This piece features a lot of gay sex, some bondage, some masochism and violence. If you are underage or offended by such things do not read!! Copyright 2000 Rael Bayellis

King's Cat (Part 1)

He lay unconscious before the Master, his wounds bandaged by the best healer in the castle.

"The healer says he will live Milord," the other in the room said, "for all that his wounds appeared to be so extreme."

The Master looked down at the bandaged form on the pallet. The dressings had been changed, he could see that, but there was still several very large crimson stains on them. "I wonder why he did it?"

"Who knows the mind of a slave Milord."

"This one was not born a slave Halronde, I took him in battle a year ago. He was a most accomplished warrior, I fought him myself, an enjoyable challenge compared to most of what we faced that day."

Halronde chuckled, "But he still lost, didn't he Milord?"

The Master grinned, "Of course, but it wasn't an easy fight all the same. If he had not been one of the leaders that day I might have offered him a position in one of my armies. But as the only one who recovered from his wounds I had to make an example of him."

"So you'd think he'd hate you and want you dead."

The Master nodded, "But instead he risks his life stopping those assassins."

"A most curious puzzle Milord."

"A most curious puzzle indeed, one I intend to find the answer to..." and the Master turned, padding out on silent feet, his tail lashing behind him as he left the room. "Now tell me about this new toy you've found to warm my bed?"

"Ah yes Milord, this one is reputed to have been very well trained..." his advisor began, as they walked away, the subject changed.

Balizar regained consciousness slowly over the next several days, his lucid periods getting longer and longer every time he awoke. That he was still alive pleased him greatly, once he remembered what had happened. He knew he had saved the Master, which was the only way Balizar had ever thought of King Rassnor since the day of his loss in combat.

He looked down at himself, noting that he had been well cared for indeed during his recovery. His fur was clean, as were the bandages wrapping his wounds. He decided to try and sit up, but a hand pushed him back down.

"Rest easy there yet Son, you're not yet fully healed"

He looked over at the old Badger sitting next to the pallet he was on. "Thank you for treating my wounds, Madam"

"Don't thank me, his Highness commanded that I do it," she replied a little harshly.

"You don't like the Master I take it?" he sighed settling back down, too weak to resist yet.

"Oh, he's alright enough I guess, but I spend way too much time healing his bed slaves."

Balizar chuckled in spite of himself, "I have heard the rumors, they say he is rather 'energenic'."

"Energenic hell!" She sighed, "He has killed several of those young males, and many just cannot withstand his 'passion' for long. His violence and strength may have made him an excellent warrior, but elsewhere...."

"Hush, old woman!" He growled. "It is not our place to question the Master's ways."

She looked at him askance "Mighty strange words to come from a slave you know."

"The affairs of warriors are different."

"Well I'd agree to that. And at least he's only that bad with slaves, not the free folk." She leered a bit at him at that, making her point.

Balizar closed his eyes and pretended to sleep. Talking with her was obviously not something he could enjoy.

After a few more days he was able to stand, and care for himself again. He was mostly kept to the small room he had awoken in, but they did allow him to walk outside once a day. His guard was a single tiger warrior of the same tribe as the Master, with the same black on black striping. The guard wasn't interested in talk much, but neither was Balizar really. About two weeks later the old female Badger came back, and looked him over, obviously surprised at his condition.

"Either I did a better job then I thought, or you're a fast healer," was all she said to him. She then turned to the guard, "Tell your lord he's healed." And with that left.

Rassnor sighed and looked over at Halronde, his senior advisor. Halronde was from another tiger clan, but one with old ties to his. His appearance was the typical yellow and white striped with black, and he stood a good seven feet tall with the strong build of most tigerkind. His age showed clearly however, he was the oldest member of Rassnor's court.

"Broke another one, didn't you Milord?" Halronde chided mildly.

Rassnor sighed again and nodded, "Word gets around quick it seems."

"Well, I am your council head, so it shouldn't be surprising." He looked up at the young King. Rassnor was a good eight feet tall, and had arms like most male's thighs. On top of that he moved with a speed and grace almost unnatural in one so big. He felt sorry for his lord though when it came to matters of sex. Rassnor needed someone more his own size really, who could withstand the rigors of his attentions.

The King nodded, "Well, maybe the next one will last longer. So tell me about that leopardkind healing in my basement."

"He's healed as of today Milord. At least the healer tells me so."

Rassnor nodded, "Good. Send him up, maybe he can take my mind off of my crotch for a while."

Halronde nodded and signaled to the guard at the door who nodded and left. "I'm sure you'll get by Milord," he chuckled.

Balizar followed the guard through the halls of the castle, looking around impressed at the sights. He had never been inside of the main house before, it was rather impressive. The Master's family had reined long and successfully, and it showed throughout the place. He checked his fur again, glad that they had given him time to prepare for the audience. He had bathed and brushed his fur, from nose to tail. They had even given him a new loin cloth, that hung down between his legs, though it left his hips bare.

Then suddenly he was led into a small room, the Master's private chambers. He looked up and saw his Master there, the one who had beaten him so severely that day on the field of combat, the only one who had ever beaten him on the field of combat. He kneeled, "Master" was all he could say.

Rassnor watched the leopard come in, fur as black as night, his stride one of confidence, and obviously some pride. He was a well built specimen, a little over six foot tall with a well defined body. The way the loin cloth hung on him, left little to the imagination. Rassnor felt that familiar stirring in his groin. But he sighed inwardly, he was going to reward this male for his service, not sentence him to the fate of so many of his previous sex partners.

"Leave us," he commanded the guard, watching the leopard fall to his knees and bow in homage to his Master. It was hard to believe that only a few weeks ago he had been so badly wounded. He shook his head slightly and wondered once again why this one had done as he had.

Balizar looked up slowly, eyes moving carefully up the legs of his Master before him, taking it all in. He hadn't seen him this close up since that day so long ago. When he got to the fine loin cloth that most males wore his eyes stopped however. His Master was obviously rather well endowed, and a little aroused, and getting more so by the minute. He couldn't pull his eyes away.

"I have decided to reward you," Rassnor looked at the paper Haldrone had handed him, "Balizar, for your service to me. Your actions most certainly saved me from harm, at some risk to yourself." Rassnor noticed that the leopard's tail was rather high, and his rump looked rather inviting, then again tried to put that out of his mind. Only a day and all ready he was getting horny.

Balizar's mind was only half on the words his Master was speaking. His eyes were fixed firmly on the black tiger's crotch now, watching the bulge getting larger in front of him, his own heart starting to pound. He licked his lips...

"So there fore, on the advice of my councilor, I have decided to grant you the favor of your freedom from Slavery to my household." Rassnor finished, his own tail starting to lash, as the thick leopard tail seemed to waver even higher now.

Balizar's head came up when he heard that, his eyes making contact with his Master's for the first time since so long ago. He could see the fire there, he knew what he wanted. "I would rather have another favor of you Master," he purred.

Rassnor blinked, shocked! He noticed his advisor, the only other in the room, looked rather shocked as well. He growled dangerously down at the leopard still kneeling before him, "You'd spurn my gift? You'd shun my gratitude?"

"No Master," Balizar shook his head and bowed deeply, "If I may be so bold Master?"

"Ask!" he growled louder moving closer...

"I want to be your bed slave," Balizar purred softly.

Rassnor stopped, shocked. The leopard was bowed low, tail high, in obvious submission, and his eyes were staring quite blatantly at the now painful erection in Rassnor's crotch.

"Take me Master, I'm yours...."

Rassnor's hands went to the fasteners on his loincloth, letting it drop to the floor and he nodded at Haldrone who quickly left the room. He smiled down at Balizar and stroked his thick black cock, which was now clearly visible to the leopard who was wide eyed, but licking his lips all the same.

"On your paws and knees..." He growled.

Balizar lowered himself properly, spreading his knees and lifting his ass, tail held to the side for his Master. "Please, take me Master"

Rassnor moved fluidly between the leopard's legs, using his knees to spread them wider as he moved in close, his cock already dripping pre-cum. He couldn't believe his excitement, he looked down at the lovely rump presented for him to mount. Pressing his thick cockhead against the tight ass ring he leaned forward and started to push slowly.

"Oh yesss Master, that's it...." Balizar purred softly.

Rassnor grunted and kept leaning forward, his pre slickening the tight ring before him. With a loud groan he popped inside the tight cat, and moaned loudly at the firm grip on the head of his shaft.

Balizor cried out in pain. It had been a long time since he had been mounted, and his Master's cock was without a doubt one of the biggest he had ever seen. But he had to take it, he knew he belonged here since that day when he lost. He relaxed his muscles and took a deep breath, then pushed back against the thick cock in his ass, willing himself to take all of it.

Rassnor watched as the tight black ass started to push back onto his cock, slowly impaling itself. Grabbing the leopard's nice firm hips he guided inch after inch of his dark meat down into the leopard's bowels, until all fourteen inches had disappeared, and his heavy ball sac was brushing up against the leopard\x92s smaller one.

"You like that, don't you?" he groaned

"Yes," Came the pained reply from beneath him.

"You want me to fuck you, don't you?" he growled and leaned over the leopard, covering him with his bigger body, placing his paws over the leopard's, pinning him in place under him.

"Yesss Master, just start off slowly please...."

He laughed and pulled his hips back, until just the crown of his cock was inside the leopard, then slowly pushed back in, letting his precum help grease his shaft as he got ready to fuck his new toy.

"You asked for this, and you are going to get it!" he growled and started to pump his hips harder, using more of his strength on each thrust.

Balizar groaned, it hurt, but it also felt good. The cock starting to pump deep into his bowels was sending thrills into him as well as pain. The bumps along the shaft pulling at all the right places more then the wrong ones as his ass adjusted.

"Yes Master!" He moaned, "Yesss....

Rassnor smiled and started to pump harder, leaning forward he started to nibble on the smaller male's neck, rumbling in his ear, "You want it don't you my little fucktoy?"

"Oh yes Master," Balizar pushed back against the hard thrusts, feeling the heavy ball sac bouncing against his, "Fuck me hard, conquer me here on your carpet like you did in combat."

Rassnor gave a loud rumble of pleasure as he established a hard fast pace, rocking the smaller leopard with each of his fuck thrusts, listening to the gasp of breath coming from beneath him as each of his deep thrusts drove the breath from the other's lungs. His balls stirred beneath him, as his hips smacked in to the leopard's well rounded rump, this was no pampered sex toy beneath him, it was a warrior, one he had conquered and made into his slave.

"Yes Master," Balizar panted and groaned all feelings of pain gone now as he submitted to the huge tiger. "Use me, fuck me hard, cum in me, take me\x85". His own shaft was hard and dripping pre onto the carpet beneath him as he lowered his head to the floor, circling his ass back against the tiger's strokes, making the thick tiger shaft stir inside him and the 'barbs' pull at all the right places. His orgasm was fast approaching.

Rassnor growled and seized the leopard's neck hard in his muzzle, holding him fast from escaping, even though it was obvious to his rational side that this lover had no intention of escape. He dug his hind claws in to the ground for better purchase as he felt his cock begin to swell, his strong legs and hips driving his cock even more brutally now. Rassnor was a very rough lover, and got as much pleasure from inflicting violence in bed, as in the battlefield. The thought that perhaps he had found some one who could withstand his lusts and desires ran through his head, and down to his balls. With a loud snarling growl he drove his cock in to the hilt and held it there, then released his grip and arched his back, roaring into the room as his cock started to pump and spray, his cum pouring into the fuck slut beneath him.

Balizar arched up under his Master pushing back hard and grinding on his cock as he felt the shaft go steely hard, his own orgasm starting just as the first hot spurts of cream started to fill his bowels. With a smaller roar he answered his Master, his arms collapsing under the weight above him, his butt still levered obscenely in the air, with his Master's cock planted deeply in it. His ass clenched down tight with each shot of his own cum, the white cream streaking his dark chest.

Rassnor fell down on top of Balizar now, the rhythmic massaging of the assring spread so wide by his thick shaft surprising him, as the leopard's ass milked his spurting cock. Very few had enjoyed his fucking so much as to cum themselves. He smiled to himself, a little evilly he was honest enough to admit, he would have fun pushing this one to its limits. And as this one had volunteered, he would feel no remorse if he should break him. He let his legs slide out straight, his entire weight pressing down on the leopard as he began to lick and nuzzle the back of the dark head, feeling very happy with the future now.

Balizar gave a small grunt as he felt his Master transfer all of his heavy body on to his. He let his own legs slide down, until he was laying flat, pinned to the floor. His belly felt full and warm, Rassnor having filled him with quite a bit of his seed. He sighed happily, and reached back behind him to stroke at the tiger's muzzle as Rassnor started to lick and nuzzle him, the sensations of the thick cock still buried deeply in him causing him to close his eyes and purr quite happily.

Rassnor gave an answering purr of his own, and snuggled down on his new toy, drifting off to a contented nap.

Haldrone looked at Rassnor as his liege attacked his breakfast with a relish he hadn't seen in some time. "I take it the new slave worked out well then Milord?" he asked smiling.

"Unbelievably well," Rassnor chuckled shaking his head, "After our initial get together I took him to my bed and mated him twice more, at his prodding no less."

"Oh? I take it you've developed some restraint then?"

"Hell no, that's what's so amazing, I drew blood the second time I took him, when I lost control in my lust," Rassnor grinned, looking almost sheepishly as he admitted to Haldrone something he had never admitted before, "and I swear he came as hard as I did. Then later on he still urges me to take him again, and with the scent of blood in the room, I know I got rough with him! Yet this morning I awake to find him snuggled up against me all smiles and purrs.

He shook his head, "I had to order him to see the healer, he wanted to please me again. I cannot believe this is the same cat I fought so hard against."

"Well he is a handsome specimen, I'll say that. I asked around some about him last night while you were ummm, 'occupied' with him."

"You mean trying to fuck him to death," Rassnor laughed.

Haldrone shared his liege's good humor with a smile. "Yes, any ways, it wasn't very enlightening, he worked hard, and wasn't much of a problem, about what you'd expect of a prisoner who had been taken under his own parole, not one who had been made a slave. And it seems he didn't dally with any of the male or female slaves or guards, which when you consider his good looks, you know he had to have offers."

"Really? Interesting\x85"

"Yes, the guards say he seemed to be fairly devote in his religious belief's, but as they weren't ours they didn't look into them too closely. Seems most of them had forgotten he was a slave, and felt he was a prisoner waiting for ransom, or some such, because he acted the soldier the entire time."

Rassnor paused a moment from his eating to smile, "Discipline always serves the warrior who follows it, you taught me that one yourself Haldrone!"

"Yes, but it worries me."

"Why? Cause he was so quick to crawl around with his butt in the air for me? Does it bother you that a warrior should like to be taken by another?" Rassnor looked up a little dangerously at his advisor, he knew some did not approve of his tastes, but he had never heard Haldrone comment on it.

Haldrone gave a sigh and made a throwing away motion with a hand, "Milord, while I may have a wife and sired several healthy sons of my own, I would like to remind you of just who picked out your last birthday present?"

Rassnor blushed under his facial fur, "I had forgotten that." He admitted.

"Truth is I do prefer fems, but I have spent some time with males as well. Especially with the vanquished in my younger days as your father's general. There's something to be said for the rape of a rebel officer, helps keep the others in line.

But I digress, the point is this Balizar has to have heard about how so many of your lovers have ended up battered and bruised, and quite a few dead as well. Yet he threw himself at you like a fem in heat."

Rassnor shook his head, "I don't care. He obviously doesn't want to kill me, and to have one willing, oh so willing\x85" he stopped for a moment and grinned, "He wants me to use him, he's made it clear. I plan to do just that too."

Haldrone shrugged, "Well, then I guess it's settled Milord," and he thought to himself that with the way his lord used his bed slaves, this one probably wouldn't live much longer anyway.

Balizar went to the healer as he had been commanded. He didn't want to, the gouges down his side weren't that deep, and the bleeding from the bite on his shoulder had stopped. When he got to the old Fem badger she just sat him down and cleaned the wounds.

"So, got yourself in his bed didja'? Bet you weren't expecting that when he called for you!" she cackled. "At least these aren't that deep."

"I asked to share his bed, if it is any of your concern," he growled and glared at her. "and you would be wise to keep a civil tongue about the Master in my presence."

She looked at him askance, and for once he saw she looked actually concerned. "You do know how most of his lovers, hell, all of the slaves he has had, end up sooner or later, don't you?"

He looked back and nodded, "Yes".

"And you're happy to be facing that? I can see from these scratches that he went easy on you last night boy, but it's only gonna get worse!"

"I am made of a bit stronger stuff then his past slaves woman. I am a Zhinatao. And if he should decide to end my days, that is his right as my Master."

She shook her head, "I ain't never heard of the Zhinatao, you must be a strange people. But far be it from me to try and tell you how to live your life."

She finished with him then and sent him off to eat. He found the kitchens and was met with some sympathy there. Word always traveled fast in castles he knew, and they all felt he was the condemned man. But they were all far to respectful of their lord to say anything bad about him, so he enjoyed their company and ate the best meal he had tasted since his capture.

Afterwards he found himself bored. He knew his Master had things to attend to during the day, and being idle wasn't his way, so he searched out the practice grounds.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Asked the Master at Arms, as he entered the training area.

"The Master has no need of me right now, so I thought I would come and exercise, perhaps practice, it has been a long time since I held a sword." Balizar stated blandly. He knew that he was taking a chance in this, but his Master hadn't told him no and now that he wasn't working in the fields and on the roads anymore he needed something to stay in shape.

"If you think I'm gonna put a weapon in the hand of one of my Lord's slaves, you must think me daft!" he growled.

"No, but I'm sure the Master wouldn't want me to get fat from sitting around, would you?" and he grinned and flicked his tail.

The tiger laughed "Oh, I don't think you'll have time for that."

"Well how about a practice sword? Even a wooden one?"

"Can't see no harm in that, though if you try to leave with it, I'll split your skull and take my chances with milord's wrath."

Balizar nodded, "Only fair, and I promise to behave."

The armsman got him a wooden practice sword and set him to an area to practice forms. Balizar knew he had a lot of rust to get off, and spent the rest of the day practicing hard.

For his part the Master at Arms watched the leopard's workout when he wasn't busy with something else. It was impressive, he hadn't heard many rumors about the King's new bed slave, but it was quickly apparent that this addition had considerable skill at arms. He made a note to mention it to the King's advisor.

Balizar hurried back to his Master's chambers after he had his dinner. He was careful to not eat too much, he didn't want a full stomach he thought to himself grinning, because when he served his Master he wanted to be sure to enjoy it. He cleaned himself and put on the clean loin cloth left for him, then went to the chambers to wait.

Rassnor took his time with his own dinner. He joked with his dinner guests, letting the anticipation rise. His loins were on fire with the prospect for tonight. He was going to conquer his leopard again tonight, fuck that tight ass good and hard. But maybe a game or two first to really get his blood going.

Eventually he nodded to his guests and left the table, allowing them to leave as well. He strolled back to his quarters nodding to the guard by the door as he went in, his arousal quite evident by then. He laughed to himself, it had been ages since a slave had gotten him so horny.

"Come and kneel before me my little cockslut!" he growled as he entered the room.

Balizar rushed to comply, kneeling quickly.

Rassnor looked down and smiled, then quickly turned and backhanded Balizar, knocking him back and sending him sprawling. He removed his clothes as he looked at his slave, sprawled on the floor, looking up at him stunned from the blow, but with no anger in his eyes anywhere.

"I wish to take you forcibly tonight Balizar"

"As my Master wishes, I exist to serve you," Balizar replied getting to his feet.

"I don't think you understand. I want you to resist, I want you to fight me off to the best of your ability, holding back nothing. If I think for a moment you are not trying your damnedest to win, I will have you punished, severely." Rassnor noticed that Balizar almost looked hurt at the last part, he grinned.

"I promise you Master, I will do my best to beat you." And Balizar attacked.

The fight went on for a good 20 minutes. Rassnor was surprised at the fierceness of his slave's attack, and it quickly fired the bloodlust in him. They traded blows and punches, Balizar moving fast and never allowing the larger tiger to close and grapple. They both used their claws though Rassnor didn't get cut half as much as Balizar as they dodged and parried.

Balizar had taken several good punches in the head, with a good kick to the stomach by then, and though he gave almost as good as he got. Rassnor had the reach, and they knew it. It wasn't a fair fight, but neither wanted one, Rassnor wanted to win, Balizar wanted to prove he was worthy of being won. The end came when Rassnor rocked the leopard's head with a round house punch that dazed him long enough for Rassnor to tackle him. Then he pounded the leopard's head into the ground a few times for good measure, still in the battle frenzy, and rolled him onto his stomach.

As soon as Balizar realized what was happening, he tried to kick and scramble out of the way. A growl and a jaw clamping down on the back of his neck warned him not to, and feeling the thick cock head once again brushing under his tail, he submitted fully, assuming the position to be mounted.

Rassnor's bloodlust turned to a sexual frenzy now as his slave, duly won submitted to his will, and he quickly pressed home his advantage, enjoying the cry of pain as he buried himself to the hilt on the first stroke and started fucking hard and fast, feral in his excitement.

Balizar pressed his face to the ground, trying to open himself up more to the fierce pounding his ass was taking, his own hardon softening at first. At this pace he knew his Master wouldn't last long, so he panted and humped back as much as he could.

Rassnor smiled to himself, reveling in Balizar's submission, and willingness to be abused by him. They both knew who the Master was.

Balizar's rump finally started to adjust as his Master hit his long strokes, working hard on the ones that would take him to completion. Balizar groaned and panted, and started to clench down hard with his ass, urging his Master on, doing his best to give his Master the best ride of his life.

With a loud growl and a snarl, Rassnor slammed in hard, as he started to cum, his hips then losing their steady rhythm as he bucked against the leopard, filling the tight ass and claiming his prize. He shot pulse after pulse of hot seed deep inside before finally pulling out and spraying the last few white globs of cum on the jet back fur. Looking down at his handy work he sprawled back onto a pile of cushion's panting, smiling at the leopard ass, waving in the air under a thick lashing tail, trying to recapture his cock.

"Come here slut," he growled.

Balizar moved quickly to comply, but not as quickly as before, considering his beaten and aroused state.

"Make me stiff again, then ride me like a good fuck toy."

"Yes Master" Balizar panted, and he leaned over and started to lick clean his Master's cum slicked cock, his head still dizzy. Carefully he wrapped a paw around the bas of the thick shaft, holding it steady and closing his eyes, letting the scent of his Master's musk and seed fill his nostrils, as the taste of the Tiger's seed and cock played over his tongue.

By the time he had licked the shaft to a nice clean slickness, it was starting to firm up again. So Balizar opened his jaw wide and sucked the head past his lips, letting his tongue lash and probe, running it over the wide piss slit, enjoying the sounds of his Master's groans of pleasure.

Rassnor smiled down at the leopard working over his cock so hungrily, he could see his slave was as aroused as he was, as he sucked the tip of his once again hard cock.

"Enough!" he growled, smiling. "I want your ass now..."

Balizar looked up with a smile and nodded, climbing up onto his Master's lap, flicking his tail out of the way as he wiggled his ass, and started to work the bloated head of the thick tiger cock against his asshole. Pressing back he purred softly and then gave a soft moan when the head suddenly popped inside.

Rassnor rumbled loud in pleasure as he watched the leopard start to slide down his shaft, the cat's eyes glazing over in pleasure as he lowered himself, body starting to squirm in pleasure as he bottomed out, ass pressed against Rassnor's hips.

"You like that, don't you slut?" Rassnor purred, laying back and enjoying the view.

"Ohhhh yes Master," came the weak reply, "yess..."

Rassnor smiled and placed his paws on the leopard's hips, helping to guide him, he still looked rather dizzy, and a bit bloody from the earlier beating. But he also seemed determined to ride tiger cock, and Rassnor was more then willing to help his slave comply to his orders.

Balizar worked his body up and down, the dizziness in his head clearing, as he knew it would, and his strength slowly returning. The feeling of the large piece of tiger meat sliding in and out of him was just oh so delightful. The knowledge that his Master had proven his worth once more, exciting as well. He had held nothing back, and his Master had bested him again, and then fucked him hard and well, again as only fitting. He closed his eyes and moved his hips faster, groaning and purring his pleasure loudly as he claimed his own reward, his mouth hanging open and panting as he worked his ass for his Master, clenching and twisting for all he was worth.

For his part Rassnor was amazed at the leopard's resilience, and obvious lust for him. The way he moved, sinuously and full of obvious desire, helped fire the King's passions once again. When he finally came, he bucked his hips up against the firm ass of the leopard, smiling as the smaller cat's cock shot it's own creamy load over his chest. Pulling his slave close he fell asleep feeling quite comfortable with the other laying on his belly, softening cock still held in a tight warm grasp.

"Another enjoyable night Milord?" Halronde asked, entering the dinning room and seeing his King once again was eating a rather hearty breakfast.

"Ah, yes Halronde! An enjoyable evening followed by a nice morning."

"And the slave?"

"Sent to the healer again," he sighed with a smile. "I was rougher with him last night then any I have ever used before, well any that I expected to live that is. And still he endured it, I should have taken a warrior long ago, we are made of much stronger stuff."

"I take it he's as devoted as yesterday?" Halronde asked curious.

"Yes, after the way he woke me this morning, I have no doubts. It's as if he worships me. I can't understand it," he shook his head with a smile, sighing again. "But I will not question it."

"I had a few reports on him you know."

"Really?" Rassnor paused in his eating, "what about?"

"Seems he went down to the training area and worked out yesterday afternoon. They only let him have a wooden sword, but the Master at Arms was impressed."

Rassnor nodded, "I'm not surprised. Tell them he may have steel when he goes down today."

Halronde raised his eyebrows, "Are you sure Milord?"

Rassnor nodded, "Yes. This one is special, and I like him having his pride, it makes his submission to me all the more... enjoyable."

"Assuming he continues to submit Milord."

Rassnor laughed, "It's as I told you Halronde, he pretty much worships me. I can see it in his eyes, he knows his place..."

"...and that place is under you?" Halronde chuckled as he finished the sentence.

"Exactly. Did you hear anything else?"

"Yes actually, I went to the healer and asked what she knew of him, she told me what you pretty much just had, that he is obviously devoted to you, he stood up for you when she commented on the scratches you had given him the other night. Also, he mentioned that he is a Zhinatao."

"Zhinatao? I do not recall ever hearing of that tribe."

"Me neither Milord, but I have made some inquiries of the scholars, I suspect we will learn eventually."

Rassnor nodded his head, in thought.

Balizar made his way to the healer once again, not really wishing too, but orders were orders, and he could not question his Master when he was showing such obvious concern. The Healer examined him again, and looked at him a little strangely.

"Sore I take it?"

"A little, but it will pass."

She nodded, but said nothing further, so Balizar headed off to the practice grounds once more. He noticed he was on the receiving end of a few curious glances from the guards as he got there. Walking up to the Master at Arms, he inquired if he could once again practice.

"Ahh, yes. The King's companion is most welcome here," he smiled, turning to the rack behind him.

"I would hardly give myself such a lofty title," Balizar replied, trying not to blush.

"Well," continued the old tiger handing over a practice sword to Balizar's surprise, "we all know the King's tastes, and mere slaves aren't given actual swords to practice with, now are they?"

Balizar looked at the sword and back up at the tiger, "What?"

"Milord commanded it, I guess he feels good swordsmen shouldn't be let to grow slack in their skills. At least that would be my take on it. My names Chetarack by the way, but you can just call me Chet."

Balizar smiled, "I am called Balizar, Bal for short if you wish."

"Well Bal, you can go use the pells if you want, let me know if you need anything else."

Balizar nodded and thanked the old weapons master again, feeling a warm glow inside at the indirect acknowledgment of his Master's trust. He set to his practice with renewed intensity, determined to do his Master proud. Breaking only for a light lunch he worked hard through out the day, inwardly pleased at how well he was progressing. It would not be long until he had returned to the height of his skills.

As he walked back to his Master's rooms, to clean up for the evening, he was surprised several times by the nods of the castle guards. The acceptance, no matter how minor, by his Master's people again made him feel warm inside.

Rassnor was quite surprised as he entered his chambers that night, it was later then usual, there had been a council that day and it had run long into the night. He was in ill temper by the time it was finished, wanting very much to harangue several of his nobles, and positively throttle one in particular. But he had managed to keep his temper and hold his tongue, having learned from his father that sometimes duty required that you at least appear calm and reasonable.

So it was in this frame of mind that he entered to see his Slave tied to the wall, with a large assortment of whips and floggers laid out.

"What is the meaning of this Slave?" he growled, a familiar stirring in his loins once more.

"If my Master will forgive me, I heard of the difficulties you were having today, and I know you cannot work out those frustrations on your nobles."

"So you thought I might wish to work them out on you?" he growled again, letting his anger flow, as he picked up one of the whips.

"This is my gift to you my Master," Balizar purred and closed his eyes waiting.

Rassnor nodded and looked over his slave, then took a practice lash against one of the rooms pillars. Satisfied he took the next at his toy, a deep part of him satisfied at the sound of the whip on flesh, at the way his toy arched his back. He struck again, mindful of his placement, his baser half satisfied by the affect the whip was having on the panther. He smiled and imagined for a moment that Duke Niefeld was before him instead, and let the Duke have the next ten lashes, each carefully placed. He marveled at his slave's ability to not cry out, he was sure the Duke could never match such restraint.

Setting the whip down he came over to check his handy work, he had been careful not to break the skin, checking the large welts that had been raised. He noticed a slight trickle of blood from Balizar's muzzle, a bit lip.

"You should have put something in your muzzle to bite down on," he chided, grabbing a whip and sticking the padded handle in the leopard's mouth. "Use this, I am not done with you yet."

Balizar accepted the handle, clamping down on it with his teeth, his back on fire, and his mind numb. He had never been whipped before, and if he had realized how much it hurt, he might not have offered this. But he had and he would see it through.

Rassnor picked up one of the floggers, and checked its weight. He started in on his slave's back once more, though spending more time on the nice rump before him that he had hardly touched with the whip. He could use the flogger a lot longer with out any serious damage to his toy, unlike the whip which could easily main or kill, and he did so to great advantage working out his anger. It occurred to him as he checked the leopard's eyes, that if he wanted to, he could whip this cat to death, and no one, not even this cat, would say a word. But if he did, he would most certainly be lost.

Rassnor set the whip down and untied his slave, helping him to stand as he was weak and stiff. He pulled the whip from his mouth and led his over to the bed, laying him down on his stomach.

"I apologize my Slave, I went a little too far tonight." Rassnor sighed, looking down at the panting leopard.

"I'm sorry Master, I have never been under the lash before," Balizar whispered, trying to keep the pain from his voice.

"Then why did you offer it?" Rassnor asked, "Why do such a thing?"

"Because you have shown me your faith in me, with the gift of the sword today. I could do no less then offer you something to show my faith in you Master."

"But a whipping?"

"One of the guards told me you get some pleasure from it."

Rassnor sighed "Yes I do, but usually I stop sooner then this. Normally I would never pick up the whips when I am already so angry." Rassnor placed a paw on the leopard's rump, watching the cat jump slightly, feeling the heat there from the flogging.

"You do things to me Slave. Most of them I enjoy, though this time I think I learned something important about myself. I almost went too far tonight. I promise not to do that again."

"I think I understand Master." Balizar sighed, shifting his legs a little wider to ease the pain.

Rassnor gave a low rumble as he watched the leopard's ass squirm.

"Yes Master?"

"Nothing," Rassnor sighed. "I just horny as hell, for all that I did learn something, your gift did work my anger off, and leave me hard as a rock."

Balizar spread his legs a bit farther, "Then mount me now Master, take me once again."

"I think I caused you enough pain tonight," Rassnor said standing.

Balizar wrapped his tail around Rassnor's arm, making his pause, "Master, sex with you is never pain. Please, don't go."

Rassnor heard the pleading note in the leopard's voice, and sighed again, only now he was smiling. "Okay, but tonight I will be gentle."

"Thank you Master" Balizar purred.

He purred again louder as he felt his Master move between his legs, giving a little gasp of surprise as he felt something cool and slick applied to his ring by the Tiger

"Something to make it easier tonight," Rassnor rumbled.

Balizar nodded mutely as he felt the wide head press up against his pucker once more, a loud sigh of pleasure escaping his muzzle as his Masters cock head slipped past his asshole, slowly climbing up his bowels, moving deeper and deeper into his body. He shuddered as he felt Rassnor's breath lightly blowing over his back.

Rassnor himself was once again in heaven. The tight clenching ass ring of his slave once again massaging his thick black cock, his balls bumping again against the smaller cats sac. He began a nice slow rhythm, taking his time, stirring his shaft as he fucked, enjoying the hot ass wrapped around him. Letting his speed build slowly.

Balizar started to push back against the thrusts from behind, working his hips in time to the tiger's thrusts, paws clenching at the bed beneath him as the thick cock once again worked its magic on him. "Cum in your fucktoy Master," he moaned, "Use my ass..."

Rassnor sunk his claws into the bed sheets, looking down at the cat beneath him, surprised at how much his slave was throwing himself back at his cock, squirming and starting to beg for his seed. He growled in pleasure and let his pace increase, making no effort to be long tonight, just working to achieve his pleasure quickly, and give the leopard on his cock what he so obviously desired.

Balizar cried out in pleasure, a few minutes later when Rassnor's thick shaft began to jerk and pulse inside his guts, the warm feeling of the thick ropey tigercum causing him to shoot his own seed as he collapsed on the bed, panting. His Master\x92s loving caresses on his head and neck where the last things he recalled that night as he feel asleep.

Balizar woke in the middle of the night, to a tongue bathing his ear. "Master?"

"How are you feeling?" Rassnor's voice was soft, his breath warm in Balizar's ear.

"Well Master, my back hurts like a bitch," Balizar began, feeling his Master tense up as he said that, as Rassnor had pulled him back against his chest. "But I'd be lying if I said I wanted you to stop pressing up against my back and holding me."

"You sure?"

"Very sure Master."

"I need to ask you some things my Slave. And I want answers, truthful ones."

"Of course Master."

"I need to know why. Why have you let me do this to you?"

"Because you need this outlet Master, and I can provide it."

"That's not what I asked, and you know it! You could have gone free, instead of becoming a fucktoy for a tiger who likes to combine fucking with fighting way too often."

Balizar shook his head and chuckled softly, "You may not believe me Master."

"Try me," Rassnor growled softly.

"Okay, my people are warriors as you probably guessed. Some of our best warriors are chosen to roam. Roam until we have lost in combat to someone our obvious superior. We are called by our god to do this, and it is said when we lose, we lose our pride, and so can see clearly the task set for us."

Rassnor chewed on that for a moment.

"Also," Balizar continued, "It is my people's tradition, that when you beat a warrior in combat, you take him, physically."

Rassnor raised an eyebrow in the dark. "Ohhh?"

"Yes," Balizar nodded, "And I could not continue on until you had taken me. To do so would be on par with blasphemy. And so of course I had to do something that day when you were attacked by those cowards."

"And then you got your chance to complete the ritual, being fucked by the one who had bested you in combat." Rassnor growled softly. "So now what?"

"Now? Now I stay."

"What about your task?" Rassnor sighed, giving the leopard's ear a nip.

Balizar chuckled and jumped a little in the tiger's arms. "I had spent some time here before that of course. And in that time, I learned much about you, slaves do gossip about their King and all. And well, ummm..."

"Yesss?" Rassnor growled.

"I really enjoyed what you did to me, especially the second night..." he said a little embarrassed.

"Oh really now..." Rassnor snickered.

Balizar nodded slowly, "You are better then me. And you've shown me that, twice. When you take me, it just seems right, not to mention what you feel like inside me." He shivered a little, "plus I can take it. It's clear to me, you are a great warrior, and my god has sent me to serve you. The fact that I admire you, and enjoy serving you just makes it all the easier."

"So you wish to stay here, with me?" Rassnor asked softly.

"With all my heart my Master," Balizar purred, "I am forever yours."

"You look a little worried today Milord," Halronde observed as he looked at his King eating his breakfast, "Problem with the slave?"

"Not worried so much as thoughtful. Once again I pushed it a little too far last night. I had started to believe that all of those slaves and lovers I had hurt, I had hurt intentionally. I was on the verge of becoming cruel, I was going farther then I needed to with him.


"And while I do like it to be rough, I had no desire to damage those slaves. Now I have someone who can fulfill me in those times I need to assert myself. This one has truly indeed been a gift to me.

"So what are your plans for him now?"

"Why keep him around for the rest of my life and screw that cute little butt until his ears fall off!" Rassnor laughed. "Though I think I may change his official status to something other then slave. I own him, and he knows it. But I want him to have stature here. If he's to be my companion, I don't want anyone else messing with him. After all, that's my prerogative!"

Halronde nodded, "Makes sense. Would you like to hear what the scribes have found? Turns out to be quite a lot."

"Sure, I'd love to hear it."

"The Zhinatao are a group that live pretty far from here, ten months travel, maybe more. They come from a region that's said to be hilly, almost mountainous and for the most part, they don't leave home much. They're extremely martial, they start training for combat as soon as they can walk. Their religion is a warriors one, which you'd expect with them being warriors, every male, female, and cub."

"Any idea why they are a warrior group?"

"Well according to the scribes, they are invaded on a regular basis, seems that there is some value to their land, what exactly isn't known. Also it would seem there are some nasty things living in their lands, magic is said to run wild in that region."

"What else?"

"They fight challenges, a lot of challenges, among each other. The loser's penalty is..."

"Getting fucked royally," Rassnor interjected.

"...something like that. As the females fight too, I suspect they do something similar. The females do fight the males by the way, and conquest is part of the courting rituals. Some of their best warriors go on quest, usually not to return, which explains your new slave. It seems that being taken in honorable combat under certain circumstances has a deep religious meaning."

"Balizar explained some of that to me last night," Rassnor smiled.

"Well it was hazy in the archives the scribes said."

"It's likely to stay that way too."

Halronde nodded, "A few other things, their god is symbolized by a tiger, a rather large tiger."


"Oh very, it gets better. They do have some magical abilities, again the scribes weren't well informed on that either. But most interesting of all is, you're related."

Rassnor stopped eating his breakfast and set down his knife. "Say that again?"

"You're related. You have Zhinatao blood in you. That's how the Scribes had what information they did. From your ancestor."

"I'm a tiger, they're leopards right? How?"

"Well, it's a long story it seems. Lithgar the third was an orange tiger like myself, there were no black tigers during his rein. It seems he acquired a female slave in combat one day."

"A black leopard female slave?" Rassnor asked, ears perking up in interest.

"Exactly. He had not married yet, and she served him very well. So well it seems, that she even fought with him in combat. Then one day she became pregnant."

"By a tiger? How? We can't cross."

"That's what everyone said. Until Ragnor the first was born. He was the first black tiger of your line and very obviously Lithgar's son. She died giving birth to him, and it was determined by the court magician, that she worked a great magic to present her lord with that son, at a cost of her own life. Lithgar declared the cub his son and heir and raised him in the manner of the Zhinato more or less."

"And he went on to conquer enough of our neighbors to triple the size of the country... But that was only 150 years ago. Half of my nobles are black tigers!"

"He was a very lusty sort it seems, your ancestor. He had five sons and three daughters by his wife, another fifteen children on his consorts, and they think at least eighty on the daughters of his nobles, who were not about to complain about it, considering how well he had awarded so many of them with lands. It seems your family's strain is about as dominant as you are Milord!" Halronde chuckled.

"That is a story all right," he sighed. "How much of it is true?"

Halronde shrugged, "Hard to say, but seeing the abilites of one here, I'd be inclined to give it a lot of credit. I think the gods have smiled on you once again Rassnor. With a slave, or rather a companion, like him around, I don't think any assassin will ever get close to you again."

"And we've been having way too many of them of late, haven't we?"

"Well, the Gundor kingdom believes you mean to take them next."

"If I ever manage to prove they sent those assassins, I will. They've been troublesome neighbors for far too long now."

Halronde nodded. "So what do you want to do about him?"

"King Faldor of Gundor?" Rassnor blinked.

"No, your cat, Balizar. I don't know if to call him slave or what, and I'm not so sure you know either!" He laughed.

Rassnor smiled, "Yeah, there is that. Draft up some papers, I'll free him later today, but make him a sworn man to me, and a member of my personal guard. But don't put him in the rank structure, I don't want to bend my captain's tail too far out of joint."

"There will be issues Milord, I'm sure."

"They'll learn quick enough not to challenge him, he'll clean their clocks on the parade grounds."

Halronde nodded. "If you say so. I guess he'll need some kind of uniform then?"

Rassnor nodded, "Yeah, but I want some skimpy ones too. I want my visitors to think he's just a toy."

Halronde nodded again. "I'll see to it this afternoon. Now, about Gundor..." he started, changing the subject as they moved onto other issues for the mornings meetings.

Balizar dragged himself off to the showers, his back still aching from the night before, but as usual his body had already healed itself. He'd checked the whips and floggers for any magiks before laying them out, to be safe. And his Master hadn't ordered him to the healer, so he was safe on that point. He'd spent a good deal of time working on his unarmed combat styles this morning, when he'd gotten up, and by the time he'd finished showering it was time for lunch, which he ate with great gusto, his body's healing requiring larger amounts of food, plus skipping breakfast hadn't helped. It was after lunch that his Master's summons caught up with him.

"Balizar, kneel before me!" His Master commanded as he entered the audience room. He did as he was bid, noticing there were several others present, whatever his Master had in mind, this was official.

"First, as of this moment, you are no longer a Slave of the crown, in recognition of services rendered far beyond those expected of any slave."

Balizar gasped and looked up at his Master, he did not want to be free. As his eyes reached his Master's, he saw the Tiger start to smile.

"As your King however, I hereby enlist you in my personal guard, under my personal command, and request that you swear yourself to me!"

Balizar nodded and smiled, he was still his Master's property. That was all that really mattered.

"I Balizar of the Zhinatao, hearby swear my life, my honor, and my soul to King Rassnor, by the name of my family, my people and my god. May I never fail at my duties under pain of death and damnation." And with that he prostrated himself before his Master.

"Arise Balizar, and welcome to my service. I have every faith in you."

Balizar smiled hearing the purr in his Masters voice.

"The Captain here will outfit you, then escort you back here for duty. Dismissed."

Balizar bowed at his dismissal and followed the Captain off.

"Quite a promotion, heh?" The Captain chuckled once they were out of earshot. The Captain was a black tiger like his Master, not as big, but there were enough resemblance\x92s to make it clear they were related.

"Whatever my Master wishes," Balizar nodded.

The Captain stopped and turned to him, "Just so we have an understanding, I know that you're his lover, I was there when you asked to become his sex toy remember. Now only four people in the castle know of that whole incident, yourself included, and none of us are going to spread it around. Everyone knows you saved his life. Most people know, or will learn, that you are his lover, he makes no secret of his tastes. I approve of you, and so do those guards who have seen you working out. There will be others however that will think you're just a toy given station as a gift."

Balizar nodded quietly.

"Now, I've made it clear that any who wish to challenge you, are to do so officially, I want all matches to be by the rules. Feel free to challenge any who insult you among the guards. My cousin the King, has informed me that you are quite capable of beating the snot out of any of us, and are free to do so. I myself will believe that after I've seen you fight of course," he smiled. "Prove you deserve the post, and few will give you any grief."

Balizar nodded and the Captain led him off to the barracks. It took him a while to get outfitted, a tailor had to redo much of his kit, as he wasn't of the same build as the guard, who were all tigers to the cat. He looked rather surprised at some of the outfits, which were just fancy loin clothes with a basic weapons harness and some ornate looking gear.

"Bodyguard duty," he was informed by one of the guards, who smirked at the outfit looking him over in it. "I have to say, it does make you look useless."

Balizar looked at himself in a mirror and struck a pose, and had to laugh himself. "I guess that's the idea."

"Those who don't know our King that well will just assume he's being vain when they see you. They don't know he'd rather be out in the muck of a battlefield any day, then sitting around in robes in court."

Balizar nodded, "He is the finest warrior I have ever fought."

The guard stopped a moment, and looked Balizar over really slowly at that. "Son of a bitch! I thought you looked familiar. I was in the field with Milord at the last campaign, I saw you fight him!"

Balizar just nodded.

"We lost quite a few people in that campaign," the guard continued, "and some here may not forgive you of that. Be warned."

Balizar nodded again, "I understand. Thanks for your advice."

"If you don\x92t mind my asking, how did you end up with that bunch anyway?"

"I was offered a position with their forces when I traveled through town. They told me a great many stories about troubles and asked for my help. When on quest it is not easy for one of my people to refuse such requests."

The guard thought about that and nodded. "Well I can understand that, I think. I'm called Dhalari, and your official bunk space in quarters will be the rack next to mine. The King doesn't lavish much in the way of individual space on us, but there's more then enough room to stow any outfits, gear or weapons."

Balizar flicked an ear, "Sounds more then generous."

Dhalari nodded, "It is. I've seen the way some of the nobles put up their troops, lavishing much on the officers, and letting the enlisted suffer in poor quarters. Here every warrior has a bunk in the barracks, even the officers, though the higher ranks are allowed to keep quarters elsewhere."

"Do they?" Balizar asked curiously looking closely at the other.

"Not as much as you'd suspect. Even the King spends time in the barracks, he may be our Lord, but he's still one of us."

Balizar nodded and thought about that, the guard's loyalty was evident when he spoke. He would have much to live up to, to win the approval of these tigers and he was determined to do just that.

The rest of the day passed quickly as he got outfitted with the rest of his gear and stowed it by his bunk. It was strange to have possessions again, having lost all that he had when he was captured, not that he had much then, beyond his weapons. He returned to his Master's bedroom after an early dinner, and waited patiently, kneeling by the foot of the bed.

"Ah there you are my lovely little panther!" Rassnor chuckled when he walked in later that night. "I think I shall have you join me for dinner tomorrow, that I may show you off to the court."

Balizar ducked his head and twitched his tail embarrassed, "My Master honors me with such talk."

"Which is your polite way of saying that you think I'm crazy," Rassnor said and laughed, shedding clothes as he strode over to where his panther kneeled waiting. "But with you in one of those nice little fucktoy outfits, I can guarantee that all those there with a taste for male flesh like my own, will be drooling over your tight athletic ass." And he put a hand behind Bal's head and rubbed his crotch against his muzzle.

Balizar needed no further encouragement and reached around his Master's strong thighs with his paws, rubbing and kneading the firm tiger rump as his tongue started to lave the musky orbs before him. He licked and sucked on his Master's balls slowly moving up the thickening sheath, purring as he watched the slick cock head start to emerge, the shaft engorging and growing.

"That's a good boy," Rassnor purred, using both hands now to rub his toy's ears and face.

Balizar worked his way higher and opened his muzzle wider as he licked the slick cockshaft, curling his tongue around it, and drawing the tip between his lips as he started to suckle. The loud groan of pleasure from his Master made him smile to himself as he circled his tongue around the head, letting his tongue tip play with the slit in the tip, before he sucked in hard and drew more of the shaft in deep.

Rassnor smiled down at his panther, watching the rather enjoyable sight of his thick black cock sliding in and out of the muzzle before him, little streaks of white appearing here and there on the length as his precum mixed with saliva. Eventually he grabbed his pet by the shoulders and dragged him up, chuckling at the disappointed expression on the panther's face as his cock was dragged from his lips. "Enough of that," he purred, "I want that ass again\x85"

With that Rassnor dropped the cat on the bed, and grabbed his ankles pulling them to either side of his hips as he stood at the end of the bed. Balizar seeing what he planned stuffed a few pillows under his butt to bring him up to the proper height as once more that stiff piece of tigerhood started to spread his ass cheeks, riding up against the underside of his tail until it pressed at his assring.

"Ohhh yessss Master" he purred, wrapping his legs around the tiger's hips and pulling him closer as he felt that thick cock head pressing harder and harder against his tightness until it popped into his body, causing him to arch his back and groan in lust, his own erection starting to grow as he lay there on his back, his Master between his legs.

Rassnor just smiled and grunted, pushing forward again until he was in to the hilt. He paused for a few, noticing the smaller cat's erection before him, and he wrapped a paw around in and started to tug on the panther's shaft, eliciting a rather pleased set of purrs, which got only louder as he started to work his own shaft in and out of the tight ass before him. He took his time, enjoying himself, and letting his toy, because he knew that is what the leopard would always be in his mind, enjoy himself as well. He added a little lube to his own cock to make the pumping go faster, he wanted the cat nicely opened up for later tonight when he planned to take him much more physically, but for now slow and easy would be nice.

Balizar lay before Rassnor and reveled in the moment as his Master fucked him slowly. The feeling of the large shaft easily pumping in and out of him, rearranging his insides as always, accompanied by the warm paw stroking his own cock was exquisite, and he wanted it to go on as long as he could stand it. Rassnor did not seem to be in any rush and let his other paw lay with the leopard's nipples as he stroked and pumped, smiling at the way the smaller cat's hips eventually started to pump back against him. His smile turned into a smirk when Balizar started to beg for his cum. And his smirk got rather large as the begging turned into desperate pleas for both release and to be filled. Rassnor's hips were moving with great power by then, and he finally fulfilled his fucktoy's wishes by pumping him full of his thick tigerseed, while his paw milked the smaller cat's cock of all of it's own seed.

The second and third joinings of the night where much more physically extreme, though not of themselves violent. Rassnor used his strength totally on the leopard, who responded in kind and when Rassnor's teeth accidentally punctured Balizar's shoulder, the smell of blood incited their lust even higher.

Rassnor felt his toy got his revenge for that accidental wound when he woke the tiger early and got him to such a state where they paired several more times that morning. So it was a rather weary King that Halronde came upon at that morning's breakfast.

"Up late milord?" Rassnor's advisor asked with an obvious snicker as he noticed the King's tail drooping somewhat.

"Up late, and up early," he sighed, but couldn't repress a smile either. "That cat works me harder in bed then you used to on the training grounds sometimes."

"Oh really?" Halronde said, his snickers having now turned to outright laughter. "Maybe he really was sent to do you in, I think you've met your match finally milord, and it's not on the battlefield!"

Rassnor growled and threw a roll at his friend, who dodged still chuckling.

"So where is your little toy at now? I'm surprised you didn't drag him out to breakfast with you this morning."

"Getting his cuts and bites treated. I accidentally bit him again."

"Not too badly I hope?" Halronde looked concerned.

"Well from the amount of blood on the sheets, I'd say so. But this morning he was as hot to get me under his tail as ever." He shook his head and looked at his advisor "It's hard to feel guilty about hurting him when he does that to you".

"Maybe it doesn't hurt him?"

"Oh no, it hurts him alright. Just not till afterwards. It's pretty obvious he gets the battle lust like I do."

"And bed with you is a battle, huh?"

Rassnor threw another sausage at him this time, which he caught in his muzzle with a grin.

"Well his tail is dragging too," he chuckled "he doesn't just lay there and take it."

"Think you'll be up to the dinner tonight?"

Rassnor snorted, "Of course. And I want my cute little leopard there decked out in something nice. Not too decadent. I want the Nobles to start getting used to him."

"That should prove interesting," Halronde smirked.

"Think they'll object?"

"Only the half that doesn't want to fuck him themselves. Too many of your court are just as lusty as you, even if their tastes aren't as jaded." He snickered.

Rassnor just threw another roll and smiled.

Balizar had to get his shoulder wound cleaned and bandaged. The bite had been pretty deep, his Master in his excitement had seized him fairly hard on the shoulder, just as he had arched back up into him, forcing his shoulder up against the long fangs. It would be nightfall before the wound totally closed, and maybe another day before it healed completely. He then got his own breakfast and headed back to the training grounds. The bandage on his shoulder got a lot of looks, and Chet stopped him before he hit the pells to make sure he wasn't out of his mind.

"Don't worry, it's not as bad as it looks," Balizar re-assured him, "the bandage is just to keep the dust off."

Chet nodded but looked skeptical and kept an eye on him throughout his workout of the day.

For his part he was slowed down some, but not significantly. The wound was more of an annoyance, then anything serious at this point. But it did lead to his first serious conflict with one of the other guards.

He had walked over to the water trough, to dunk his head and pour some fresh water over himself to cool down between sets when another guard got in his way.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the new plaything."

Balizar picked up the bucket and poured the water over his head, it was hot out and he'd been going at it for several hours now.

"You deaf or something kitten? I'm talking to you!"

Balizar turned to look at the dressing on his shoulder, still ignoring the guard. There was some leakage from the wound still, but the water had washed off the dust at least. He flicked his ears and turned to look at the speaker. He was young, that much was obvious, for all that he was big. Not as big as his Master, but a good bit over seven feet he'd say. His color was more the typical coloration of his species, orange and white with black stripes.

"So I hear you like to wiggle your ass for the King," the guard said smirking.

Balizar noticed the others were watching with avid interest, he also noticed the older hands were slowly backing away.

"Excuse me?" Balizar said softly, "I couldn't hear you."

"I said, I hear you like to wiggle your ass for the King," the guard said again, still smirking.

"I'm sorry, what was that? Maybe you could speak up\x85" Balizar said softly again.

"I SAID, I hear you like to wiggle your ass for the King!" He repeated even louder.

Balizar noticed that by now even the younger guards had backed away, picking up on what the older hands had done. But he could see the curiosity in their eyes. They wanted to see what would happen.

"Nope, still can't hear a word you're saying\x85" Balizar purred.

The guard was about to repeat himself a fourth time when suddenly he stopped "Hey! Are you mocking me scum sucker!" he growled, fur starting to bristle.

"I thought you were doing a pretty good job of that all by yourself cub," Balizar said smiling, loud enough that everyone could hear.

"Why you little\x85 I'll pound that smile out of your skull\x85" he growled and started to take a step forward and reach for the Leopard.

Who suddenly wasn't there.

As he had moved Balizar had dropped to one leg and spun, as he came around he hooked the guard's leg with a rather simple foot sweep and then jumped back up, pushing off the ground with his hands.

The guard hit the ground with a loud 'oof!' and several people snickered. But he was quick to get up again, and started in towards Balizar once more.

"You caught me off guard that time, but you won't play that trick twice!" he growled angrily and charged.

Balizar slipped in under his arms, kneed him in the stomach, slipped totally past him as he grunted out air, and then gave him a solid push to the side, sending him into the water trough.

"Oh really now?" He smirked as the guard splashed in and floundered a moment before getting his hands on the sides and extracting himself.

"Just what the hell do you think you're doing Halryth!" A rather angry Chetarack growled as he stalked up to the scene.

"I'm going to teach this low born scum some manners!" he growled standing up dripping water from his soaked fur.

"Oh so you're challenging him I see." Chet smiled.

"Challenge? Who said anything about a challenge! I'm gonna flatten him\x85"

"Attention soldier!" Chet growled loudly into the young guards face. With a shocked look on his face he shut up and came to attention. But Chet didn't stop there.

"As you no doubt know soldier, you are not allowed to just engage in fights with whom so ever you wish! The King has clearly stated that while he will brook no brawls with his companion, Challenges may be made to him, and of course he must accept!"

Chet's muzzle was about 2 inches from Halryth's but his voice was loud enough to be heard outside the training area, he wasn't about to brook any insolence in his domain. He knew what the kid was up to, and let him get started to see how this leopard would deal with it. The kid had been stupid, and now he'd get to see just how well the leopard fought too. Halryth hopefully would learn not to be so stupid and hot headed next time.

"So as your ranking officer," Chet continued, "I can only assume that this behaviour was your lame attempt to offer a challenge of arms to a fellow guard, one that outranks you I might add."

Halryth gulped and nodded.

Chet turned to Balizar who had been watching the whole thing curiously. The others were rather amused at the young guard's predicament, but he could see they wanted this too. He suspected some had probably egged the kid on, so they could gauge him. It would be interesting.

"Do you accept the challenge Balizar?"

"Of course," Balizar smiled, "I would be happy to."

"When would you like to do it?"

"Would now be okay? I have to clean up in an bit, so it would be nice to get this out of the way quickly."

"What about that wound on your arm?" Chet looked closely at the dressing.

"If we could change the bandage, it won't be a problem." Balizar looked over at the guard, still at attention and smiled, "This won't take long. Trust me." He smiled even wider as he saw the kid's fur bristle at the comment.

Chet looked at the kid. "Okay, fall out you and go get your gear on. Fight starts as soon as everyone's ready." He pointed over to a couple of the others standing round. "Clear out the circle."

It hadn't taken long to redress his wound. There were always ample supplies around the training area. Putting on his armor was a pain, it was the first time he'd worn this set, so it didn't fit perfectly. But it fit well enough for now. He'd have to make some further changes to it soon however. Dhalari came over while he was finishing with the ties and gave him a hand.

"So who's idea was it to send that oaf to try out my measure?" Balizar chuckled.

"One of the younger officers I think." He grinned back.

"Tell them I'm offended. He's barely worth the effort."

"Don\x92t be fooled, that kid's pretty tough, he can take a lot of punishment."

Balizar shook his head. "You've seen me fight, right?"

"Well, only a little, I was a bit preoccupied with not getting killed myself that day."

Balizar ahh'ed and nodded "Okay. Well don't blink. By the way, where I come from, I get to fuck him after I beat him, so don't get in my way when I drag him off\x85"

"You wouldn't\x85"

"Oh I will, unless the King tells me not too. Somebody better warn the kid. He's in for a rude awakening" he laughed.

Dhalari looked shocked and quickly got up to tell Chet and the others who had suddenly shown up. Halronde was there too surprisingly, but no sign of his Master.

He watched as Dhalari conversed rather animatedly with them and then stopped suddenly, as they all started to laugh. Balizar smiled, he was going to enjoy this immensely.

He watched as Dhalari shrugged and went over to explain it to Halryth, who started to show every feline sign of anger Balizar had ever seen. He smiled and stepped into the circle.

Halryth stepped in the circle next and the challenge was on. The rules were fairly simple. The fight goes on until someone either submits, or gets beaten into submission. Dulled swords are used in most cases, though in a serious fight, real weapons are used.

Balizar strode into the center of the circle and waited, sword in hand, shield ready. He would have preferred to have two swords, but he didn't want to risk reopening the wound. So he'd just fight with his off hand today.

Halryth came in, slowly, keeping his guard up. He came in straight and started in with a fairly basic flurry against Balizar's shield. Balizar gave him a ten count, to see if the kid had any surprises in store for him, which he obviously didn't. The kid relied on his size and strength, which while considerable, just weren't going to be enough to carry the day.

Balizar stepped in and whacked the back of the kid's hand with the edge of his shield, kicked him in the knee with a foot and then whacked him in the head with the flat of the blade. About a second later he parried, and came down hard on the kid's sword with his, then caught him with the edge of the shield, kicked him in the balls, then slammed the shield in his face. He followed this with a head butt as he disarmed the kids sword, hit him on the head with the flat of the blade a few more times to make him dizzy, then laid him out with a shot to the side of the head with the shield. It took about 5 seconds.

He then dropped the sword and shield, picked the kid up and started walking for the stables.

People got out of his way.

He hit the kid with a bucket of water, and he came to, sputtering as he found himself suddenly flipped onto his stomach. Flipped onto his stomach rather naked, on straw, in a stall.

"What\x85?" he gasped.

"Just me\x85" Balizar purred and grabbing the tiger's hips firmly in his paws he slide his own erect cock up under the tiger's tail, letting his cockhead press against the tight pucker there.

"But, you can't\x85 I'll\x85!"

Balizar gave him a thump to the back of the head with a solid fist that stopped him short, "My rules. You challenged. Maybe next time you think first," he sighed in pleasure as he pushed forward hard, and his slickened cockhead popped into the tiger's tight ass, "Just be glad I used lube" he whispered and then sunk his shaft in to the hilt. True it wasn't his Master's nice 14 inches of tiger flesh, but the way the kid cried out you would have thought it was, not just 8 very stiff inches of leopard.

He held himself in there enjoying the way the young tiger's ass felt, clenching down hard and trying to push out the invader. At least after the initial yelp the kid had shut up.

"Your first time?" he purrred softly and started to slowly pump his hips into the nice firm ass. The kid was a looker, especially face down like this.

"I'll get you for this\x85" The tiger growled, the shame evident in his voice now.

Balizar continued to take him, picking up speed and using the tiger's ass well. His nose picked up some interesting scents and he reached around to find what he had suspected, the kid's cock was growing rather stiff. He leaned in closer as let his weight bear down on the tiger's back, pumping with nice hard strokes. He whispered in his ear "Everyone knows you lost, and everyone knows I'm in here fucking you. Now if you hadn't made an issue of my relationship with your King," he gave an extra vicious pump when he said that, "I wouldn't have felt it necessary to do this, as much as I enjoy such a sweet young ass as yours," he snickered and pumped faster the excitement driving him quickly to his peak.

"But I promise not to tell anyone about this" he purred softly, as he wrapped a paw around the tiger's own hard cock now, which was dripping pre cum as well.

He banged the tiger hard another minute, not holding back a thing, and with a loud groan he arched his back and ground in deep, his cock pumping and spraying, as he pumped the tiger's ass full of leopard cum. He continued to grind his hips and pant through his entire orgasm, stroking the kid's rather large tiger cock as he filled him. The kid didn't disappoint him and with a sob came as well, leaving a rather large puddle of cum on the floor.

Balizar got up and cleaned himself off, then dressed. He looked down at the young tiger guard laying there on the floor, no longer full on bluster, but almost sobbing in humiliation on the floor. He sighed and kicked the kid in the butt, looking down as the kid turned to look up at him from the floor.

"Never lost before, did you?"

"No," came the reply, almost a sob.

"And they don't play like this where you grew up, do they?"


"And you enjoyed it, didn't you?"


"Look at the puddle of your cum on the floor kid, Don't lie to me if you want answers. No you enjoyed it, didn't you?"

"Yes, some\x85 but not at first," he closed his eyes ashamed.

"Yeah well, quite a few of your mates in the guards enjoy it too. Losing isn't much fun. Dying is even less fun. Where I come from this teaches you three things, the first is never challenge someone unless it's important, because if you lose, they will have you in the most intimate way possible. The second is it teaches you that every fight is an important fight and you must give it your all. And the third is that there is no sin in submitting to someone who is better then you and who has bested you in fair combat. There can actually be a joy in it.

"And you have just discovered that joy. I discovered it when I met your King, so you're years ahead of me. Now go out there and be a warrior and if anyone gives you shit about this, use it to learn to hold your tongue, or you'll get yourself killed in a duel before you\x92re much older. Now get your ass in gear!"

The kid nodded and started getting to his feet, so Balizar left and went off to collect his gear.

The practice area was empty, except for Dhalari and Chet who was sitting chatting with him.

"Have fun?" Dharlari sighed

"Hey, he challenged me." Balizar sighed.

"But you didn't have to do that to him, did you?"

"Based on what he said, yeah I think I did. I notice none of the senior officers around said anything.

"Well that's because you and the King\x85"

"No, that's not why" interjected Chet. "If you're going to make fun of someone's sexual practices in this army, you're going to find yourself on the receiving end of them. That's Halronde's nephew in there, and you'll notice he thought the whole idea was fine by him."

Balizar nodded to Dharlari, "See?"

"Of course" Chet continued, "Everyone thought you were showing off with the way you cleaned his clock so quickly, so I expect to see you get a whole slew of challenges over the next week. Though none are going to mention sexual preferences, so you won't be allowed to claim your custom in those."

Balizar nodded again, "Sure. And yes I was showing off. Other then the Master, err, our King, there isn't anyone around here that can best me in combat."

"Don't be so sure of that Balizar, there are people here who have beaten your King in the past," Chet warned.

"But they won't ever again. I bet it's been years since anyone has been able too."

"Well that's because I'm getting old," Chet grinned.

Balizar shook his head. "Don't flatter yourself Chet. I've fought for longer then you might think. And more people then you've known. I saw it there on the field that day, which is why I rushed him and fought him in single combat, bidding all others on my side to leave us room. When he struck me down I knew it then\x85" Balizar broke off and looked a bit uncomfortable and embarrassed.

"You make him sound like a god Bal" Dharlari said looking at him strange.

"You yourself have made it clear the level of regard you all hold him in, did you not?"

He nodded.

"I come from a people who's whole life is combat and skill of arms. I was given a quest by my god and it brought me here. You would not understand it, you are not of my kind. But I can see the greatness in him and am humbled before it."

Balizar smiled as he looked at himself in the mirror, dressed for the night's dinner. He looked very nice in the uniform, which was cut rather well for him. The King's tailors were very good at their jobs. The tunic showed his trim waist and flat stomach, the loin cloth was cut in a taper, so while long, it showed his strong legs and the nice curve of his rump that his Master liked so much. The wound on his shoulder had finally sealed over, so he didn't have to worry about it staining the cloth. He looked up as he heard a noise and saw Rassnor looking him over.

"Is my Master pleased?" He purred, gliding up close to lean against him.

"Very" Rassnor smiled and gave him a kiss, at the same time removing the leopard's hand from his crotch. "And we don't have time for that my horny little slut kitten. Dinner is almost served."

Balizar grinned. "Yes Master" and led the way out towards the dining hall, tail held obscenely high, giving the occasionally lewd tilt to his hips as he walked. Rassnor chuckled and wondered if his councilors would be scandalized, but the second others showed up, Balizar's tail went down. Rassnor realized he should have known better then to think his toy would embarrass him before others.

"How is it that your shoulder is almost healed?" Rassnor asked him much later as they left the dining hall.

"It is one of the abilities of the Zhinatao Master. Unless the wounds are dealt by magical weapons we heal very fast. It also makes us much harder to kill."

"Ah, I see. Good traits for a Warrior no doubt."

Balizar nodded, letting his tail play with his Master's while they walked. "It's one that we normally keep to ourselves about. There also tend to be a good number of magic users among my people as well. They say it has to do with the lands we live in, I did notice that the farther I traveled the less magic there was. I've heard that there are very few mages in this land."

It was the King's turn to nod. "There isn't enough magik here they say to work any of the more powerful spells. Mostly those of healing, and some for the farmers. Personally I appreciate not having to worry about mages in combat. The stories make them formidable."

"Mostly stories Master. Mages do not do well in combat, the spells take too long, and cost too much power to cast. They can help to set a battle field, build defenses or weapons. They can protect themselves well against a fighter for a while. They can sometimes even injure or slay a person or three. But in the realm of things, they do not present as great of a tactical advantage as one would be given to believe."

"Yes, but have you ever killed one?" Rassnor asked with a laugh.

"Two actually Master. Zhinatao are immune to the effects of most spells."

"But not the effects of large black tigerkind it would seem." Rassnor smirked.

"Well, not the males at least\x85" Balizar purred leaning against his Master as they entered his chambers, "definitely not the males\x85"

"Obviously not," the King sighed smiling as moments later his toy put his muzzle to better uses then conversation.

End Part 1