This story contains graphic sex, BDSM and Male/Male sex. If you are a minor or offended by such things, DO NOT READ THIS!

Copyright 2002 Rael Bayellis, all rights reserved


Balizar changed his uniform and caught up with Rassnor outside the audience chamber, he had several hours before he was to meet Sharr.

"I thought I had asked you to wear one of the more revealing outfits?" Rassnor growled slightly.

"I'm sorry Master, but Luten thought it would be nice if I showed up a looking a little worse for the wear later, and I was going to ask you to mark me up some now, so I'd be mostly healed by lunch."

Rassnor noticed the eyes of his two standard guards widen just a tad in surprise at what they just heard.

"Ah, I see pet. What did you have in mind?"

Balizar pulled the tunic off, baring his upper body, Rassnor smiled watching the smooth muscle play under the dark fur. Balizar handed the shirt, and a towel to one of the guards then smiling sauntered up to Rassnor and hugged him. Rassnor hugged him back.

"Now what?" He asked, paws rubbing up the leopard's strong back.

"Kiss me nice and deep, then sink those claws in and rip down."

Rassnor nodded and did just that, kissing his toy nice and deep and hard, feeling the leopard melt against him. He waited until he heard a soft purring of pleasure from the smaller cat and then dug in and ripped his paws down, his claws opening up eight parallel gashes as Balizar trembled and pressed into his chest. The scent of blood quickly filled the air and stirred his loins slightly. Breaking the kiss he turned his toy around to survey the damage.

"Hand me that towel," He told the guard who looked a little green around the gills as he examined the gashes.

"Not too bad," Rassnor said dabbing up the blood as he waited for it to clot. "You okay?"

"I'm fine Master," Balizar only smiled slightly, it did hurt afterall. "You've done far worse before."

Rassnor chuckled. "And I most definitely will again." He placed the towel over the wounds and let it soak up the quickly clotting blood. "Give it another minute and you can put your tunic back on without staining it."

He turned to the two guards. "Don't speak of this to anyone, he's meeting with that Sharr character, and Sharr would be shocked if he showed up in perfect health after the rumors we've planted."

"Yes, Sir!" They both replied in unison, the younger guard still looked a little worried however.


"Yes Sir?"

"Don't worry about Balizar. He'll be fine."

"Ummm, Yes Sir."

Rassnor looked at Balizar who looked back and they both chuckled loudly. Balizar put his shirt on and they headed out of the anteroom and into the main audience chamber.

Rassnor gave a small sigh as he watched Balizar settle gingerly into his usual post. He noticed Bal's little wink to him once he was settled, but he knew it still had hurt. Part of him still wished he'd had the time to pound the leopard's tight little ass while he was bleeding. It had been a while since he had really put his toy through his paces. He decided that tonight he'd see to it that Bal had to visit the healer when he was finished and smiled wickedly down at his toy for a minute. Seeing the leopard duck his head in submission Rassnor knew he got the message.

He then turned to the business at hand. The first few issues were dealt with easily and quickly, and it wasn't until later he realized that the parties were all acting rather worried. Probably because it had taken him a good half hour to get that wicked smile of anticipation off of his muzzle.

* * * * *

Balizar had changed only his loin cloth before heading off to meet Sharr. He didn't want to look too scandalous in the bar. He examined the wounds on his back in a mirror, they looked like something that had happened the evening before at this point due to his abilities to heal quickly.

It took him a little longer to get to the Inn then he had expected, he really hadn't spent much time in town since he became his Master's pet. And considerably less before then. He saw Sharr sitting in the back, in a nicely secluded corner as soon as he walked inside however. Smiling dumbly he waved and strode over to join the fox.

"I was beginning to worry." Sharr said, standing and smiling.

"Oh, the audience ran late." Balizar said, then lowered his voice a little, "The King decided to mete out a little personal punishment, if you know what I mean." He smirked. Of course that was an outright lie, but as Sharr hadn't been there, he wouldn't know that.

"Oh really?" Sharr blinked, his thoughts turning to questions of just how well did the people like their King? This dumb kitty was definitely a trove of information.

Balizar nodded and sat down, giving a little flinch as he leaned back in the chair. "So, what's for lunch?"

Sharr noticed the flinch and resisted saying 'you'. Instead he called the bargirl over and ordered them both a nice meat pie, and a lot of mead.

Balizar smiled and took the mug when the girl came back with them. He reached for his money when Sharr stopped him with a wave of his paw.

"Let my boss pay for this," He smiled, "save your money."

"Are you sure? I'd hate for you to get in trouble with him."

The fox shook his head, "Don't worry about it. If he's gonna leave me here to clean up his deals, he can afford to pay for me to have a nice lunch with a friend."

Balizar just nodded and smiled dumbly.

Over the next half hour they drank and ate their food. Balizar was quite impressed with the quality of the meal. He'd have to remember this place. He was also impressed with the fact that the fox was drinking far less them him, while appearing to match him drink for drink. They made small talk about the terrible lot of the average worker, and such. Balizar did mention how he wished he could have gone south once again, with the others, to which Sharr made all the right noises.

More furs started to drift in, as lunch really started to pick up.

"This place is getting too crowded," Sharr complained.

Balizar nodded. He was trying to act a little drunker then he felt. "It sure is, but where else is there?" he asked looking dumb.

"I have a place," Sharr smiled, feeling like the fisherman reeling in his catch. "Just follow me."

Balizar smiled and nodded, standing up he followed the fox into the back, and up some stairs.

"My room is just up here." Sharr said leading him first up then down a hallway. "Voila! Come on in!"

Balizar smiled and walked in ear's twitching a little as the fox locked the door behind them and walked up and smiled, looking up into Balizar's eye's.

"You know," He murrrred huskily at the larger cat. "You are truly a wonderful guy," Sharr moved closer until his chest was pressing up against the leopard's.

"You're pretty nice yourself," Balizar purred back leaning against the fox, curious as to just how far this ballsy tod was gonna go.

Sharr grabbed Balizar's butt and pulled him closer, grinding against the slightly surprised cat. "I'd like to say a nice personal goodbye before I have to go\x85" He murrred.

Balizar gulped a little and did his best to look nervous. "Uh, I don't know, the ahhh King and all."

Sharr smiled and lifted an eyebrow, "What about the King? What he doesn't know\x85"

Balizar flattened his ears and tried to blush, acting embarressed was far worse then the real thing. "Well, I promised him that I'd only let him, err, you know."

"No, I don't know."

"He's the only one allowed to fuck me." Balizar blurted it out, giving a little giggle. "He even wrote a little law, declaring my ass royal property."

Sharr giggled back acting amused, his mind reeling with the implications of Rassnor's behavior. The King was obviously far more depraved then he had thought. Maybe the rumors were true?

"Well, but there's a lot of the rest of you still up for grabs, isn't there?"

Balizar cocked his head to the side and smiled, "You know, the other guards like to say the very same thing when I'm alone with them! You're sure clever!" He laughed.

Sharr let his paws cup that firm ass. He had hoped to fuck this cute ditzy cat, but he wouldn't be surprised if the King would hunt down any who fucked this toy of his. Obviously this leopard wasn't anything more then an amusement. But there were other things he could do, he smiled to himself, letting his fingers play a little under that nice thick tail. He smirked at how easily that tail hiked. Maybe after his country had overrun this crumbling kingdom he could get this cat added to his harem.

"Here, let me help you out of those hot heavy clothes," Sharr said with a smile, tugging down the loin cloth before letting his own fall to the floor a moment later. A few moments later he had the cat naked and was pushing him back onto the bed, his own maleness thick and growing as he looked over this handsome specimen. He definitely would have to see about this one's capture, he was just so hot, and dumb as a post to boot. Giggling and laughing at all his inane comments and compliments. As he got the cat on his back he gave a louder gasp.

"What's wrong?" Asked Sharr.

"Oh, nothing." Balizar winced again, playing it up. His back didn't hurt that much anymore really, but that wasn't the point now.

"Let me see your back."

"No, it's nothing really," He winced again.

"Sure, and it doesn't hurt either." Sharr grabbed an arm and tugged, "Now roll over."

Balizar sighed and sat up and turned, showing his back to Sharr. He smiled to himself as he heard the gasping intake of breath.

"What happened?" Sharr asked, he had heard, and now he saw proof.

"Sometimes the King gets a little carried away when he's with me. It's my fault I guess. I get him so excited sometimes he loses control."

"I\x85 I see," Sharr smiled inwardly, those stories of how the King killed his lovers must be true. "Does this happen often?"

"Oh no! Just once in a while. I mean he's always rather energetic," Balizar giggled and turned to face Sharr again, letting his paw drift up the fox's thigh. "But this only happens occasionally."

Balizar noted that Sharr was a fairly well endowed fox, though not as well endowed as many of the tigers, or his Master. He could tell what Sharr wanted, it was obvious now. He smiled evilly to himself, he'd like to fuck this fox nice and hard, make the hunter the hunted, but he couldn\x92t do that, so he'd tease him the same way he'd teased Rassnor many a morning.

"Besides," Balizar continued, letting his paw slowly wrap around Sharr's cock, fingers stroking as he started to pump it a little. "He's throwing a party in a couple of weeks, one of the private ones I've heard some of the other nobles whisper about," He winked at Sharr, "And I'm the guest of honor!" He purrrred, shifting and dropping his muzzle to the tip of the fox's shaft. "He told me last night after he slipped and hurt me," Balizar blew lightly over the tip of the fox's shaft, smiling at the small moan he got in response, "He said to make up for it, he would see to it that I would remember it for the rest of my life!" Balizar opened his muzzle then and sucked the tip in, letting his tongue caress and work the underside as he slowly took in every inch Sharr had.

Sharr groaned as his cock was enveloped in such wonderful moist sucking heat. 'Rest of his life' indeed he thought to himself as he grabbed the leopard's ears. 'What a waste of talent, the rumors are true', he thought to himself as he sighed out loud, partially in pleasure, partially at the waste, that this cat would most definitely be dead before he'd ever be able to get his greedy paws on him. 'Still, I would love to be a fly on that wall. For one as talented as this I'm sure that pervert will make a grand spectacle of his murder.' The thought of that bolstered his erection slightly, as he face fucked this condemned cat who had no idea what was going to happen to him.

He was not without his own jaded pleasures after all.

Balizar started to purr as he bobbed his head expertly, letting his paw lightly carress the fox's balls. He felt the way Sharr's erection suddenly hardened, and it wasn't too hard to figure out which way the fox's thoughts had turned. He felt happy that he was winning this match of wits, and now he was gonna tease this fox nice and long before he let him cum. The nice part was he didn't taste at all bad either.

Sharr's hips started to buck slightly as the leopard's muzzle pumped him, sucking and swirling. He was impressed, this cat was far better at sucking cock then most fox's he had used. He didn't think he'd be able to hold out much longer when suddenly the cat stopped, gave a little squeeze that made him yerf! In surprise, and then started all over again!

Balizar smiled and licked up a bit more of the pre that was leaking pretty heavily by now. He pressed the head between the roof of his muzzle and his tongue and sucked hard working it back and forth. The pants and moans from Sharr got louder and louder as he did this relentlessly this time. One paw jerking on the hard shaft as the other tickled his balls. Then just when he could feel Sharr was almost there, he stopped, gave that little corrective squeeze, and started to slowly lick up and down the length.

Sharr groaned and cursed under his breath, his cock getting more and more tender, his balls getting heavier and heavier as this cat brought him to the edge again, and again and again! Three more times he did it, and it was everything he could do to keep from screaming at the black furred bastard to finish him already!

Balizar's own mouth was starting to get a bit tired now, he'd teased the fox to the edge six times, and seventh would be the charm he smiled to himself. Wedging the fox's heavily abused and obviously painfully hard shaft between his tongue and muzzle once more he sucked and licked and twirled, only this time he took his finger, now soaked with the slobber that covered the fox's balls and sneakily snuck it under the fox, letting it slowly tease at Sharr's assring.

Sharr's eyes widened suddenly as he felt the cat's wide digit suddenly teasing as his asshole. He was so close now his body was trembling, he needed to cum, and if he didn't this time he'd save the King the trouble and gut this kitty himself. So what was he doing\x85

Balizar slipped the finger into the hilt and pressed down hard on the fox's prostate in a single quick motion. Sharr's body went rigid and a strangled cry wrenched from his muzzle as his cock started to spray cum into the leopard's throat like a rainspout during a downpour. Balizar purred loudly and sucked down every drop, after all, it was his reward, and tasty to boot.

Sharr's eyes rolled up into his head as he pushed his cock as far up as he could, his whole body tingling as he came and came and came, gasping for air and unable to take a full breath. He saw stars before his eyes until the cat finally released him and with a whimper he collapsed onto the bed beneath him.

"Thanks for lunch," Balizar purred, sitting back on his haunches and licking his fingers clean of the spunk that had dribbled down the shaft.

"Ohhhhh, anytime" gasped Sharr, still catching his breath. He wished he could steal this one away, but oh well, there would be others. It wasn't worth risking his cover and the information he had gained just to save someone else's sex toy for himself.

Balizar grabbed his tunic and pulled it back on, "Well, I have to get back to the castle. When can I see you again?"

"I'll let you know" panted Sharr, "I'll definitely let you know." He sighed, too bad he had to leave tonight\x85

* * * * * *

"Well, how'd it go?" Luten asked as Balizar strolled into his office.

"I think he took the Bait Sir," He smiled happily. He wasn't crazy about blowing the enemy's spy, but the next time they met the rolls would be reversed, and the fallout of this session would make it that much sweeter.

"Good, what did you tell him?"

"Basically what we discussed, and I told him I was the special guest of that party."

"How'd he take that?"

"I could tell he 'figured it out', but he sure didn't seem interested in trying to save me from what he suspects will be a nasty fate."

Luten nodded. "They're not much of a caring bunch up north."

"I guessed that. But I have to ask, what would you have done?"

Luten steepled his fingers on the table before him, "Depends. If you were just someone I was pumping for information, nothing. On the other hand if you were someone I was just plain pumping" and he snickered and suddenly looked rather dashing for his age, "I would take you with me, and risk the consequences. Once you sell out your compassion and caring as a fur, regardless of your species, you're on the road to ruin. At least that's my take on life."

"I'll remember that. Thanks!"

"Thank you Balizar, the more we can make them think we're not ready, the easier things will be."

"Do you really think that he believes it? That King Faldor will believe it?"

Luten nodded "Yes, I suspect he'll tell wonderful stories about the decadence that has set into the King and Kingdom since Rassnor was installed as our liege five years ago."

Balizar shook his head surprised, "Well, politics isn't my strong suit, but if you say it's so\x85"

"Oh it's so Balizar, Our spies have noted quite a bit of troop movements on their side of the border. That assassin you stopped was one of theirs. They've been itching to get the highlands back for ages, and they view homosexuality as quite the perversion. They will quickly conclude that Rassnor is weak, and that his officers and nobles revile him."

Balizar nodded realizing he had quite a bit to think about and left.

* * * * * *

Balizar didn't catch up with his Master until dinner that night. He spent a productive afternoon on the pells and doing swordwork with Chet. The old tiger still had a lot of spunk left in him, but try as he might to best Balizar, he continued to come up short.

"And you say the King is better then you?" Chet asked after sticking his head in a water barrel and sitting down to cool off and catch his breath.

Balizar nodded and smiled, "Yup. Positively inspired is how I would describe it. Some evenings, before bed, we fight duels in the bedroom." Balizar paused a moment remember some of the fights, as well as what had transpired afterwards, a smile coming to his muzzle. "I can only describe it as art."

"Maybe I should get his Highnesses' butt down here sometime to demonstrate to the rest of us his abilities. He was always good, but it would seem somewhere along the line he's come into his own."

"You would find it quite impressive, I'm sure."

Chet nodded, "Looking forward to being in the field again?"

"Definitely, Gundor is a large Kingdom, its conquest shall take several campaigns I'd think. I'm looking forward to the battles."

"I think this may be my last one, I'm starting to slow down myself and combat is for the young. And somebody needs to train these kids. But it will be nice to be there when the King takes their throne. They've been poor allies and worse friends ever since the change in ruling families. King Rassnor won't attack without provocation, as much as he wants to increase the Kingdom, probably doesn't want to give our neighbors to the west anything to fear. I imagine he must be rather pleased that one of our neighbors has deigned to give him this chance."

Bal just smiled and nodded.

* * * * *

Rassnor looked down the table at Balizar as they ate dinner. His toy had put on one of the more scandalous outfits, and was discretely flirting with him every chance he got. Rassnor himself was getting more and more excited thinking about what he wanted to do tonight. War was on the wind, soon he'd be in the field again, this time with Bal by his side instead of facing him. That thought alone was enough to set his blood afire, add to it his thoughts from this morning, and the combination of challenge and desire in his slut's eyes and he wasn't sure he really wanted dessert anyway. Besides, if was really going to push his pet to the edge, he needed to make sure he had time to recover before they had to leave.

Pushing away his plate and sliding back from the table, Rassnor stood and bid the other's good evening, waving them back to their seats as they hastened to stand. "I think I will be retiring early tonight, much to consider with the upcoming campaigns and all." He smiled at his guests, tonight's group was composed of his inner circle of advisors and officers. "Please feel free to stay for dessert, we'll all be in the field again soon enough!" he said with a smile.

He watched as Balizar quickly sprung to his own feet and preceded him out of the room, guards falling in behind him as he followed his pet down the hall. He found it amusing that his private guards had taken to holding his pet in such high esteem, that they feared no attack from the front when his pet was there.

As they left the dinning area and started down the back halls his toy's tail started to hike higher into the air, waving before his nose tauntingly, hips giving occasional lewd swishes, the loincloth giving more and more glimpses of the treasures barely hidden below. Rassnor let his desire grow, and as they finally entered his bed chambers he kicked the door closed behind him and growled softly grinning.

Balizar turned to his Master and smiled at him as he stood by the door removing his tunic.

"Strip slut, wouldn't want to get any blood on that fine outfit of yours," Rassnor growled softly.

"Yes my Master," Balizar nodded quickly shedding the outfit. "What does my Master wish tonight?"

"I think someone needs to be put in their place again, and rather soundly."

"I see Master, anything I should know before you start?"

"Yes, there will be no surrender, and little mercy, I will conquer all."

Balizar nodded and drew his sword from its sheath where he had set it, watching his Master do the same. He saluted, and attacked.

Quick as a flash his Master dodged an beat down his sword riposting and coming back at him hard. Balizar gave ground counting beats on his blade then pressed back in when he saw his advantage, lunging at openings and dodging and parrying his Master's attacks. His whole world focusing on the fight, the blade, his body singing with the thrill of the fight. The motions of the large tiger were at times almost hypnotic in beat, counter beat of the thrust, dodge and parry. The intense desire to win him, to conquer him, burning brightly in his Master's eyes. Bal was determined to be worthy of being won, to not give an inch and use every ounce of his skill's to try and best his Master. Anything less would be unworthy of his lord.

Rassnor's own blood was boiling with excitement, his pet was proving once again to be a worthy adversary, and he had meant what he said, he would not allow his pet to surrender this fight. It would not be over until he had won. His eyes roved appreciatively over the smaller cat's body, the reward for which he fought. Impressed as always by the speed and effortless way Bal seemed to fight, a dark ghost with a flashing sword, muscle's playing sensuously under dark fur. Rassnor smiled and pressed an attack home once more, opening a small cut on Bal's shoulder. He had no doubts that he would win this contest, that he would earn his reward, he could be patient now that he was fighting, patience was one of the hallmarks of a great warrior, and he knew he was one now. His continuing abilities to best his pet, no matter what he did had awoken that realization in him, he knew his Father would have been proud. He fenced the leopard back around the room and suddenly ducked as his pet kicked a chair up at his face. With a growl he batted it aside and cut across, nearly scoring a hit across the leopard's chest.

Balizar smiled and parried, constantly amazed at the grace and speed of the tiger before him, dodging himself as his Master threw a pitcher at his head, and followed it up with an attack of his own. There would be no rules tonight, the fighting would be dirty.


The sword fight had gone on for hours, with much of the room baring the brunt at first, but Balizar was cut in a dozen places now, some of the gashes were rather deep, particularly the one in his left arm. His Master hadn't gotten off scott free either, a cut to his chest and another to his thigh, the scent of blood in the room driving them both on until Balizar saw his Master suddenly make a move that amazed him, so smooth and so fast after so long, allowing the larger tiger to back him against the wall and tie him up, sword to sword. A moment later he was pinned, and he felt the pommel of his Master's dagger hitting his head several times until he passed out.

When he came too he was trussed to one of his Master's racks against the wall, his head hurt, and his body was sore as well. He shook his head to clear it. There was something in his mouth, he couldn't spit it out.

"Awake I see\x85" he heard his Master purr.

Turning to look he saw Rassnor with his whips standing behind him. Still bleeding, still naked, and rather erect. He got a good hold on the bite stick in his muzzle and turned back to face the wall.

"Good, we'll start off with the flogger."

Balizar grunted as the first lash hit across his back, the heavy 'whump' of the flogger warming his back slightly, hardly painful at all. Then the next, and the one after that. The heat from the flogging ran all the way up and down his spine, and across his buttocks. His Master was a true master of these implements and the pain grew slowly, one hot heavy caress after another, until suddenly the flogging stopped.

"Now the lash my pet," Rassnor whispered in his ears, and undoing the cord that held the bite stick in place. "This will hurt, but if I go to far, stop me."

Balizar nodded weakly and prepared himself for what was to come, he could see the animalistic lust in his Master's eyes, hear it in his voice. He shivered in anticipation, being the sole focus for all that unbridled lust, passion, making his head spin. Yes, it would hurt, but it was worth the pain, especially the passion that came with it. Since that first time his Master had not whipped him again, though they had played with the flogger a little. He knew his Master had a dark corner of his soul that liked to cause pain, and he would serve that part of his Master willingly, because he accepted it, because he could. Because there was strength in that pain, that darkness. A warrior needed that strength, that pain, to truly be great. If you could not be ruthless when the time for ruthlessness came, you could not win.

The impact was like lighting across his already tender back, his body arched against the restraints as the first lash took him. The second was almost as bad, but he was ready for it now and though his body still jerked, the pain was more bearable. The third lash did not break the timing, nor any of the others as his Master went to work on him with the whip, never hitting the same place twice, never placing two consecutive stripes in the same place, spreading the agony, setting his back, his body afire with the exquisiteness of the pain. Twenty-five lashes until Balizar finally spit out the mouth piece, nearly bit in two, his back on fire, his head dizzy.

"Master?" he groaned, voice weak.

"Yes my toy?" came back the panted reply.

"If this continues, I will pass out and be unable to warn you if you go to far."

"I see. Do you wish me to stop?"

"I am your slave Master. My wishes are of no importance."

"But I freed you, made you my sworn man!" Rassnor growled dangerously in his ear, suddenly quite close.

"Master," Balizar panted, trying to lean back against the tiger, the bonds preventing him, "you conquered me long before this night, my body, my heart, my soul. All that I am is yours, and nothing will ever change that. I have been blessed far beyond my wildest dreams with your love. How can I give anything less than everything I am in return?"

Balizar flinched as Rassnor's body suddenly pressed into his back, his Master's rampant thick tiger cock nudging up under his tail.

"I whip you half to death and still you love me," Rassnor growled, looking down at the bloody leopard tied to the wooden X before him, tail weakly hiked halfway in the air, his cock pressing against his toy's assring, black, hard, thick, the head smeared white with his precum, which had been dripping steadily for some time now.

"I won't lie Master, it hurts like hell!" Balizar moaned softly, almost whispering. "But anyone else would be dead up here, and you would have to bear the guilt. I know you well my Master, you love to inflict the pain, but don't want to kill the innocent. The hunt is everything, the fight is all. Pain is just another tool of the seasoned warrior, and you learn as much about controlling it, when we do this, as you do the sword when we fight."

Rassnor nodded to himself, eyes hazy with his lust, his thick black cock aching it was so stiff, his balls heavy with his seed. Reaching down to grab his toy's hips, he paused a moment to consider the truth of his Bal's words, nodding again and holding him steady as he prepared to bury his ebon cock deep inside the tight depths of his pet. He paused another moment as Balizar flinched.

"Enjoy my pain, Master, it is my gift to you, I give it willingly," Balizar panted, and then gave a low throaty chuckle, "So shove that cock in me already! I need it!"

Rassnor laughed and without a further care did just that, watching as inch after inch disappeared into that lovely little ass, fur matted with sweat and blood. He watched as the leopard sagged back against him, a broken purr escaping his muzzle.

"Enjoy your pain I will slut!" Rassnor snickered and leaned in, pressing his toy's body against the wooden X, wrapping his arms around it and pinning the leopard to it. Balizar gasped in pain as his Master pressed in hard against his abused back, and the gash across his chest started to ooze blood once more. But that black monster of a cock wedged deep inside his bowels felt so wonderful in contrast, he mewled in confusion.

"Still my little cockslut, aren't you kitty?" Rassnor snickered again and started to pump his toy's ass, plunging his cock in and out, over and over, in nice deep fuckthrusts, the scent of blood and sweaty panther musk filling his nostrils and surging through him straight to his cock. When he ducked his head down to lick at Bal's neck he could taste it. The tastes of combat, of winning, of conquest. He growled deeply in his chest at the rightness of it all. He was the Master here.

"Y-yess\x85" Balizar softly moaned and nodded, not able to say any more as he alternated between moans of pain and groans of pleasure. The sexual heat of the whole day slowly spreading through his abused body. He tried weakly to push his hips back against his Master's, but the tiger's heavy body was no match for his bruised and battered one. The sounds and motions of Rassnor's lust filling his ears, his tight ass, pressing into his body, making him shudder and shiver with the strength of it. He lowered his ears, the only sign of submission he could make pressed up against the cross as he was.

The sign of submission was not lost on Rassnor, even as far consumed by his lust as he was, he gave a low rumbling purr of pleasure and spread his feet a little wider, letting him move a little faster, a little harder, "That's my little fucktoy, just relax and let your Master reward your devotion." He panted, picking up the pace.

Bal nodded and just relaxed then, letting the hard fuckthrusts bounce his whole body as his Master drove harder and harder into his depths, skewering him on that long black pole, again and again, pushing so deep into his body, rearranging his insides to make space. The pleasure growing more and more, as the thick shaft and the numbs along it rubbed over his prostate and sent sparks of sheer pleasure to his brain, the pain slowly giving way, making his head spin.

Rassnor grunted and drove into his toy even harder, his balls slapping against the leopard's as he fucked him. His own breath was coming in short pants now and he knew he wouldn't last much longer. The tight ass wrapped around his cock was just too much for him in this excited state, the moans of pain each time he pressed down hard sending little thrills through his cock and into his balls. Slipping a paw down he wasn't at all surprised to find Balizar's cock erect, and wrapping his paw around it he started to stroke it in time to his own now frantic thrusts.

Rassnor smiled as the leopard's moans turned into purrs and bending his head down he grabbed his toy's scruff as with a last hard thrust of his hips his balls gave out and his cock started to pump and spray hot thick gobs of tiger cum deep into his toy's ass once more. He bit down harder on his pet's neck as the leopard suddenly arched and cried out, a combination of pain and pleasure, and a moment later his paw was milking leopard seed out onto the floor.

Balizar could only purr and shiver in pleasure as he felt pulse after warm pulse of heavy cream pour inside of him. His own orgasm heightening the effect, as his body hung weakly from the restraints, propped up more by his Master's cock then anything else. He didn't come back to his senses until he realized that he was being carried over to the bed, then carefully deposited onto the sheets.

"I should call the healer," Rassnor muttered.

"It's late, she'll be pissed." He mumbled back.

"Well I am the King."

"You just want to be able to say you sent me to the Healer," Balizar snickered weakly, eye's blurry and unable to focus.

"Well I wouldn't want people to think I'm getting soft, now would I?"

"Bring it near my lips and I'll be sure to get it hard!"

Rassnor smiled, but noticed his pet wasn't moving from where he'd set him on the bed. He decided an old woman's sleep could be interrupted tonight, just in case.


Balizar drifted awake, at the sounds of an angry, but hushed conversation. He could feel bandages on several of the gashes on his chest and arms, and noticed his torso was wrapped as well.

"What's with all of this?" he asked weakly, eye's focusing on the old badger Healer who was intent on giving his Master some sort of grief or other while bandaging his wounds.

"You have two broken ribs." She said, "That will help them to heal better. And look at this place! You'd think a King would know better!"

Balizar tried not to laugh at the look on his Master's face, he looked around and the room was a mess. Quite a few things were broken, and little was left upright.

"So we like to play rough, weren't you young once?" he asked, still a little dizzy. He felt numb all over and could taste something on his lips, she must have slipped him something while he was asleep.

She blushed a little but glared back at him, "Well at least my skills have been needed less since you got here," and she turned back on the King, "And at least you didn't wait till morning to send for me!"

"Don't go getting wise with me now woman," Rassnor half growled, "I am still your King!"

"Hah, I was there when your Mother bore you, God rest her soul, and I tended to you all throughout your childhood, so don't go getting high and mighty on me Rassnor!" she wagged a finger at him, "Your family has always had a tendency to play rough, I know, but your fascination with whips and some of these other toys just plain stumps me."

Turning back to Balizar she continued, "And don't you go encouraging him either. He's got jail full of convicted criminals he can go whip if he wants to. You may be able to heal faster then normal and all that, but everything you do to your body has a price. You\x92re the first good thing to happen to Rassnor here since his Father died, and if you go getting yourself killed playing some stupid game I'll raise your soul myself so I can put a curse on it."

Balizar blinked at the force of her words. "I'm not that easy to kill."

She stood up and grabbing her bag headed for the door. "You just listen to me, don't argue. I've got ears around here too, I'm not senile yet. You're both young an headstrong, a tad stupid too. Watch out for each other and listen some too. If you're both gonna grow old together you can't play these kinds of games forever.

"Maybe not, but we sure can now," Balizar snickered, "But I promise to not let him kill me accidentally."

He was rewarded with a glare from the old Badger. "Now good night and I expect to see you both after breakfast, and don\x92t go ruining my work!" So saying she left the two of them alone looking at each other bemused.

It was still many hours before they had sated all their appetites and fallen asleep.