Puma is an active character on several anthropomorphic MUCKs. If you're interested in MUCKing, roleplaying as an anthropomorphized animal, or just curious, point your telnet client at one or more of the following locations: FurryMUCK, port 8888 Sociopolitical Ramifications MUCK (more commonly known as SPR) spr.ctrl-c.liu.se, port 23 KhaosMUCK tassmoj.ctrl-c.liu.se, port 6969 TapestriesMUCK tapestries.fur.com, port 6969 Please note that this is in no way an advertisement for any of the above MUCKs, nor do I make any claim to the quality of the experience(s) you will have if you connect. I'm simply telling you where I am...it's up to you to form your own opinions, and decide which, if any, you prefer. Puma is a metahuman puma hybrid on all of the MUCKs listed above. Pumas, also commonly known as cougars or mountain lions, have been known by many names over the years. Some of those include: Puma, cougar, deer tiger, Mexican lion, panther, painter, catamount, silver lion, mountain lion, mountain demon, mountain devil, mountain screamer, brown tiger, red tiger, deer killer, Indian devil, purple feather, king cat, sneak cat, and varmint. However, please note that puma is the officially acknowledged correct name for this species. For a funny little review of some puma names, point your browser at: http://brunching.com/ratings/catnames.html I stumbled across this site totally by accident, and got a chuckle out of it. And in case you were wondering, metahuman is latin. It's two words actually: Meta - That which comes after, or above, or surpasses or exceeds. Human - Duh...:) Puma has a very complete and detailed pinfo/cinfo set on all of the MUCKs above, so if you connect and feel like a little reading, feel free to check it out. She's a fully developed character with a history, a set of unique abilities, her own personality...even a dark secret that haunts her. Fun stuff...:) For those of you not able or willing to connect, I have included her basic *clothed* description below. (smile) You're pretty sure Puma noticed you looking at her. It's just another winged feline, and there's certainly enough of those around. Her markings indicate that her base species is puma, aka cougar or mountain lion, and she stands about six foot three (1.93 meters) tall on digitigrade legs. Folded loosely against her back are a pair of large feathered wings. They are well-proportioned to her height, and you guess they would span approximately thirty feet or so when fully spread. The markings on the wings seem to indicate some kind of bird of prey, probably an eagle, and the primary feathers are a little tattered on the ends from dragging on the ground as she walks. Her fur is pretty average, a dusky tan color like most cougars, with an off-white ventral countershade on her throat and underbody...nothing unusual there. She also lacks the mane of long headfur sported by so many popular females...only her medium-length fur covers her body, head to toe. Her eyes are hazel, sort of...not quite green, not quite brown, with flecks and streaks of something that isn't quite gold either. Her pupils are round, like all true cougars, and she gives you a brief glance as you look her over. She is dressed simply, in a pair of torn-off black jean shorts and a dark blue tee shirt. The shorts are well-worn and somewhat faded...probably her favorite pair...and they've been ripped open in back to accommodate her tail. She has no real bust to speak of, completely lacking the monstrous 'helium hooters' that are oh so popular. It lends her a somewhat tomboyish look...in fact, the largest thing on her chest is a dense ruff of fur, some of it spilling out the neck of her tee-shirt. The only thing of interest on her chest is the logo on her shirt...in large, bold letters, it states: PLAYTHING Her build, like the rest of her, is average...she's not ripped, she's not stacked, she's not fat...she's just there. Her digitigrade legs lend her a distinctly inhuman appearance, apparently less appealing to most than the humanoid legs that many of the popular women possess, and she also lacks any clear muscular definition...she obviously doesn't work out. Also, she doesn't wear any earrings, piercings, or any other jewelry. No collar, either...with her average appearance, it's a safe bet she's been passed up by any potential owners. For those of you new to MUCKing and online roleplaying, here's a couple of handy links: http://www.io.com/~hands/booklet.html - for what NOT to do while MUCKing. http://www.tigerden.com/infopage/muck/index.html - Rhal's Furry MU*s Connector. A resource and information page on anthropomorphic MU*s from all over the world. http://www.unrealities.com/adult/ssbb/faq.htm - BDSM, bondage of various sorts, and slave/pet ownership frequently plays a large role on the online anthropomorphic communities. For a FAQ resource and a lot of helpful information on the subject, follow this link. Two words of advice on the whole MUCKing thing - Have fun. That's it, that's all I'm going to say. If you're not having an enjoyable experience...what's the point?