This story contains graphic and non-graphic sex and adult situations. If you are under age, or do not wish to see such depictions, leave now! All content is copyright Rael Bayellis 2006.

Contains M/M sex, M/F sex, Transformation, bestiality with Tigers and Canines, etc.



<Much later >


            I danced across the stage, I was naked except for the barest of G-strings, and a top that was more hope than reality. My entire body was painted with body paint to look like a tiger. John wanted to do this tour a little differently, we were all done up in body paint like different animals, instead of our actual were forms. The forms had been a hit, got us a contract, and two rather hot and successful tours. But a good showman knows when to move on, and John was a good showman.

            I went into the power chords and fell to my knees, ripping into my lead solo, literally on the edge of the stage, a thousand guys drooling over me, all wanting me. I didn't need John's help to feel it, I could feel it all on my own now. Hard not to really, they wore their lust on their faces and I shook and shimmied as I played my guitar, jumping back to my bare feet, strutting as I played and surely causing a lot of girlfriends to get more than their usual share of lust tonight. John told me he got power from those feelings, and every night that I played I was determined to make sure he got all the power there was.

            I turned and motioned to the two tigers on the stage. Not were's, not makeup. Tigers. Big fucking Siberians I had gotten last year. They reared up and made a bridge and I ran up the back of one and balanced with a bare foot on the head of each. Being a were had its advantages, they couldn't hurt me and I could understand them, so training was a breeze. Plus I could, and did, offer rewards that most trainers couldn't.

            People stared in amazement as the hot little guitar player finished up her solo balanced twelve feet above the stage on almost a ton of rather fierce very male tigers that up to this point had been just window dressing. When I finished the last chord I slid down the back of the other one as they dropped and circled around me as the band went into the next song. Even John thought I was crazy to be playing with two tigers all the time, but they all indulged me. Besides, I got to write them off on my taxes now. John knew my cat fantasies came from having once trained them. Now I just trained them for a few extra things as well…

            We ran through our whole performance, including two encores. We were still hot, and at this point getting rich as well. We had a reputation for some rather wild behavior, excellent shows, and hard driving heavy metal rock. I did a few more stunts with the cats, and of course ran through several costume changes. When we finally hit the closing notes we were all hot and sweaty, and yes ready to party as well. I’d picked my victim halfway through the show, usually I’d just head up to the party after I bedded the cats down and fuck whomever tickled my fancy, sometimes getting the security staff to pass out a few after party invites to some of the more promising guys in the audience.

            But not tonight. Tonight I had noticed a guy out in the audience, when every guy in the house had their eyes glued to me, his couldn’t stop stealing glances at the cats. When others gasped, he smiled. He looked at them with about as much lust as he looked at me with. Oh yes, I was going to have some fun tonight. When everyone else started leaving, he came closer to the stage, looking at the tigers, even making little prusting noises at them, smiling when they both turned to look at him and responded. I smiled myself, few people knew that trick. I was wearing a jumpsuit with a hood now, so the fans would think I was just another stage worker.

            “Hey you,” I called to him, waving security to let him by.

            “Sorry,” he apologized, “I didn’t mean to distract them.”

            “Yeah well come on up and meet ‘em. I could tell all through the show you wanted to.” I smiled as he kept coming closer, climbing up the stairs by the front of the stage.

            He looked at me again and his eyes widened in recognition, “You’re Jean!” he gasped.

            I nodded, “Yeah, I need to put the boys here to bed for the night, want to give me a hand?”

            He looked me over and then looked them over smiling all the time. Oh yeah, he was gonna be a good one. I could just tell.

            “Oh I’d love to. Just tell me what I have to do.”

            “Every work with tigers before…. Ummm, ?”

            “Jeff,” He said and stuck out his hand, I shook it and smiled.

            “Well ever work with Tigers?”

            “Well, not really. I’ve volunteered with a place that had them, and helped out a lot, but never really worked them.”

            I nodded and walked over to where the chains that attached to the cat’s collars were, he followed me walking right into the zone of the tiger’s reach. I hand signaled both cats to sit and behave, they were watching him curiously.

            Wow, that was cool.” He said surprising me again.

            “You caught that?”

            He nodded, “Yup. Just when I realized that I probably shouldn’t have followed you. I guess I let myself get distracted.” He smiled sheepishly.

            I smiled back, he was rather cute, “Well around me you’re safe. These boys are highly trained.” I turned to him and ran a finger down his chest, all the way down to his crotch and along the lump he had there, “highly trained. Just make sure you do as I say and you’ll have a night to remember.” I purred huskily in my throat.

            He gasped and nodded at a loss for words.

            I smiled, oh yes he was going to have a night to remember all right. I’d had fantasies about a few things, and tonight it looked like I’d finally play a few out. I turned and undid the chains, linked them together and handed them to him.

            “Don’t let go. The tigers will flank me, you follow. Got it?”

            “Yes mamm!” he nodded.

            “Call me Jean, Jeff.” I smiled up at him, he was about six foot, maybe a little taller. “Or kitty if you want!” I giggled and headed back stage, patting my hips so that Saber and Eiger came to my sides and walked with me. I placed a hand on the back of each of their heads, I always enjoyed walking like this, they both came up past my waist, they were so large and I was so small by comparison. When we got back stage I stopped a moment and shed the jumpsuit. All I was wearing now was the tiger stripped body paint, I’d dumped the G-string and the top before, so I could fully enjoy the feel of their fur along my body. I heard Jeff cough behind me and I turned and smiled at him, letting him have a good look at my tits.

            “Look all you want,” I grinned, “I’m not shy.”

            “Obviously not,” He chuckled weakly.

            “It’s rare that I find men who aren’t afraid of tigers,” I purred turning back towards the exit, “so I think you deserve some rewards.”

            “Sounds good to me,” he replied.

            The trip out off the stage, down the hallway, and into the special trailer where I housed my two pets was deserted. Everyone knew the rules, I didn’t want to risk accidents or problems with my tigers. Once we left the stage the doors were locked and bolted behind us and the roadies would get to work on that. I’m sure the ones that saw me take Jeff along were surprised. I’d never taken anyone with me before, except maybe Warren or John.

            “So what do we do?” Jeff asked as I shepparded Saber and Eiger into the trailer, and motioned him to close the doors behind us.

            “Well first they get their treats for performing so well. Then they get fed.” I turned and smiled at him as I put Eiger in his cage, “Don’t worry though, I’m not going to feed you to them.”

            He smiled, but I could see a little bit of tension leave him, especially as Saber wasn’t in his cage and was rubbing his head into me slowly moving me across the floor.

            I gave Saber’s ears a rub and pointed to a chair, “Have a seat, this is going to take a while.”

            He looked at me and then the chair, “What is?”

            I chuckled throatily, “I do this after every show Jeff, and tonight you get to watch. I know you’ll appreciate it. And once I’m done, I’ll reward you too. Strip now if you want to,” and then I turned to Saber and settled to my knees before him. One hundred and eight pounds of sexy nude woman in front of eight hundred pounds of very horny tiger. And tonight I had a witness.

            “You mean you’re?” he asked softly.

            Gonna get fucked by my tiger, and you get to watch. Make any comments you want to, I don’t want to forget I have an audience.”

            “Why me?”

            “Cause I saw the way you looked at them. It’s the same way I do. They’re big sexy fucking machines. I couldn’t refuse a fellow cat lover.” I ran my hands over Saber’s big head. Heya Saber, ready to please me tonight?”

            Saber gave a soft rumbling moan.

            “Oh ghods…” I heard Jeff gasp and could hear him stripping.

            I smiled and concentrated on Saber then, leaning in to kiss his nose. “Be a good boy and lick my hot wet pussy,” I purred.

            Saber dropped his head to my cunt and started to nose it, then butted me lightly in the stomach making me giggle. A moment later his thick tongue slipped out to lick over my cunt, so wide it covered all of me in one slurp, going all the way up to my tits which bobbed heavily.

            Ohhh good boy,” I gasped and rubbed his ears some more.

            Saber head butted my stomach again, a little harder and rumbled.

            “Okay honey, I get the message,” I smiled and sat down on the floor, leaning back and spreading my legs out wide. “Eat me Saber,” I whispered and watched as his muzzle when right to my sex, his fat tongue curling up and pushing past my cunt lips and up into my vagina.

            “That’s unbelievable,” Jeff muttered. I glanced over to see him slowly stroking his cock, it was a respectable 7 or 8 inches. I hoped he stuck around to stick it in me later.

            “Good booooy Saber,” I moaned as the tiger tongue fucked my cunt, “show Jeff here just how talented you are.”

            Saber for his part did as he was told, crouching before me, his muzzle wide as his large fangs pressed up against my groin on either side of my cunt, his hot breath washing over me as he pushed his tongue in and out, only stopping to swallow my juices.

            “Oh yesss, keep going Saber, mommy’s gonna feed you real soon,” I moaned louder, started to hump against his tongue, “Oh yesss, harder… harder Saber!”

            Saber knew the drill, and he did as he was told, his rough tongue guaranteed I wouldn’t be long, and having an audience helped even more. I was moaning loudly and he had his tongue probably a good foot inside me when I cried out and came, flopping on the floor before him, a depraved kitty toy for a very big horney tiger. Saber slurped up my juices and then pinned me to the floor with a paw as big as my torso.

            “Jean?” Jeff sounded worried.

            “It’s okay,” I panted, “He’s just reminding me who the boss is currently.”

            “He’s going to fuck you, isn’t he?” Jeff groaned.

            Ooooooh yeah, and he’s good at it too.” I smiled and Saber walked up over me, covering me with his body. His heavy chest fur sending thrills through my body as it brushes over my thighs, then my cunt, and finally my tits, teasing my stiff nipples as he stopped and rumble above me, rubbing against my body. The chair was set so Jeff now had a good view of Saber’s cock and balls. I lifted my legs up as Saber lowered his hind quarters and started to rub his cock over my cunt lips. Seven inches of very hot and hard tiger cock, with all sorts of fleshy spines on it.

            “Oh ghod Saber, quit teasing me and fuck me already!” I moaned and tried to push up against him. He growled loudly and found the spot then, pushing his cock in to the hilt, his huge cum filled balls slapping my ass. I groaned loudly as he settled down on top of me, almost squashing me flat, my hard nipples on my big fat tits burning with desire as his thick fur brushed over them. He braced me to either side with his strong forepaws as I grabbed at his sides with my hands.

            And then with another loud growl he started to fuck me.

            Ooohh yes Saber! Fuck me! Fuck me hard! Fuck me Saber!” I cried out over and over as he took me, not that he needed much encouragement.

            Saber didn’t fuck me like a human, he fucked me like a tiger. Which was he rode me hard, he rode me deep, and he stirred that cock in me with all his being while his strong and heavy hips rammed it home. I was screaming with ecstasy as soon as he started, my legs kicking at his flanks, my hips humping and wiggling in time to his thrusts as orgasm after orgasm ripped through my body. Cats cum almost the whole time they’re fucking you, and Saber started after the fifth or sixth stroke and kept at it for a good fifteen minutes. Then with a loud snarl and a roar he ground in deep and gave me the rest of his load, pumping my body full of his seed as his spines pulled at my insides and gave me an orgasm that completely blew my mind. My body shook and flailed beneath him, pinned in place as his cock locked deep inside me, thousands of potential little tigers flooding my cunt and womb, the overflow spilling out around his fat cock to run down my thighs and cover his furry balls, giving Jeff a wonderful show as I panted, bucked, and moaned beneath Saber’s heavy body.

            Ohhh yesss….” I heard and guessed Jeff had just cum himself.

            I caught my breath and enjoyed the tingling feeling all through out my body, orgasms always did that to me. Enjoying the feeling of the thick fur against my skin. After a bit I pushed at Saber with my hands, letting my legs fall to either side.

            “Up Saber, let mommy breath again,” I panted, giving a loud sigh as his cock slipped out of my cunt, a small river of thick hot tiger cream escaping my cunt lips as he did so.

            “Cage” I pointed.

            He went in and sat down, giving himself a few licks before settling down and yawning hugely.

            I looked over at Jeff who’s hand was still wrapped around his cock, both of which were covered with his cum, a small pool of which was on the floor as well.

            “Don’t move, I’ll get that!” I grinned, and rolling to my hands and knees I first closed Saber’s cage door, then crawled over to Jeff where I licked his hand clean, then sucked on his cock until it was clean as well. Of course that meant he was hard again too.

            “I want to eat you out,” He growled and pushed me back, “Well I don’t have a problem with that,” I smiled, “But I still have another tiger to reward.”

            He looked back at Eiger, he was on his hands and knees himself now, his face inches from my tiger cum soaked cunt.

            “Of course I could have Eiger fuck you up the ass while you eat me out,” I purred and almost laughed as he turned and looked at me, his face full of lust.

            “Are you for real?”

            “Just kick that pedal with your foot and dive in,” I said putting my hands on his head.

            He kicked it and Eiger’s cage door swung open and he drove his tongue into my cunt, slurping up Saber’s juices with the same lust I often used when sucking on their cocks. I guess he enjoyed the taste as well.

            Eiger padded out quickly and took the situation in carefully, his cock was dripping, he saw Saber get his, and now wanted his own. He’d fucked Gary more than once so he knew how to mount a man and after a couple of tongue swipes along Jeff’s butt he was covering Jeff’s body with his large tiger one. With a growl he entered Jeff’s ass, causing Jeff to gasp in pain. Ass fucking with a tiger was always rough on the first stroke or two, but they lubed up quickly and soon Jeff was shivering and moaning into my cunt while licking and sucking out Saber’s cum. Eiger was a longer fuck than Saber, but not as rough, so Jeff got a nice twenty minute ride before Eiger ground to a loud halt pinning Jeff to the ground with a paw as he hit his climax, roaring and rumbling, then ducking his head and licking my tits as he leaned over the man spitted on his cock beneath him.

            “Good boy Eiger,” I smiled and rubbed his ears, “You fucked him really good! That’s my big tiger.” I kissed Eiger and let him shove his tongue down my throat. Eiger was pretty good at French kissing. Weird for a tiger I know, but I enjoyed it. We snogged each other for a bit then I sent him back to his cage and pulled Jeff up on top of me, guiding his hard cock into my pussy as he caught his breath.

            “Well seeing as you got fucked by Eiger, I guess you’ll have to give me my second fuck for the night,” I whispered into his ear.

            Ohhh baby,” He groaned grinding into me, he was probably the hardest he’d ever been in his life, “I’m fucking the most beautiful woman in the world, who was just fucked by a tiger, with an ass load of tiger cum inside me. This must be heaven!”

            “Fuck this little kitty, put your load of cum in me with my tiger’s,” I moaned as he started to fuck me. “pound me with your cock like Saber did.”

            Jeff did as he was told kissing me and driving his cock like a man possessed. I wrapped my legs around him and held on, clawing at his back as he fucked me like an animal, cumming from the moment he entered me until he stiffened with a loud groan and unloaded deep inside me. I cried out and clenched down hard on him myself, the feeling of hot cum inside me setting me off yet again as always, my cunt milking out every drop of his seed. I panted and glowed beneath him, yeah maybe Eiger would have outlasted him, but I think I came more on his cock than I would have on Eiger’s for once. I shivered and trembled as I thought about it, we’d both just been fucked by huge Siberian tigers, and then fucked each other. Someone I hardly even knew. Ooooh yeah.

            Ooooo,” Jeff panted raising up on his arms and looking down at me. “That was… That was just… Wow.”

            I smiled up at him, “The night is still young. And I’ve got lots more plans for you. Let’s hit the showers and then go find the party.”

            “Sure,” he nodded and slowly pulled out of me. He got up shakily and we got our things together, I fed Saber and Eiger, and then checked the locks and we went off to get cleaned up.


            The party was still going when we got there. I pretty much stayed latched on to Jeff, making it clear I wasn’t looking for anyone else tonight. We chatted about cats and ate some food, I had nailed it pretty much dead on, he was a cat fanatic alright, about as much as I was. I then dragged him off to my room and locked the door, and we fucked again.

            “Wow,” Jeff said, “When I first saw you a few years back in that were-panther outfit I just used to dream about fucking you, holding you, all of that. Being your pet panther who’d get to take you like Saber did. And now here I am, in bed with you.” Jeff should his head, “I can’t believe it.”

            I rubbed up against him, thinking about what he said, “So you’d really like to fuck that were-panther, wouldn’t you?”

            He smiled sheepishly and nodded, “Yeah, you were just so hot in that outfit. Fucking a panther is one of my biggest fantasies, fucking you as a were-panther is probably my biggest fantasy.”

            “And being my pet?” I grinned and pushed him back down on the bed.

            “Well,” he blushed a little, “I’ve always wanted to be a big black panther, so it just sort of went from there.”

            “You know they say you should be careful what you wish for,” I laughed.

            “Oh I am,” he sighed, “but not all wishes come true.”

            I changed, turning into my were-panther form, and smiled showing my fangs and purred loudly, “lets take them one at a time, shall we?”

            He didn’t ask any questions, or even say a word. He just grabbed me and pulled me down and kissed me so hard I was shocked. Then he rolled me over and mounted me almost immediately, pounding me hard until he came. After that he took his time and explored my feline form, and made love to me. We had sex four more times until he finally dropped from exhaustion. I yawned and curled up with him. In the morning I’d find John and we’d see about phase two.


            “Okay, so you understand this clearly,” John was saying to Jeff. “You’re going to become a leopard. Non-morphic, four paws. All of that.”

            Jeff nodded.

            “And you’re going to stay that way for several years at least. Maybe longer if Jean wants it that way, you’re going to belong to her, for all intents and purposes you’re going to be her pet, well slave I guess, and you’ll have to do what she, or any of the rest of the band say.”

            He nodded again.

            “The time to change your mind is now Jeff. Once I change you, it’s gonna be at least a few years before I can change you back.”

            “No I want it. This is like a dream, my dream. I don’t expect it all to be easy or fun, but I’ve got to try it, I want to try it.”

            John shrugged and looked at me, “Full leopard, or sex toy?”

            “Can’t we have both?”

            John thought about it a moment, “I can fix him up so he can change between a true leopard, and one with a more human sized cock, softer tongue, and a rough ability to talk, but his DNA and all that will still be human. So keep away from any labs.”

            I nodded, “Okay” I smiled and kissed John, “Thanks for the gift hon.”

            John smiled, “Well as long as it makes you happy.” He turned towards Jeff, “Come on, this is going to take a while, and we have to get your affairs in order as well. Just remember, She belongs to me, so as her property, you belong to me now as well. I’m not cruel, but you’re going to be a pet, and I expect obedience.”

            “Yes Sir,” Jeff said.

            “No. Yes Master, got it?”

            “Yes Master,” Jeff said bowing his head slightly and looking a little cowed.

            “Better. Now come.”

            I watched as John took him off to his room. He was going to have to fuck Jeff quite a few times, he’d told me privately what it would take to make the change, it was a lot more than he did to the other band members, but not as much as with me. Then there was paperwork, we had to make sure that people wouldn’t think he had been kidnapped or murdered, so we put him on our payroll and had him ship out with us. His things would all go into storage, and that was that.

            John did tell me that turning him back wouldn’t really be that hard, but that he wasn’t going to tell Jeff that, he wanted me to have my pet for at least two years. Somehow I didn’t think Jeff would have a problem with it. And as long as John was in cat form, I think Jeff actually enjoyed the sex. I did take him down one more time to experience the tigers before John changed him, only this time I let both Eiger and Saber fuck him, one after the other. It was fun to watch, he really got off on it. It was kind of fun to meet someone as cat kinky as I was, it really had never happened before.


            A week later I had my new pet. I called him Star and everyone was impressed by how well trained he was. Only the Band knew the full story of course, and I just told those who asked how panthers were terribly smart and Star was highly trained. I kept him on a leash when we went outside, which scandalized a lot of people, inside I just let him run free, he knew the rules and what things he had to watch out for. It took the tigers a while to adjust to him, he did get bit a few times at first but they reached an understanding which was good, because he helped me handling them as well.

            Plus getting fucked by a leopard with a human sized cock was really a turn on. It added a nice spice to things. After about a month he finally settled down into his new role and was just like another member of the family, somewhere along the line he figured out Gary, and I’d find him mounting Gary in the back of the tour bus, or in the hotel.

            Gary asks for it,” he purrgrowled one night while we were screwing.

            “I’ve never heard him,” I chuckled.

            “Anyone on their hands and knees with their tail up like that is asking for it.” He grumbled.

            I laughed.

            Months later in Portland he actually cornered and nailed a groupie. I was mad when I found him, he had her bent over a foot stool and was fucking her brains out. I waited until they both came and then I started to scold him.

            “Please Ms Jean,” she started in, “it’s my fault!”

            I looked at her dumbfounded. “Excuse me?”

            “It’s my fault, he looked so lonely over there by himself and well one thing lead to another and…”

            I looked at Star, he flicked his ears in embarrassment.

            “You understand that he is a highly trained animal, used to being around people, and that most leopards would probably kill you as soon as fuck you?” I asked her.

            She shuddered, probably cumming again just thinking about it and nodded.

            I threw my hands up in the air, “Fine, Star, fuck her to your hearts content.” I looked at her, she was pretty hot, her clothes half off. “Don’t mind me,” I smiled “I’ll just watch.”

            She blushed again, but Star just pushed her over onto her back, and started eating her out. I filmed most of it with a little digital camera I kept with me. He ate her through a wonderful to watch orgasm, then pushed between her legs and mounted her, fucking her through another several orgasms before he came in her again with a loud snarl. When he was finally done with her, I got her name and address, printed out a picture that was obviously her being fucked by what was obviously an animal and gave it to her with a smile.

            “He is highly trained,” she said blushing again, “call me if you ever come back?”

            Star rumbled and I bumped him with a knee. “Do I look like a cat pimp?” I grumbled.

            She blushed again and left getting dressed. Star started getting love letters from her once a week. The Band thought it was pretty funny, they all loved the little porno of her and Star I shot. And every couple of weeks for the rest of the tour I’d catch Star bagging another one. I have to admit he was good, each one gave the same story, though some were less embarrassed than others, and one ate out my rather sodden cunt while Star did her from behind, I’d just finished draining my tigers after the show. She asked what I had been fucking, because she knew human cum and dog cum and had sucked off both. So the next night I let the tigers fuck her then I ate her out while Star fucked me. I’d never eaten tiger cum out of a girls pussy before, I had to admit the taste was rather sweet.

            “That was really mind bending,” Kathy gasped as we lay spent on the floor of the trailer. “How’d you ever train them to do that?”

            I laughed, “It wasn’t that hard, but it was dangerous. To be honest even now it’s still dangerous, I just got lucky with these two.”

            She nodded.

            “So how did you know that was animal cum and not just some guys?” I asked curious.

            “Oh well, I like to fuck dogs,” she chuckled, “plus I’ve sucked off a couple of horses in my time,” she grinned and winked at me.

            “Dogs huh? What’s that like?”

            “Come on back to my house and I’ll let you find out,” she smirked.

            I could feel my pussy tingling, “When?”

            “How bout now?”

            I got up and grabbed my jumpsuit, “Let’s go!” and smiled as she got up and got dressed.

            I let John know and we headed out to her house. She was out in the country, nice and secluded. I noticed she had a barn as well pulled in, but it was late and dark so I couldn’t tell if she had horses. To be honest I didn’t think I wanted to go there. But dogs…

            “Come on in and meet the boys,” she grinned and I followed her in with Star bringing up the rear.

            Four large german Sheppards greeted us at the door, it took them a few moments to get used to Star, but she had them well in hand and got them settled down.

            “Wow, they’re handsome,” I smiled and knelt down to pet them, they crowded round and nosed and licked me.

            “Yeah, they’re pretty well hung too.”

            “What about the knots?” I asked looking up at her.

            “Oh they’ll tie you up, never fear!” She grinned. “So, gonna stand there, or you gonna get naked for my boys?”

            I stood up and shucked the jumpsuit. “What are you going to do?”

            “Watch,” she grinned, “maybe have a few more go round with your panther.”

            I handed her the jump suit, “There’s a camcorder in the pocket, set it up will you?” I smiled and got back down on the floor with the dogs.

            Beowolf!” She commanded, “Bitch!” and pointed at me.

            “Bitch?” I asked as the others laid down to watch and the biggest came over and started to nose me, I ruffled his ear and smiled at him.

            She grinned, “Well that’s what you are tonight, his bitch. Enjoy!”

            I nodded and then gasped as he started to lick my tits, he spent quite a bit of time, doing that getting me rather hot and wet. He picked that up soon enough and soon licked his way down to my cunt, which he proved to be rather adept at sucking. It was different than the cats. They had big long tongues which were like sandpaper. I had taught them to curl them and use them like cocks on me. But the dog’s had long and pliable tongues that they could slip up inside me and do all sorts of interesting things with. It wasn’t long until I was crying out loud and cumming on his tongue.

            “Talented, isn’t he?” Kathy chuckled.

            I noticed she had set the camera down on a table and was letting Star go down on her.

            “Definitely.” I smiled and looked down at Beowolf, he was pawing at my ass with his paw, it wasn’t hard to figure out what he wanted, so I rolled over onto my hands and knees and gasped as he plunged his snout into my cunt again making me moan. I looked down beneath him and could see his cock slipping out. He was pretty well hung alright.

            Bewolf, mount!” Kathy said and rearing up on his hind legs he moved forward and covered me with his body, his paws grabbing my hips as his weight landed on my back.

            Oof! He’s a heavy doggy” I gasped and then Mmmmm, as I felt the pointed tip of his cock bumping up against my now pouting cuntlips. I was about to reach back and guide him in when he found the target and slid up inside me, causing me to gasp.

            “Good boy!” I groaned as he shuffled in close.

            He quickly drove in to the hilt, the narrow tip of his cock making his entry easy, and his cock was smooth like a man’s, not barbed like a cat’s. Once he got it all in he started to fuck me, hard fast and all animal. I started to moan almost instantly, my heavy tits sawying beneath me in time to his hard fast thrusts. I looked at the wall length mirror in the room, its purpose now obvious, watching the dog’s bright red cock pumping in and out of my body, the way my tits bounced in time to his hard thrusts, his tongue lolling out and dripping on my back as he definitely made me his bitch. I came hard on his cock then, and when I started to get my bearings back again I noticed something fat pushing at my cuntlips. It was big!

            Wha… What is that?” I gasped

            “Oh, that’s his knot. You’re about to become inseparable,” she giggled.

            I moaned and pushed back against his thrusts, crying out in pain as suddenly he drove hard and pushed it past my cuntlips, burying it inside me. I could feel his warmth pouring into me, but he was still humping me hard and fast, the knot growing and wedging even tighter inside me.

            “Yup, you’re his bitch now Jean!” she moaned.

            I could feel another orgasm building deep inside, my arms were getting weak and I collapsed beneath Beowolf, my face turned towards the mirror to watch the sexy black and tan Sheppard fucking me, my ass sticking up as I reached down and rubbed my clit hard. I cried out and came again as he howled and I felt his cock start to pump hot dog cum in me, his tight knot locking him in my body as he stood over me. I was most definitely his bitch.

            “Ha.. how long?” I panted feeling our mixed juices starting to leak out past my well spread lips, running down my thighs. Amazingly I could still feel spunk pouring out of his cock into me.

            “Oh, I… I don’t know, fifteen, twenty, maybe a half hour. Depends on how tight you are and how excited he.. he is…” Kathy gasped.

            I turned my head to look and at this point Star had her bent over a table and was fucking her once again. He winked at me.

            “Oh ghod…” I moaned and came again, hard.

            After a while Beowolf turned around, and we stood ass to ass, I came twice more before his knot subsided, and he was able to pull out. By then Star had cum in Kathy yet again, and she was coming out of her own daze.

            “Go sit in that chair,” She panted to me pointing at an overstuffed chair. I did as she said.

            “Prince, Bitch!” she said and pointed at me. Another German Sheppard came over and started in on my now very sloppy and sopping cunt. I moaned still panting and leaned back, spreading my legs and putting my feet on the edge of the chair, sliding forward to get my cunt there as well, then put my hand on the back of the dog’s head, petting him.

            “Prince likes doing it face to face Jean,” she smiled going over to the couch and doing the same. “Think your leopard can do the same?”

            I groaned and looked over at Star, I knew from my own experience he had amazing powers of recuperation. “Fuck until she can’t walk Star,” I moaned and turned my attention back to the handsome canine between my legs.

            “Very intelligent cat you have here!” I heard her gasp as I heard another tongue start to lap on the other side of the room.

            I just nodded and enjoyed the tongue sliding in and out of my pussy as the dog rubbed his nose over my clit. It wasn’t long before I came loudly once again, then he jumped up, putting his paws to either side of my body, licking my tits with his hot tongue. I looked down between my legs, there was his cock, hot, hard, and dripping precum, wagging side to side from his actions. I reached down and grabbed it, he was a –big- dog, and pushed the tip down until it lodged in between the lips of my dripping snatch. He growled and pushed, hard! Driving all the way into my slick channel in one stroke.

            I moaned loudly and looked up into his brown eyes as he fucked me, wrapping my legs around his hips, his furry body rubbing my tits. He lowered his muzzle, I opened my mouth, we kissed long and hard, my tongue exploring his muzzle, as his tongue tickled my tonsils. I wrapped my arms around him and he fucked me hard for I don’t know how long, I lost count after my second orgasm, he as such a sexy dog, taking me just like a man would. When I felt his knot I pushed down against it, helping him tie with me.

            “Oh ghods yes, make me your bitch Prince!” I cried out, “Fuck me and breed me and fill me with your doggy seed!” His fat knot tied deep inside me, stretching my pussy and making my clit stand out. The rubbing of his fur against it gave me several more mind blowing orgasms such that I passed out. When I came to he has resting on top of me, we were tied, and I could feel his seed running down my legs as more still poured up inside me, making my belly feel nice and warm. I smiled up at him as he lay there panting, and pulled his muzzle back down to my lips. He was actually a very good kisser and we necked until he finally slipped out and withdrew twenty or so minutes later.

            I looked over at Star and Kathy, he was fucking her again, they had switched positions from the couch, now she was on her back on the floor and he actually had her bent back. I’d have to try that one with him sometime.

            “Who’s next?” I groaned.

            Shep,” she panted and pointed at me, “Bitch!” She groaned, “Hands and knees again Jean, he prefers his bitches on all fours.”

            I slipped to the floor and just let me face lay against the warm carpet, my ass obscenely angled up in the air. Shep didn’t take long before he got to business and fucked me well and hard, dumping another load deep inside me and tying with me as well. Probably a half hour later he was able to pull out and then King took me, and he had a king sized cock too. He was longer and had a fatter knot and I easily came a dozen times on his cock, he must have tied me up for a good forty or fifty minutes.

            When King was finally done Beowolf nailed me again, I had been going to get up and relax but he just pushed me over and pretty much raped me. I was so thirsty and told Kathy so, she just propped me up with a stool and pushed Prince’s cock in my mouth.

            “Drink this,” she giggled, “It’s tasty and good for you, lots of protein!”

I sucked that dog off the entire time Beowolf fucked me, and was amazed at just how much cum that dog had in him. After Beowolf spent a half our or so in me, dumping another large load of dog cum, Shep had me again doing the same, then I got back onto that chair for Prince, who gave me a nice long fuck, with a heavy makeout session, driving me insane with his knot and his kissing.

Surprisingly King did the same, pushing me back onto the chair when Prince dismounted. I wrapped both hands around his cock, I couldn’t believe how thick it was, I came just watching him drive that log up inside me until his big heavy balls smacked my ass. He fucked me longer the second time around than the first, and I’d swear his knot was as big as a softball. We made out heavily the whole time he fucked me, he’d slide his tongue so far down my throat I couldn’t breath. He’d also switch to licking my tits and biting the nipples occasionally, I was screaming his name when we weren’t kissing, and I came continually on his cock. When he finally came and fell against me panting, I was babbling and moaning and half insane. I don’t know how long he stayed tied inside me, his kisses were sweet and long, and I was cumming from those alone as we made out like I had with Prince, but he was definitely the King, he was better than most men I had fucked.

It was noon when we finally finished, When he pulled out I pulled his cock into my mouth and sucked out all of his remaining cum, cleaning his softening shaft of our combined juices. I fell to the floor then, I was covered in dog cum and weak as a kitten.

            Kathy had passed out hours ago and Star came over and rolled me over. I was too weak to protest as he ass fucked me. “Ahh, at least you have one tight hole left,” he rasped in my ear. I couldn’t help myself. I came when he grabbed my shoulder and dumped his own load in my ass.

            “We really need to get back to the hotel,” I panted to Star, “get me my cellphone, and go wake up Kathy…”

            Star’s idea of waking up Kathy was to fuck her face until she came too. Apparently it worked but he wouldn’t stop until he dumped yet another load. I guess watching me as the guest of honor at a canine gangbang had a bigger effect on him than I expected. We got a driver from the Band to come out and get us; the busses would be leaving soon, so I couldn’t stay a minute longer. We exchanged info and we both corresponded a lot after that.

            “Have fun?” John asked as I stumbled into the tour bus, followed by Star whose tail was definitely dragging.

            “Oh yeah,” I said heading for the beds in the back.

            “You better shower first,” he laughed, “you’re covered with so much cum you’ll stick to the blankets if you don’t.”

            Geesh, what did you get into?” George asked.

            I handed John the small Camcorder I always carried, “see for yourselves…”

            The rest of the Band got a kick out of the video, eight hours of me getting fucked and tied eight times by four big dogs was something to watch, I know I watched it more than once myself over the next few days. I even let a few members of our inside circle watch it a couple of months later when we had the tour wrap party, when they were done they all cornered me and spent eight hours gangbanging me themselves. I had been kind of hoping for something like that, sometimes I’m just such a complete slut I have to admit. But that I made sure wasn’t recorded however and John fucked me into complete submission and unconsciousness when they were done with me. He was still the best.