This story contains SEX and Adult situations. If you are underage or offended by such things do not read!! Copyright 2001 Rael Bayellis

Pam and I took a taxi over to the mall. She had lent me a coat and some shoes, but nothing else, for the trip. I felt a bit nervous at first, I was after all naked beneath the coat, except for my fur.

Pam noticed and gave me a wink. "So tell me, how\x92d you end up working for us?"

I blushed and related the story as per James. She didn\x92t press for too many details, and I was happy for that.

"Worried about the job?" she asked.

"A bit," I admitted. "I mean I love sex," And I purred loudly thinking about what I had been doing earlier, "But I\x92m not terribly experienced, and I\x92m a bit worried about the kinds of guys I might have to sleep with."

She nodded, "Yeah, I was too at first. But James runs a high priced outfit, so we don\x92t get too many bad ones. Plus you get good at dealing with the average ones, so you can move along to the good ones. And there are quite a few good ones."

"If they\x92re good, why are they paying for it?"

"Cause it\x92s taboo for a lot of the upper crust and wealthy to be seen with us or even own us for sex. Plus most all of them are married and don\x92t want to have to deal with a mistress. So they get to have all the fun and none of the liabilities."

I nodded at that. I had a pretty good idea of James\x92 business plan before I came to him. But he was pretty secretive about how he had managed his success in the circles I traveled in. Can\x92t blame him for that, he still didn\x92t have any real competition.

"So how did you end up here?" I said, "if you don\x92t mind my asking that is."

Pam smiled and let her paw idly run up my leg, I felt a tingle run up as well. Pam was rather hot looking herself, I had to admit. I leaned against her slightly and she grinned. "No I don\x92t mind. I was dumped on the street, not unlike you. Seems some guy's wives don\x92t appreciate their sex toys."

I gave a nervous laugh and nodded.

"I was having a rough time of it, and I heard about James from one of his girls while I was working sweeping floors." She ran her hand higher up my thigh, slipping under the jacket and making me purr. "I like sex too!" she whispered and giggled.

"So what are you going to do when your contract runs out?" I asked letting my own paw explore her leg a little.

"I\x92ll cut my working hours back to 3 or 4 days a week. But otherwise I plan to stay."

"Really?" I blinked.

She nodded, "I get fucked here as much as I want. What could possibly be better? You\x92re a sex model like me, you\x92ll soon discover what I did, that it\x92s the most fun you can have and if you don\x92t get enough of it you get depressed."

I filed that part away for future reference. I know that those nanobots changed both my DNA and my wiring, so I was probably going to be subject to many of the same problems as the fem I was copied from.

By now Pam's thumb was flicking over my clit and one of her fingers was slowly working it\x92s way past my cuntlips. I shivered a bit and spread my legs further, ear\x92s splayed in embarrassment as I noticed the taxi driver\x92s constant checking out of the mirror now.

"Umm, Pam," I whispered. "We\x92re in a taxi you know\x85"

She purred and turned to face me, slipping down to kneel on the floor boards of the taxi. "I know," she grinned and undid the buttons on the long coat I was wearing as she moved between my legs. "Now lay back and enjoy!"

I did as she asked and laid back in the corner of the seat, letting her push my coat open to either side as she started to lick and nibble at the insides of my thighs. The driver could easily see my naked body in the mirror and only had to turn his head halfway round to see my glistening cunt lips, though Pam\x92s head soon started to get in the way of that. I noticed the taxi driver put the flag down and slowed quite a bit. I smiled nervously at him in the mirror and then gave an involuntary gasp as Pam\x92s long tongue snaked over my clit.

"Ummmm," she grinned, "Kitty cunt, one of my favorites."

"Complete with a fresh load of James' cum still in there," I panted placing my paws on her head and starting to stroke her ears.

"Oh really? Let\x92s see!" She giggled and sliding her snout closer she slid that long canine tongue past my lips and deep inside my body.

I gave a loud moan and the taxi swerved a little as the driver turned to watch. I spread my legs a little wider and grabbed Pam\x92s ears a bit tighter as that tongue hit places inside me I didn\x92t know existed.

"Oh Yum!" she grinned, looking up at me and licking her lips. I was getting soaked down there now, "you\x92re right! James sure left a nice tasting load in you hon!" and she stuck her head back down and plunged her tongue back past my lips, twisting and turning it inside me, all the while one of her paws rolled and pulled on my clit, while the other caressed and gently teased my breasts.

"Ohh yessss\x85" I moaned, starting to grind my hips against her muzzle. "Deeper, go deeper!" I mewled my eyes closed now as I stopped caring about who was watching, and more about cumming on that lovely tongue.

Pam snickered and kept up the action, sucking and swallowing as her manipulation of my clit got more intense, and her tongue fucking got faster.

"Yess, Yesss!" I panted, starting to buck my hips into her muzzle, holding her head in place now as my breath came in short gasps. "almost\x85almost\x85" and then she gave a hard pinch with her fingers and I nearly screamed, my body shivered and I came hard, my cum flowing out and into her greedy muzzle. I could hear her lapping as I bounced and bucked, tail quivering until I was spent.

Pam looked up at me and licked her chops, the fur on her muzzle soaking wet. Moving up she kissed me deep and I hugged her close, enjoying the taste of my orgasm on her lips and tongue. When I finally stopped shuddering I licked her whole face clean and then sent her back down to clean up the mess.

"Anyone who gets too close is gonna know what I\x92ve been doing," I mock whined.

"At least you\x92re not dripping like I am now," she giggled.

"Serves you right. But you\x92re not the one getting clothes."

We giggled at that and snuggled again as the driver finally pulled up to the mall. We separated ourselves and went inside. I noticed that the taxi driver had a large lump in his pants as we got out. I smiled at him and flashed him as Pam paid him. He smiled and Pat giggled as he drove off.

"You\x92re shameless!"

I laughed back at her, "Me? You were the one with your tongue wedged up my cunt."

We went inside and the first place we went was a regular dress store. She helped my pick up some regular clothes, but ones that still showed off my assets rather nicely. Then some rather sexy outfits for work, one pair of flats and a number of high heels. Finally we hit the lingerie store and both her and the sales lady went crazy having me try on a lot of different things. We spent over two hours there alone with me walking half naked through the store. I got a lot of jealous looks from women with their boyfriends, who\x92s eyes followed me like they were glued on.

I was rather shameless I had to admit and got quite turned on. Pam was giggling the whole time and when we piled back into a cab with my bags she couldn\x92t keep her hands off me. For my part I was only wearing one of the lingerie sets we had picked out under my new coat.

We didn\x92t put on a show this time however, it was getting late and we needed to be back for work.

Walking in heels was a new experience. But I found that with a tail, and the balance my new body seemed to innately have, I quickly figured it out. I got a lot of appreciative looks from the others at the Menagerie as I strutted in the front doors. I smiled gave a twirl and dropped my coat to the floor and stood there wearing only the sexy underwear I had just bought, which didn\x92t cover much. I stuck a pose or two before picking up my coat and gathering the bags back up.

"Well, how do I look?" I asked smiling at the others.

"Not bad!" several said, while a few of the others whistled appreciatively.

"Thanks," I blushed and smiled.

"Everybody, this is Keasha," Pam said, "Keasha, this is everybody." She then pointed out who the other working girls were, which was all of them except for one older, but still attractive, tiger woman. She was also very strong looking. "This is Jill," she said. "Jill is our den mother and bouncer."

"That\x92s right dear," Jill said smiling, "Take all your problems to me. I\x92m also your boss, so I\x92ll be giving you your assignments etc. I answer directly to James. When he\x92s not here, I run the show."

I nodded and shook paws with her. "I\x92ll try to be good."

She smiled, "As the new girl I expect James will be investing a lot of personal attention in you for now. Just don\x92t let it go to your head."

"I was hoping to have it go someplace else!" I whispered giggling.

She laughed and headed into the back.

The only others of interest that Pam introduced me too were the few behind the scenes workers. Basically two janitor/handyman types. They were the guys who changed the sheets on our rooms while we were washing up, cleaned up any messes that happened. Fixed whatever broke, carried home those too drunk to take themselves, and supported Jill when she needed it. Ed, the older one, was a grizzled old bear. He had to be about 50 or so, which was old for a morpher. He was in pretty decent shape still, but you could see scars under the fur and other signs of a rough life. He was also partially blind in one eye.

Kurt, the other one, was a Skunk. He was fairly young, I\x92d say 16 at the most. He was pretty cute and blushed a little as I gave him the once over. Ed dragged him off almost immediately as it was 7 and things still needed cleaning before we opened.

"So, do we have to fuck them at all?" I asked Pam in a whisper as we headed up to my room to put my things away.

"Only on their birthdays." She smirked.

"Really?" I blinked.

"Yeah, everyone gets their pick of whoever they want on their birthday. House rule."

"Even Kurt?"

"Yup, though he\x92s only had one so far since James rescued him from some nasty business last year. He\x92s a good kid, shy, but not that naïve."

"What about Ed?"

"A real sweetheart, except when he\x92s drunk. Then lookout. At least he doesn\x92t drink much."

I nodded and we finished putting everything away.


I was nervous as I went down to the lounge where we were to sit around and wait for our customers. Jill came over with a drink and sat down next to me. "Okay, the bartender knows not to give you girls too much to drink, usually the customers like you to be sober. Pay your man lots of attention, do whatever he says. Now each of the rooms has a microphone in it, I\x92ll be listening with half an ear. If there\x92s any kind of emergency just call my name and I\x92ll hear it. But be warned, some of these guys can be into some kinky stuff, now they\x92re supposed to ask first, but don\x92t let any of it upset you. Turn them down if you really can\x92t take it, but try and make them happy if you can. Understand?

I nodded and looked around a bit nervous still. "I think I can deal with it."

She grinned and handed me a pill, "Here take this."

"What is it?" I said, as I swallowed it and took some of the drink she offered me.

"It\x92s a combination aphrodisiac and some kind of psyhcotrophic that lowers your inhibitions."

My eyes got really big and I almost gagged.

She snickered, "Yup, you\x92re going to be one uninhibited horny kitty in heat in about 20 minutes. That should balance out the uptight feeling you\x92re suffering from. Normally I only give those to girls doing a large group, or if the customer pays a lot extra."

I gulped some more of my drink and nodded. "How addictive are those?"

"Very, but not for the reasons you think. Some girls like the idea of being able to take on a large group of males without any inhibitions. It\x92s the power of it that\x92s dangerous.

"Well good luck, and I\x92ll try to steer the better ones your way tonight!" And with that she headed off and left me sitting on display.

After a little bit Katrice came over and said hello. She was a very striking Cougar. We made small talk and she admitted that she had been asked to help calm me down. "But I don\x92t mind. Pam says you\x92re alright and she\x92s a good judge of character."

"Thanks," I smiled, shifting in my seat for the sixth time in as many minutes. Men were starting to show up and look around, and several of the girls had already gone off. My crotch was starting to feel warm and in need of something very hard and thick. I was getting tempted to get up and see if maybe I could lure one of those men my way.

"Horny huh?" She giggled.

"Extremely," I purred. "I hope someone picks me soon."

"Oh Jill will send you someone soon I\x92m sure. We have several customers who love to try out new talent and I suspect they\x92ve already been informed you\x92re here."

"Ya\x92 think?" I smiled.

"That\x92s how it was when I showed up!" She snickered.

And right at that moment Jill came over with a rather well dressed gentleman. I looked up, and up again, craning my neck back a little in my seat. This was one big guy! He was at least 6\x927" and probably three times my weight to boot. Even in the expensive suit I could tell his arms where as thick as my thighs. I started to get damp thinking about how thick he might be in other places as well.

"Keasha darling, this is Guy."

I stood up and smiled at Guy, "Hi."

He smiled down at me and put a hand around my waist and drew me up against him. He was hard as a rock, his body I mean. I wiggled a little against him and purred up at him, he wasn\x92t stiff yet, but there was a nice bulge under those trousers.

"She\x92ll do nicely Jill," he smiled over my head and then looked back down at me. "Shall we?"

"Oh I hope so!" I giggled and he laughed as well. Jill face palmed and I led him off to my room.

"I didn\x92t know humans came so big and strong." I purred, leaning against him and rubbing a little as we walked down the hall. For his part he was groping my ass pretty well with a large hand.

"I play pro ball," he said as we came to the door.

"Wow! And you\x92re interested in little ole me?" I said eyes wide. I was impressed, those hunks usually get all the human women they wanted.

He grinned, flattered I think that I was so obviously honored that I was about to be fucked by a pro lineman. "Well I like to get a little rough, and human girls your size end up hurt when I do that. But you cat girls I can bang the hell out of and love every minute of it." And he picked me up and pinned me to the wall in my room and started to kiss and grope me roughly.

I damn near creamed in my panties. "I\x92m loving it all ready stud" I purrgrowled and rubbed my tail over his crotch, and started kissing him back. I wrapped my arms around his broad body and traced my fingers over the heavy muscles of his back. He nibbled on my neck and then my ears and I almost yowled in pleasure as I started to undo his shirt and then my fingers flew to his belt as I undid that as well. I yanked down his zipper and my fingers confirmed what my tail had already told me, this guy was huge!

He laughed in my ear, which he had been nibbling to my distraction. This guy knew what turned on cat girls alright!

"Somebody want something?" he laughed.

"Ohh yeah, and you\x92ve got it stud," I purred wrapping my paw around his cock and slowly stroking it. I couldn\x92t even get my fingers around it and it was still growing under my touch.

"Don\x92t worry kitten, you\x92ll be getting every last inch\x85"

He set me down then and stepped back to get out of his things, I slipped off the straps of the dress and shimmied in place, letting it pool at my feet. He looked up at me now clad in bra and panties and smiled.

"Take it all off kitten, I prefer my cats in the fur."

I smiled and quickly shed the undergarments, and let my eye\x92s slide down his well muscled body to his massive organ, that was finally fully erect. It looked more like it belonged on a pony then him, and his balls looked equally massive. I slinked over to him and let him grab me and hug me close again. Then I started to rub my body sexily against his, enjoying the feeling of his hot rod rubbing over my flat belly and stomach.

He gave a gentle push down with his hands and I needed no further encouragement to sink to my knees. That monster of a cock was right before my eyes as I leaned in and rubbed my face all over it, his musk filling my nostrils as I stroked it with my paws. I started in with small licks first, altering with kisses along the length, and all over his heavy balls. I kept this up until I his hands started to tighten on my head, then I licked my way up to the head and opening my mouth wide took the glans into my muzzle.

He gasped and shivered a little as I circled my tongue over his cockhead. It was so thick it wouldn\x92t fit between my fangs, so I couldn\x92t get a good seal around the head, and I had to stretch my muzzle as wide as it would go. He pushed it in deeper though, I guess the tips of the fangs scraping over his shaft didn\x92t worry him, and plugged it into the back of my throat.

I let my tongue lash over the underside as he worked the tip in and out of my throat. It was interesting, having him cram it in that far. It did make breathing difficult, but he didn\x92t do it for too long, pulling out and picking me up to toss me on the bed. I smiled up at him and opened my arms as well as my legs impressed at how he could so easily manhandle me.

He looked down at my dripping pussy. I was so hot for him the light was glistening off of my cunt lips. He laughed. "Make me cum in less then thirty minutes and I\x92ll pay you double kitten."

And with that he crawled on the bed and started to lick and kiss his way up my thighs. I shivered and moaned and purred, and when he gave my cunt a few good swipes with his tongue I almost growled. He was good, and his teasing me was driving me mad. When he got to my tits he spent a lot of time driving me crazy with his nibbling and biting. I finally grabbed his hips and pulled up with all my might.

"Fuck me DAMN IT!!" I moaned, "Let me feel that hard cock already!"

He snickered and nipped at my neck and hoisted my legs up over his shoulders, "Sure thing kitty." And I felt that huge thick head start to press against my lips.

I stretched my legs as wide as I could to either side as he pushed up against my tight little cunt opening. I could look down between us and see the fat glans pressing against me. I gave a whimper and shivered once more and suddenly it was in, stretching me wider then I had ever been stretched before, making me yowl loudly.

"Never had anything this big in you huh?" he asked, nuzzling the side of my face.

", Never" I panted, eye\x92s wide as I watched inch after inch slowly slide into my body. I could see it moving under my belly, it was that thick.

"Don\x92t worry, I\x92ll go slow." He murred almost catlike, still nuzzling. "At first that is" and he gave an almost evil chuckle.

I just nodded dumbstruck as I watched 13 inches of the thickest cock I had ever seen in my life slide inside my body. I couldn\x92t believe I was taking it all into me. I just couldn\x92t. And when his hips pressed into mine, and I felt those heavy balls cushioned against my ass I looked up into his eyes in wonder.

"Wow!" I purred.

"You like?" he asked.

"Ohhhh yesss\x85" I whispered back.

"Good." And with a growl he slowly pulled back until only the head was inside. The pushed it all back in again.

I moaned.

He did it a second time, faster.

I moaned and gasped.

He did it a third time, faster again, causing his balls to bounce lightly against the upturned cushion of my ass.

I moaned and cried out.

"You okay?" he asked concerned, giving my ear a nip.

"Yes!" I growled.

And then he started to fuck me.

He started off just pumping my cunt with fast firm strokes, just plain fucking. On about the fifth stroke I went rigid under him and started to buck and scream. I was cumming and cumming hard. I grabbed his shaft with my cuntal sleeve and he groaned a little himself and started to shag me hard and fast, my copious juices letting him fuck my tight little pussy so hard the bed started to bounce. I suspect most human women would have had their hips broken. For my part I was just going wild with him. As I came down from my own orgasm I looked up and could see his eyes were getting glassy. Picking a trick from my past that had been used on me I grabbed his nipple and gave it a evil twist.

He yelped and his eyes unglazed and his erection lost just a little bit and he glared at me.

"What the hell are you doing?" he asked looking very much the defensive lineman.

"I wanted you to enjoy me longer," I panted, smiling, "I don\x92t want you to leave just yet, do you?"

He blinked and then started to slowly smile, his hips picking back up only now he was circling them and stirring that monster deep in my depths. "You know, you just threw away over a thousand dollars kitten."

I smiled back up at him, and added some twists of my own to his fuck thrusts, letting my tail rub against his balls as I answered him.

"What I want is in these, and I want to make sure I get every last drop." I moaned and lightly raked my fingers down his back.

"Oh you\x92ll get that, don\x92t worry at all kitty!"

And with that he pulled out and flipped me over onto my stomach. He then grabbed a few pillows and put them under my waist as I started to undulate my hips back up at him.

"You gonna be my Tom then?" I purred as I tickled his nose with my tail.

"I\x92m gonna fuck you till you scream cat!" he growled and seizing my hips he mounted me from behind and went back to his hard relentless pounding of my cunt.

I shivered and panted, bucking my hips back against him as he worked his shaft in and out of me, my tail wrapping around his waist as he leaned over me and started drilling down on an angle into my sopping sex. It was too much having that thick a shaft being pounded so deep and I was on the build to another orgasm already. The new angle made that long cock prod and push over my G-spot and my hips started to give little involuntary bucks and I was mewling and whimpering in lust. He laughed and rode me like a machine, then after several minutes of that torture when I was near the end he leaned over and bit my neck ruff hard causing me to yowl in pleasure loudly and clamp down on his cock tightly as I came once again.

It was like a thousand suns going nova behind my eyelids, stars were flying and there were colors everywhere, I felt weak and was gasping for breath when I came back to my senses he was sitting cross legged on the bed, with me straddling his cock, rocking back and forth. With a little gymnastics I was able to turn and face him, and he snuggled me tight against his chest, my large firm tits pressing into his flat hard chest.

"Oh god," I moaned. "I hope you come here often."

He laughed, "Whenever my team is in town."

"I hope that\x92s a lot!" I shivered and nuzzled him, stoking his body with my paws.

"Often enough, this is where we train." He looked down at me and smiled, "Now it\x92s time for you to get what you want."

I smiled up at him and purred, "You say the sweetest things to a cat you know."

"Well far be it from me to keep a kitty from it\x92s cream," he snickered.

I leaned back and started to move my hips from side to side in time to the slow strokes his rocking had been giving me. "Oh yeah baby, bring it on home!" I growled and let my legs splay out to either side of him.

He smiled and leaned forward, driving me up and then onto my back as if he was tackling me, making me \x91oof!\x92 as he knocked the wind out of me, driving me into the bed with a fierce growl.

"Hope you like it rough!" he said with an almost catlike snarl.

"Do me! Fuck me like the slut I am!" I growled back at him.

He started back in on the same kind of hard fucking we had been doing before, only now there was an added edge of violence to it. He had said he liked it rough, and I realized now that he had been holding back before. He was slamming me like his life depended on it, I guess having made him hold off this long before cumming had driven his lust a little crazy.

I just know I was getting off on it, and was having little firecracker orgasms on every thrust.

"Take it you fucking slut!" he was growling, biting my face and neck. I don\x92t know if cat morphs really fucked this way, but it was making me even hotter.

"Harder you bastard, harder! Prove to me you\x92re the boss, harder!" I growled and let my claws start to rake his back.

My words and my claws spurred him on even more, once again the bed was starting to bounce on the floor, the sound of his cock slurping in and out of my sopping cunt filled the room. I wrapped my legs around him and started to beat on his ass with my heels.

"Fucking cat slut!" he sneered, "Tell me what you want! Tell me!"

"Cum! Cum in me, fill me with your seed, conquer me, fuck me! CUMMM!" I growled and panted and moaned. The little firecracker like orgasms where coming closer together, getting stronger. His cock was like a steel rod now, his ballsac was tight as it smacked my ass. I knew he was close, and so was I.

"Take it you bitch, take it all!" he almost yelled and I arched my back and yowled out loud as I felt his cock start to swell and pump, his hot semen flooding out the end as he body slammed me one last time and then bit my neck again, grinding his hips hard against me.

I roared and started to buck and convulse under him as my third and biggest orgasm of the night, and possibly even my life hit me and drove me insane. It was ecstasy, pleasure, mind numbing joy. My cuntal walls grabbed and milked at his cock, his essence spilling into my body and causing a warmth to flow all over me as I came again and again, my breath coming in gasps as I wrapped myself around him and held on for dear life.

I don\x92t know how long it lasted, but it was another ten minutes before I could catch my breath. I grabbed his head and kissed him, as he caught his own breath.

"Thank you" I purred.

"I should be thanking you!" he smiled, "Especially after what I said there at the end."

"Oh I don\x92t mind a little dirty talk," I grinned, "Besides, I am those things, and probably more to most people. But I just wanted to thank you for being my first paying customer. You can tell everybody you broke the new girl in good."

He laughed and slowly pulled out of me, causing me to sigh. I looked down at my crotch as his cum leaked out, pooling on the bed between my thighs.

"Then believe me, I\x92ll be back for you kitty. Especially because you don\x92t mind me saying those things. I said I like it rough, and you\x92re gonna find out how much more. It gets me up for the game to come here and prove my mastery over the animals," He smiled, "Especially cats. I just love fucking you cats into submission."

I laughed and went over and hugged him and kissed him then grabbed my robe, "Well you can fuck this kitty anytime!" I purred.

He thrust a wad of money at me, "Here\x92s your tip."

"I lost, remember? You took well over thirty minutes to cum." I said with a dreamy look.

"Yeah, and I appreciate the fact that you did that too. It\x92s rare to find someone who takes their work seriously. I do, and I see you do too."

I smiled up at him and took the money and hugged him again.

"What?" he looked surprised.

"It\x92s my birthday and I was nervous about this being my first day and all. And you just gave me two wonderful gifts. One of which is still dripping down my legs!" I giggled. "Anyways, off with you, wouldn\x92t want you to break curfew and I have to go clean."

I showed him out the door then, and went off to the shower to deutsche and get cleaned up. Twenty minutes later I was ready for another customer.

Jill came up to me once I was downstairs. I could see by the clock I had been with guy for two hours.

"Geez girl, I was wondering if we\x92d have to break down the door. I couldn\x92t believe the amount of yowling and screaming coming from your room.

I blushed my ears flattening, "I\x92m sorry, did I disturb anyone?"

She laughed and patted my ears. "Only me. The rooms are soundproofed, so don\x92t worry about that." She pointed to the ear bud in her ear, "Remember the microphones I told you about?"

"Oh!" I nodded.

"Yeah well, normally you shouldn\x92t take so long with a customer, but Guy\x92s a special case, he\x92s loaded, those sports figures make millions, and he gets James special tickets to the games, so it\x92s okay this time. Most guys come in here, they only get an hour unless they pay extra, okay?"

I nodded.

"Also, house gets half the tips."

"Oh! Sorry, nobody told me!" I handed her over the wad Guy had gave me.

"I know, my fault." She looked at the wad, "Shit! Now I know you weren\x92t just making noise." She counted it out, "There\x92s five grand here!"

I blinked, "How much did he pay for me?"

"We\x92re listing you at a grand a pop. Though after the way you did him I think I should raise your price!"

"Wow, that much?"

"Hey Pam gets 5 grand a fuck, and guys have her reserved weeks in advance!" she laughed.

I blinked again. "You\x92re kidding me!"

"We cater to the rich guys honey. They know that what they\x92re fucking here costs real cash, and that no poor slob can afford it. Plus you can\x92t pass on any diseases, and we pride ourselves on our girls being serious about pleasing the guests. Which I can see you are."

"Well there was that pill you gave me earlier."

Jill laughed at that. "That was a sugar pill honey. You did that on your own. I\x92ve been in this business long enough to know a real slut when I see one!"

"I don\x92t know if that\x92s an insult or a compliment," I grumbled.

"Compliment, I\x92m a slut too. I just get to pick my own now. Anyways, I need to get back to the front, come along hon."