The Recurrence Series, part I "Of Furs And Furies" Written in Aug-2002 and rewritten Nov-2002, both versions are (c) Ralcor (me). Do not redistribute without permission. This is the first part of the "Recurrence" series, all the characters mentioned are either human or anthro animals, if you don't like that go read something else otherwise go ahead... On the surface, it was far from calm. Snow plummeted from the dark expanse hanging high in the sky, nothing could be seen beyond the swirling mass of wintry destruction. But beneath the icy sheets of the river's surface all was quiet, the water moved at a slow and steady pace unaffected by conditions above. The waters disturbed only by three otters swimming silently through the deep river water, each leaving swirling eddies in the tranquil waters. Tyler, the lead otter, looked upward to see the underside of the icy sheets that stretched along the river's surface. As they approached their target, the river opened into a lake. Tyler stopped and Leo and Jade did the same. He brought a small black orb that was attached to his waist and held it up between the group, it flashed and in its place was a 3D projection map of the area. The lead otter pointed to three red dots at the mouth of the river, his finger tracing a path close to the lake edge deep enough not to be spotted. His finger eventually pointing to an underwater structure, he retrieved his orb then looked to the others who nodded their understanding. They took off again, swimming powerfully towards their target building. Within ten minutes they were outside the structure, directly infront of them was an airlock door. The lead otter turned his back to the others, they got the message. One section of his pack was opened and a waterproof computer decoder was removed, they turned it on and attached it to the keypad lock. The light flashed red before turning green, the computer was retrieved and the team swam into the airlock and the door closed behind them. The water was drained from the room and the pressure equalised. They switched their breathing apparatus from water filter to air filter. The lead otter turned to the other two and, using silent gestures, he issued his commands. After another understanding nod from both, they were ready. With a quick movement all three were on the other side of a closed door and had taken cover behind various crates, leaving wet pawprints in their separate wakes. They found themselves in large room, along its centre were four two-person bubble submarines. Above them was a metal walkway with a soldier on patrol, another was patrolling along the length of the room and a third stood stationary between the second and third subs. The lead otter pointed across to Jade, then to the guard standing between the submarines. He then moved his gaze to Leo, pointing to the guard on the metal walkway high above. Leo moved swiftly up the ladder then ran silently along the walkway towards the unsuspecting sentinel, he grabbed the guard's neck and in one deft movement the sentry crumpled to the ground. Within a minute, the other guards had suffered a similar fate at the paws of Jade and Tyler. Their bodies were dumped in the water under the submarines, before the team reassembled by the airlock. The lead otter unclipped his breathing apparatus, taking it off with a rush of air, before removing his waterproof suit which revealed his black combat gear. The others took off their equipment, all three feeling grateful to be rid of the restrictive suits. They began rummaging through their individual packs. Jade was checking her computer equipment, she was in her mid twenties and stood at 5'3", her fur was a lightish brown with a lighter shade visible at the base of her throat to continue under her clothing. Though not physically strong, what she lacked in strength she more than made up for in agility, personality and optimism. The almost opposite was Leo, he stood considerably taller at 6'1" and more muscular with very dark chocolate fur. He was in his early forties and had a definite air of power around him, he rarely made any idle conversation preferring cold strategy and silent tactics to get through missions, sometimes he got annoyed at Jade for her usually chatty and informal attitude. Presently he was checking his various explosive charges and paw grenades. Tyler was assembling the weaponry, though he wasn't as muscled or as tall as Leo, just below 5'8" and in his late thirties, he was still strong and well toned under his medium-beige fur and his personality could easily rival Jade's. "This is our situation," Tyler talked as he worked. "We have a madman who has threatened to launch a strike against all major cities on the planet, currently no reason or demands have been made. The good news is he's been traced to this location. The bad news is that he has a myriad of weapons, explosives and A-TAC's (All-Terrain Assault Craft), most of which are on this base, so he can back up this threat. The decision has been made that the situation calls for a three man incursion." Jade cleared her throat loudly, placing her paws on her hips and raised an eyebrow. "Sorry Jade, a three person team. Jade Ellis, computer specialist, you have to hack the computer network and get us past the security systems." Tyler noticed Jade grin proudly to herself, she was still in training but had been on many operations on behalf of the Terran Confederation. "Major Leo Archer, explosives expert, you get to blow this place sky high. Finally me, Colonel Tyler Roe, weapons expert and team leader. Questions?" He paused. "No? Okay. Our primary objectives to find an access point into the computer network for Jade and her gear, locate the arms storage and plant the explosives, escape the way we entered in one piece, detonate the explosives and get to the ship. If there's time, the secondary objective is to find everything we can about this madman, because at the moment we don't even know his name, only his species, he's a fox an arctic one. For this reason he has been codenamed 'Arctic Fury'." "Any support?" Asked Leo thoughtfully, his mind already working over tactics. "They don't give us support, because when we work together we're unstoppable." Jade answered proudly. "I agree, but we do have the support of the 3rd Platoon from Military Division, they're waiting topside ready if we need help or a distraction." Tyler answered. "The 3rd Platoon, that's the elite squad of wolves isn't it?" Asked Jade. "No, there's a couple of foxes too." Leo corrected her. "Really? I thought they were a team like us. How about a bet, the one who's right about the 3rd Platoon decides how we celebrate our mission success," wagered Tyler. "Done." Jade said, Leo merely nodded his approval. Jade had packed her computer equipment back in her pack along with her dry-suit, Leo had also packed up ready to go. Tyler handed them the assembled weapons, eventually each had a class 7 laser rifle, a class 2 laser pistol along with a combat knife. Tyler threw his now empty pack onto his back, picking up his rifle he turned to his team. "First the access point." Tyler and Jade took point with Leo covering the rear as they moved for the door. Again they were faced by a keypad lock, simply overcome by the decoder. They entered a long corridor, at the opposite end was another metal door, midway along was a left turn. Tyler padded silently towards the turning, "stupid piece of junk!" He froze at the sound of the enraged voice, pausing before he continued onwards. The otter peeked around the corner to see a husky, wearing blue technician's overalls, banging his clenched fists down on a computer panel. Tyler ran up behind the oblivious technician, striking him down with the butt of his rifle. "Jade! I found you a new toy." Tyler called back around the corner. Jade and Leo came running around the corner. "Wow, this is incredible." Her voice full of awe, her paws moving swiftly over the terminals controls. "I wouldn't mind a couple of these back at head quarters," she continued talking to herself, "the things we could do. Amazing." "Shall we leave you two alone?" Tyler said sarcastically. "Oh, um, sorry." She muttered her apologies as she opened her pack and started unloading her computer equipment. Eventually she sat on the metal floor with her and Tyler's empty packs infront of her, on top of these she set-up a couple of flat computer screens with a black orb between them. On her lap rested a smooth control panel linked to both screens, the orb and several cables connected to the computer terminal. Finally finished, she looked to the others. "Ready." "Good, now give me some good news. Please tell me that there's some kind of self- destruct device in this base, so we can just set a timer and go home." She laughed lightly "Sorry, but no such luck. In fact our targets aren't in one place, they're not even on the same level." "Great stuff, alright show me where they are then." Tyler's voice dripped resignation. The black orb flashed and a 3D map of the entire complex hovered in the middle of the group. Without looking up from her monitors, Jade highlighted areas and gave directions on the map. "There are a total of three storage areas, the first is located on this level." A red line shot along the map from three dots, through a long corridor, right at a T-junction then a left, finishing at a large room. "That's weapons storage. You never know Tyler, _you_ may find a few new toys of your own." Tyler grinned slightly at Jade's comment. "We are here only to destroy these targets." Said Leo bluntly, his powerful arms crossed over his broad chest. "You think I don't know that, just loosen up will you." Her comment was answered by a stern look. "Fine, never mind. Where was I? Oh yeah, weapons storage. The next closest is the A-TAC hanger on levels ten up to six, but we should leave that until last." "Why? Are they active?" Asked Tyler "Sort of, I'll get to them. I recommend the storage up on level 4," a room near the top of the projection glowed red, "that's where all the missiles, rockets and various explosives are kept. Hey Leo, maybe you could find a new toy." She looked up at Leo's stern glare and smiled. "There's a pad behind the weapons storage, if you can get there I should be able to get you onto level four. Watch yourselves up there, security will be tighter on the higher levels, nobody expects intruders down here. Anyway, once you've planted the charges up there, get back to the pad and I'll get you into the A-TAC hanger." A third area glowed red, this one much larger than all the other rooms shown. It spanned five floors and was almost the entire breadth of the facility. "Why we are leaving this area 'til last is because the A-TAC's are partially active. None of their weapon systems are online but all of their onboard sensors are operative and are transmitting directly into the central computer system, where the transmission is observed by security. So the second we enter the room we'll have a base full of well- armed guards snapping at our tails, that's why we have to leave that 'til last." She saw Leo ready to ask an obvious question. "And no I can't turn them off remotely, they're transmitting but not receiving signals. Therefore the only way to deactivate the A- TAC's is to access the control panel in the hanger, by that time it would be a bit too late." She finished with a hint of laughter in her voice. "How many are there?" Tyler asked, still looking up at the projection map. With a swift move of her paw, Jade produced green wireframe outlines of each A-TAC on the map. They appeared one after another, totalling thirty of the one-man destroyers; one would be a big problem, if fully activated. "We'd better get started then," Jade rummaged in one of the upturned packs, retrieving two goggles and three earpieces. "Take these goggles, with them I'll be able to see everything you see, they're IR equipped just in case things get a little dark. Also these earpieces will let us talk as if I were right beside you." "Thanks," he turned to Leo. "After you," he said, moving his arm in a gracious sweeping motion. Leo walked towards the door opposite the one they had entered, fitting the earpiece and putting on his goggles. Tyler did the same, walking backward towards the door so he could face and speak to Jade. "Keep the com-line open, we'll be back soon." Tyler moved to stand alongside Leo at the metal door ready to enter, he hit the switch beside the door and it slid off to the right. They were off, rifles raised and alert for the sign of any security or counter- measures. They ran down a long narrow corridor, heading for the door at the opposite end. With a flip of another switch, the next door opened. Opposite them stood yet another metal doorway, a few feet before the door was a corridor leading off to the right. Two voices could be heard talking from down that passage. "Hey Jade, there's at least two guards blocking our path." Tyler said, keeping his voice low. "Yeah, I see them on the camera. Two of them, one hare and one husky, watching down the passage." Jade replied over the comsystem. "And before you say anything, the cameras can't see you, I've made sure of it." "Good, but I'm sure that they'll have radios. Can you block their signals?" "You think I'm an amateur? Of course I can block their radios." She said, slightly offended. "Done, the radios are blocked and the doors locked, they aren't going anywhere." Tyler turned towards the other fur and whispered, "You take the opposite side..." His voice trailed off seeing Leo merely rummaged in his pack. "What are you doing?" He continued in a hushed tone. Leo simply held up a grenade, moved to the edge of the passageway and rolled it. He then ducked out the way with his paws over his ears, Tyler quickly followed his example. A huge explosion and a flash of light followed, then complete silence. Tyler stepped out and looked along the passage, then looked to Leo. "Does the word 'overkill' mean _anything_ to you?" "Got the job done." He replied bluntly. "Fair enough," Tyler said as he pressed his paw against his ear, "Jade, you can unlock the doors now." "Done. Go ahead the way's clear, there's no-one in the weapon store, call me when you're at the pad." The two otters walked along the scorched passageway, stepping over piles of ashes that used to be guards. Turning left and flipping another switch, the two were in the weapons storage area. To their right were metal storage crates spanning the entire wall and up to the roof. Along the opposite wall were separate racks full of laser rifles, pistols, grenade and rocket launchers, every type of weapon Tyler had ever seen plus a couple of models he hadn't. There were also a couple of forklift vehicles and anti-grav trolleys dotted around the room's centre. "Take these," Leo handed over five ion charges. "How do they work?" Tyler asked, looking down at the small round object in his paw. "Place them and press the button on top. I can then detonate them when we're at a safe distance. Simpler than rifles." He replied as he walked towards the racks. "At least with a laser rifle you can't blow yourself apart." Tyler turned to look at Leo. "Won't a security patrol find them?" He called after him. "Just ensure you place the charge somewhere inconspicuous." Leo advised. "Right, of course." He murmured to himself as he moved off in the direction of the containers, gingerly carrying the explosive charges. After planting his five charges along the right wall, Tyler moved over to the racks to look at the impressive collection of armaments. Leo walked up behind him after setting his own charges, picking up a grenade launcher. "Poor strategy." He announced, placing the launcher back in the rack. "What is?" Tyler asked. "Keeping weapons here, and storing explosive ammunition on level four. If guards had to be combat ready, valuable time would be wasted moving between levels." His voice deep and harsh, as he picked faults at the enemies strategy. "Well that means one more advantage to us. Anyway, this place isn't a command centre, it's a storage facility. So no-one here expects to fend off an assault." He moved towards the opposite door that they entered, looking back to see another of Leo's stern glares. "How about, when we're done destroying this place, we get in contact with Arctic Fury and you two can discuss combat strategy." Tyler finished sarcastically, he swore that he heard a growl of disapproval but took no notice. Most of the back wall was a sliding shutter, the keypad on the side was bypassed and the shutter opened noisily. On the other side was a smaller room, the floor appeared to be frosted blue glass and around the edge was a slightly raised metal walkway. The two otters moved towards the control computer that was located in the far right corner. "Jade, you still there?" Tyler asked over the comsystem. "Yeah, I haven't gone anywhere. You'll have to activate your pro. maps." Tyler pulled the black orb off his belt and placed it on the cold metal floor, within a second the map was suspended between the two otters. "Here's the problem, we have two guards." The map zoomed into the storage area on level four, two green dots appeared patrolling around the pad. "The second I activate the pad, they'll know about it. So I contacted them over their radios and told them that a cargo shipment is being moved. They won't take any notice of the activation, but when you get there you'll have a fire fight on your paws." Leo emitted another growl at Jade's actions; she had taken the initiative and made plans without informing the mission leader. Tyler didn't mind because it was a plan that he would have approved of. "Wait a minute, I have an idea." He said thoughtfully as he turned to Leo, "come on." The two otters walked back into the weapons storage room, Tyler moved straight for the closest forklift and jumped into the driving seat. "Sir?" Leo asked, confused by the Colonel's actions. "You'll see." With that, Tyler started the forklift and drove it quickly towards the weapon containers. Within a few minutes, he had a container on the forklift and was carefully moving it towards the pad. He positioned it in the middle of the pad and made it face towards the shutter, Leo jumped into the passenger seat. "Jade, we're ready here." Tyler reported. "Copy that, activating pad." Jade answered. The pad began to glow under the two otters, the forklift and the elevated container. "Would now be a good time to mention how much I hate these bloody contraptions, having your body taken apart then transmitted down a cable only to be reassembled at the other end." He said. "I swear I leave a few bits behind everytime." "Not exactly, but close enough I suppose." Jade didn't bother trying to correct him knowing Tyler wouldn't have a clue about the inner workings of the pad, she grinned to herself, "initiating matter transfer." Lasers on each of the three walls scanned the otters and forklift up and down, the floor became a blinding light. From Tyler's point of view, the weapons storage area dissolved into an array of dancing lights, his body tingled from head to tail making his fur stand upright. As the lights finally died away he realised he was in a different room. On the right side of the room, rows of nuclear missiles stood ready to fire, above them were circular hatches that could open for immediate launch. Along the opposite side was container after container, each bearing an explosives warning. Tyler grabbed his rifle and peeked around the edge of the container, expecting to see two guards, but nobody was there. He looked to Leo, they both jumped off the forklift, Tyler took the right side and Leo took the other. "Jade, where are these guards?" Said Tyler, slightly suspicious of the situation. "I don't know, the cameras and sensor array on that entire level have been deactivated. If I were you I'd just plant the charges and get out quickly, and keep a good lookout. There's something not right here." "Copy that." Tyler responded. He rounded the weapons container and walked up to Leo. He noticed the larger otters tail was twitching rapidly. "What's wrong?" Tyler asked. "Nothing." He responded expressionlessly, his eyes still roving over the room. "I know you better than that, your tail always twitches when you're agitated or nervous." Leo eye's moved from the room and fixed Tyler with a stern gaze, "This entire situation, its too easy." "I know what you mean, but we have to finish what we've started. Now hand over some charges, you take that side." Tyler gestured toward the projectile racks. "I'll take the other, meet back on the pad. Go." Tyler watched Leo move silently towards the racks, then he moved towards the containers on the left. Unfortunately, the metal boxes were set three rows deep moving away from the wall rather than piled up. Gaps ran between each container, leaving a literal maze for the otter to navigate. He moved swiftly, placing two charges before noticing a shadow following him. Every time he turned to try and catch his stalker, he wasn't there. His paw moved to his goggles, flipping a switch, everything he saw became a shade of red as he activated the thermal mode. All surroundings were a very dull red, on the ground bright red pawprints led around the corner ahead of him on the left. Thinking fast, Tyler wondered how to disable his tracker with minimal force and effort. He jumped upwards and clambered atop of the container to his left, taking measured steps he moved to the edge and looked down on the oblivious guard. He raised his laser rifle, took aim and fired. The blur of energy moved effortlessly through the guard's helmet striking him in the skull, he crumpled to the ground, dead. "Tyler, respond." Jade said, a hint of distress in her voice. "Go ahead Jade," he replied as he jumped down beside the guard's lifeless body. "I have partially reactivated the camera system on your level, you'd better hurry, you have to get out of there fast. I mean really fast." She spoke quickly and very worried. "Slow down, what's going on." Tyler asked, he was also becoming agitated as he laid his third charge. "Soldiers, about twenty of them, coming your way. ETA approximately a minute thirty, get back to the pad quickly." "Copy that. Leo, did you get that? Are you finished laying your charges?" He asked, moving quickly for his next target. "Yes sir, moving to your position." Came the reply. "Negative, get back to the pad. Return to Jade's location, I'll be two steps behind you." He laid his second last charge. Leo did as he was bid moving back to the pad which Jade activated remotely. "Now on level 28." "Copy that, Major." He turned to see the main door of the storage area open, his heart racing. "Stay on that level until I tell you otherwise. Radio silence until I contact you." He laid his last charge before peeking around the corner of the closest container to witness the soldiers' arrival, each one armed, alert and looking very mean. He looked back towards the pad, there was no way he was going to make it there in one piece. He had a serious problem, guards were everywhere, if he moved he'd be discovered and shot or if he didn't he'd be discovered and shot. "I know you're in here!" A voice bellowed through the room. "Come out with your paws up and you'll make it out of this room alive!" Knowing he had no choice the otter swung the rifle over his shoulder and walked out into the centre of the room with his paws on his head, tail between in his legs in an instinctive non-threatening posture. Every gun in the room turned to face him, several soldiers moved forward and aggressively disarmed him. Within a few seconds he had been striped of his rifle, pistol, earpiece, goggles along with everything else he had, then roughly thrown to his knees where he was held by two sets of paws on his shoulders. The owner of the voice that had yelled earlier walked slowly and stood infront of the otter. He was an arctic fox, wearing urban camouflage trousers and a sleeveless grey shirt over his ice-white fur, he stood about 6' and Tyler guessed he was in his early thirties. He looked down his muzzle at the otter with a mixture of amusement and contempt. "So the Terran Confederation has sent you to spy on me." The fox spoke loudly. "Firstly, what's your name and rank soldier?" "Just call me Tyler." He replied, not wanting to give away anything more. "What's yours?" He asked, not expecting to be told. "Now, Tyler, why would I want to tell you that?" He asked playfully. "Especially when the Confederation has given me such a cute codename, oh what was it?" He paused, pretending to give it thought. "Hmm, ah yes, Arctic Fury. Quite fitting in my opinion, I don't suppose you know what Furies are?" "Someone who is clearly insane and full of anger." He responded accusingly. The fox laughed, obviously amused by the comment. "Not quite, my unenlightened friend. In Greek mythology, Furies were avenging spirits." "And you consider yourself an avenging spirit?" Tyler asked sarcastically, trying not to burst out laughing. "Yes, I will avenge atrocities caused by the humans of this planet. In the late 22nd century, humans created us. We were segregated from humans through out the world, used for experimentation, the lucky ones became slaves to rich humans or we were just left to rot in those encampments." He spoke knowingly, outrage evident in his voice at talking of the well-known fur history. 'Well that explains why there aren't any humans amongst the soldiers.' He thought to himself, looking at the assembled mass of soldiers before speaking back. "We're in the 23rd century nearly the 24th, the year 2293 to be exact." He argued enthusiastically, trying to dissuade the fox from making any rash decisions with his arsenal of missiles. "Those things happened almost a century ago, now humans and furs live side by side as equals." "But do we? It is a fact that there is still a higher percentage of humans than furs in the Confederation departments throughout the worl..." "So what?" The otter interrupted. "The percentages aren't that different. I'm sure there isn't an equal percentage of males and females, but nobody wants destroy entire cities for it. You'll kill millions of innocent people, both furs and humans." "Everyone must die eventually. These souls that I will kill shall die for the good of the planet and all other planets within the Confederation." There was an insane gleam in his light brown eyes. "I will destroy the Confederate oppressors around the worlds, then unite the survivors under my absolute power, my reign." "You really are nuts, you think that your actions are profound, for the good of the planet and so on. But you're just power hungry." He responded bluntly, then speaking sarcastically. "Well my _learned_ friend, have you ever heard the saying 'power corrupts..." "Absolute power corrupts absolutely." The arctic fox finished with a grin on his muzzle. "You believe I will become corrupted by the power I shall have." "Well you're already insane, what's a little corruption with that. Besides you won't have the power you want." "You believe I am bluffing, that I won't fire these missiles." He said playfully, gestured with his paw to the missiles on his left. His voice became serious. "Well this is not a poker game, my dear otter, and the countdown has already started, there is nothing you or the humans can do about it." "Even if you did manage to strike down the cities of Earth," he said melodramatically, "Space craft from other planets within the Confederation will bring forces to deal with you." "Once I control this planet, my influence will spread. Forces from other planets will not interfere with my plans." Tyler asked sarcastically "And what plans do you have for humans in this _perfect_ world of yours?" "I'll force them into the same conditions as our predecessors were, as retribution for their actions." "And then they'll group together and rise up against their oppressors, just like our ancestors did against the humans. It then took a year of war and several million casualties before peace was finally reached; the Terran race does not need another war." "This world will not experience another war, because furs will flock to my cause. Our combined numbers will crush any human resistance." That gleam of power and insanity reappeared in his eyes. A short feline, dressed in the blue technician's overalls, came running into the storage room. She pushed her way through the assembled soldiers to the arctic fox, she whispered briefly in the fox's ear before leaving as swiftly as she'd entered. "Well this has been fun." He nodded to the soldiers at Tyler's shoulders. "But I'm afraid I have to leave you now." The otter was roughly pulled to his footpaws and dragged out of the room, escorted by four other soldiers. He managed to catch some of the fox's conversation with one of the remaining soldiers. "I will be moving to the beta site, make sure that the missiles launch on schedule. Double the guard, I'll..." The rest couldn't be heard as Tyler was roughly moved out of earshot. He was hauled up a flight of metal stairs and then into a moderately sized room, Tyler figured it was a detention area. Along the walls were eight separate doors and in the centre of the room was a computer station. One of the soldiers accessed the central station and the first door on the left opened upwards slowly. Another of the soldiers, a ferret, threw Tyler aggressively into the cell, then typed a code on the keypad beside the door which closed slowly, the heavy locking mechanisms noisily jumped into action. Tyler remained still on the bare cold floor, listening and waiting for the soldiers to leave. The detention area door closed behind the last soldier. He rose off the floor, flexing his shoulders and rubbing his neck before, surveying his cell. There was no source of light inside, the only illumination came from a very small window in the top of the door. He ran his paws over the walls, searching for anything useful, but the walls were just as cold and bare as the floor. He than felt around the door and gave it a shove, it didn't even budge an inch. He needed help. Tyler pulled up his right sleeve over his wrist, 'I hope this room isn't shielded,' he thought before tapped his wrist three times with his left paw. A low tone was emitted from under his fur and skin, he raised his wrist to his muzzle and began talking. "This is Colonel Tyler Roe, I am currently being held in a detention area on level 3. I request assistance and hurry up about it, Colonel Roe over and out." He spoke clearly and slowly, before tapping his wrist again to cease the transmission. All he could do now was wait. * * * * * Tyler had sat with his back against the metal wall facing the doorway for about twenty minutes, he couldn't be sure because his watch had been taken with the rest of his equipment. His ears perked as he heard the detention area door slide open. He quickly stood up, flattening himself against the wall beside the heavy metal celldoor. The door opened slowly. Tyler whirled out the door quickly, his eyes unaccustomed to the bright lights of the detention area. He grabbed at the closest creature, a leopard. One paw found his gun paw, the other finding his pistol holster. Tyler rolled backwards onto his back, pulling the surprised fur down with him, he got a footpaw in the leopards stomach and kicked. The leopard ended up on his back in the cell, Tyler jumped onto his footpaws wielding both the furs rifle and pistol, the rifle aimed at the leopards head and the pistol at a small group in the detention area. "Colonel stop, we're the support you requested." Called one of the group, a human, he had his hands up like the rest in the group. "Identify yourselves." Tyler ordered suspiciously, his focus returning as his gaze moved from the leopard to the group and back again. "I am Lieutenant Neil Kess." Said the leopard from where he lay, he pulled himself up onto his elbow. "This is Corporal Alex Fyn," His free paw pointing to the female racoon in the group. "'And finally Privates Becca O'Brian and Scott Davis," he pointed to a short slim vixen and a rather rugged looking man, the one who had called out previously. Tyler pulled Neil from the cell floor and returned his weapons. The Lieutenant moved to the rest of his team and turned to face the otter, all of the 3rd Platoon came to attention and saluted the Colonel. "3rd Platoon reporting as requested, sir." Spoke Neil loudly and clearly. Tyler returned the salute, "Thank you Lieutenant. Has anyone got a radio?" Neil handed over a small black radio. "Sir, how did you get a message out without a radio?" Neil asked curiously. Tyler held up his right arm, showing the inquisitive leopard his wrist. "Nano-tec radio transmitter, never leave the H.Q. without it." He turned his attention to the radio, holding up to his muzzle. "Jade? Come in Jade." Releasing the switch, waiting for a reply. "I hear you, What do you need?" "What's the time left on the missile countdown?" "Ten minutes, the technicians are making their final preparations now. We still have to set the charges in the A-TAC hanger and then escape. Leo can meet you up on level 10 with the explosives, then you can all get back to the subs down here." Tyler paused thoughtfully, weighing all of the possibilities. "Major, can you hear me?" "Yes sir." Came the response. "How long will it take for you to get into the hanger, plant your charges and for us to get back to the subs?" "For a hanger that size," he paused, "even with six of us it would take about ten to fifteen minutes." He finished mindfully. "Okay, scratch plan A. Jade, how did the A-TAC's get into the facility? "One third of the A-TAC's are on pads connected directly to an empty hanger on the surface." "Good, time for plan B. Jade, pack up your equipment, you and Leo then get to level 10. I will meet you there with the 3rd Platoon. And be careful, the guard has been doubled." He finished decisively. "Copy that." Jade said. Tyler handed back the radio, "Lieutenant, give me your sidearm." Neil did as he was ordered. All five moved out of the detention area, Tyler took point and Neil took up the rear. Unaware guard patrols on the level 3/4 stairway were quickly taken care of. Flashing red lights and loud warning sirens met them in every corridor, until they ran into something extra. Outside the main door to the hanger several soldiers and guards had barricaded themselves in, they had set up a powerful laser cannon for extra defence. The five of them took up positions either side of the passage leading to the fortification, peeking around the corner long enough to fire one or two rounds. The guards responded by firing the cannon, causing smouldering chunks of metal to rain down from the back wall and ceiling. Tyler whirled around to fire his pistol, noticing the hanger door open a crack, something small rolled into the middle of the barricade before the door closed again. "Duck and cover!" He yelled over the noise of the firefight. All five did so quickly, despite being confused as to why. The following explosion completely annihilated all the guards and destroyed the cannon with ease. Tyler peeked around to see only metal fragments and scorched surroundings where a fortification once stood. He grinned to himself, knowing only one person who would have used explosives as a first choice. He walked up to the door which laboriously slid open, revealing Leo standing proudly on the other side. "Simpler than rifles, right?" Tyler said sarcastically. Jade looked up at Leo's face and gasped, "Surely that wasn't a smile Leo." She said in mock surprise. She was answered by a stern glare, without a hint of a smile. "Jokes later, first we have to complete this mission." Said Tyler as he looked past the towering otter into the A-TAC hanger. There were thirty of the one-pilot, bipedaled juggernauts, the fifteen metre high destroyers were hunched over in their semi-active state. They were sorted into three rows along the length of the hanger, the centre row of ten was standing on blue frosted glass of a large pad. Several metal stairways led midway up the room to narrow walkways around the walls and criss-crossed between the A-TAC's. "Is there anyone here who has had more than the required 2 week A-TAC training." Tyler asked optimistic. He was answered by dumb looks and shaking heads. "Fair enough, let's just hope these things don't breakdown on us." He looked back up at the towering machines. "Leo give me the remote for the ion charges," Leo handed it over. Now each of you, choose a craft in the centre row. Jade, come with me." The 3rd Platoon along with Leo saluted before running up the metal staircases, each selecting a craft and climbing into the cockpit. Jade and Tyler moved to the control computer at the end of the pad. The otters waited whilst five of the ten A-TAC's raised to their full height as they became fully active. Tyler nodded to Jade, she manipulated the control panel. The blue glass glowed from under the activated A-TAC's, they shimmered before rapidly fading and disappearing down the optic cables. Jade having mentally noted the members of the 3rd Platoon, turned to face Tyler; "Guess none of us won our wager then, oh well maybe next time." She said thoughtfully. "Hmm, maybe." He replied, distracted by the towering walkers. "Now then, is there anyway of forcing the remaining walkers to self-destruct rather than deactivating them?" Tyler asked, looking from the A-TAC's back to Jade. "Well," she said mindfully. "If I can make the individual A-TAC's to fire their rockets without releasing the magnetic constrictors within the battery, that may do the job. Or maybe if I force a feedback overload in the power supply, that'll definitely do it. Or..." "Ah." He raised his paw to interrupt. "Yes then?" Tyler said impatiently. "Um, sorry. Yes I suppose." She finished. Tyler nodded, she began working with the control panel. All but two of the A-TAC's raised to full height, but didn't make any other movements or sounds. "There, I've forced their power sources into a feedback, they'll explode in approximately three minutes." She said, proud of her handiwork. "Three minutes it is." He brought out the explosives remote, typing in his authorisation code along with the time limit. "Now for our escape, start a one minute countdown on the pad under the remaining two A-TAC's." "Done." The two otters ran up the staircase and along the metal walkway, clambering into the two semi-active crafts. The A-TAC's stood upright as the pad began to glow. The two otters experienced the tingly feeling and dancing lights as everyone does on a pad. After giving the crafts a couple of seconds to reset their sensor arrays after the transport, they found themselves in a similar, but relatively empty, hanger on the surface. The two of them moved to stand in line with the five other A-TAC's standing at the hanger door, ready to make their escape from the compound. From within his craft, Tyler contacted the awaiting transport ship; "This is Colonel Roe, requesting immediate evac for seven A-TAC's." "Copy that, transmitting rendezvous co-ordinates." Came the response. Tyler watched the data appear on one of the computer screens infront of him. "Okay people, we have to cover five kilometres north to get to the ship. Just skip up to full speed, providing covering fire for each other. Opening hanger door." He finished. The hanger door split, creeping off to the left and right. The individual A-TAC's ran out the hanger as soon as the door had opened past them, ending up in an arrowhead formation. Unprepared manned and automated defences kicked into action as the seven bipedaled craft came into range, lasers blurred through the air closely accompanied by rockets aiming for the quickly escaping A-TAC's. In response, the A-TAC's' upper torso and arms pivoted towards the defence systems, quick-fire lasers peppered through the incoming rockets and the A-TAC's superior rockets making easy work of the defences. As the A-TAC's reached the four kilometre mark the three minute countdown elapsed, the upper levels collapsed into the ground where the destroyed lower levels once were, the escaping A-TAC's all felt the shockwave that erupted from the facility. The ship came into view, it was hovering about 30m from the ground with a platform large enough for all seven craft lowered to the ground. All of the craft climbed aboard, the platform was raised back into the ship leaving a perfectly flat base. It rose vertically of the ground before flying off into the distance. * * * * * Tyler, Leo, Jade, Neil, Alex, Becca and Scott, having left their A-TAC's in the cargo bay, were all sitting a small room that counted as a crew lounge. They each sat on scarcely padded chairs that were built into the wall, on the metallic centre table sat a near empty bottle of wine and seven filled glass flutes. Tyler picked up his glass and raised it in a toast; "To another successful mission and all successes to come." He said. The others all reached to pick up their own glasses, before they could raise and drink from them the door swished open. Everyone turned to see who it was, Tyler being the first to recognise the figure standing in the doorway. "Attention!" Tyler yelled, quickly putting his glass back down and standing to attention. The others promptly did likewise. "As you were." Came the loud voiced reply. The speaker walked in slowly and purposefully, she was a diminutive mouse. Special Operations Division General Alyson Masters, her 4'10" dull-white furred body mostly hidden under her trim blue uniform. Despite her small physique she was probably the loudest person known to the Terran race, if she was angry she could dole out an earful and still be ready for more. The assembled people relaxed slightly, luckily the General seemed to be in a good mood. "General we were in the middle of a toast," he poured an eighth glass and offered it to the authoritative mouse, "would you care to join us?" He finished kindly. "Another time perhaps." Turning down his offer with a wave of her paw. "To put it bluntly, this isn't a time for celebration or toasts. Come with me Colonel." She turned and walked out the way that she entered. "Yes ma'am," he replied slightly mystified. He turned to the others and shot a rather confused and worried look before following in the Generals wake. He walked into a corridor and through the door on the opposite side. The room had a couple of chairs and a desk scattered with papers and a small computer, it was apparent that General Masters was using the room as a temporary office. Tyler took a couple of steps into the room and again stood at attention. The general was standing behind her desk. "At ease Colonel," Tyler did as he was ordered. "Firstly, report on your mission." "All primary mission objectives were completed; the storage facility has been completely destroyed. Also, seven A-TAC's have been secured for the Confederation. As for the secondary objectives, though we were unable to gather any information, but I did come face to face with him." He paused. "And?" General Masters asked, trying to speed things along. "His goal is to have absolute power over all the worlds within the Confederation and to kill or isolate all humans in it. He's nuts as well as being very intelligent, and that is not a good mix especially when he has immense amounts of firepower at his disposal." "Was he willing to fire the missiles as he'd threatened?" "Yes, we managed to destroy them within a few minutes of launching." He responded proudly. "Where is he now?" "The last thing I heard him say was that he was moving to 'beta site', I don't know where that is though." "I look forward to reading your official report Colonel." "Yes ma'am." He looked at her, wondering why he was actually standing there. "Is there something else General?" She moved around to the front of the desk to stand infront of the otter, not caring that she had to look up at him. "We were hoping that he was bluffing and that he wasn't a threat." By 'we' she meant herself and other Confederation Division Generals. "But now we know he is, so all available assets from every Division will be mobilised in an effort to seek out and destroy Arctic Fury and his forces before this situation escalates any further..." "You mean we're going to war against him? You have to be kidding." Tyler interrupted in disbelief. "Yes, in all likelihood, this will lead to war." She said, annoyed at being interrupted. "And no, I'm not joking. Do you think that this is what I wanted?" She yelled loudly, smashing a clenched paw down on the desk aggressively as she moved back behind her desk. "I have two nieces, and I do not want them to have to live in fear of being caught in the crossfire between some lunatic madman and the humans he wants to force into extinction or isolation. That is why it is _our_ job to make sure this does not turn into another war. Do you understand me?" "Yes ma'am!" He shouted his response, regretting having interrupted her. "Dismissed." Tyler turned and left General Masters' office. He knew that the General was both annoyed and saddened at the decision that was made, she didn't want the situation to escalate into a war but the confederation would prepare the worst; which is war. So no matter how you looked at it, the Terran Confederation was now at war against the rebel furs who want to destroy humans. Tyler walked back into the crew lounge, the friendly conversations quickly died away, everyone turned with expectant looks on their faces. "Due to the threat caused by the rebel furs." He paused, still trying to accept what he was saying. "The Terran Confederation has basically declared war." A stunned silence answered his comment, nobody sure what to say. Finally Jade raised her glass. "To victory," she toasted optimistically, "and peace thereafter." They all echoed, "And peace thereafter." To Be Continued... Look out for sequels and prequels. Any questions or comments? E-mail me,