\x93Warning! Power level is at 60% high\x94.


He walked into the kitchen.


\x93Glucose\x85 searching\x85.\x94 \x93Sugar found. 100%.\x94


He opened the cupboard and reached out for the small package that contained the sugar. He needed it to be used as \x93fuel\x94 His large hands were not designed for handling small things, and the little pack fell from his hand on to the ground. He kneeled. He licked his hand, and touched on the ground so that the sugar would stick on it. He licked it off. No taste. Nothing. But still this was very important to him.


His radar picked up a small anthro lurking from behind the kitchen door. He looked up and saw a small child. A wingless griffin, he was Dana\x92s son. His fur was light colored, just like his mother, but his throat and chest were white. He was wearing his pyjamas-he had obviously gotten up from bed to catch a glimpse of this new creature that came to his home. He smiled at the child. Jimmy giggled and walked forward. \x93Mommy said that sugar is bad for your teeth!\x94 Jimmy said. But he got no response. The weird machine was still licking the sugar off his hand. He watched him and giggled. Kids can find anything funny. \x93I can draw! You want me to draw for you?\x94 the robot smiled and nodded. He watched as the kid drew shapes on a piece of paper. He smiled. He reminded him of his niece, Michelle.


\x93My mom says that machines don\x92t have a heart\x85\x94 Jimmy said. This surprised the robot. \x93Do you want me to draw you one?\x94 \xA0He nodded. The small child leaned forwards and clumsily; he drew a tiny red heart on his right chest. He then leaned backwards and admired his creation. \x93There you go! Now you have a heart! Just like the rest of us! Now people can love you!\x94 He smiled and touched his new heart. Now he was just like everyone at last!





My son\x85 don\x92t leave me\x85 please don\x92t\x92 go!\x94 A mother is crying above her son\x92s coffin. She was crying, hoping that it was just a bad dream. Her son could hear her, but he could not speak. He was frozen. They put something inside of him-it made him look dead. \x93Mother! I\x92m not dead! Help me! I\x92m still alive! Get me out of here!\x94 No one could hear him. He was screaming as his coffin was lowered underground. The dust been thrown onto him. Darkness\x85 the weight crashing his chest. Suddenly, he heard voices. Finally! They realised their mistake! They\x92re here to take him out! But it was no relative. It was pain\x85



\xA0Cleave \x93woke up\x94. He wasn\x92t actually sleeping. He doesn\x92t sleep. He might have visions some times. He activated his radar to see what \x93woke\x94 him. He looked down and saw a little creature clinging on to his leg.


\x93Identifying creature\x85 Creature Identified: Aetoides dilophus. Status: Infant. Undangerous.\x94


\x93Oh\x85 that\x92s my son\x92s dilophodragon\x85\x94 it was Dana. She had woken up early. \x93He found it in the garbish and kept him. Quite a cute company eh?\x94


Cleave looked down at the cute green creature that was clinging onto him. Obviously, it had difficulty identifying the \x93thing\x94 it was clinging on to. It had no scent, yet it was moving. It finally gave up and flew up on a bare tree.




One month went by, and Cleave stayed with Dana all the time. There were a few attacks of machines at the village, but nothing the villagers couldn\x92t handle. And Cleave helped them a lot. But still, no one seemed to trust him. They all wanted to destroy him, or just see him leave their village. Cleave didn\x92t blame them. Most of those people lost their loved ones because of those machines. And even though he wasn\x92t one of them, he was a machine too. And that was enough for them.




Dana was on her way to a meeting. The fighters of the village were gathering to plan on an attack against the machines. She didn\x92t want to leave her robot home alone (her son was at \x93school\x94) so she took him with her. She felt a little guilty, because they were going to plan on how to destroy his kind\x85


She knocked on an old brown wooden door. \x93Dana!\x94 she called. Immediately, the door opened to let her in. At the door, a Razor was standing. \x93Hey Dana\x94 he said, \x93It\x92s you we were waiting for. Now we\x92re ready to start\x94. His attention then turned to the robot standing behind her. \x93I\x92m afraid you\x92re gonna have to leave your eh\x85 pet\x85 outside!\x94 He said and pulled her in. He then closed the door into Cleave\x92s face. Cleave tried to control his rage. He owed it to Dana. He turned around and saw children playing in a little square. When they saw him, they stopped and run towards him.


\x93What was that for?\x94 Dana asked the Razor. \x93He\x92s a machine!\x94 \x93I proved to you that he\x92s a nice guy!\x94 \x93We don\x92t know that\x94 The Razor answered as he let Dana into the meeting room. \x93It could be a trick. He might be a spy for the machines\x94. Dana shook her head. \x93No\x85\x94 She looked outside the window, and she saw the robot playing with a bunch of little children. He didn\x92t seem threatening at all, and the children were enjoying it. \x93Look at him\x85 how can you say that he is not alive?\x94 \x93Maybe he was programmed to look alive! Come! We have to start planning\x94. Dana shook her head again, and closed the curtains.