferret Power" logo repeated all over it. At the time Frankie bought it, he thought that was pretty cool. A bit later, he thought it was pretty dorky. The shower nozzle was set way up in the wall at one end of the shower. Below the shower nozzle were the shower controls and a shower faucet. One knob had a red H on it and the other knob had a blue C on it. The chrome spout was below the two knobs and it pointed down to the bath tub. There was a small knob on the spout that would shut the water off there and redirect the water to the shower nozzle above. To one side of the shower faucet and set in the wall was a small tray for a bar of soap. In there, sat a half used bar of Kent Falls soap, which was green in color. Supposedly, that soap captured the freshness of one of Connecticut's tallest waterfalls, although given the water pollution these days, perhaps that was not such a good comparison to make. Frankie stepped into the shower, drew the shower curtains close, and turned the knobs. Water came out of the spout. He placed one hand under the flowing water while adjusting the knobs with the other hand, until the temperature felt just about right. Then he pulled the small knob on the spout, stood up, and waited. After a second or two, a jet of cold water shot out of the nozzle. Frankie let the cold water run over his body. He was used to the hot water taking its time to get up to the shower nozzle. After about ten more seconds, the water reached a more comfortable temperature. Frankie picked up the soap and worked it into a lather. He soaped up the fur all over his body, taking particular care to clean his groin and behind area thoroughly, although no matter how much he scrubbed, he could not shake the somewhat dirty feeling he had there. After some time, he was done with the soaping up so he put the soap back in the little tray. Then he continued running his hands through his fur until all the soap had gotten out. Relatively satisfied with the shower, he turned the knobs off and pushed the little knob on the spout back down. He always made sure he remembered to do the latter because of the one time he forgot and water came out immediately from the nozzle the next time he turned the knobs. When that happens, you get a scare that lasts a lifetime, he thought. Once the water stopped, he drew the shower curtains open and stepped out of the tub. Then he noticed that his towel was not on the hook behind the bathroom door. Once again, he had forgotten his towel. That was totally unlike any hoopy frood who always knew where his towel was. Frankie shook his head with disappointment. It was a good thing, he thought, that he lived alone. Or else it would be a bit embarrassing to have to get his towel from his room in the nude. And so, dripping wet from head to toe and leaving a trail of water droplets on the floor, he crossed the hallway from his bathroom to his bedroom. Lying in a heap behind his bedroom door was his towel. He picked it up, shook it a bit to get the dust out, and proceeded to dry himself, running his towel up and down, back and forth, side to side all over his fur. As a final touch, he ran the towel through the many crevices: his armpits, under his chin, behind his ears, and through some other... ahem... parts. And then he was done. He tossed his towel back behind his bedroom door. Momma would have a fit if she saw how he kept his stuff, he thought. Seeing as how he was all dry, he decided he ought to get dressed. So once again, he dove into his little walk in closet. After some bumping around, he came out of his closet all spiffy and dressed in a light yellow cotton polo shirt and a dark blue pair of poly cotton mix slacks. Then he picked up his yellow and black acrylic jacket from the back of the chair next to his desk and put it on. Then he picked up the holster with the .45 caliber gun in it. The holster was on a leather belt so he strapped the belt around his waist. That seemed somewhat cool, like he was a cowboy. He did not have a cowboy hat or spurs on his shoes so the leather holster might be a bit out of place but he was sure most would refrain from questioning such a large gun. He took another look at the yellow sticky note sitting on his desk. It still read "Follow the Red Rooster". He picked up the note and put it in the pocket of his jacket. He wondered what it could be referring to. The only Red Rooster he knew of was a certain road food drive in place up in the town of Patterson in Putnam County. He was not sure if that was the red rooster the note was referring to but what the hey? He had not been there in a long time and missed the chicken sandwiches and black and white shakes the place was well known for. He glanced again at the used condom sitting in his wastebasket and grimaced. Then he left his bedroom and went out the front door to take on the day's adventures.