This story contains male on male sex, violence, rape, non-consensual behavior. If you are a minor or offended by such things, you may not read any of this. You have been warned. This is part 5 in a continuing series. Keep the comments coming folks, they're always appreciated. It's the only 'pay' I get.


King's Cat Part 5

Rassnor grabbed his pet from behind as they finally made it into the privacy of his command tent.

Balizar gave a surprised purr as he felt his Master's strong arms slip around him and draw his armor clad body back against the tiger's breastplate.

"God's the aftermath is worst than the fight!" Rassnor exclaimed as he reached down to fumble at his belt with one paw, keeping his pet pinned against him. The were both still heavily covered with now dried blood and mud from the battle. It had taken hours to get things settled and sorted out, and then to lay siege to the nearby fort.

Balizar's own belt and greaves slid to the floor with a clatter as he pushed his now bare ass back against the larger tiger's suddenly exposed crotch. Purring loudly as he discovered the now fast growing cock back there as well.

"To the victors go the spoils," Balizar grinned, spreading his legs apart and falling to his knees, laying over a trunk of supplies sitting on the floor before him.

"And to your ass goes my cock!" Rassnor growled, dropping to his own knees and quickly slipping his thick black cock up under the leopard's tail. "Been wanting to fuck my sexy blood covered pet all day long." He sighed.

"Less talk, more action," Balizar growled, pushing his ass back against the fat cock head rubbing over his ass ring. His blood had been boiling for hours, but the duties of a King in the field had to come before the pleasures.

Rassnor grinned and gave his hips a shove, a low growl of pleasure escaping his muzzle as his cock entered the hot tight ass of his pet. Neither knew how long they had before duty called again, but he'd warned his guards it had better be serious if they interrupted him before he finished.

Balizar melted over the trunk, pushing his ass back and letting his chest just lay against the wood as he dug his claws in to hold on. Rassnor grabbing his hips tightly in his strong paws and just slid in to the hilt, closing his eyes and panting.

"Take me Master," Balizar whispered.

"With pleasure," Rassnor purred back as he started in to pumping his shaft in and out of the leopard's tight ass. Giving a soft grunt each time he bottomed out, Balizar started to twist his tight little ass and grab at Rassnor's cock with his rather strong butt.

Smiling and rummbling louder the King picked up the pace, enjoying the sounds of his hips slapping against the leopard's ass, nibbling on the tail flicking against his face as he put more of his strength into it and fucked.

Both started to get more and more wound up, as their passion's raised. The tiger's heavily pre-ing shaft turning their junction into a slick one, the squelching noises of fat tiger cock filling tight leopard ass competing with the sound of heavy tiger balls and hips smacking a firmly muscled panther's butt. All accompanied by the sounds of purrs, then rumbles and louder growls as Rassnor pounded Balizar's firm rump harder and deeper and more and more demandingly. Eye's blazing as he finally bent forward and pressed his weight down onto his pet's back, pinning him to the chest as with a large roar of lust he fucked in hard and ground his cock deep inside his pet, his cock swelling mightily and sending a flood of hot seed flowing deep into the smaller cat's bowels.

Balizar himself came as his Master's chest pressed down against him, having been hanging on the edge for several minutes, holding off his own orgasm as long as possible, not wanting to climax until his Master had his own pleasure. His body shivered and jerked, racked with the pleasures of tensions released that had been building all day since the first combat. His head swam as he bucked on his Master's cock, the warm flood of seed into his ass making for a wonderful end to a victorious day.

Rassnor collapsed, gasping and spent, nuzzling his pet's ears as he enjoyed the moment, hot and sweaty in his armor, his cock dribbling out the last of his lust, nicely buried in the tight little cat beneath him who was still vibrating with the purrss of his own orgasm.

"Ahhhhh, I needed that," Balizar panted from under the heavy bulk of his Lord.

"You?" Rassnor laughed and gave him a nip on the neck, eliciting even more purrs of delight. "I'm not made of stone you know."

Balizar laughed and gave the shaft inside him a tight squeeze with his butt. "I don't know, feels hard as a rock to me..."

Rassnor laughed as well and ruffled Balizar's ears. "As much as I'd like to stay like this we'd better clean up and make the rounds."

"You're right of course," Balizar sighed as the King slowly pulled out and stood up. "Let's get you out of that armor first however and put that bucket of water to some use. Can't have the King looking like a butcher, now can we?"

"At least I don't have to clean my own armor," Rassnor chuckled, "nor you yours. I want you with me out there when we go walk the rounds."

"Yes Sire," Balizar nodded as he first helped the King strip naked and then took care of his own gear.

Using the large bucket of water they were both able to get fairly clean, then Balizar helped Rassnor don his light armor and a heavy tunic over that. Walking around in full chain, and greeves, all night and day was just too hard on one.

Once dressed Rassnor went out among his troops, checking on all of them and walking the perimeter of the fort. The Gundorian troops inside were no doubt unhappy about the current turn of events. Rassnor had paraded the highest ranking of his captives within site of the gates and then had done nothing more but lay his siege. Tomorrow when his troops were well rested he'd make his demands known. By then he hoped that the small garrison would be more than happy to surrender and save him the trouble of an assault.

"Well Master, all looks well. The troops seem to be in especially high spirits tonight."

Rassnor nodded, "Yes, they've done themselves proud tonight, these victories should carry us through the tougher battles ahead."

Balizar leaned a little against his master as they headed towards the command tent. "What plans do you have for the siege Master?"

"Well we need time to sort out all the prisoners my pet. So I think we can afford to let them stew in there all day tomorrow if they don't surrender to us at dawn."

"While I'd love to have them surrender, I'd hate to count on their military being so inept that they'd surrender that fort to us without a fight, if we get hold of that fort we'll have a solid base well inside Gundor's borders."

"Yes, if we can get this fort the tactical advantage will be tremendous. But how long till anyone discovers that the whole expedition and invasion has failed? I don't know if we can afford to carry a long siege if Gundor can field a decent response force on short notice. And just how big a force is inside holding that fort? That's what bothers me Pet."

"Well the prisoners may be able to answer that second question."

Rassnor nodded, "I know, and in the morning I guess we'll find out what jewels of information the Gundorian aristocracy we have managed to capture can supply. It's sad that Prince Beotis, got himself killed by one of my men in the fighting. Having the Prince in command of this venture would have been quite the coup."

Balizar nodded, "I heard about that. Yes he would have been a trove of information I'm sure, not to mention a valuable hostage."

"Well, when we send his body back to his father for burial I'm sure we'll still get a nice effect out of him," Rassnor grinned evilly. "Probably would have had to hang him anyway."

Balizar nodded, knowing that you can't leave the royal house intact unless you wanted years of uprisings to deal with yourself.

"Well Master, let's head to bed. Captain Schorky can deal with the camp for tonight, I think you'd best have a clear head for the morning." Balizar purred and led Rassnor inside the tent.

"You're right pet," He yawned hugely, then started to strip off the tunic and light armor he was wearing watching appreciatively as Balizar did the same. "In the morning I'll see what intelligence my men have gathered from the prisoners, and what the scouts have come up with on the local lay of the land."

Balizar slipped into bed and awaited his master, cuddling up against him as he joined him in bed.

"Sleep well my pet, you also made me proud today."

"And you made me proud as well Master," Balizar purred, "Even before you bent me over that chest!"

"Hush you!" Rassnor chided with a grin giving the giggling leopard a swat on the rump as he stretched out and went to sleep.

The next morning came unexpectedly early, both of their sleeps being disturbed by a guard.

"Sire? I think you want to see this." Dhalari, one of the King's personal guards called from the entrance to the tent.

Rassnor and Balizar both groaned as they stood and stretched, muscles still sore from the day before.

"What is it Dhalari?" Rassnor asked grabbing his tunic and throwing it on.

"We found someone among the prisoners I think you'll want to see."

Rassnor yawned and stretched again as Balizar moved to his side, belting up his sword belt and putting on the circlet of his Kingship. He pulled up a seat and sat down, then nodded to the guard. "Well let's see what you have."

Dhalari signaled to someone outside the tent and two other guards dragged in a very muddy and subdued looking fox whom they dumped at Rassnor's feet.

Balizar figured out who it was immediately, "Why it's Sharr!" he laughed.

Rassnor looked closer and chuckled, "Indeed? Somehow I suspect he was hoping for your next meeting to be under somewhat reversed circumstances my Pet."

Balizar snickered, "I suspect he figured I was long dead by now actually Master. Bet that must have been some surprise he had yesterday seeing me on the battlefield."

Rassnor nodded looking down at the totally demoralized fox on the floor before them.

"We didn't realize who he was until a little while ago Milord," said one of the two guards who had brought Sharr in. "He'd done quite a bit to conceal himself, including covering himself with mud there."

"Has he been questioned yet?"

"No Milord," the guard smiled, "We thought that you or Balizar would prefer to deal with him first."

Rassnor snickered, watching Sharr's ears droop even further. "Excellent decision. My compliments to the men. Dismissed."

"Yes Sire!" the two grinning tigers withdrew.

"If you need anything Sire, I'll be outside." Dhalari said withdrawing as well.

Rassnor looked over at Balizar who was literally drooling over the fox.

"You want him, don't you pet?"

"Ohhh yes Master, I want him. He was totally prepared to let me go to what he thought was a certainly painful end." Balizar looked up at Rassnor, and Rassnor could see the predatory gleam in his pet's eyes.

Rassnor looked back down at the fox, and swore than he saw Sharr shiver. Then he looked back at Balizar. "Well he's yours then."

Rassnor almost felt sorry for the fox as he saw the smile that lit up his pet's face. He looked back down at Sharr and nudged him with a foot.

"Look at me Sharr," he commanded.

Sharr looked up at Rassnor, the fear evident in his eyes. Positive that a nasty end shortly awaited him.

"You're now my Pet's slave. I suggest you serve your new master well, while pondering the price of your misjudgments about him.

"And me as well." He growled, enjoying the way the blood drained from the fox's face.

Rassnor turned to Balizar, "I'm going to make the rounds and see what's changed since last night my Pet. Take a few hours to break in your slave."

"Yes Master," Balizar smiled and gave his Master a hug. "Promise you'll call me before you attack?"

"Of course my Pet, I wouldn't dream of letting you miss any combat. Have fun."

Rassnor slipped into his sandals and left the tent, heading off to the command tent to get whatever intelligence his interrogators might have gained through the night. He would miss the insight of his pet, however he felt Balizar had earned this little reward. He just wondered if Sharr would live or not.

Balizar turned back to the dirty fox on the floor before him.

"Well surprised? Didn't expect to see me again? Thought my Master's kingdom would just fall into your lap?"

Balizar watched as Sharr just kneeled there eye's downcast.

Balziar slapped him, knocking him over, sending him sprawling. "Answer me slave," he growled.

"Yes, yes.... Master," he gagged the words out, he'd seen Balizar fighting yesterday, the cute leopard he'd wanted to fuck so badly, who he had thought such an idiot, had cut through soldiers he had known his entire career. Soldiers who he'd known were the best he'd ever seen, fighters beyond par with any he had ever served. And this, this demon had killed them with ease, swords moving so fast that his eyes had trouble following their flashing motions. He shivered again as he thought of how Rassnor had displayed equal skills, cutting through the pride of Gundor's military elite as if they were the greenest of recruits. He sobbed out loud, there was no doubt that he was lost.

"You belong to me now Sharr, give up on any hope of freedom, your country will fall, your king will die. My Lord and Master is greater than any you have ever seen or will ever see."

Sharr cringed at those words, after the violent turn of events he witnessed yesterday, and how well they'd been duped, he found it easy to believe Balizar's words.

"But, serve me well and maybe I'll let you live," Balizar smiled as Sharr cowered. "But you will suffer, no doubt as you have made others suffer before you." Balizar had heard reports from Luten on some of Sharr's pastimes. He would feel no guilt for the things he had planned.

Balizar called for the guards to bring him some water, and while waiting for it to come he cut Sharr's bonds.

"I suggest you don't try to run, because I will find you." Balizar grinned. "And running will be punished. Horribly."

"Now, out of those dirty rags slave!"

Sharr yelped at the swat to his butt as he was pulled to his feet. He'd not realized how strong Balizar was when they'd last met, and the way he was easily hoisted surprised him.

"Yes, Master" he whimpered and quickly shed his clothes. He gasped again as Balizar roughly searched him, find several of his concealed pills and potions.

"No need for this my little fox," Balizar growled. "And understand that if I find anything like this on you ever again, I will make you eat it. Understood?"

Sharr nodded weakly.

"There are more of them in the hem of my tunic," he confessed.

"Don't worry, all of your things will be burned." Balizar said. He looked up as two large buckets of water where brought in. "But for now, you wash!" and he pointed Sharr towards the water.

Sharr meekly walked over to the water, bare but for his fur and stuck his paw in the water.

"It's Cold!" he gasped pulling his paw back.

"Of course, we'd not waste wood and time heating water for a mere slave. Now get to it!" Balizar laughed and swatted the fox on the ass again, hard.

Balizar watched as the fox stood in a basin and gritting his teeth, poured half of one of the buckets over his head. He could hear teeth chattering as Sharr cleaned the mud off, moving quickly, but being sure to get all the dirt off. For his own part Balizar made comments when needed, making sure that every part of the fox's fur and body was clean. Poking and prodding Sharr anytime he showed any reluctance.

Once he had him dried off he surveyed his new possession. One well formed, slender, fox with a nice ass shivering and naked before him.

"Time to warm you up slave," Balizar smirked, undoing his tunic and letting it fall to the floor.

Sharr gasped as Balizar stripped, revealing the rather prominent erection that the leopard was sporting, dark of flesh rather than pink like most cocks he had seen. And large. And one that was going to be buried in HIM!

Sharr panicked and turned to flee. He got two steps before what felt like a ton of bricks landed on his back and knocked him to the floor, driving his breath out with a loud whoosh!

"Bad fox!" Balizar growled in Sharr's ear, giving it a painful nip. "You're going to be my little cock warmer now," and he nudged his erection against Sharr's ass. "So I suggest you get used to the idea."

Sharr yipped as Balizar bit his ear, the hot panther body covering his smaller frame, easily pinning him to the rug covering the ground. He squirmed as he felt a strong paw grabbing the base of his tail.

"Spread your legs fox, spread them or else..." Balizar growled deeply.

Sharr whimpering, closed his eyes and complied, spreading his legs.

"Good fox," Balizar purred, putting his knees between the foxes and spreading them even wider as he lifted Sharr's tail and slid his hard cockhead underneath. Smearing the pre from his leaking glans over the tight asshole he grinned.

"Time to make you mine fox," Balizar purred and with a hunch of his hips drove the fat head of his cock past the tight muscles, and into the fox's heat.

Sharr gasped and gritted his teeth, tears coming to his eyes at the pain coursing through his ass at the sudden penetration. His whole body tensed up, clamping down hard on the invading cat cock.

"Ohh yesss, so nice and tight... First time, isn't it fox?" Balizer purred into Sharr's ear.

Sharr nodded mutely, remembering all the times he had said those very words to his own sex slaves.

Balizar grinned and slowly fed in more and more of his cock, driving the shaft deeper and spreading the fox's tight asshole wider. Grunting he gave a final shove and planted the last few inches in Sharr's butt, his cum filled balls bouncing into the fox's smaller sac.

Sharr winced as he felt Balizar finally hilt himself inside of his body, never had anything so big been so deeply inside of him before. He tried to hold back the tears leaking from his eyes, as the depths to which his life had suddenly fallen struck home. No longer an important and powerful fox in a powerful kingdom, just another sex toy for a demonic leopard.

He gasped loudly then as Balizar started to withdraw, gritting his teeth for the pain of the return thrust he knew would soon be coming, his cheeks wet now with his shame.

Balizar smiled, enjoying the humiliation of Sharr, he pulled back slowly, and reversed, going back in slowly once more. Taking his time, letting his precum lube the way for the pounding he have every intention of delivering.

Sharr knew he had only one option, to lay there and take it, take it until Balizar was done. What he didn't expect was his body to adapt, to accommodate the thick cock pumping in and out of him. He groaned as the pain receded, and a warm feeling started to spread throughout his body.

Balizar felt Sharr's body relaxing beneath him, and smiled to himself. He started to fuck the fox harder now, pushing in and out faster and faster, his paws bracing either side of his toy, letting his hips smack loudly into Sharr's firm ass, enjoying the sounds of their coupling as they filled the tent. He wasn't going to take his time with this one, just breed him hard and fast, and make it clear who owned whom.

Sharr shivered as Balizar picked up the pace, unconsciously spreading his legs a little wider, and shifting his hips a little to make it feel better. Decades of being dedicated to debauchery and lasciviousness had taken their toll on him, and he couldn't help but try maximize any part of it that felt good. Imagines of him pinned beneath the strong dark cat flashed through his mind's eye, pinned helpless, legs spread, asshole opened obscenely wide by that thick black shaft. Pumping in and out, in and out, over and over again, heavy balls rolling and slapping into his butt...

Sharr whimpered uncontrollably, he knew if this was a spectacle being put on at one of his parties, he'd be jerking off watching it, if not ravishing anyone within reach. But it wasn't a spectacle, it was him! He was the one being ravished, he was the one being fucked by that big black furred stud, and he was the one about to be filled up with panther cum...

Balizar could feel Sharr's shifting and the small motions as he started to accept what was coming his way. He grabbed onto the fox's hips and started to drive for his orgasm, giving small nips to the fox's scruff as he moved closer and closer to his peak, rumbling in his chest as his balls started to draw up tighter, his cock growing harder.

"Ready to be my bitch?" he growled in Scharr's ear and then bit down hard on the fox's scruff, taking him hard and deep on last thrust. Filling the room with his loud growls as his cock finally started to swell and pump, his balls giving up his seed and pumping their contents deep into the hot bowels wrapped so tightly around his ebon cock.

Sharr couldn't take it anymore, he cried out loud as the leopard growled into his ears, not wanting it, but not having any choice in the matter either. The feeling of hot feline cum pouring into his ass sent him over the edge and crying in shame and humiliation he came all over the rug and his chest. His ass bearing down tight on Balizar's cock, working as if to milk every last drop of the damn cat's creme.

Balizar released Sharr's neck as the last drops of his orgasm were pumped out. Feeling his new slave sobbing beneath him, as his sensitive nose picking up the scent of fox cum as well.

"So, you liked it after all?" he chuckled, "Guess you've always wanted to be some leopard's bitch..." he taunted, then pulling his still drooling cock out of Sharr's ass he wiped it off on the fox's furry rump.

"Well I have to go catch up with my Master. Meanwhile you will clean up and stay here awaiting yours. And just so you don't get any idea's..."

Balizar turned and called for the guard, Halryth was actually on duty and smiled to Balizar as he entered.

"Yes Sir?"

"You don't have to Sir me Halryth," Balizar smiled back getting to his feet and picking up a wash cloth to use the other bucket of cold water to clean himself.

"No I don't, but I prefer to sir. What can I do for you?"

"Take the fox here and have someone put some slave chains on him, wouldn't want him to accidentally wander off you know."

"Yes sir. I'll have him hobbled and collared for you by the time you return sir."

"Thank you Halryth. If you want, make him give you a blowjob when you're done. Just be warned he's a sneaky one and still has plenty of fight left in him I'll wager."

"Thank you sir, I just might!" Halryth chuckled.

Balizar put on his gear then as he watched the dispirited fox clean up, and get escorted off by the tiger. Then he went in search of Rassnor remembering with fondness the first time his Master had taken him.

Of course he had been much more willing, he thought smiling.

Rassnor had just finished reviewing his forces deployment when Balizar caught up with him smiling.

"Have fun?"

"Oh definitely, and I have so much more planned for my new pet." He snickered.

"I would never have figured you to have such a mean streak," Rassnor chuckled.

"I've never treated a slave as a thing before, neither I can tell have you. But that's all he's ever treated them as. You can call this his divine retribution, delivered early." Balizar chuckled.

"Well I'm about ready to send my request over to the fort for their surrender. Any suggestions?

Balizar pondered that a moment.

"You know," he began, "From what I gathered about Sharr and his habits, he wasn't too popular with the rank and file. Supposedly had a tendency of grabbing his toys from the free people."

Rassnor nodded, "Yes, apparently there were a few prisoners here who were more than happy to drop hints about the muddy fox posing as a cart driver."

"Maybe we could have him deliver the request, after he gets the slave chains put on him, all nicely made up so it's obvious as to what his new station in life is," Balizar grinned evilly.

Rassnor couldn't but help laugh out loud. "That might get us some points, and also make the perils of resistance rather clear. Of course I'll have to offer some incentives."

Balizar nodded. "Such as?"

"Well not to execute any soldiers who surrender, promise to parole them at the end of the war, not punish any civilians inside."

"Well let me go fetch my new toy for you Master," Balizar grinned as Rassnor motioned over one of his scribes.

"You do that Pet. Get your armor on as well. You can escort him to deliver the message."

Balizar nodded again and saluted his master with a smile, running off to comply.

An hour later Balizar approached the gates to the fort, white parley flag in one paw, and the leash to Sharr's collar in the other. He found he kept having to pull on Sharr's leash more and more the closer they got to the gates.

As they drew up close to the gates he called up to the guards on the wall, who had their crossbows pointed at him.

"Greetings, in the name of King Rassnor, I have come to offer you terms for surrender."

"We're not interested in speaking of any terms with the likes of you or your King!" Came the growled reply from atop the wall.

Balizar noticed that several of the soldiers were eyeing Sharr, one nudged another and pointed at the fox, obviously snickering at him.

Sticking his hand out to Sharr he motioned for the scroll the fox was carrying.

"Don't worry pet, I won't let them hurt you. I'd hate to lose my newest bedslave after all!" He said loud enough to be heard. He noticed several of the soldiers on the wall start to laugh, before quickly putting their paws over their mouths. The wolf he had been taking too suddenly peered a lot closer at the fox.

"Isn't that an agent of my Majesty's government?" he growled dangerously.

Balizar smiled, "Not anymore. Care to try him? He's rather talented I've found. Of course you'd have to surrender first. I'm afraid if I sent him inside he probably wouldn't survive the night."

Balizar thought he heard a mumbled "I wish" from one of the others atop the wall.

"Anyway, here are the terms of my Liege and Master. I suggest you consider them well, and keep in mind that it is your masters that have declared war on our kingdom, and that your invading army lays in ruins." He tossed the scroll tube up to the wolf who was obviously in charge.

He paused and pulled Sharr next to him looking at the fox's reactions. The fox was obviously torn, he wanted to go into the fort, but it was also apparent that he feared going in as well.

"Why don't I just shoot you down where you stand and take back that fox?"

Balizar smiled, "Other than the obvious reasons that my liege would then kill every last one of you for breaking a parley and show no mercy to any of you?"

"Assuming he could win you mean," Growled the wolf.

Balizar sighed, "Okay, take your best shot. Just you, and we'll see what happens."

The wolf blinked.

"You serious?" he asked.

"Sure, you think you can win. I know you can't. If I can show you the folly of your ways and save the lives of soldiers who's only mistake is the following of a criminal and decadent regime, I'm all for it."

"Besides, I don't think you really understand what you're facing here. So go ahead, take your best shot."

The wolf smiled and raised his crossbow to his shoulder and fired, aiming for the cocky leopard's heart.

Balizar stepped back and pivoted as the bolt flew, he didn't have anything in his hands to block the shot with, but his main concern was not to take it in anyplace vital.

The shot took him in the shoulder and staggered him back. He gritted his teeth and yanked on Sharr's leash.

"Don't go running off now pet. I've got plans for you tonight." He growled. He then looked up at the wolf who was looking rather surprised as Balizar planted the parley flag in the ground and then yanked the bolt out of his shoulder.

He then stood there and stared at the wolf as the wound bled for a minute, then stopped.

"That's... That's not natural..." stammered the wolf surprised. He'd expect a wound like that to bleed someone to unconsciousness, if not death.

"I suggest you read the terms then, and remember that King Rassnor has always kept his word, as has his family before him. He is a person of Honor. We'll be expecting your reply in an hour."

The wolf was looking over the scroll as Balizar talked, he looked up. I'll have to confer with my men, you'll have your answer.

Balizar nodded and tugging on Sharr's leash and grabbing the parley flag he marched back to the command tent.

Sharr stared wide-eyed at Balizar the whole time they marched back to the tent. He'd seen how deep that bolt had gone in, heard it hit the bone, and noticed how hard Balizar had pulled on it to free it.

And he'd noticed how the blood had stopped. He shivered, his new master was a demon. There was no other explanation for it! He trembled wondering how many of these demons Rassnor had at his beck and call. Or if maybe even Rassnor was a demon himself?

Sharr stumbled as Balizar yanked on his leash again.

"Stop that infernal whining! Damn fox, it's bad enough that my shoulder hurts like hell but I don't want to have to listen to you whine as well."

Balizar handed the leash to one of the guards as he marched into the tent, and then collasped into one of the chairs as Rassnor grabbed his shoulders and steadied him.

"And just what in the hell were you doing out there!?" he growled loudly, muzzle two inches from Balizar's face. "If anyone is going to use you as a pin cushion it's me, you understand? Or would you rather I beat some sense into you here and now?"

Balizar grimaced at the words, "I'm sorry Master, but I knew they couldn't kill me, and I knew you were worried about being caught out in the open if we had to carry out a siege. So I figured a little demonstration of Zhinatao abilities would convince them to take your offer."

"Let's get something very straight right here, and right now," Rassnor growled. "You," He lowered his voice, so that only Balizar could hear him, "belong to me, you are my property. It is not for you to decide when to risk your life, that is my decision. After my kingdom and my honor, you are the most important possession I have. And I will not risk you lightly, and if you pull any kind of stunt like this ever again I will lock you in the castle and only visit you once a month, if you're lucky! Do you hear me?"

Balizar's ear were down and he was leaning back from the force of his Master's scolding, and for the first time in his life he felt like he could cry. He'd never realized just how much his Master had cared, or how much he meant to him.

"I'm sorry Master. Please forgive me," he begged, "I love you, I just want to please you, I'll never do that again."

"Damn straight you won't!" Rassnor growled, his temper calming down. "Now you keep your furry black ass in that seat and don't move until the healers have finished with you."

And with that Rassnor stood up and told the guards to get the healers in here to tend to Balizar's wound.

"That was stupid," Captain Schorky whispered to Balizar as Rassnor stomped out of the tent. "But pretty damn brave too. And if it works the troops are gonna love you for it. Nobody wants to assault that fort, it'll eat up quite a few of us, even if it's not well defended."

Balizar nodded, "I thought he'd say the same."

"Oh he did, to me, as you marched back up that hill. He's proud, but lovers always worry when they see their partner do something brave and stupid." The Captain laughed at Balizar's expression, "What, you don't think the rest of us know about it? To all of us in the guard it's blatantly obvious that you two are smitten with each other. And having been smitten and now married for a good many years with cubs of my own, I can understand what he's going through. So just think about him the next time you get tempted to pull a stunt."

"I don't think I'll be pulling anymore stunts Captain."

"Oh you will, but just make sure you think before you do. After all, you wouldn't be the leopard he loves if you didn't do those kinds of things once in a while, would you?"

Balizar thought about that a bit, and sighed smiling a little wryly. "You may be right."

"Of course I'm right, that's why I'm a Captain. Ahh here's the healer. Let me help you out of that armor and lets let him get started."

Balizar groaned as they got the armor off and the healer started to work. Yes Zhinatao might be made of sterner stuff, and might heal faster than normal, and harder to kill... But it still hurt just as much as anyone else.