"Blood Ties" Written by and(c)Oct-2002 Ralcor (me), Do not redistribute without permission. This is the forth part of the "Recurrence" series, like it says 'forth part' you should read the previous three parts; "Of Furs And Furies", "Every I In Team" and "V-Irony". Done, then go ahead... Tyler sped along the dark road atop his motorcycle, weaving a path between what few cars were out at this late hour. Sure, he could have used a self- driving car, just to lean back and let the car take you anywhere. But where's the fun in that and besides the otter didn't trust to have his life controlled by a 'smart car'. Veering off he drove along a thin dust-track, dust and loose stones flew off the back tire as he accelerated along toward his destination. After a few minutes he eventually slowed to a stop outside a moderately sized country bungalow. He got off and giving the stand a quick kick, walking along the stone path, noting that more flowers and shrubs had been planted down either side, Lorna really did adore her gardening. Tyler rummaged through his coat pocket, eventually finding a keycard he opened the front door. He stepped into his home entering a large single room and flipping on a light, to his left was an elaborate kitchen area and a wooden dining table, one of the kitchen benches between the two. On the other side was a couch, a couple of smaller chairs and a glass television screen built into the wall. He stepped up a couple of steps onto the light wood flooring, nearly tripping over a small cleaning drone as it swept by on its nightly duties. Tyler walked over to the door opposite him, silently cursing the bot which seemed determined to get under his footpaws. Turning the light off behind him, we walked quietly past the open door to his kit's room taking a quick peek. Danny, their eight year old son, was lying on his bed, his uncovered cream-furred chest rising and falling in peaceful slumber. Tyler entered his son's room, leaning down to gently pull the blanket up over his slender chest, as he stood up he bumped his head on one of the many model air and space craft. He enjoyed helping his son construct the models, but for the last couple of weeks he hadn't got a chance to come home and throughout the year he'd have to spend several weeks on base, giving him even less time to be with his family. Tyler exited the bedroom and continued to the end of the hall, entering a bathroom. After a few minutes he left, stretching and giving now naked form a scratch before entering his own bedroom where his wife was already asleep. He silently padded around to the empty half of the bed and lay down on his back, gently pulling the blanket that Lorna had a firm grasp of. As he tugged with a little more insistence she rolled over along with the quilt, draping her arm over Tyler's broad chest. At feeling her husband's warmth, Lorna wriggled across the bed to run her lithe body against his, their fur and heat mingling. Tyler fell asleep with a lazy grin on his muzzle, it felt good to be home. * * * * * Light filtered through the curtains, illuminating the peaceful bedroom. Shafts of brightness hovering over the sleeping otter's face. He rolled over, his paw searching the other side of the bed expecting to find his wife, not finding her he was forced to open his eyes. He was the only one in the room, rolling back to lie flat Tyler looked at Lorna's bedside cabinet where a small clock sat, an old-fashioned design with three hands and ancient Roman numerals. Realising it was nearly noon already he jumped out of bed, the otter left the bedroom and disappeared into the bathroom holding a pile of clothing. Lorna was in the kitchen, she wore blue jeans and a simple white blouse, she didn't feel comfortable in extravagant clothing. She was preparing her usual elaborate lunch, pulling a pan out of the oven and flipping it closed with her thick tail. Many more saucepans and pots sat on the hob, Lorna didn't use protein resequencers for the same reason she wouldn't allow any drones in her garden. On the opposite side of the open room, Danny was watching the television whilst messing around with a baseball. Tyler stepped into the spacious room wearing white trousers and a loose black shirt, his son gleefully jumped to his feet and ran to stand infront of him. The smaller otter gave a swift, if shabby, salute to his father. Instead of returning the salute, Tyler ruffled his kit's headfur. "Nice try, but you got the wrong paw again." Tyler teased him "Aww." Danny sulked, but quickly returned to his cheerful mood. "Wanna play catch," he presented the baseball, "or Mum got me an original '82 Atlas, we could put it together." He said hopefully. "Sounds good, Dan." Tyler said happily. Before he could say anymore, two brown-furred arms slid around his chest and tightened. Seeing this, Danny just left to go and watch baseball on the television, he didn't want to see his parents kiss again. Which of course they did, Tyler turned around and their muzzles met, lips parting and their kiss deepened, until finally Lorna broke off the kiss and nuzzled against his chest tenderly. "Good morning, love. Just as sleepy as ever?" She asked softly, a touch of amusement in her voice. "Morning, gorgeous. Just as...uh...gorgeous as ever?" He replied. She laughed lightly, lifting her head from her mate's chest, looking into his eyes. "If not sleepy, then just as expressive." She said sarcastically. He drew her closer into another hug. "I love you." "I love you, too." She tightened her grip, wanting to dissolve into her lover's embrace. But their moment was interrupted by a call from Danny. "Dad, come see this." He yelled, referring to a news report that had appeared onscreen. The two otters released each other and went to sit with their son. The screen showed a desert scene, the camera turned slowly to the left, ambling over a distant dune was a squadron of five A-TAC's, behind followed more of the bipedaled craft of various classes and in many different formations. In the expanse there was debris of several decimated war craft, lying smouldering in small heaps. The camera angle abruptly turned around to see an A-TAC's leg hit the sandy ground a few short metres away, the angle raised to point vertically in time to see the other leg descending quickly. The video was cut short and replaced with blue 'transmission lost' screen. The screen returned to a news centre with a squirrel in a blue suit presenting the report from behind a silver metal and glass topped desk. "This footage, from the Sahara Desert, briefly shows scenes of the ongoing war between the Terran Confederation Military Divisions forces and the rebel furs operating in that area. These conflicts, which started just over a week ago, have cost many lives on both sides. So far neither side has gained any sizeable advantage over the other, but a spokesman from the Military Division gave us this statement; "We are confident of prevailing over the rebels", but was unwilling to..." The television screen went blank, Tyler and Danny turned to look questionably at Lorna, who held the remote. "We've heard enough of that." She said decisively. "Danny, could you go lay the table." He got off the couch and traipsed over to the kitchen to do as he was bid. Lorna turned to her mate. "I know you're a part of the Confederation, but you don't take part of those things, do you?" She asked hopefully. "I'm not part of Military Division, just a branch of it that ties to a branches from Intelligence Division and R&D Division, my team and I do tactical analysis of enemy strategy." He lied to her solemnly with his well-practised cover story. He had no choice, only high level officers within the T.C. and specific Military Division teams knew about the existence of Special Operations Division. "I still don't buy it, a position like that couldn't keep you away for weeks at a time." She said bluntly. "Besides you couldn't analyse anything, even if your life depended on it." She teased. Tyler just smiled at her last remark. "And you can't tell me because it's all classified." She said dramatically. Tyler's smile vanished, he longed to tell her everything, but just couldn't because it may expose the Division and worse could put his mate in danger. "I'll just have to take solace knowing that you're part of the Confederation doing what you believe in." "That's my girl." He said happily, giving her a quick kiss on the forehead. "Come on, I've been looking forward for a proper meal for over a fortnight." Rubbing his paws together in anticipation. Lorna dished up the meal as Tyler and Danny took a seat at the wooden table, the meal consisted of a multitude of vegetables that she'd grown herself in a patch at the back of the house, along with that she had prepared a salmon that Tyler caught himself. Eventually, near the end of the meal, conversation turned to Lorna's job. She was a historian and co-owned a local museum. "Unfortunately we've had to close the museum for a little while." She said regretfully. "How come?" Tyler asked between mouthfuls. "You know George?" Tyler gave a slow nod, he'd met her human partner only a couple of times. "Well he's a bit paranoid and can go over the top, so when this conflict started he put everything into storage and locked up the building. He's was scared by the anti-human attitude the fox has, claiming it's the 'end of human life'." She sighed heavily. "So that leaves me with extra time here..." "To spend in your garden." Tyler finished. "Mmm, you noticed." She said softly. "I helped." Danny piped in, not bothering to finish what he was chewing. Lorna was about to reprimand him, but the three of them were interrupted by a light chime emanating from the TV. "I'll get it." The young otter announced and jumped from the table heading for the television. He picked up the remote and the glass screen lit up with a picture of an older human, in his early fifties with a grey beard and a very distinguished look about him. "Good morning." He said cheerily. "Is your dad there?" "Yeah, hang on." Danny went to sit down again as his father went to speak to the man. "Colonel Roe." The man addressed Tyler. "Yes, General." The otter responded. This was General Charles Powell, the second S.O. Division General alongside General Masters, between the two of them they decided nearly everything that occurred within the Division. "You're needed on base to analyse the tactics of the latest enemy assault." The general stated. Before Tyler could acknowledge the Generals order, the screen disintegrated into interference then an image of Eric Draks appeared in its place. "I am Arctic Fury, leader of the so-called _rebel_ furs. But I lead the side of justice, I fight to silence our human oppressors." The fox stretched out his arms, as if to indicate everyone he was addressing. "Furs of Confederate worlds, join us, do not stand by whilst humans dominate our lives." Lorna had moved to stand beside her mate, she mimicked the fox's final statement with impatience dripping from her voice. "Join us." With that, the transmission ceased and the elder General eventually reappeared on the screen. "That's the forth time I've seen that in the last three days." Lorna whispered in Tyler's ear. "We're still tracking the origin of those transmissions. Like I said, Colonel, you're needed on base." The General restated, turning to Lorna. "Good day, Mrs Roe." She just smiled and remained silent. "I'll be on base in two hours, sir." Tyler responded. "One hour, Colonel." He ordered sternly. * * * * * Just over an hour later, Tyler not being the most punctual of furs, Tyler rolled down a sloping ramp into the S.O. Base's parking lot. He jumped off his motorcycle, kicking the stand, and entering a lift. The panel only had buttons for the car park and four levels of the building above, which was a complex that belonged to R&D Division where very little secret projects occurred. Instead Tyler placed his brown-furred paw onto one of the many creamy-coloured tiles, the tile's creamy appearance seemed to dissolve leaving it a clear glass with the intricate circuitry behind showing through. Two blue lights, one horizontal and the other vertical, scanned across his paw. The lights disappeared and the tile returned to its original colour, the lift jumped into action, accelerating downwards. Eventually it came to a stop and the doors slid open, revealing a long concrete corridor with circular walls and ceiling with lights built into both, pipes carrying mainly electronics ran along walls. The underground complex used to be a nuclear bunker, which was very obvious due to the massive amounts of concrete and distinct lack decoration. Tyler padded out of the lift, the doors closing behind him, he continued through the network of tunnels, finally coming across both the General's offices. He took a peek into General Masters office, but the lights were off and she was away, probably at another Division meeting. He moved on to General Powell's office, the door was open so Tyler had a quick look in. Like the corridors and other rooms it was made of concrete, but General Powell had added pictures of relatives or warcraft amongst other personal items. Noticing the otter at the door, General Powell stops writing to talk to the Tyler. "Colonel, your team members are all somewhere on base. Gather them together and meet me in the upper conference room." He immediately went back to writing again. "Yes, General." Tyler walked off in search of his team. Tyler continued along the underground passageway, turning this way and that, until he got to the medical wing of the facility. He walked in to find Jade, wearing a typical hospital gown, with Alex who was wearing a white doctors coat over the standard grey coverall that most people on base wore. The racoon was leaning over Jade's bed, giving a final look over the otter's injury, checking that it had healed completely. As Alex finished and stood up, Tyler walked in to address the pair. "All better now?" He asked. "The regenerator finished and there doesn't seem to be any problems." Alex reported. "Ready for action." Jade announced enthusiastically. "Good, both of you go to the upper conference room. I'll go find everyone else." He paused. "Any ideas where they are?" "I think Sarah's gone down to the gym, sir." Jade said from where she lay. "Right." Tyler said, turning to leave the wing. "I'll come too." Jade said still enthusiastic, she jumped from the bed and started to follow. "Second Lieutenant, you may want to change first." Alex pointed out Jade's oversight. The otter looked turned to the racoon then looked down, she still wore the gown. She grinned blushing deeply under her fur. "Maybe, I should just meet you upstairs." She said hesitantly. * * * * * Tyler approached the gym, as he got closer he could hear sounds of exertion from within. Tyler guessed they were probably emanating from Leo, the muscular otter spent most of his spare time there, when he wasn't in briefings, away on missions or asleep, Leo didn't have much of a social life he stayed in one of the extra quarters on base. As he walked nearer, he heard lighter noises from females. Tyler entered the gym and stood in the doorway to see Sarah attempting to teach both Becca and Leo some of her style of paw-to-paw combat, Becca seemed eager to learn whilst Leo respected the weasel's efforts he didn't really seem especially willing student. The vixen and otter took turns in confronting the smaller mustelid, despite her size Sarah easily floored or pinned both combatants to the padded mats. After tripping Becca backwards onto her back for about the tenth time, Sarah looked up to see Tyler watching in slight amusement. "Care for a round, sir?" She challenged bobbing lightly on the spot. "Another time perhaps." Tyler declined. "Where did you learn to fight like that?" "I grew up with five brothers, you had to be able to handle yourself in my family." She answered. "Hmm, fair enough. You're all needed in the conference room upstairs, so take a shower, dry off and I'll meet you there." "Yes, sir." They said together, then moved off towards the lockers and showers at the opposite end of the room. * * * * * Eventually the entire of Alpha Team along with General Powell and a woman they hadn't met before, were all sitting in the upper conference room, General Powell and the woman at the head of the table and the others down the sides of the long rectangular table. "I would like to start by congratulating you all on your mission yesterday." The General began. "Thank you, sir. It was nothing." Tyler responded imitating modestly, idly beating a pen against an open file. "Secondly, I'll introduce the scientist to my left, this is Dr Chloe Gener one of the head researchers from R&D Division. She will be give you your briefing." He turned to Chloe. "Doctor?" "Thank you, sir." She turned to address the group. "As your General has said, I'm a head researcher, my field of speciality is cybernetics. At 1840 yesterday we received a message along one of the channels encrypted for communication with spies within Eric Draks' forces. Though the communiqué was unusually obscure, it has been confirmed that he is..." "Up to his old tricks." Tyler finished for her, he stopped drumming the pen at sat forward. "What's he trying to do now?" "Well, apparently, he's developing a 'cyfur'." She walked around the table to a panel on the wall, Tyler, Jade and Alex swivelled around on their chairs to remain facing Chloe. "What's a cyfur?" Jade asked, sounding out the unfamiliar word. "You're aware of the word cyborg, it categorises a human that is part organic and part mechanical." She got slight nods from most of the group, but just a 'don't look at me' expression from Tyler, so she accessed the panel. A 3D image of a squirrel was projected, the right half showed a normal outer exterior but the left showed mechanical innards, she pointed out individual parts as she spoke. "Well, it seems that Eric is trying to produce cyfurs, either machines with a fur appearance or furs enhanced through use of cybernetics and mechanisation..." "So basically, a superfur?" Tyler intervened trying to simplify everything, he looked expectantly from Chloe to Jade. "Yes?" "Uh, yes sir." Jade answered. "Ahh." He turned back to Chloe. "And this wouldn't be a good thing." He stated plainly. "Well done, Colonel." She said, a bit more patronisingly than she meant. "And you want us to stop him and destroy all the files and so on." Tyler predicted. "Actually, no." She corrected him. "The Confederation believes that this technology could be invaluable, so you have to either copy every file or preferably procure a prototype. That's everything I have to say, are there any questions concerning the cyfurs?" "If they're already active, how could we disable them?" Jade asked without looking up from the file. "We don't have sufficient information to know of their weaknesses, but we have got enough to be reasonably certain that the cyfurs won't be online." "_Reasonably_ certain?" Tyler echoed doubtfully. General Powell stood up and everyone turned to face him. "There is an Atlas prepped and ready for launch on the pad, once there you'll be transported to the Space Division flagship Victorious, from there you'll be hyperlighted to your target destination. All equipment will be provided on route. Move out." "Yes, sir." Tyler spoke for his team, who all rose off their chairs and left towards the launch pad. * * * * * The great rounded roof of the hanger opened laboriously to reveal the Atlas resting on the launch pad within. Once the roof was fully open, the crafts engines flared and it steadily rose off the ground, the forward-swept wings narrowly missing the ceiling on both sides. The nose pointed towards the sky and the Atlas accelerated upwards. As it approached the highest it could achieve on its air-breathing jets, the jets sank into the surface of the craft and the forward-swept wings rotated until the tips connected to the nose leaving a more aerodynamic fin that ran the length of both sides. The main rocket engine ignited and the transport ship ascended rapidly out of Earth's atmosphere and into open space. Onboard the Atlas, the two pilots and Alpha Team sat securely in the ten- man cockpit during the entire takeoff, they all were able to witness the blue of the atmosphere dissolve into the cold black of space, then something caught everyone's eye. Coming into full view was the Space Division flagship, Victorious, it was certainly a sight to behold. The forward section was shaped like an arrowhead, along the forward edge and on a half-circle path on the top and bottom ran high-yield laser arrays. Sprouting from the back of the craft was the engineering section, which spanned about three-quarters of the overall width. Two nacelles on either side of the back portion provided the hyperlight drive, on the rear points of the arrowhead section were sublight engines. Around its dull silver exterior, lights from various quarters and rooms could be seen, on the topside was written 'TCSDS VICTORIOUS', the entire craft was about a kilometre long. The Atlas manoeuvred to a docking port atop the flagship near where the sections connected, the small craft being completely dwarfed by the tremendous flagship. Once the two were connected the decking under the Atlas started to move downward into the Victorious, the descent paused as the gap above was sealed by four heavy doors, then continued into the pressurised shuttlebay below. The hatch on the side of the Atlas' cockpit opened outwards to reveal the very spacious shuttlebay. Alpha Team and the two human pilots left the Atlas and were greeted by two of the flagship's crew, a woman and a wolf. The wolf stepped forward to shake Tyler's paw. "Welcome aboard, I'm Commander Robin Scott, second in command of the Victorious. I'd like to say that it's an honour to meet you, Colonel." "Um, you too." Tyler responded. "If you're pilots could follow Ensign Whyte." He gestured to the woman on his right. "Quarters have been arranged for the duration of your travel. The captain is waiting on the observation deck for you and your team, Colonel." "Of course he is. Lead on." Tyler said. The two pilots and Ensign Whyte left towards the guest quarters whilst Alpha Team filed out of the shuttlebay behind Commander Scott, heading for the observation deck via a turbo-lift. The lift doors swished open to reveal the Victorious' main bridge, it was just as impressive as the ships exterior. Along the front wall were five large screens, the centre display spanned a third of the wall and was twice the size of the other four, two on either side of the main screen. Two humans sat at separate stations at the front of the bridge, helm on the right and tactical on the left. On the far right sat a badger at an engineering position, images and schematics of the ship could be seen on the various panels around his section, on the opposite side of the bridge was a woman sitting at operations. In the centre were two chairs, presently empty, just behind that was a simple rail on a raised area. At the far back of the bridge were several panels that spanned the length of the rear wall, except for three doors one on either side and the central lift. Alpha Team exited the turbo-lift and lined up along the elevated railing, standing in awe of the magnificent command centre of the flagship. The group was starting to feel slightly uncomfortable, some of the crew had given some questionable looks. The entire crew wore proper uniforms, pressed black trousers with very smart-looking tops bearing colours and markings on their shoulders and upper chest to indicate their particular rank. But Alpha Team wore grey overalls with small coloured stripes on their shoulders and cuffs, they could easily be mistaken for a maintenance group. "Colonel, the observation deck is this way." The wolf gestured towards the door to his right, down a couple of stairs behind the engineering station. "Captain Ellis is waiting for you there." Jade's ears perked at the Commander's statement, she hurried towards the indicated door with the others behind her. The doors slid open silently, exposing the immense observation deck, though not an actual deck it could have been on a smaller ship. Midway along the window, which replaced the right-side wall, stood an otter wearing similar a similar uniform but with blue coloration on his shoulders with a silver trim. He held his paws together behind him just above his thick tail which twitched idly from side to side. Jade jogged up behind him, fast enough for everyone else to think she was going to bowl him over, but when she got close enough she spun on the spot, her tail hitting his to one side. The taller otter smiled broadly and spoke without turning around. "There's only a couple of otters I know who do that, and only one enthusiastic enough to do it infront of her team members." He turned to give Jade a warm hug. "Good to see you, squirt. It's been a long time." He laughed at Jade's pout, she always hated that nickname. He then faced the rest of the team, approaching Tyler to shake his paw. "I am Tom Ellis, Captain of the Victorious and Jade's elder brother. It's good to meet you, Colonel. You and your team have given yourselves quite a reputation in your short time together." "Thanks." Tyler said, trying to think of a response. "Cool ship." He smiled again. "She certainly is, the Victorious is the most sophisticated ship in the Space Division fleet." "You've done well, Tom." Jade commented. "Thanks, squirt." Tom got the same response from Jade, he then looked back to Tyler. "But we'll have time to catch up later, I'm sure Colonel Roe would like to begin the briefing." He gestured towards a long rectangular table. "Please, won't you all have a seat." They all did as they were bid, Tyler, Leo and Robin sat on the left and the remaining four sat on the right. Tom waited until everyone else was seated before straightening his uniform and joining them, taking the seat at the end of the table. "As I understand you have already been informed of the cyfurs and Arctic Fury's intentions..." "Superfurs." Tyler interjected. "I'll take that as a yes. On the return from our latest deep-space assignment we did a flyby sensor sweep of the planet and were able to get preliminary readings, PX5-814-223 is the fifth planet from the star in the solar system..." "Mmm, catchy name." Tyler interrupted again. "There are a number of interconnected biospheres situated on the planet's equator." Tom continued insistently, being very tolerant with Tyler. "There are at least two Defender sites, one to the north and the other to the east, your pilots will be specially briefed on manoeuvres to get you down safely. Once on the ground you'll have to use breathing apparatus, the atmosphere is highly toxic." "Well that's good to know." Tyler said sarcastically. "You'll be dropped off south-east of the south most biosphere, from there you will have to move north then west to the closest entrance, bear in mind that going will be slow due to the entire area being marshland. Any questions? Or _comments?_" His last remark directed towards Tyler, who just looked behind him before turning back and giving a 'who me?' expression. There were no actual questions, or comments, made. "That's all I have to say, we will arrive in thirty six hours. Commander Scott will assign you quarters for when you want to rest, until then, all the facilities of the Victorious are available to you." Captain Ellis finished and stood up, the others did likewise being led out of the observation deck. Tom placed a paw on Jade's shoulder to halt her exit, waiting until everyone else had left before starting to talk to his younger sister. "So what have you been doing with yourself, squirt?" "You first, where have you been for the last four years?" She asked. "And stop calling me squirt, I'm almost as tall as you now." "Deep space assignment, all details are classified. Sorry, so what have you been up to?" "Typical." She said sarcastically. "Well, I've been participating in missions for S.O. Division for nearly a year. I finished my officer training a week ago and since have been to the Amazon." She paused to look out the window, seeing the stars move as the Victorious started its departure, the stars grew into bright streaks as the ship jumped to hyperlight speed. "And now I'm in space, travelling at over the speed of light on my brother's ship. Basically, I've been busy." "And enjoying every minute." Tom remarked. "It's amazing." She finished. "Come on, I'll give you a guided tour of your brother's ship." He offered kindly, already moving towards the door. "I thought you'd never offer." She said eagerly, quickly falling into her brother's wake. * * * * * Nineteen hours to the arrival, the Victorious dropped to sublight engines and Alpha Team was summoned to the bridge. Leo and Tyler stepped out of the turbo-lift onto the bridge to find the other four already waiting. "For what matter of urgency were we beckoned?" Leo asked the group in general. "I was unable to finish reviewing details of PX5-814-223." "We weren't told, Becca and I couldn't finish in the gym either." Sarah spoke for the two of them, they both wore tight trousers and T-shirts having had no time to change. "The Second Lieutenant was showing me the medical facilities onboard, they're really well equipped on this ship." Spoke Alex. "Well, I was about to do something important." He cleared his throat, slightly self-consciously. "But in the rush I've forgot what it was." The remark elicited a few grins from the others in the group, before anything else could be said Tom walked out from the Captain's ready-room, the door to their left opposite the one leading to the observation deck. He straightened his uniform habitually, moving to the centre of the bridge before giving general orders to the bridge crew. "Put the Ra'val vessel on the main viewer, hail them." The woman at operations responded, manipulating the controls of her console. Whilst she did so, Tyler shouted his enquiry across the bridge. "Hey, what's going on?" There were still a few condescending glances from the bridge officers, since they were not informed of the teams' actual mission. They think that Alpha Team is another of the many survey teams requiring transport to the outer regions of the sector, in their opinion a waste of a flagships time, but they were still willing to follow their Captains orders. "The Ra'val collapsed our hyperlight field, I thought you ought to be present to hear what they have to say." Their attention turned to the central display where the vessel appeared. It was nearly three times the size of the Victorious, its main body was long and slender with two very wide spread, slightly forward-swept wings. Midway along both wings were hyperlight engines, long, cylindrical and pointed at both ends, its entire exterior was seamless and bright silver in colour. On the screen it showed the underside of the craft (which would look exactly the same as the topside) as it took a threatening position over the Victorious, fortunately the Ra'val are allies to the Confederation. "Channel's open, sir." The woman operations officer reported. "This is Captain Ellis of the Confederation flagship Victorious, please explain why you have stopped us here." Tom spoke to the alien ship, trying not to sound overly demanding. Infront of the tactical and helm stations an alien appeared, it seemed real but every so often it would shimmer slightly, showing that it was the Ra'val holographic technology. It (for lack of a better pronoun, since all of their species looked so similar and distinction between sexes, if they even had, was impossible) was about half the size of an average Terran, with a body that seemed very fragile and a head that appeared too large, none of their species wore clothing (making it even harder to distinguish between individuals). Along with their physical differences, they were also far more technologically advanced compared to the Terran race. It spoke slowly in a perfectly clear voice, with no noticeable emotions showing through. "I am Kal'Darna, commander of the Ra'val cruiser Vora. We apologise for stopping your ship in this manner, you are about to exit protected territory. If you continue on this course it is likely that you will encounter the Xhyayra (pronounce: zy-air-a), a dangerous and savage race, who should be avoided where ever possible." "Thank you for your advice, but we are on an important mission and..." "I take it back." Tyler interrupted ignoring all etiquette, everyone turned to look at the otter. "Their ship is _so_ much cooler, can't we go with them?" Kal'Darna merely blinked and turned his attention to the otter on the raised deck. "You would be Colonel Tyler Roe, we have heard much of you exploits." It said, completely unbothered by Tyler's interruption. He then turned to Tom, giving Tyler no time to respond. "If you are to proceed, we will send you information regarding the Xhyayra." The alien's representation disappeared from the bridge. "Files received, Captain." The operations officer announced. "The Vora is moving off." The central screen showed her statement to be true, the Ra'val cruiser turned one-eighty in a small arc before jumping to hyperlight and streaking out of visual range. "Helm, continue on our original course." Tom turned to face Alpha Team on the raised deck. "Next time could you please stay quiet, unless you have something _relevant_ to add." He said sternly as he took his seat. "Whatever." Tyler said dismissively. "I'm gonna eat." He turned to enter the turbo-lift along with Sarah and Becca who were heading for back to the gym. Leo, Jade and Alex remained on the bridge and, after asking permission from an officer using the rear computers, used one of the rear stations to review the files received from the Vora. * * * * * "Colonel Roe and team, please report to docking port four." The comsystem declared across the ship, six hours before arrival. Tyler, who had fallen asleep just ten minutes previously, grumbled loudly. He finally decided he'd have to get up he climbed out of bed in the guest quarters and headed for the door, he still wore his grey overalls having nothing to change into. The door slid open as he muttered to himself. "How am I supposed to find docking port four?" He looked left down the corridor, there was several people wandering around, then looked to his right. Directly infront stood Commander Scott, Tyler jumped slightly in surprise at his sudden arrival. "Sorry if I startled you, Colonel. Captain Ellis requested that I direct you to the docking port, guessing that you wouldn't know where it is." "Really." Tyler said slowly. "Please." Robin gestured down the corridor. After a couple of minutes of being guided through the ship by the wolf, the pair arrived at the docking port where the others and Captain Ellis were already standing. The decking shuddered slightly, as if something had impacted the hull. "What's going on?" Tyler asked to anyone who'd answer, looking from face to face. "The Fores has docked with us, another Special Operations team is to join your mission." Before Tom could elaborate further the airlock door slid upwards to reveal a fox, two men and a female ferret stepped through. "Lieutenant Colonel John Sanders and Beta Team reporting, sir." The fox saluted Tyler. "My team; Captain Mason, Corporal Soulsby and Private Sharpe." His black furred paw pointing from the man to the ferret and settling on the final man. "Where's the remainder of your team?" Tyler asked, reviewing the incomplete team ahead of him. "Their particular skills were needed on another mission, sir." John reported. "Fair enough." He said, not needing any further details. "And why are you here?" "Generals Powell and Masters thought that you should have backup because you'd be too far from any other S.O. teams." "Right, well if you and your team would like to follow Captain Ellis here..." He gestured towards Tom. "...there's an exciting briefing for you." He said sarcastically. "But now I'm going back to finish what I started." He concluded, trying to make it sound like he was doing something important and not just sleeping. He left, allowing the two teams to meet and for Tom to welcome the new arrivals. * * * * * Ten minutes until the mission commences. The Victorious was in a high orbit over PX5-814-223 in stealth mode, awaiting the launch of the Atlas. Alpha Team were out of their overalls and wearing their full combat gear, weapons and all, waiting in the shuttlebay as the pilots completed the final checks on the transport craft. Beta Team was on the bridge, they too wore full combat gear so got no questionable glances. They would only be transported to the planet if Tyler requested backup, so for now they had to wait and be ready aboard the Victorious. Tom had the bridge officers running extensive scans of the surface to make sure of no surprises. "We're approaching the release position, Colonel." Tom said over the comsystem. "Copy that, we're ready now." He responded, climbing into the Atlas with the door sealing behind him. "Good luck, Colonel." He turned to his operations officer. "Begin the launch sequence." She did so. Onboard the Atlas, Alpha Team was all secured in the cockpit behind the pilots. Tyler leaned forward in his seat. "So you've done this sort of thing before, right?" Tyler asked the pilots hopefully. "Oh yeah, lots of times." The woman looked to the male pilot. "Arming ejection systems." The two of them grinned playfully. "Very funny." Tyler finished sarcastically, sitting back in his seat none to reassured, most of the others onboard found it funny. The Atlas ascended on the shuttlebay lift, through the four and further until it sat on the Victorious' surface. To anyone watching it would appear that the Atlas had materialised from nowhere, as the flagship remained invisible. The transport craft detached and began a lazy course towards the planet, its main power remained offline so it would stay undetected by any of the Defenders on the surface. As it approached the planet's atmosphere it manoeuvred so that it pointed itself straight down into a nosedive, descending swiftly towards the planets marshy surface. At a couple of hundred feet off the ground its wings spread to their normal extended position, causing the Atlas to abruptly level off. Its air brakes activated making it slow enough for the main engines to take over. As the engines took over and main power started up, the Atlas was detected by more than two Defenders. Seven more of the rocket sites along with two Guardians, high intensity laser fortifications, phased into view and let loose on the transport vessel. "Taking evasive action, preparing counter-measures." The male pilot yelled. "Brace for impact." The woman added. Defender rockets exploded all around the Atlas, having been intercepted by quick-fire lasers. Even with the counter-measures a couple of the rockets impacted the hull, one to the left wing and the other on the rear engine. The Atlas managed to avoid the first Guardian blast, but the second completely severed the right wing causing the ship to spiral towards the ground. "Destroy them all." Tom ordered. "De-cloaking the ship." The operations officer responded. "Firing lasers and concussive torpedos." The man at tactical reported. "The Guardians are firing." The woman at operations declared. "Executing evasive pattern omega." Said the man at helm. The entire ship trembled violently, Beta Team were thrown to the ground and many of the bridge officers joined them on the floor before hastily returning to their stations. "Hull breach on decks fifteen and sixteen, emergency fields in place the decks are being evacuated." The operations woman reported. "Captain, those are _not_ normal Guardians. Their output is nearly fifty times what it should be, the blasts penetrated our shields as if they were offline..." The badger at the engineering station started. "Guardians are firing again." The woman interrupted. The ship shuddered again, this time throwing everyone to the ground. Tom quickly got off the ground. "Helm, get us out of here." He ordered. John, realising what Captain Ellis was intending, jumped the rail onto the lower area of the bridge to confront him muzzle to muzzle. "We cannot leave them like this, there has to be something we can do from here." "We are in no position to help them now. We have to withdraw and formulate a better plan than barging in the front door." He looked past the fox standing directly infront of him. "Helm!" The man who he yelled to was having problems getting the ship to respond, eventually striking the panel decisively. The Victorious jumped to hyperlight but after several seconds its engines died, leaving the ship adrift. The main power had dissipated, leaving everyone onboard with only emergency lighting and life support. "I want complete damage reports in the next ten minutes." He turned to John. "Your team and I will start planning." They headed towards the observation deck, leaving Robin to take command and organise repairs. * * * * * Tyler woke, slowly becoming aware of his surroundings. He was lying on his side upon a cold glass floor with his tail resting against an equally cold metal wall, he tried to move but groaned at the eruption of pain from the arm he was resting on. He opened his eyes, but where ever he was happened to be pitch black. The otter sat up slightly to relieve the pressure on his injured arm, he reached out with his other paw. He moved it left and right along the smooth glass surface, finding nothing until he bumped into something furred and a set of teeth closed around his paw. He cried out in pain causing the teeth to retract. "Who the hell is that?" Tyler growled, gripping his now aching paw. "I'm so sorry, sir." Came the owners voice, it was Becca. "I didn't know it was you, it's so dark in here. Are you ok?" "I'll be fine." He growled again, releasing his grasp. "O'Brian?" "Sir?" "If Eric Draks or anyone else turns up you ... bite them in the paw." She laughed lightly. "Yes, sir." "Who else is here?" He finished in a raised voice, asking the darkness of the room. "Right here, sir." Came Jade's call. A painful grunt from somewhere in the room could be identified as Leo's. "I'm right here, sir." Said Sarah. "Is everyone alright?" Was Alex's call of concern. "Not really." Tyler declared alongside another grunt from Leo. She crawled her way along the cold floor towards Tyler's voice, none of them trying to stand in the imposing darkness. "Where does it hurt, Colonel?" She asked. "My arm." He responded. She reached forward, searching with her paws over Tyler's body until she found the painful appendage. Working her paws over it and, judging from his gasps of pain, found the problem. "Your shoulder's been dislocated." She told him. "Great stuff, help me up." Tyler asked. She supported him until they were both standing, the otter placed one paw onto the wall and with a sharp thrust threw his injured shoulder against the cold metal, forcing it back into place. His nervous system exploded in pain as he crumpled to the ground, Alex was quickly kneeling beside him trying to check his shoulder. "I'm ok." He said through clenched teeth, pushing her paws away. "Go check Archer." Alex crawled off in search of Leo, leaving Tyler to call in backup. He tapped his right wrist three times, trying to activate his concealed transmitter, no tone came so he tried again. To everyone's surprise the entire room was illuminated by bright lights embedded on the roof, in the centre of the room stood Eric Draks weaponless and unconcerned by the fact. "Sorry my otter friend, but this time you're not going anywhere." He remarked calmly. Sarah being the first to react jumped at the fox, trying to tackle him down. But she went straight through his waist to impact with a previously unnoticed ball of fur. Eric chuckled dryly. "Feisty little weasel." Jade moved to sit beside Tyler, whispering in his ear. "That's Ra'val technology." "Very good, Second Lieutenant." Eric remarked. "What do you want?" Tyler asked loudly. "You." With that the fox's image dissipated. Jade turned to Tyler. "What do you think he meant?" He only shrugged. "Maybe he just wants us out of his way, we have kinda spoilt his plans so far." Becca offered, her voice trailing off as they saw Leo. He was sitting against the metal wall with his eyes closed, Alex was inspecting the side of his chest. She looked up from Leo's chest to the rest of the group. "He has at least two broken ribs, there maybe more but I can't tell without my equipment." She, like everyone else, had her equipment and weapons removed and was reduced to her T-shirt, trousers and boots. "You gonna be ok?" Tyler asked the injured otter. Leo in response nodded bravely, despite his ragged breathing, clenched jaw and being in obvious pain. Um, sir?" Sarah said hesitantly. "You just get some rest, Major." Tyler suggested knowing Leo could do little else, then turning his attention to the weasel. "What is it, Hope?" "There's another prisoner here." She said, extracting herself from a female grey squirrel that was holding tightly to Sarah's arm. Apart from Becca, who sat with Leo, everybody gathered around the corner with the scrawny squirrel, Alex moved in closer in concern. "Are you ok? What's your name?" Alex said softly. "My name doesn't matter, none of us will leave here alive nobody does." She said, her eyes misted and she started to rock back and forth. "There were others here?" Jade asked. The squirrel nodded slowly. "What happened to them?" "Those things took them. For days I could hear them scream, distant voices begging to be killed." She closed her eyes and shuddered, replaying the events in her mind. "Then the next set would be taken. My time is close, your time is coming." "Hey, lighten up. Nothing's going to happen so just relax." "That's what I said to the people before me when I arrived, I was wrong." She curled into a ball, wrapping her bushy tail around herself, and pushed herself as further into the corner. "Fyn, stay with her, see if she'll say anything of use." Tyler ordered quietly . He turned to look at Jade and Sarah, he noticed a gash on the weasels forehead. "Are you ok, Sergeant?" He gestured towards the wound. Her paw moved to touch gently where he'd indicated, then looked down at the glass floor and her reflection, the cut along with a path down the side of her face was encrusted with dry blood. "Fine sir, it's just a scratch." "Good, you, Ellis and I will search for anything of interest." "You won't find anything." The squirrel declared, her voice muffled by her own fur. Her statement seemed to be true, now the lights were on the team could see their surroundings. They were imprisoned in a room about four-by-four metres in size with black metal walls, a dark blue glass floor and no doorways of any kind, there was no furniture only the seven furs. "We'd better search anyway." Tyler said resolutely. The three of them began checking the room, running their paws over the smooth metal and glass, tapping here and there, doing anything in their seemingly futile hunt. * * * * * "So when the repairs are finished, we take the Victorious in an orbital sweep of the planet, destroying all of the Guardian and Defender sites." Tom summarised they're meeting so far, just as Robin walked in with the damage reports." Once they're all gone your team will take our Atlas to the surface, rescue Alpha Team and return to the ship." "Sorry Captain, but you'd better start again. Take a look at these." The wolf handed over a couple of palm computers displaying the damage reports. On the list happened to be the main shuttlebay systems and their Atlas was recorded as a complete write-off, Tom handed the reports for everyone to see. John let out a groan of dismay. "What other transport ships are onboard?" "No other ships." Tom responded. "But there are LORD pods." Robin offered. "What are they, can we use them?" John asked. "Low orbit, rapid descent pods. As the name suggests we'd have to enter the atmosphere and four of the pods to get you all down, it could work." Robin finished thoughtfully. "How long will the repairs last?" Said John. "They could take days." Robin answered, reviewing the damage report. "We'll concentrate on engines and weapons." He paused then addressed John. "Lieutenant Colonel, if your team would follow Commander Scott he'll brief you on the use of LORD pods." They all rose, Beta Team followed the wolf towards the launch tubes and Tom went to issue the orders regarding the ship repairs. * * * * * Tyler, Jade and Sarah had long since given up their search of the room, they had found nothing just as the nameless squirrel had predicted. During the time she remained silent, sitting in a corner. Alpha Team now also just sat leaning against the cold metal wall, nobody said anything because there was just nothing to say. There was a faint sound of an electrical charge building somewhere behind the walls, this caused the squirrel to jump to her feet in fright. "It's happening, I'm going to die!" She shouted, her words echoing off the smooth walls. "Calm down, we'll protect you." Tyler said from where he sat. "You can't help me, they..." She was cut off by the activity around her. The glass floor began glowing brighter and brighter, panels on each of the four walls opened to reveal laser scanners which examined the seven furs up and down. As the intense light died away they found themselves in an immense room, still imprisoned in a larger area with the glass of the biosphere behind and charged metal bars infront. The frosted glass square and the surrounding metal of the floor had distinct bloodstains dried onto it. High above they could see the underside of the glass biosphere with many metal support beams, a couple of Imagers could be seen on the lower beams. Leading out of the room were several corridors to other biospheres, each was the same design of glass and metal. In the centre of the room was a strange device that only the squirrel recognised, a slightly raised circular platform in the middle with four seven-foot towers around the platform in a semicircle. From one of the corridors walked in a female leopard, but not a normal leopard. Cybernetic implants could be seen over her body, especially one over her right eye and side of her head, one ran around her left forearm and down to her wrist, and another down the left side of her neck, those were the only ones that could be seen around her red and black overall. Beside her walked Eric Draks, a small contented smile hovered over his muzzle and his silver tail wagged slowly at finally having Alpha Team trapped within his grasp. Behind them was a group of eight furs, walking in perfect unison. The group stopped infront of the cage. "Going to try and tackle me to the ground again." Eric said mockingly to Sarah, she felt her anger building but wasn't able to do anything so she kept quiet, just giving the arctic fox an icy stare. "Unfortunately we were not expecting your team so soon, so you can just watch your fate." He turned to the feline beside him, nodding for her to proceed. She manipulated a panel that was a part of her arm implant and two of the furs separated from the rear group, a skunk and a ferret, and approached the cage. The charge of the bars dissipated and a hidden door in the cage opened, allowing the two furs entry. As they got closer it was obvious they weren't normal, their eyes were glazed over and seemed fixed staring forward, their limbs were stiff in their movements. The squirrel, despite saying that he couldn't help, hid behind Tyler. The two furs moved forward towards the squirrel, unconcerned with the obstruction that Tyler made. Tyler stepped forward to confront them, he was about to say something when the ferret, despite his smaller size, grabbed Tyler with a single paw and threw him against the glassy back wall. Between them they took hold of the trembling squirrel and took her from the cage, the door locked behind them. The two furs holding the squirrel ambled to the centre of the device, the other six surrounded the side opposite the cage. The condemned squirrel whimpered in fear as the towers glowed dimly, she closed her eyes with a tear escaping and running down her cheek. The light of the towers floated through the air and inside of the squirrel, with an agonising scream her body convulsed as if she'd been shot in the back and crumpled to the ground. The two furs lifted the dead body of the squirrel and the nine of them left they'd entered. Eric turned to see the disgusted faces of Alpha Team, smiling evilly. "Painful but quick, I'll make certain your deaths are much longer." He promised, a sinister streak evident in his otherwise calm voice. He turned to the cybernetic feline who hadn't left his side. "Would you like to continue my dear?" The feline just turned away and walked after the furs with Eric in her wake. Alpha Team waited until the pair were out of earshot before conversation started. "So the cyfurs are active." Jade stated. "You think?" Tyler remarked sarcastically. "Well I can't see anyway out of here." Sarah reported, accenting her point by placing her paw on the bar and sharply drawing it back from the shock. And behind them was a glass wall leading to a toxic atmosphere. "So what do we do?" Tyler asked. "What can we do?" Sarah added desperately. "...Wait..." Leo said breathlessly from his position on the floor. "...Only Captain Ellis..." He paused for breath. "...Can help us..." "Sir." Becca announced, looking over at the corridor. They all followed her gaze to see the feline and two cyfurs walking back into the biosphere. The feline manipulated her arm implant again before pointing out Tyler from the rest of the group, the two of them walked forward into the cage and lifted him strongly from the ground and back out. "Hey, Hey!" Tyler protested to no avail. He was placed in the centre of the device. "I thought you weren't ready for us." He yelled at the leopard." "Relax my friend." Eric had appeared at the entrance to the room. "These are merely preliminary scans of your body. And you can save your breath, neither the cyfurs or Sal can speak." Tyler gulped visibly, standing still atop the raised area between the two cyfurs. A circular field extended from the ground to encircle the otter, after a few seconds the field vanished back into the ground. Tyler's skin tingled slightly but what the arctic fox had said was true, he was then escorted back to the others. Eric placed a paw to his ear and left the biosphere quickly, he was probably bored of taunting his caged enemies. Next out the cage was Jade, leaving Tyler to start scheming. "When they want Leo out the cage, O'Brian and I will support him to the pad." He spoke in hushed tones with the others listening intensely. "Before bars close again, run for corridor there." He gestured to the nearest of the passageways, the one opposite where the cyfurs had entered through. Jade was returned to the cage and the two cyfurs headed for Leo, Tyler once again stood in their way. "Leave him alone." He walked back to the fallen otter and supported him under a shoulder with Becca on the other side. "We'll take him." The two imposing cyfurs hesitated before returning to the centre device, Jade was watching the felines discrete actions with great interest. Before the three furs could leave the cage the ground began to shake, everyone fell to the floor except for the two cyfurs. "What's happening?" Tyler yelled to Jade, a thunderous sound was getting closer and closer and the shaking was becoming more violent. "I don't know." She shouted back. A huge silver object shot over the top of the biosphere, everyone felt the noise following it resonate deep in their chests. "What was that?" "You're asking me?" Tyler responded in surprise, his voice hardly audible. "It doesn't matter. Go, go!" He ordered, they all began running towards the glass corridor. Alex and Jade were infront, Leo being supported by Tyler and Becca were considerably slower, but Sarah bravely took up the rear looking back at the cyfurs. To her surprise they hadn't moved a servo but suddenly, as if they'd only just awoken, began to chase the fleeing group. The first five made it into passageway, Jade began attempting to lower an emergency door to block their pursuers. Sarah, seeing Jade was having problems with the control panel, stopped to confront the two cyfurs. One of them grabbed at her, she grasped its wrist and managed a half-twist, half-roll to throw it into the other, stopping them both. She too ran across to the other side of the door which Jade then closed. The otter removed a boot and swung it into the control panel, forcing it loose of its mounting. Shielding her eyes, Jade pulled the panel off the wall and ripped apart the wires within in a shower of sparks, disabling the door. "Now what, sir?" Jade asked, replacing her boot. "Find our gear, or communications array, or _anything_ we can use." Tyler listed. The group moved cautiously towards the next area, but stopped suddenly at hearing the screech of metal against metal. They turned to see the door slowly being forced open with two pairs of paws at the bottom. The group broke into a run for the next glass room, it wasn't as large as the previous biosphere and was being used as a storage area, a not very organised one at that. As they entered, four more cyfurs confronted them, the other two and Sal arrived at the entrance to block off their escape. They each took a step in advance towards the group, but then Sal noticed something behind Alpha Team and they stopped again. This time they raised their paws ahead of them, their right paw facing outwards with their left behind. A pale-green light appeared in the palms of their forward paw that stretched around themselves, Sal however hid behind the two cyfurs infront of her. Alpha Team, not sure of why they stopped, took the advantage to hide behind several of the piled small containers. Once they had their backs against the crates they were facing towards the glass wall of the biosphere, there outside was Beta Team half obscured by rocks. Armed on the clear wall were explosive charges, their detonation caused the glass to be blown inwards towards all the furs and cyfurs. The glass shards were deflected off the light that had surrounded each of the cyfurs, Alpha Team just had to shield their faces with their arms and hold their breath as the toxic atmosphere began to leak in. Beta Team came bounding in, Private Sharpe and Corporal Soulsby provided cover-fire as John and Captain Mason threw bundles to Alpha Team. Inside were breathers, pistols and earpieces for each of the team, which were quickly distributed. Jade was the last to get her equipment as most of the others continued to fire at the cyfurs, the laser blasts reflecting from their shields to strike containers, boxes, the glass wall, metal flooring or straight back at the two teams. "Fire at Sal." Jade shouted over the radio having finally got it in her ear. "Who?" John asked back. "The leopard cowering behind the cyfurs, sir." She answered. Sal was still hadn't moved, but the arrival of armed furs scared her into leaving, she started backing off down the corridor that Alpha Team had entered. Sarah, again being the first to take the initiative, began running towards the two cyfurs blocking the way. A couple metres short of hitting them she jumped onto one of the many metal boxes, then with a powerful leap she cleared the cyfurs shields and landed infront of Sal. "Call them off." Sarah demanded, her pistol aimed at the leopard's head. But the feline sneered and went for her arm panel, the cyfurs behind Sarah deactivated their barriers and started towards her. Sarah pulled the trigger, she quickly turned to try and fend off the cyfurs. But both had stopped, a shock seemed to surge through both of them causing them to collapse forward. She approached them timidly, giving one a light kick to see what reaction she'd get, there was none. She walked back to the smaller biosphere to see a similar fate had descended on the other cyfurs, they were sprawled around the room. "Now that's timing." Tyler remarked to John. "Thank you, sir." John answered with a smile. Tyler turned to the returning Sarah. "Nice." "Thanks, sir." She responded. "Sir, if you'll come this way the Victorious is waiting." John gestured out the blasted hole in the glass wall, about a half kilometre away the flagship could be seen resting on a solid island in the otherwise marshy land. "Hope, Fyn grab a cyfur and head for the ship." Tyler turned to the Beta Team. "You can get a couple of them as well." They all did as they were ordered, three cyfurs were transported back to the Victorious, a ferret, a vixen and a rat. Tyler and Becca walked Leo back to the vessel with Jade at Tyler's other side. "So, Ellis, how did you know killing Sal would stop the superfurs?" Tyler asked. "I knew that Sal was controlling them by their long response time and her continuing presence, I didn't know that her death would have such a violent reaction to the cyfurs." "So we were just lucky there." "I guess so, sir." She looked left away from the trio to look over the marshland that had a pink hew due to the coloration of the air, but something moving caught her eye. "What's that?" She asked, stopping and pointing away to their left. The three stopped to look, it was a creature of some kind moving toward the four of them. As it got closer they could make out its shape. It had a long horizontal body with three legs sprouting from either side, a webbing ran from the main body down to midway down its legs, as the creature moved it seemed to undulate. Its head was apart of the body, it had two compound eyes and a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth that glistened evilly in the sunlight. "Xhy...ayra." Leo managed. "Are you sure, it doesn't look like the one's I read about." Jade questioned. "...Infant..." "Looks like an overgrown bug to me." Tyler added. The creature caught sight of the four furs and moved directly for them, from under its main body two menacing pincers unfolded outwards. "I hate bugs." He finished plainly, raising his pistol at the young Xhyayra. The laser blurred from the barrel to strike the creature between its compound eyes, but the energy of the blast seemed dissipate over its forward body. It stopped and raised up in its back four legs, opening its mouth to emit a high pitched squeal causing the furs to wince. The horizon seemed to come alive with motion, hundreds of the creatures came running to the call. "Ok, time to go." Tyler yelled and all four began running for Victorious. "Tom, we could use a distraction." Jade spoke over the radio. In answer the lower laser array charged up and fired to cut across the Xhyayra's path, they hesitated long enough for everyone to escape to the ship. The vessel's engines started up and it began lifting from the ground. The creatures rose onto their back legs to screech at the escaping flagship, but as it moved further away the insects headed through the blasted wall of the facility in search of other prey. Onboard the Victorious, the two teams headed straight for the medical bay. The cyfurs were placed in stasis in the medical bay whilst Alex and the staff of the ship saw to the injured amongst the group. The decking shook slightly signalling that the craft had left the planets atmosphere, Captain Ellis entered the bay soon after. "Are you ok, squirt?" He asked his Jade with concern. "Yeah, I'm ok." She answered. "I'm fine too, thanks for asking." Tyler announced from one of the many beds where a woman was checking shoulder. Jade smiled at his comment before continuing. "It was only Major Archer who was seriously hurt, three broken ribs and ahh..." "It was just the broken ribs, if he were left like that any longer he could have punctured a lung." Alex finished, having heard them during her own checks. "Besides that it's mainly cuts, bruises and embedded glass." "Hey! Shoulder injury here." Tyler protested. "Sorry, sir." Alex apologised. "What's going to happen to the facility?" Jade asked her brother. "Unless Spec Ops needs anything more we are going to destroy the entire complex to ensure it's never used again by Arctic Fury." Tom answered. "Where is he?" Tyler asked, jumping from the bed despite the doctors urges to make him return. "Who?" "Eric Draks, he was down there." "I wasn't aware he was here, he must still be on the planet." Tom said. "Destroy the facility, now before he has a chance to do anythi..." Tyler was saying firmly, but a repeating chime interrupted him. Tom walked into the head doctors office, Tyler and jade looked at each other before quickly following him. He activated a computer screen on a desk in the centre of the small room. Commander Scott appeared on the screen. "Captain, we're getting a communication from somewhere on the surface." "Trace the signal, patch it to this station." Tom ordered, with a nod from the wolf he disappeared from the screen and the face of Eric replaced it. "You are more resourceful than I gave you credit, but none of this will matter." With the single statement the communication ceased leaving the screen blank. "We have to get to the bridge." He rushed out of the medical bay in a dignified way that only high ranking officers seemed able to do, Tyler and Jade both followed in his wake. As the trio arrived on the bridge, Tom immediately began issuing his orders. "Concussive torpedos." "Ready, sir." "Destroy the facility." "Torpedos away." The man at tactical reported. "Commander, where did the communication originate?" "The signal was untraceable, sir." Robin answered. "A craft has been launched from the surface." The woman at operations announced, before Tom had a chance to ask anymore. "What?" Tyler and Tom yelled at the same time. "A Ra'val scout ship, four humanoids on board." "Destroy it." Tyler jumped in before Tom could say it, but the crew followed the order anyway knowing that the Captain would want the same. "Lasers are ineffective, torpedos are the same. The Ra'val technology is too advanced for our systems, Captain." "The craft's moving off." The woman at operations declared. "Helm, intercept course." Tom ordered. The ship shuddered slightly, not powerful enough to knock anyone to the ground but enough for everyone to brace themselves against their console or railing. "Report." "The craft has disabled the third hyperlight engine." The badger at engineering answered. "It's jumped to hyperlight, sir." Said the operations officer from the opposite side of the bridge. "Helm!" Tom persisted. "Deactivating hyperlight systems, disabling third and forth engine pair." The officer at helm spoke his thoughts as he worked over his console. "Restarting first and second engine pair, initialising hyperlight field, and away." The ship jumped into pursuit. "Where's it going?" Tyler asked. The officer at helm checked his panel before answering. "The craft is heading back to Earth." "Can't we catch it, this is a flagship after all." "We're running at half capacity, Colonel." Commander Scott intervened. "We can keep level speed with them and we're currently at ...three minutes behind." "What about weapons?" Tyler offered. "Weapons and shields are offline during hyperlight." Tom answered "We'll follow them all the way and then your team can continue after him if the ship lands. Now if you could return to the medical bay, I think you still have checks to finish." Without saying anything Tyler left the bridge, Jade went with him to see her other team members and how they were doing, especially Leo. The Victorious stayed on the tail of the Ra'val scout ship, on their half- speed pursuit across open space. * * * * * One hour to arrival in Earth's orbit, the bridge crew were all present as Tyler, Jade, Sarah and Becca arrived, Leo and Alex remained in the medical bay. "Dropping to sublight engines." The man at helm reported. "How come?" Tyler asked Robin, who was standing with them on the raised deck rather than his seat on Tom's left side. "At hyperlight speeds a planet could do an _awful_ lot of damage." Tom issued his orders as the two behind him spoke. "Prepare the grappling harpoons. Helm, move us within range." "How co..." "The sublight engines weren't damaged, so now we're faster." Robin interrupted Tyler's question. "Captain, the Starglider has departed the Mars starbase and the Valiant has dropped out of hyperlight on the far side of Venus, both have plotted an intercept course with the Ra'val scout vessel." Said the female officer at operations. On the forward displays, the main viewer showed Eric's hijacked craft, on the two smaller screens to the right were the two incoming Terran starships. The Valiant was the Victorious' sister ship and so appeared externally identical in every aspect besides the name printed on the topside. The Starglider was about half the size of the other two vessels, oval in shape with a single hyperlight nacelle built into either side with one long sublight engine along the thicker rear curve of the ship. "The Ra'val ship has disappeared from our sensors, sir." The man at tactical declared, his point confirmed as the hijacked craft shimmered and disappeared from the main screen leaving only a few white specks of far-off stars. Since the Ra'val were significantly more advanced, their power sources were tiny compared to the Terran versions. Huge power sources are needed to render a Confederate vessel invisible so only the Victorious and the Valiant were equipped with cloaks. "Open a channel to the Starglider and the Valiant." Tom ordered. "Channels open, sir." Replied the operations officer. "This is Captain Ellis of the Victorious, remain at your current positions and scan Mars or Venus for atmospheric distortions as a result of entry by the cloaked Ra'val ship." "They've acknowledged and are proceeding as ordered, sir." "Helm, take us into a high orbit of Earth." Tom turned to the woman at operations. "Run continuous scans of the upper atmosphere." Then back to the man at helm. "If the distortions are detected, begin a lower orbit flyby." He then addressed Robin without turning. "Escort Tyler and his team to the LORD launchers, have Beta Team meet you." "Yes, Captain." With that Robin left with the four members of Alpha Team, all of them heading for the lowest level of the vessel. * * * * * Only a few short minutes after the Victorious achieved a high orbit, the atmospheric distortions were picked by the sensors and the flagship began its descent into a sufficiently low orbit for Alpha and Beta Teams to be launched. In the LORD launcher chamber Tyler was eyeing his designated pod warily, seeing this John paused before entering his own pod. "Don't worry, sir. It's a piece of cake." "Thank you Sanders, very reassuring." Tyler responded sarcastically. The fox smiled widely at the Colonels remark before continuing into his pod. The tiny transport capsule was barely large enough to fit the vulpine and his equipment, Tyler watched as three sections folded around to create a seal around John, the LORD pod then descended into the launcher ready to go once all eight were ready. "The LORD pods have been tried and tested, you'll be perfectly safe, Colonel." Robin said from behind the control panel. "Well ploughing into the ground inside a metal case just doesn't sound like much fun." Tyler stated plainly. "Each metal case is fitted with at anti-gravity wave generators and will open automatically once you reach the ground." "Great stuff." Tyler said as he entered his capsule, turning around to face the closing doors. Eventually the two teams were all in their pods and ready for launch. Manipulating his control panel, Robin began the ejection procedure. Having no windows to see out of the encapsulated group could only endure a wild ride, the pods rocked and shuddered due to turbulence and wind until finally an electric hum could be heard as the anti-grav generators kicked in. The next thing they knew the seals broke as the pods opened, allowing them to exit. "Wow." Tyler said, finding no other words to describe the experience. He pressed a paw against his ear. "Where'd you drop us?" "East by northeast from London, Colonel. The Ra'val craft is a half kilometre to your north alongside _something_ that is drawing immense amounts of energy." Came Tom's response over the radio. The group of eight looked first to the west to see the outskirts on the horizon, then turning to face north they could see the scout vessel now de-cloaked. Tyler turned to face the rest of the group. "Sanders, take your team and circle in from the east, secure that ship. The rest of us will circle to the west and will take the _something_." The eight separated into their original teams and approached their targets from opposite directions. As they got closer it could be seen the Ra'val craft appeared the same as the Vora, just a smaller version, from underneath the left hyperlight nacelle several thick cables ran to a huge metal ring. The ring floated a few inches from the ground and was building a charge within itself by drawing power from the engine, it began moving slowly around an invisible axis. As it began to pick up speed the circle split into two separate ones, the new inner ring spun on another axis. A third ring appeared spinning on the final axis. In the centre of the now spherical contraption a ball of energy grew rapidly, but was unable to escape the confines of the blurred rings, however lightning arced randomly to strike the vessel's hull and other objects in a shower of sparks. Abruptly the rings shattered leaving a five-metre wide ball of red energy, rippling as if it were water, the electric arcs also died away. During this formation, Beta Team had overrun the scout ship, securing three of the four crew members. Alpha Team had taken cover on the opposite side of the craft to avoid the electrical discharges, once they subsided the four furs peeked around the tail end of the ship to see Eric standing and looking into the rippling sphere. Tyler jumped from where he was crouching, raising his rifle at the arctic fox. "Hold it!" He yelled. Eric looked over his shoulder, seeing the threatening otter he merely sneered. He turned his attention back to the sphere, jumping in and vanishing. The ball began to shrink slowly, making a snap decision Tyler ran toward it with Jade, Sarah and Becca behind him. "You are _not_ getting away this time." He shouted into the sphere, which was shrinking more rapidly leaving Becca only a few inches on either side. John exited the Ra'val craft just in time to see the vixen's tail disappear into the energy ball before it dissipated completely, he turned to face Captain Mason behind him. "Where'd they go?" "I have no idea, sir." The man answered, as bewildered as the fox was. He placed a paw to his ear. "Colonel Roe, please respond. Colonel?" No response came... To Be Continued... All E-mails welcome, ralcor1@hotmail.com