This story contains graphic and non-graphic sex and adult situations. If you are under age, or do not wish to see such depictions, leave now! All content is copyright Rael Bayellis 2006.

Contains M/M sex, M/F sex, Transformation, etc.





            I looked at my naked body in the mirror of the hotel room. I never really got tired of looking at it, and I’ve had it for more than a year now. Long auburn hair, flat stomach, thin waist, tight round ass with slender thighs, a firm generous C cup chest with rather nice dusky areoles. A slender, heart shaped, almost elfin, and very attractive, face with full generous lips.

            I got dressed and thought about it all. Having once been a man, I knew what men liked, and I knew that I was it. I was constantly chased, constantly hit on by every guy imaginable, and probably would have bent over backwards for every last one of them if it hadn’t been for John, or rather K’his’dar – his real name. He’d transformed me for a number of reasons, and claimed me as his own. I didn’t mind actually. He’d given me a number of interesting powers when he’d turned me in to a female – and taken my old form with some improvements, for himself. I served him fairly well, and faithfully. He allowed me a rather large amount of freedom, I did sleep with others on occasion, well probably a lot more than just ‘occasion’, and come and go as I pleased. But none could hold a candle to him mentally, physically, or sexually. My service to him was quite willing and still rather enthusiastic at times.


            It started out for me when I was off on assignment, working a well paying, but dull, job in some small town hellhole. The pay wasn’t the greatest I’d ever gotten, but times were a little tight, so I took the job and commuted home most weekends, but not all. To save money I rented a room in an old house. A converted attic in a place that must have been built at the turn of the century. Which century however wasn’t quite clear.

            I’d hang out a bit at the bars, hope to get lucky, and occasionally did. I probably shouldn’t have, I was in a relationship. But it was an open one and I was lonely. I started to notice a problem some days however, which I thought were due to alcohol or my often poor fast-food diet. To put it politely, if you’re a man and have ever been ‘taken’ by another man, you know what the effects are like the next morning. Being bi-sexual myself, and having a male partner, I was rather familiar with this whole aspect of life. However my partner was six hundred miles away and I’d only been sleeping with women.

            It was a late Friday night when I awoke in bed suddenly, and was surprised to find out that I was being taken, rather enjoyably I might add. But I couldn’t tell in the darkened room by whom, or what. The body on my back didn’t feel quite right, and when I gave a gasp of pleasure, it quite suddenly froze in place.

            “Don’t stop,” I whispered, “That feels nice.”

            My erstwhile rapist and intruder started back up, taking their time.

            “You’ve been doing this to me for a while, haven’t you?” I asked softly. There was no response, at least not verbally, but I felt something stroke down my neck in a soft caress.

            “Once for yes, two for no,” I sighed arching my hips up a bit. I have a bit of a submissive streak, I admit, and whoever they were knew what they were doing and it felt damn good. “You’ve been making me sleep through this some how, haven’t you?” I whispered between a soft moan of pleasure.

            Once again, the caress along my neck.

            “Did you let me wake up this time intentionally?”

            Two caresses.

            “Could you please let me wake up from now on?”

            I could sense a hesitation, so I clamped down hard with my butt and twisted it a little, “Please? I’m lonely here, and I’d be lying if I said that you didn’t feel wonderful…”

            One caress.

            Whoever it was slowly built to a heavy and fast stroking crescendo, and I could feel it when they shuddered and quaked through their release. Surprisingly I joined them with my own. Something I’d rarely achieved as a bottom. I then fell asleep and didn’t wake until morning.

            And such started what was the first of my strange experiences. Every third night I’d awaken to my mystery lover having his way with me. Always the same position, and never a sound out of him. He was obviously a ‘him’, way too well endowed to be anything else. I suggested a different position at times, but the answer then was no. This went on for a month, and I tried to time my trips home so as to fall on weekends my mystery guest would not be present.

            In this time I’d only been able to confirm that my lover was male, but I’d yet to catch a glance of any part of him, even when the moonlight peaked in through the slots of the blinds, I couldn’t see anything of him. Nor did he ever make a sound.

            In the second month however things started to change. The first was when he came after only two nights, not three, and I was woken as he mounted me. Normally I didn’t wake, or rather wasn’t allowed to awaken, until he was inside. Something in and of itself that puzzled me, how he could do that. This time I was woken up and got to experience him entering me and feel his weight on my back, holding me down in place. He even started to make soft moaning noises.

            “You’re some sort of supernatural creature, aren’t you?” I finally asked after the second week of this new schedule. I know it should have been apparent from the start, but I’d always been groggy and half asleep when I was woken up. Now I was wide awake when he took me, and thinking much clearer.

            Yes” came the thought in my mind.

            I started at that. “You can read my mind?”

            Yes, especially now that I am getting stronger.

            I had a moment’s panic then, he was fucking me pretty hard at that point and I suddenly felt a very sharp set of fangs gripping at my neck. The thought of vampires and other monsters coursed through my mind.

            Don’t worrycame the reply with a hint of laughter, “I’m not going to kill you and I’m not a vampire.

            “I notice you didn’t say ‘hurt’” I gasped, my lust was suddenly rising and I could tell he was near too.

            Because I will hurt you, though never maliciously. He groaned loudly in my ear then and was there. A moment later I followed.


            When I recovered I noticed he was still in me, still on my back covering my body with his.

            “You’re still here?” I said softly, surprised.

            Yes, I’m getting stronger. Soon I will not have to leave.

            “Tell me about it.”


            “I want to know.”

            Well, I have been trapped here for a long, long, time. All that was left of me was insubstantial, until you came along.

            “Why me? Why not someone who’d lived here before?”

            I could attach myself to your thoughts, to your dreams. Plus they gave me something I had missed.

            “What?” I asked curious.

            Sex, you dream of it a lot.”

            I blushed embarrassed, “Umm.”

            I need sex, I feed off of it. Once I had the power to start being somewhat corporeal I took a chance and went to the next step.

            “A chance?”

            If you had run away and not come back, once you figured out what was happening, I’d have gone back to what I was. Luckily for me you’re a horny hedonist who couldn’t resist me.

            “Gee thanks,” I muttered, embarrassed again.

            No, thank you.” I could feel a sense of extreme gratefulness in my mind when he said that. “I plan on rewarding you for your service, don’t worry.

            “Reward how?”

            Next time I come, I will let you see me. Then I will give you your reward.

            “What kind of reward?” I asked again.

            I can read your mind, have read all of it actually. I know all of your secrets, all of your desires…

            I felt panic as he said that, I knew I had some pretty twisted fantasies and urges.

            … and you shall be rewarded for them, never fear,” he chuckled in my mind. “See you tomorrow night…

            And with that he was gone.


            Oddly enough I didn’t run away in fear. Maybe I should have, but the logical part of my mind pointed out that here was a spirit of some kind, that obviously had power, and who knew my mind, and was going to was going to reward me for it. Considering that I didn’t then go running off scared shows just how bizarre some of my fantasies were. At least none of them were brutal or deadly.


            Ah, so you are here!Came into my mind waking me as I felt his heavy weight literally pounce onto my back.

            “I was afraid if I ran away now, you’d revert,” I admitted. “And to be honest, I want to see what you look like.”

            I won’t revert now. I’m strong enough to leave this place and will do so soon.” He flipped me over then and pulled my legs to either side of his body and I saw him for the first time: He was a black furred leopard morph with dark head hair which was curled in tight ringlets and fell down to his shoulders. His cock, which was erect, was huge, and as gorgeous as the rest of him. To say I was shocked was an understatement.

            I took this form from your mind,” he whispered in my brain. “I can assume many forms, but this is now my main one. It has been so long since I have had any form I felt my old ones were no longer of worth.

            I tried not to drool as he pulled my legs over his shoulders and moved in closer. “But you can’t go out like that in public,” I said, then gasped as something warm and slick pressed up against my butt.

            I have a human form now as well. Do not fear, you’ll like it too. But as I claim you tonight I thought it would be best if I did so in a form you most lusted after.

            “Claim me?” I said a bit shocked and tried to sit up.

            Yes, claim you.” He laughed softly in my head and pushed me easily back down. “You belong to me now,” and with that he entered me and I almost screamed from the pleasure of it. “You are mine…

            He made love to me then, held me and kissed me and screwed me like I’d never been screwed before. For my part I clung to him like a drowning man, which looking back I guess I was. He was right I knew then, I was his.

            Later while we were both catching our breath he kissed me and slowly disengaged his body from mine.

            It is time for your rewards,” he thought at me.

            “I thought that was my reward,” I whispered smiling.

            No, and it’s going to hurt a bit, but not for long, don’t fear,” and he raised his arms and they began to glow.


            Remember that girl you saw on the plane who you thought was so beautiful?

            I nodded, confused.

            You will soon look as she. I prefer women above men, plus I know about that secret fantasy as well.”

            “What?” I gaped.

            Think about what you want your cat form to look like, unless you want me to choose that as well?came the thoughts surrounded with laughter.

            I thought about that instantly, but I suddenly realized as I convulsed with a shocking pain that he probably knew that one already as well.


            The pain lasted quite a while, at least an hour, though it was only intense at the beginning. I don’t know how I managed not to cry out and wake the other people living in the house. But I did it. And when it was all done I looked like that girl, almost, but a little different, and just as hot. Maybe hotter.

            “I’m a woman?” I gasped looking at myself. I’d lost a lot of mass too, I guess I was a lot lighter as well as smaller.

            Yes, now let me show you how it all works,” he purred out loud and then we made love again, several times and rather satisfyingly until the sunrise, when I finally passed out, exhausted.


            I woke up and looked at him, he was wearing my clothes, talking on my cellphone, and he looked like me! Or rather like I had. I looked closer and noticed that rather he looked like I wished I did. Almost twenty years younger, and in perfect shape. Out of curiosity I put my hand on his crotch as he hung up the phone. Still hung like a horse alright, so he wasn’t me, but close enough to pass for anyone who hadn’t seen me in a while.

            “Yes,” he smiled, “I needed an identity that existed with all the licenses and such the world now has, so I took yours.”

            “What about me?” I blinked and looked around. There were no clothes that would fit.

            “We’ll take care of that. You’re only eighteen now physically, so there won’t be many questions when we get you all the stuff you need.”

            “Is that why you changed me? So you could steal my identity?” I was a little miffed, thought I had to admit this body was unbelievably hot.

            “Partially. Also I do prefer sex with women, being a decidedly male spirit. And as you belong to me, it was for me to decide.”

            I looked at him hard when he said that. “What other things is it for you to decide?” I asked worried.

            “Everything,” he laughed and smiled at me. “But don’t fear, I know you, I know what you like and what you want. I owe you for saving me, and gratitude is a part of my being. Plus I like you.”

            I stood up, a little shakily as my balance was a lot different now, and I had this new weight on my chest. I noticed he was eyeing me rather lustily.

            “I need clothes,” I sighed looking around.

            “But first wouldn’t you like to see what you look like screwing that girl you so lusted after?” He smiled.

            “But you’re not me, and I’m not really her.” I pouted.

            “Close enough!” he chuckled and pulled me against his body.

            He was right, it was.


            Quite a few hours later he showed up with a rather well thought out wardrobe for me. I was surprised at how well it fit, and he also explained to me how to use the various sundry toiletries he had bought me. Never having been a woman before I soaked it all up carefully.

            “How’d you learn all this?” I asked him.

            I read the salesgirl’s mind,” he thought at me and grinned.

            “A few last things you need to know,” he then said. “The first is that you can control your own fertility.”

            “You mean I can get pregnant?” I looked at him a bit shocked.

            “Of course, you’re also immune to all disease.”

            “Wow, those are two biggies…”

            “The third is I’m going to show you how to change forms.”

            I blinked and then felt him in my mind and noticed how he pushed a certain way in a certain place. And then suddenly I was a black leopard morph like he had been. Only very female, and again, very hot looking.

            “Wow…” I said looking in the mirror.

            “Exactly. Wow.” He smiled, “Tonight I’ll show you how that one works as well.”

            I nodded and doing what he had done in my mind, I changed back.

            “I didn’t know such things were possible,” I sighed shaking my head.

            “Oh a great many things are possible, but from what I gathered of your memories and the people I saw outside today, only by a few, and much of it is hidden or ignored. Now let’s pack.”


            He nodded, “I quit your job today, not like you can go back to work, is it? We’re going home.”

            I stared at him surprised.


            “Yes, your home. We need to talk to your partner so he can decide what he wants to do. And who’d want to stay here?”

            He had a point there. I was just suddenly terrified of what would happen when we got there. I loved my partner and didn’t want him subjected to any harm. But I cared about… “Hey, what’s your name?” I asked.

            K’his’dar” he said. “And I promise in it that I will not force your partner into anything.”

            “Well you forced me,” I warned.

            “But you belong to me,” he chuckled, “Plus you like it.”

            Well, he was right about that. Having a lover and partner who new all of your innermost secrets and desires could be a bad thing, but seeing as how K’his’dar liked me, I suspected that it would turn out to be a good thing instead. A very good thing.



            The trip home was interesting. While he had my memories, he didn't have my skills. So after a very short distance in the car I threatened bloody mayhem if he didn't let me drive.

            "You shouldn't be able to do that," he said a little surprised.

            "What, drive? I've done it for ages."

            "No, threaten me."

            "Well I didn't want you to get really hurt. Or myself either for that matter."

            He thought about that a moment. "That I guess makes sense. I've also never had someone who really cared for me before. Usually my servants were just slaves."

            I felt kind of funny when he called me his servant. "You know," I began, "can't you just call me your lover or something? Servant sounds like, well like I'm the hired help, or a slave or something."

            He reached over and squeezed my thigh, making me tingle all over, "Actually you are my slave," he chuckled.

            "You have rather ancient and out modeled concepts," I said a little upset.

            "Oh no, I'm using the definition as you have it in your memory." He chuckled, "You belong to me to use as I see fit, and I do. Often," he squeezed my thigh again, "And you'll do anything I tell you to, and if I have to force you, you'll enjoy it that much more."

            I felt kind of funny inside then, and my crotch started to itch a little. I guess I was getting a little turned on.

            "See?" he smiled. "You know it's true. Part of what drew me to you, part of why you stayed, part of why you care about me. We're connected."

            "So just what exactly are you anyway?" I asked suddenly, "What kind of creature have I made my own master?"

            He shrugged, "There is no name for it in your language. I'm sort of a demon by some folk's definitions I guess, but not evil, not a devil or one of those. I was once a satyr like being, if you go by the Greeks. Obsessed with sex and fun."

            "Still obsessed with sex I'd say," I grinned back at him as I drove.

            He nodded, "Yes, but so are you, so is a lot of this society it seems. And the things that killed many of my brethren appear to be gone from the world now as well, so leaving Europe appears to have been a smart move for me."

            "So holy water won't cause you to dissolve?" I asked a bit worried. I didn't want him to be evil.

            "No, I'm another one of God's creatures, just a slightly disreputable one."

            I felt better when he said that.

            "Now, as you don't have a license, and I do. I think you need to let me drive."

            "When we get further out of town. I don't want you to hit anything." I said.

            "I could order you," he smiled.

            "Or you could trust my judgement," I countered.

            "A good point," he conceded.


            I let him drive an hour later when traffic had disappeared. It took him a while to get the hang of it. He knew what to do, but his reactions just weren't as trained as mine were. He said he could fix that, it would just take him a little time. I guess he was right because ten hours later when we got home he was driving almost as good as I did.


            "Hi hon!" My partner greeted 'me' and gave 'me' a great big hug and a kiss. "Who's the girl?"

            I tried not to fume. I didn't mind him kissing K'his'dar even if he knew he wasn't me. I didn't care about that at all. I just didn't like him knowing it wasn't me.

            "Let's go inside, you're not going to believe this," K'his'dar said.


            Five minutes later he looked from me to him and back again.

            "Okay, let me get this straight. You," he pointed at me, "Are John, and you" he pointed at K'his'dar are actually a magical creature who has all of John's memories and knowledge."

            "Exactly," I said. "Got it in one."

            "But if he looks exactly like you did, how do I know it's not you?" He asked me.

            I smiled, "But he looks better than me, fitter, trimmer, younger."

            "Hmmmm, maybe..."

            "Okay," I grabbed my new 'master's' pants, undid the belt and pulled them and his underwear down. K'his'dar looked a little surprised at first, and my partner blinked. I grabbed his cock and started to stroke it, "I was never this big, was I?"

            My partner looked surprised, then a bit shocked, and then started to smile slowly. "No, you weren't. Man he is well hung isn't he?"

            By now K'his'dar was semi erect, and growing. "Yup." I smiled. "Believe me now Hon?"

            "I guess. This is going to take some getting used to."

            "Well, we can talk about it in the morning. For now, lets go to bed."

            They both smiled at that and looked at me.

            "So, she tells me you like boys and girls?" K'his'dar asked my partner.

            "Yup, and she's not half bad looking, is she?" He chuckled.

            "I'm going to be sore come the morning, aren't I?" I sighed.

            "Most definitely..."


            They took turns with me, Warren first, then K'his'dar, then Warren, then K'his'dar, then both of them at the same time. Then K'his'dar took Warren, while I sucked Warren off. When we woke up that morning K'his'dar took Warren a second time, Warren loved it of course. Then while K'his'dar showered Warren took me again.

            "He's really something hon."

            "You're just saying that cause he's hung like a horse," I chuckled running my hands over his sweaty body.

            "Well there's also the fact he made some rather nice changes to you."

            "You haven't seen all of them. I can guarantee you another surprise that you'll probably like tonight."

            "Really? What?"

            "I'm not telling you until he says it's okay hon, sorry."

            "What does this mean to us by the way? I can see you're pretty attached."

            I sighed, "I still love you hon, but I'm his property now, he's claimed me and says that I belong to him and he can and will use me as he sees fit, and that I cannot resist him if he wills it. Some how I know he's not kidding either, he hasn't used his power over me yet, but I believe him when he says it is there."

            He nodded slowly, "I understand that, but how do you feel about it?"

            I blushed deeply, "I love him and I like it."

            "You always were kinky that way," he chuckled. "Well I guess we'll just have to see what he says. I still love you and so far I like him, maybe he'll let us stay together."

            I shrugged, "I don't know. I don't know what his plans are, I'm not sure he has any plans even. But I hope he will, if you want to. He hasn't struck me yet as mean or vicious, or jealous even."

            He nodded.


            Warren and I showered together, something we often did in the past. When we came out K'his'dar had been so kind as to actually make us both breakfast.

            "You can stay with us as long as you want Warren," he said smiling at me. I know my face lit up brightly, and my feelings for K'his'dar grew further.

            "However, there will be a few things you're going to have to agree to."

            I frowned a little, and I could see Warren was a bit concerned.

            "Such as?" he asked.

            "I'm going to make some changes to your body," He held up a hand forestalling any response. "Hear me out first. I'm not going to change your sex, but I am going to make many of the changes to you that I otherwise made to John. I can guarantee that you'll be pleased with them. I also will expect you to obey me, though you'll never be compelled to it. I'll be like your liege lord, though you'll always be free to quit."

            "Will I lose those changes if I do quit?"

            "Stay with us a year and they'll be yours permanently. I need your help Warren, John here loves you and for all that she is mine body and soul, I want her to be happy. I owe her a great deal, and I'm not really a mean or cruel person. Also I've been out of circulation, to put it mildly, for several hundred years. I have a lot of things to learn, and a lot to do. I'll need help, John trusts you so I know I can trust you. So I'd like it if you'd stay with us, and you can stay as long as you want."

            Warren nodded, "I'll stay. I know John wants me to, and I have to admit you're wanting me around is tempting as well."

            "Good. Tonight then I'll make the changes."


            Later that night K'his'dar screwed Warren again, then did his magic. I realized then that he had to have sex with someone to change them. The more he did, the easier it got. I shuddered and thought of all the times K'his'dar had fucked me, and filled me with his seed. No wonder he was able to change me so completely, he'd pumped me full of his magic by then.

            "Correct my sweet," he purred in my mind, "I have invested a great deal of my power in you. That is why I  claimed you when you decided to stay."

            "What if I had run?" I thought aloud in my mind.

            "Then I would have lost it, I knew what I wanted to do to you, so I started preparing you weeks in advance. I wanted to do a good job, you deserved it."

            I nodded at that, I'm glad he did and hoped he'd do a good one with Warren.

            "Don't worry, I will" he thought at me, and turned to smile before turning his attention back to my partner.

            He gave Warren the same things I had, immunity, better healing, and of course made him a were. However Warren he made a lion.

            Warren was of course very pleased.

            And the next morning found me again very well used, but this time we were all wearing our fur.




            The next day we started in on the biggest issue that would be staring us all in the face: Money. I didn't have a lot in the bank, or rather 'John' which is what we were both to call K’his’dar now (as well as he started to call himself, to avoid slips in public), didn't.

Also Warren's income wasn't going to suffice for long, it just wasn't enough to support two people, let alone three of us.

            "Entertainment," John said. "That's the biggest answer."

            "I'm not doing porno!" I grumbled, even if the body I had came out of a wet dream.

            "No of course not, but my kind have often been entertainers, and I think the music industry is ripe for our new act."

            "But I don't play any instruments," I complained.

            "Oh you will," He smiled and I felt him doing something in my mind.

            "What are you doing?" I asked a little shocked.

            "It's called a geas," he smiled, "I've just hit you with an unbreakable compulsion to learn to play guitar really really well."

            I grumbled at him and went to dig out my old acoustic guitar. He was right, I now had the urge to practice and couldn't fight it.

            "Might as well give me singing too," I said coming back into the room lugging the dusty case. "I think I have the voice for it now."

            He smiled at me, "Such devotion. Keep this up and I won't be able to avoid falling in love with you."

            "I thought you all ready were?" I said looking up at him as I felt him in my mind again.

            "No, but I'm already fonder of you than any I have known in the past. I've already become quite attached."

            The way he said it made me realize that he may not love me yet, but the depth of his feelings were probably beyond what many people called love. It also reminded me that he wasn't Human, and sent another thrill of excitement down my spine. Definitely way too kinky for my own good.

            "What about me?" Warren asked.

            "Drummer or keyboards?"

            "Drummer I guess…"

            A moment later I heard Warren say, "Damn… we gotta go shopping, I need to practice!" and K’his’dar, or rather John, laughed.


            The next few months were pretty tough, I was practicing continually, both guitar and singing. In fact the only times I was really allowed to stop was for sex, either as a reward for my good efforts, or Warren's. Warren still had to work of course, but at least he had some experience at playing drums in the past. As for John, he was practicing just as hard as I was.

I'll give him that much, he wasn't a slacker at all. He didn't need to sleep as much as I did, and often was up late studying, researching, or going out and networking. I'd get a little jealous when he'd come back and I could tell he'd been banging another woman, but he'd always make it up to me and tell me why he did it. Even when it was just because she was cute and he just had to have her. I could accept that, it wasn't possible for me to get angry at him, much less stay that way.

            Being female did take some getting used to and I spent this time adjusting to it as well. The first thing was the looks, guys looked at me constantly. Old, young, married, single. They all looked, and they all seemed to like my chest. Some were shyer than others about looking, some were more aggressive about coming over and saying hello. It all made me feel rather funny inside, in a good way, and without the years of resistance most women have built up I probably would have banged every guy I met that first month, but K’his’dar was always there at the right moment, easing me through my adjustment.

            Normally I’d let you have them all, if you wanted them,” he whispered in my mind. “But you’re still learning and I’d prefer to be your teacher.”

            “You just don’t feeling like sharing, do you?” I whispered back.

            Of course not, I like breaking in my own toys myself,” I could hear him chuckle.

            “I should probably object to being called a toy,” I sighed only half meaning it.

            Okay, fuck-toy then. That better?” he teased.

            “Much,” I grinned getting that funny feeling inside.

            We’ll take care of that later,” he smirked picking up that feeling from me.


            The other things that were a bit difficult to deal with were the clothes and the hygiene aspects. Women have different plumbing if you hadn’t noticed, and their clothes work a bit differently too. It took a few times to get the knack of several of the smaller things. The more important larger things I had to make a conscious effort to practice until I got them perfect a month or so later. But right then I was being pretty careful most of the time.

            I did fall in love with high heels though. I knew as a man, and from now checking out my tight little ass in a mirror, what they did to my anatomy. Walking in them did take a lot of practice, and the added three to four inches did help with another issue, my smaller size. At five four I might have been perfectly sized for my new master, but it was almost a foot less than I had grown up with. That took a little getting used to, but there were always guys willing to help out, which more than made up for it. And yes, I discovered that large tits do get in the way a bit. Especially for anything involving crossing your arms. They also felt funny when you bounced, cause they’d shake and pull by themselves. Tight tops or sport bras were a necessity when running or jogging.

            Another interesting thing was hard-ons. I found I could give out a lot of them just by showing a little skin and flirting. I wasn’t afraid to show a little leg, or butt, or cleavage. That would definitely put a rise in most guys jeans. A careful brush up against a guy, with an arm or a hand, or an accidental bump, had that affect on most of those not easily tempted by just another pretty body. Flirting and teasing were a lot of fun, and I was careful to learn all about those as well. It was different as a woman, however I picked my targets more with a man’s eye. So a lot of the ‘quiet around girls’, less ‘cool’ and more unattractive guys got attention from me. I knew they’d appreciate it more, and push it less. I found they were good to practice my flirting on, though I felt a bit guilty about it. Maybe once I’d gotten more comfortable in my new skin I’d deliver on a few of the teases I passed out.



            Six months later we were almost broke, we'd sold off one of my cars, and one of my bikes. At least John had learned how to ride the other one, and took my threats of bloody mayhem, geas or no geas, if he sold my top of the line sport bike seriously. He couldn't understand why I was in love with riding it, but he acceded to my request.

            That in itself led to some enjoyable developments, John learned how to ride it as good as I had, with some serious tutelage on my part. So all of my old biker friends thought he (or rather I) had just found a really hot girl friend. When I'd show up on it sometimes by myself for a ride, they'd be envious that a hot little chick like me could ride most of them into the dirt, and that I was his girlfriend. A little change of pace in the world of sex didn't hurt either once in a while, and some of the nicer and more discreet guys I rewarded occasionally. As a girl I was still as horny as I'd ever been as a guy, and John didn't mind me sleeping around at all, he knew he owned me even without the magical inducements.

            So getting back to the money situation, we were tapped. But we'd been practicing so much by this point that we sounded pretty good as a three piece and John was able to get us a gig at a local bar. His powers of persuasion helped a lot to get us the job, that much I know!

            John had me wearing a pretty revealing outfit, he played bass, I played lead, we both sang, with Warren providing some backing vocals as well. We went from barely sucked, to drawing a pretty good crowd in only a few weeks.

            "I can feel the crowd's emotions," John told us both after one show. "So I can guess which way to nudge things to make our performances more appealing."

            "Well this is helping cover the bills," I said leaning against him. I found that performing made me rather horny, maybe it was all the guys leering at me. I know I tended to encourage them during the show. "But we're not gonna get rich like this."

            He nodded, "I have some ideas to push us up into the public eye, and move us along. But I'd like to add another member or two, and get us more polished. We're still amateurs, only my abilities are really pushing us to the point where we can actually draw a crowd."

            Warren and I both nodded our agreement with that.


            Another six months went by and we'd picked up a keyboardist. He was a pretty cute guy, with a nice body, a bit slight of build and shorter than Warren. John wasted no time in getting him under his thumb, and Warren wasted no time in getting him under his body in bed. I think Gary was a bit surprised to find himself getting nailed by John and especially Warren almost as much as I was. He thought he was straight when he joined the group, maybe he was and John made some changes to him. John told me he didn't change him at all, just fulfilled some deep hidden desires. Considering he'd done that with me, I suspected he was right. Warren was happy because while he liked women and had a strong attachment to me, he really enjoyed fucking guys more. When I remembered all the virgins Warren had broken in over the many years of our relationship, I suspected that if John hadn't nailed Gary almost immediately, Warren would have gotten him first.

            The last addition to the band was another guitar player. Another guy, a bit bigger and better built than Gary, his name was George. I know John nailed him a few times, that was how John worked his magic on you of course. But Warren never did. I however did quite a few times. Except for his liaisons with John, George was most definitely straight and lusted after me whenever there wasn't a groupie to satisfy his tastes. His girlfriend dumped him about ten seconds after she saw me. Just too jealous, and of course I had challenged her to a 'fuck off' with her boyfriend as the main judge when she had started eyeing me suspiciously.

            "Okay, here is our gimick," John told us and he changed into his leopard morph form. I followed, and Warren wore the lion one that John had given him. Gary and George both sort of stood there looking shocked.

            "You'll both have a form too after I spend a little more time with you each," John winked at them.

            "Are you human?" Gary asked bewildered.

            "Nope, but they are," he nodded to the two of us. "Now, you first George," he smiled and dragged him off. An hour later George was beefy spotted Jaguar. An hour after that Gary was a sexy thin cheetah. They were a bit upset, I knew because George confided in me while we had sex in our cat forms.

            "I don't know about this Jean…"

            I shrugged, "Personally I like it, we're immune to disease, heal faster, and are stronger. What's not to like?"

            "Yeah but he didn't ask me, he just did it to me. And I'm not to crazy about him screwing me."

            "You like it though, don't you?"

            He blushed, "Yeah, and that's weird. I can't resist him."

            I chuckled, "Tell me about it. I can't resist him at all, whatever he wants from me, he gets."

            "He told me once that you're his slave."

            I nodded and let my legs wrap around his hips, pushing them up against him. "Yup, I am. He did a lot more to me than to you and I honestly can't complain about any of it. He definitely knows what buttons to push, and isn't afraid to push them."

            He looked a bit shocked at that, "I won't ask what he did, but you really don't mind?"

            I laughed, "I saved his life I guess you could say, and he's subjected me to my deepest and most secret fantasies. Gave me everything he could. Mind? Hell no, I'd follow him anywhere, do anything. I love him. He's given you a bunch of power, and is gonna make you rich. Not to mention get you laid more than you can imagine, I'm sure."

            "Yeah, but what's the cost?"

            "Isn't it obvious?" I smiled and clamped down hard on him with my insides. "Let him be the Boss, don't sell him out, do your best, have fun. I don't think he wants from anyone else in the band the kinds of things I've already committed to."

            "Yeah, but now I'm some kind of were-critter. Don't you think people are going to freak over that?"

            "Just tell everyone that it's stage makeup. Think they'll believe you're really a were-kitty?" I laughed again and nuzzled his furry face with mine.

            "You got a point there."

            "And you've got one here… let's use it some more!"


            Gary was a little more timid, but then around John and Warren who both dominated him completely I wasn't surprised. I got him alone the next day, telling Warren to give the poor guy a break, though watching a big lion morph fuck the living shit out of the cute little cheetah morph was pretty hot.

            Once we were alone Gary started to get a little aggressive, and I let him have his way with me. I was surprised, normally Gary was timid even with me, we'd never had sex.

            "You okay Gary?" I asked him softly when he'd finally shot his load inside me.

            "I'm sorry," he apologized, "I shouldn't have treated you like that."

            "Gary," I chuckled, "never apologize for good sex. Yes I know it wasn't the way you normally are, but I'm okay with it, or I would have told you to stop. Now out with it, what's wrong."

            He looked at me kind of sideways, "You'll tell him though, won't you?"

            "Only if he asks me to."

            He sighed and looked away. "I feel like I'm trapped in a dream and that any moment now I'm going to wake up."

            "I'm confused now," I said blinking down at him, I was straddling him at the moment.

            "I've got two hot guys after me, one of which thinks I'm his personal sex toy, and the other who just rules my life completely. I just got pounded into the floor by a sexy lion, and got ridden by a female for the second time in my life, only this time it was good. It just can't be real!" he looked upset, "Am I going crazy or what?"

            I laughed at him, and he looked shocked.

            "Want to know a secret?" I whispered in his ear.

            "What?" he asked softly.

            "I sometimes worry about waking up too. This isn't a dream, we just got really lucky."

            "Yeah, but you're a girl, you get hot guys all the time."

            "I wasn't a girl before John, I was a guy like you. John made me a girl so he could use me better then he could have used me as a guy."

            I felt him shudder a little under me and his eye's widened. "Wow, you are hard core aren't you?" he gasped.

            I nodded, "Yeah, my secret desire was to be a such a good submissive, that I could be a sub's sub, yet still be able to crack the whip for my master when he made me."

            Gary thought about that. "I think you succeeded."

            And then the bastard rolled me over pinning me to the ground and fucked me as hard as he could.

            We became good friends after that. I even talked George into fucking him one day because Gary asked me too. Having realized what it was he really wanted, to be a bottom, Gary was a lot happier and outgoing from that point on.



            So here it was, more than a year later. I was pretty comfortable with myself now, and all of our hard work was finally starting to pay off. As a band we were pulling in a large following and starting to write our own material. Warren had left his job, we didn’t need that income anymore, and John was working his connections to get us a shot at a recording contract.

            I got dressed and looked at the guy passed out on the bed. He was a big fan, and had helped us out a lot in getting our current gig. I knew he had the hots for me something bad, and John confided in me that the guy knew he’d never get me in bed. So after the show I decided to reward him for his help and grant his innermost, if elusive, wish.

            Surprisingly he hadn’t let me down at all, it was almost noon outside now and he’d rocked my world quite a few times throughout the night. I was going to make sure the girls around here found out what they were missing, he might be a bit of a geek, but talent like his shouldn’t be wasted. I let myself out and locked the door behind me as I headed home. I got a few looks from some of his neighbors as I strutted my stuff and headed for my car.

            “Hey, did you just come out of Nick’s place?” Some girl I’d never met before asked. She looked like a local. Wasn’t bad looking either.

            I gave her a smile, “Why, you his girlfriend?”

            She shook her head and looked me over, “I’ve seen you around before, who are you?”

            I slipped the key in the car door and unlocked it, “I’m a singer in Tiger D,” I opened the door. “He was helping us with some stuff and well. One thing led to another.”

            She looked me over and looked back at the Nick’s door and then back at me.

            “Pity fuck, huh?” She kind of smirked.

            I shook my head, “The first one was a reward for helping us out. The next five were because he’s un-fucking-believable.” I looked up at her and grinned. “If I’d even suspected he could do half the things he did last night, I would have rewarded him weeks ago. Try him out, you won’t regret it!” I laughed and drove off leaving her looking rather seriously at his door.


            “So have a good night?” John asked as I dragged myself in.

            I yawned and looked at the mail he was reading. “Actually yes. Either someone trained that boy really good, or he’s well read with an active imagination.”

            “Really?” John looked up at me a little surprised. “I would never have guessed.”

            “Neither would I,” I grinned. “I think I’ll pay him a few more visits until the local girls get the hint.”

            “I’d think you already paid him back,” John chuckled.

            “Yeah, but I was a bit of a geek like that once myself. Besides, like I said, he was pretty damn good.” I yawned again.

            “Well better wake up cause your not going back to bed.”

            I pouted, “Awww…”

            “We’ve got an engagement for a late lunch. Go hit the shower and put on something nice.”

            “How nice?” I asked smirking.

            “Titillating, but not blatant. Leave the ‘come fuck me pumps’ off.”

            “Okay,” I stifled a yawn. “I’ll be back in a bit.”

            Warren I noticed was still sacked out on the bed. I could tell he’d been up late celebrating as well. We’d had a good show and all decided a little partying was in order. I gave his butt a smack and headed for the shower. He showed up a few minutes later and yawned a few times, then pinned me against the back of the shower and fucked my brains out.

            “Miss me?” I moaned into his ear as he finished off cumming inside me. For my part I was just coming down from my own orgasm.

            “Very much. Have a good night?”

            “Yes. You?”

            He nodded. “Some music critic got much more than he bargained for last night,” he chuckled. “John steered me to him. Considering how cute he was I sure didn’t mind upholding the bands reputation till the wee hours of the morning.”

            “Really now? What were the rest up to?”

            “John kept Gary happy, and George took care of a groupie or two.” He yawned again and got the soap.

            “I’m surprised John didn’t work a few of our listeners over.”

            “He said something about too much sugar spoiling the stew. Or something like that. Some of those old sayings of his I still can’t figure out.”

            I nodded and grabbed the shampoo while he started in on my body with the soap. I returned the favor once I was done with my hair and eventually we rinsed dried and got dressed walking out to the kitchen where John was.

            “Ready you two?”

            “I’m coming too?” Warren asked surprised.

            “As long as you’re up, sure.”

            “What about the other two?”

            “You two are my companions. They’re just the hired help. You both get a say they’re just along for the ride.”

            “You sure seem to spend a lot of time screwing Gary if he’s just hired help,” I said a little concerned.

            He shrugged, “I own you, and he” he nodded to Warren, “has pretty much sworn himself to my leadership. Gary wants me, and he gets me fairly often, but he’s not sworn any allegiance. Neither has George. I won’t screw them over, they’re good people and loyal to the band. I like them both. But they’ll never be on the same level as you two are.”

            We both nodded smiling a little self consciously but happy deep down with his acknowledgement of our importance as we followed him out to the car.

            “So what’s all this about then?” I asked.

            “That record company rep we heard about actually made it last night. He was impressed and wants to talk. So we’re going to talk. I can feel that he thinks we have promise. I can also feel that he wants to make some changes. We’re going to discuss them and see if we can come to an agreement. If so, I suspect we’ll be asked to cut some demo material for his bosses.”

            “Any idea what the changes are?” Warren asked.

            “Not really. Remember I can’t read most people’s minds if I haven’t had sex with them recently. I can only get a sense of their feelings and emotions and surface thoughts.”

            “Well let’s see what he wants then.”