Chapter IV

Blood and Fire


The day before the wedding, Ryan went out to get his mail. He was looking through it when he saw a letter from the Ristarian Defense Corps. A look of pure horror came across his face. Everyone knew that The Defense Corps only sent out letters for two reasons. And since he doesn\x92t have any relatives in the service, it must be for the other reason. He opened the letter, and began to read.

Dear Dr. Ricarta,

You have received this letter because the Ristarian Defense Corps is in need of your services. You have been drafted into the service. Please report to the following address within three (3) days of the receiving of this letter....

He stood there for an endless amount of time allowing the horrifying information sink in. He ran inside to call Aaron and Sarah. "Hey, Aaron?"

"Ryan, that you? What's wrong? You sound like you've seen a ghost."

"I've been drafted." He heard the sound of a phone hitting the ground. Aaron had dropped the phone.


"Yeah, I know"

"Why are they drafting you?"

"I don't know. It's probably because they aren't getting enough medics to join or something." Aaron chuckled.

"When do you have to report?"

"Within three days."

"Well, that sucks. Well, I'm here for you in you need help. See ya at the wedding tomorrow."

"See ya."

He hung up and went to the hospital.


He told his secretary, a skunk named Karin, about his bad news. She looked horrified, and gave Ryan a hug.

"I'm sorry. That's just horrible. When do you have to leave?"

"Within three days."

"Well, we'll keep you in our prayers."

"Thanks." He began to walk towards his office, stopped, and went back.



"I need to tell you something, so that if I die during my deployment, I'll have no regrets."

"All right. What is it?"

He got down on one knee and took her hand. "Karin, I love you. I always did. From the moment I laid eyes on you. I just never had the courage to speak my feelings." She had a look of disbelief on her face. There was an awkward silence. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I'll just go." He walked towards his office with his a sad look. She quickly walked up to him and hugged him. "Don't leave. I...I love you too."

He couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Really?"

"Yes, and like you said, if you were to die during deployment, I would have regretted not telling you my true feelings as well."

"Ya know what? When I get back I'm going to...." A doctor, a rather short lynx, burst into the room. "Dr. Ricarta! Turn on your TV. You're not going to believe what just happened." He turned on the small TV that was in his office and saw why the lynx was so excited. "What?" He turned to the doctor. "Prepare an emergency response team for mobilization, and prepare the mobile O.R., now!"

"Yes, sir. Are you going to stay at the hospital?"

"Of course not! I'm going to be running the mobile O.R."

"Yes, sir!" He ran out of the room and began shouting instructions. Karin was out of the loop. "Wait, what just happened?"

"Someone just bombed the convention center in town."

"WHAT? But there was an event today!"

"That's why a response team is being mobilized. I'm sorry, but I have to go. I promise to make it up to you when I get back."

A suspicious grin flashed on her face and was gone as soon as it had appeared. "Ok. Now go, go save some lives." He left. Karin said a quick prayer for Ryan and all the victims.


When Ryan arrived at the convention center, he was horrified. The roof of the convention center had collapsed and the building was on fire. There were many piles of body bags near the unloading zone. Several other hospitals were responding to the incident, and many had mobile OR's set up already. "*Sigh* this is going to be a long day," he muttered to himself. They unpacked the mobile O.R., and began to work. The paramedics were acting as transports, carrying supplies and fresh personnel to the convention center. Each time they asked for Ryan to take a rest and let the next shift take over, he refused. In the O.R., he worked with the grace of an artist. He made it look like the surgical instruments were part of his body. The day went well. He didn't lose a single patient. After all were accounted for, There were 300 dead, 7,538 injured, and 2,162 uninjured. He had returned to his office when he got back to the hospital. Karin wasn't there. "Hmm, she must have gone home. Heh, can't say I blame her, it is pretty late." He looked down on his desk, and said, " Man, this is going to be a paperwork nightmare. Oh well. Time for a quick nap." He put his head on his desk. He felt someone nuzzling his neck and massaging his back. It was Karin. "Ohhhhh, how did you know I had a stressful day?" he said playfully.

"Um, lucky guess?" she replied sarcastically.

"Whatever." He twisted around, embraced her, and kissed her passionately.

"Ryan, how did you know I wanted to kiss you?"

He said mockingly, "Um, lucky guess?" She punched him in the shoulder. "Well, why don't you come over to my place for dinner?"

"Depends, Ryan. Depends on what we\x92re having, and who's cooking."

"Well are you a vegetarian?"

"No, Why?"

"Because I was going to make my famous shrimp teriyaki noodles."

"That sounds good. Haven't I had this before?"

"Yes, you have. You ready to go?"

"Yeah, are you?"

"On one condition. You drive. I'm too tired to drive."

She looked at Ryan with a "you are pathetic" look and shook her head. "All right. Let's go." They walked out of the hospital. Ryan was leaning on Karin's shoulder for support because he was so tired.


Karin had finished the last spoonful of her meal. "Ryan, are you a chef?"

"No, but thanks for the compliment."

She stood up and walked towards the door. "*Yawn* I'm going to head home. I need to get some sleep for tomorrow. Bye, Ryan," Karin said sleepily.

"You know, you could stay the night over here."

She walked back over to the table and sat down. "I like that idea. Thanks for offering Ryan."

"No problem. I'll sleep on the couch, and you sleep on the bed."

Karin didn\x92t like that idea. "Nah, how about you sleep on the bed and I sleep on the couch?"

Ryan laughed. "How about we both sleep on the couch?"

Karin had a better idea. "Or how about we both sleep in the bed?"

"Only if it's ok with you."

"Yes, it's ok with me."

"All right. Ready to go to sleep?"

"Yeah." They both changed and got into bed. Ryan put his hands around her and pulled her close, and their tails twisted together. "Good night, Karin." He kissed her on the cheek. "Good night, Ryan." Ryan and Karin wanted to stay like this forever.


Copyright Ryan McLoughlin. All Rights Reserved