Under Dana\x92s supervision, the robot stayed at the village. Months have passed away, the robot helped villagers with their works and with some fights, he was even spending time playing with children. But most of the people still didn\x92t trust him. That irritated the robot a lot. 150 years ago, he was a hero, a person that people hoped to see into the streets, protecting their homes. Butt now her was feared and considered nothing but a mindless machine\x85 his endless nightmare.




He was carrying a couch for Dana inside the house.


\x93You know, Cleave\x85\x94


\xA0Dana said as he put the couch onto the floor. She sat on it. The robot did the same. He didn\x92t feel comfortable sitting, but he always did what Dana did.


\x93\x85I still don\x92t know who you are! Why you are alive!\x94


Dana was still amazed with the whole thing. She moved to the right to be closer to her robot.


\x93That helmet on your head\x85 can you take it off?\x94


With slow and hesitated movements, Cleave moved his hands towards his helmet


\x93Lock off\x94 The helmet locked off his head and he took it off. He placed it onto the table. He then looked up at Dana who was staring at his, with mouth wide open. He lowered his head again. He thought that the scars made him look ugly.


\x93You\x92re\x85\x94 Dana didn\x92t know what to say. \x93You\x92re\x85 so handsome\x85\x94 She approached him.


\x93Who are you? Where do you come from? Why\x85 why are you alive?\x94


She touched his leg.


\x93Please\x85 speak to me. Why are you so shy? Do you have something to hide from me?\x94 His lips contracted. He wanted so much to speak to her, and tell his story. But something held him back. During the month that he spent with Dana, he started having emotions again. He promised to him self that he would never love again. But now, seeing this beautiful griffin in front of him, made him feel weird. He was falling in love with her.


Dana leaned forwards. She felt an urge to kiss the machine, but she too was held back. She couldn\x92t get over the fact that he was a robot. It felt so weird\x85 yet she couldn\x92t control her emotions. She leaned forward, her lips almost touching his\x85 and finally, she gave in.


\x93NO!!!\x94 He yelled and jumped back. \x93Warning! System error!\x94 He shook his head. He was getting the same message every time he was feeling weird.


\x93Oh my God\x85\x94 Dana said putting her hand over her mouth. \x93What have I done?\x94 she whispered


She looked up and saw Cleave. He was staring her, his eyes were red and his mouth was hanging open. As if he didn\x92t know what to do.


\x93Cleave please\x85\x94 She approached him but he stepped back. They both were panicked. \x93Please\x85 it\x85 I don\x92t know why I did this\x85 I\x85 Please\x85\x94


\x93Why?\x94 He asked. \x93Nothing will be the same now! I don\x92t want to hurt again!\x94


He run towards the window and spread his wings out from his back.


\x93Cleave\x85?\x94 \x93I\x85 have to go\x94. He said, and without looking back, he flew out.


\x93WAIT! DON\x92T GO!\x94 She run to the window and looked outside. But he was already very far away. \x93\x85Don\x92t go\x85\x94 she whispered. A tear fell from her eye onto her cheek.




He was flying away as fast as he could. He had to get away from that place, get away from her and his emotions. He didn\x92t have a heart, but still something inside him ached. He wanted to cry so much, but he couldn\x92t shed a tear. He knew that crying always made a person feel better. But his sorrow and anger kept building inside. Because he felt as if he wasn\x92t a person at all. He was an object that everyone hated and everyone wanted to see him dead. He had to fly away.




\x93Mom!!\x94 Jimmy came in with a smile at his face.


\x93Jimmy\x85\x94 Dana bit her lips. He son loved the robot a lot


\x93Mom look! I made a new drawing\x94 He said cheerfully and pulled out a piece of paper from his backpack.


\x93It\x92s beautiful,\x94 Dana said.


\x93Where\x92s the robot? I wanna show him!\x94 She started crying again.


\x93Honey\x85 Cleave had to go\x85\x94 He started at her, as if he didn\x92t understand what she was saying.


\x93Where did he go? When is he coming back?\x94


\x93He\x92s not coming back Jimmy\x85 He\x85. left.\x94


\xA0\x93Why? Didn\x92t he like us?\x94 Jimmy said, almost choking in tears. Dana hugged him.


\x93Of course he did\x85 He loved us a lot but\x85 He didn\x92t belong here. He was a machine\x85 we\x92re anthros\x85 we\x92re very different, we\x92re enemies\x85\x94


\x93NO!\x94 Jimmy yelled. \x93He\x92s not different! I gave him a heart! They were supposed to love him!!\x94


He run to his room, crying and he slammed the door behind him. Dana didn\x92t understand what he said. She was very sad that he left too, after all, she loved him\x85 or so she though. She walked to his room and knocked on the door


\x93Jimmy?\x94 She pushed the door open and looked inside. Jimmy was lying on his bed and crying. She sat on the bed close to him and put her hand on his back.


\x93Honey\x85 what did you mean when you said that you gave him a heart?\x94


Jimmy sniffed and looked up.


\x93I\x85 I drew a little heart on his chest, so that everyone would see that he\x92s just like us\x85 They were supposed to like him\x85\x94 He said. Dana smiled and hugged him. \x93Why didn\x92t they love him mom? Why?\x94 Dana didn\x92t know how to explain things to him


\x93Honey\x85 Cleave is a robot and\x85 a lot of people have lost their families because of robots. They don\x92t hate Cleave, they hate all robots\x85\x94 She sighted. People hated each other, even if they did have a heart. What chance did a robot have?




Jimmy woke up. He looked at the clock. 3:00 AM. With quick movements, he got up and put on his jeans. He then grabbed his backpack and put in a flashlight, a bottle of water and his paint gun. He approached the door and opened it. It was very dark outside, but at the horizon, he could see a faint blue light. There was a machine base there. He hesitated for a second, but thinking it over, he stepped out and closed the door behind him.


\x93I\x92ll find him! I\x92ll find him and I\x92ll bring him back!\x94